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Women should just say what they like during the act and not Xeet about it afterwards when the sex wasn’t to their satisfaction.


Even then it’s a spectrum. Some women like it rough and others want to be turned into a garden roller https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/jy9el4/girl_roller/


Once a week is not enough with these people.


The head of the Church of England is a billionaire king, does the church thinks it's okay if the British homeless squat one of the king's properties.

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

I’m pretty sure they priced it that high on purpose. They only want devs and enthusiastic
early adopters to buy this thing. Since currently it has no use case for the average user. Apple is probably afraid that if people buy it now and then realize that they don’t see any use for VR in their life they will never buy a VR product again and Apple will have lost that customer forever. Apple hasn’t found the killer app for the mainstream use case for this product yet and thus they are putting it in the hands of the third party developers.

We also seen it happening with other headsets. Lots of people bought a Quest 2 during the corona pandemic, which triggered the Zuck to invest heavily in the meta verse, and now they are collecting dust and nobody visits facebook’s meta verse . The average consumer doesn’t want to strap on a clunky headset just for games or porn.


Imagine sending death threats over Pokémon. What kind of pathetic clump of cells must they be to do that shit.


Game subscriptions will never stay as they are right now. Microsoft is basically burning money with GamePass they aren’t making a penny. Currently they are wining and dining the devs with big checks, but once MS has cornered the market they won’t be handing out these big bags of cash anymore. And they will definitely raise their prices. It’s big tech disruption tactics 101. Undercut the competition and go into the red until the competition throws in the towel then lower cost and increase the prices.


8Bitdo has controllers for the NES, SNES and Mega Drive/Genesis. They also sell a wireless dongle for the PlayStation.


Why not use the European system where you have to use a coin to unlock the cart from the stack. People are more likely to return the cart if it costs them money if they don’t and if they still leave the cart out some kid or hobo will return it eventually.




Square needs to hire good writers.

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

imho I have never experienced really good writing in any FF mainline game. Like they all have very creative and cool story arcs but it's the execution that ruins it for me. The dialogues and characters are always so cringe af, you can basically tell that the writers have based their writing framework solely on lowbrow manga. Which is fine when the dialogues weren't voiced since you could speed read trough the dialogues. Like I thought 6 and 7 were decent and 9 was okay (8 was annoying emo teen angst drama). But once they started voicing the dialogues and added longer cut scenes the bad writing just stuck out like a sore thumb. 10 was just really bad even though I loved 10 for the gameplay. I even skipped 12 because of that. With 13 they improved a bit, but with 15 they slid back almost to the level of the dialogues of 8. I haven't played 16 yet but from the trailers I've seen and based on opinions of my friends who've played it I don't have hope that the dialogues are any better.

And also Octopath and Forspoken just proofs that Square just can't write good characters and dialogues. Even when they hire non-Japanese writers. They need to look at Naughty Dog and Larian for how it's done. Neil Druckmann adheres to "Simple story complex characters" with his writing which makes his stories always compelling. While Square, and Japanese video game writers in general, always does the opposite.


This guy, Arthur Lee, worked on 1.4 and 1.5.

Barone also got help with the ports. So while he did most of the work and it’s his brainchild he wasn’t the only person that touched the project.


Of course nobody can match BYD, they don’t just own the supply chain the Chinese government subsidizes every part in their supply chain. The Chinese government wants to crush foreign competitors. And before you say that Tesla gets subsidies, it’s no where near as extensive as the subsidies Chinese EV manufacturers get.


Fungi won’t trade if the tree is not giving enough nutrients. So while they don’t trade for profit they sure as hell aren’t engaging in charity.

Teslas Have a Minor Issue Where the Wheels Fly Off While Driving, Documents Show (1ft.io)

Tens of thousands of Tesla owners have had the suspension or steering of their vehicles — even in practically brand new ones — fail in recent years. Newly obtained documents show how Tesla engineers internally called these incidents “flaws” and “failures.”...

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

That’s every license of every commercial game no matter how it’s sold, unless it’s open source. So technically even with GoG you only get the license to play. You can only use the installer to install and play the game. You can’t resell it or decompile it for commercial use since you don’t own the binary code.


So every GameCube owner? Since the GC has a “Graphics by ATi” sticker on the front.


It says they can’t serve files to new users anymore. What if you are an old user and need to download those files again because you uninstalled the game.


And a good script doctor. They need to cut out at least 80% of the technobabble.


That’s was definitely his end goal when he started cozying up with Guillermo del Toro and other people with short lines to Hollywood

Recommend a game for me to play with my partner

My partner and I occasionally play games together, but they pretty much only play word puzzle games on their own. I’m not very good at word games though, and they don’t have very good spatial skills, so we frequently find ourselves mismatched. We have a switch and a single decent gaming pc, and a pretty old laptop....


Escape Room Simulator maybe but you need two PCs not sure how well it would run on that old laptop of yours. Also they need to be able to use first person controls and not get simulation sickness from fps games which unfortunately lots of people get who never play first person games.


It was Sega. Because Sega does what Nintendon’t


Rare earth metals aren’t rare. They are everywhere on earth. China just has the most easily accessible sources at the moment


Yeah what Valve is doing is great. Hopefully they will become more mainstream in the future and become more known with the super casual crowd. Nintendo definitely needs more proper competition in the handheld market.

Also FYI it’s Phillips with double L, Philips with one L is the Dutch electronics company.


Of course they don’t see synergy. The vast majority of Unity game developer will never need Weta Tools or Ziva FX. And the one that might have been useful, that texture generator tool called ArtEngine, is discontinued. And all their other tools they acquired are half baked. Like that version control system Plastic SCM


You can buy a screen from https://deckhd.com/ it is still an IPS display but this one apparently covers a higher color gamut.

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

Lol this article comes out in the same week as Dunkey’s video about people speculating when RS will announce the GTA release date. Coincidence? I think not haha



Imagine freeing up 200GB to install military propaganda on your pc. Seriously Activision has former CIA execs in their exec suite.


With BG3 Larian is becoming a recognized name in the mainstream. If Hasbro is going to try and fuck them over they will just forgo the D&D IP and use their own IP or another RPG of another company for their next game. And still see success. And I bet the vast majority of BG3 player don’t know anything of D&D anyway.


Kids that aren’t ready to see sex in games aren’t grown up enough to play those games to begin with. I don’t know any non-porn game with a nude sex scene in it that isn’t a violent murder simulator. Except maybe Sims but that isn’t even graphic and even kids just find that funny to see.


It is in Thailand. Draw a mustache on a picture of their king and your ass goes straight to jail


this was my home. I feel lost.

Sucks that they lost their job. But this is why you don’t make your place of business your home. That attitude is how many companies get away with low pay and long hours. Bet Bungie told her that they are a family. She will quickly find out that the friends she made at the company were only friends of convenience. Especially the ones that still work there. Most of them will stop talking to her.

This is why you shop around after every 4 years or so or after every release and look for better pay. And yes sometimes it means getting a job outside gaming. And make sure you have a social life outside work and build relationships with people that aren’t colleagues.


You sonava bitch I’m in.


It will probably just be an upscaler. Remember Analogue makes purists machines that works exactly as the original hardware, warts and all. So no emulation. The upscaler is in there because 4K TVs still have shitty built-in upscalers that can’t scale anything properly that isn’t 1080p


All artists are horny. Like look up what that Lilo and Stitch character designer, Chris Sanders, makes.

John Riccitiello is stepping down as CEO and president of Unity (investors.unity.com)

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Unity (NYSE: U) (the “Company”), the world’s leading platform for creating and growing real-time 3D (RT3D) content, today announced that John Riccitiello will retire as President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, effective immediately....


He did what he was hired to. Take the company public, turn the founders into billionaires and become the scapegoat when things go south.

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

Dude was specifically hired for the IPO, he was hired in 2014 and the IPO was in 2020. So what you said doesn’t make sense. And before you say how do you know he was hired for the IPO. It’s a pattern that you see all the time. Founders step down, hire a CEO with experience, new CEO packs the board and c-suite to make the company seem more legit (probably packs the board with people suggested by the IPO underwriter) and raise capital to pump the value and get the valuation mentioned in the news. And boom company goes public a couple of years later.

Also the founders sold a shit ton of shares when the stock was around the peak. And even with the low price of today the founders are probably still billionaires.

‘Call of Duty’ Doesn’t Just Depict Bad History—It’s Pro-War Propaganda (progressive.org)

I just started playing COD Black Ops Cold War because I got it through my PlayStation Plus subscription and wanted to try it out. I’ve previously played some others like Modern Warfare (1 and 2) and WWII. While it always felt a bit over the top and propaganda-ish, I really liked it for the blockbuster feeling and just turning...


It’s always been like that https://www.eurogamer.net/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-accused-of-rewriting-history-to-blame-russia-for-controversial-us-attacks

Also there is literally a former CIA exec in the exec suite of Activision.


And the Homeland Security Advisor to Dubya was also an exec at Activision


How many other game companies have executives with close ties to the military?

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

A monopoly is a monopoly. Just because Steam is a good store today doesn’t mean they deserve to hold a monopoly over the pc gaming market. So what happens when Valve has crushed every competitor? Gamers and devs have nowhere to go if Steam turns to shit. Eventually there will be a change of guards at Valve’s C-suite when Gaben retires or is dead. There is a good chance that those new execs will hollow out Steam and extract all the value out of it for their own benefit by screwing over the customers and developers. And they can get away with that if there is no competition. Competition is what keeps Valve in check.


Doesn’t matter. It’s still competition. They motivate Valve to create a better store and keep it that way. Since that is Valve’s unique selling point and what distinguishes them from the competition. Therefore I believe devs should make their games available on every storefront. Not just the best one, to give customers a choice.


Ok but competition is always good for the customer even when the competitors are shit.


True. But Google became the number one search engine by creating a better product and basically got a natural monopoly. And now look what kind of monster the company has become.

Just because Steam is a good store today doesn’t mean it will stay that way in the future. Therefore I rather not see Steam be the only game store left in the pc gaming space.


That’s fine, neither do I. Because as a customer we have a choice. But we only have that choice if devs make their games available on all stores.

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

While I find it a shame that modern Zelda games have left the formula behind, I do believe the old Zelda formula has gotten stale and that the franchise was ready for an overhaul. Before BotW the main line console games in the series have pretty much the same progression mechanics since LttP, the only exception is Majora’s Mask. Twilight Princess and Skyward sword were boring for me because they were way too predictable. I do like the openness of the new Zelda games but I get what your saying the games feel too much like a playground instead of an immersive fantasy game.

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