
Sadly, this is normal online. Many people with some sort of exposure online will receive death threads. Some communities are more prone to it than others.

Pokémon, Sonic, Osu! and many Gacha Game communities, for example, have an unusual amount of crazy fans. When you attract their attention you will become a topic in their communities.


The list for game communities keeps going on, too lol. Some communities are way more toxic than others for some reason (looking at Undertale and League).

Ironically, communities with super hard games tend to be nicer and more willing to help out like Dark Souls or Assetto Corsa.

bitwolf, (edited )

Palworld has done better than Nintendo has been with characters lately.

Have you seen the latest gen? Flamenco Flamigo? … seriously?

Edgarallenpwn, avatar

Seel was gen 1. Every gen since the beginning has had boring filler pokemon. I’ve been a singles competitive player since the end of gen 4 though so my opinion might not matter as much.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Earlier gens had some originality. Nidoking, Polywhirl, Alakazam, Machamp. What are some more original looking Pokémon from the later gens? They all looked like a dog with a seed in his mouth tier when I glossed through them

HawlSera, (edited )

“OBJECTMON ARE STUPID! GAMEFREAK WOULDN’T DO THIS IN THE GOLDEN ERA” - Voltorb says hi, and Sudowoodo is literally a bug being a tree


“Okay, that’s just food, but now it’s an animal.” - Diglett looks more like a hotdog than a mole, let’s be honest here… but if you want something more direct Eggsecute


Sudowoodo always cracks me up.

I imagine them in a meeting room

“We need a unique twist in this 2nd gen. Something to catch the players off guard”

“What if we made a grass pokemon rock type heheh”

“What was that?!”

“What if we made a grass pokemon rock type? … Y’know, most people pick fi…”

“That might actually work!! Genius! Who hired them?”


Do you mean Flamigo?


Whoops. Yes you’re right 🤦‍♂️


Pokemon? You mean the Shin Megami Tensei rip-off?


If you’re getting death threats, that means you’ve made it. Your project is popular enough for the sociopaths to reach out.

So as long as you’re not getting DMCA requests, keep doing what you’re doing.


If anything, they’re ripping off Digimon.

Xtallll, avatar

At least people are coming to defend Nintendo, a 10 trillion dollar multinational company, I would feel bad if the only people defending Nintendo were their army of famously aggressive lawyers.

inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

Found a list of pal and Pokémon comparisons. And frankly, I think it just shows how lazy Pokémon has always been. Sure the two sheep monsters and the two stingray monsters look similar, but that’s because stingrays and sheep actually exist!

Should we start in on gamefreak for ripping off reality?

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

Wait, that’s it? There are six carbon copy palkemons? Out of how many? Like, you expect there to be some similar ones. Homages thrown in there.


I mean people are WAYYYYYY late in complaining about ripoffs… People are so fucking absurd I swear…

tja, avatar

That article sounds as if it was written by an AI


Thought the exact same.


People comparing Piplup and the penguin pal and I’m like: they’re PENGUINS. They’re small PENGUINS, how the hell do you want them to not to look like each other!?


A lot of them are really blatant, there’s a statue that’s just Lucario, and one of the grass types is literally just Donphan

Honestly the gameplay loop itself reminds me more of Viva Pinata than Pokemon, and that’s even with guns


Lots of controversy around this game. Gotta say, no one really cares. Well no one who doesn’t find something to complain about each day on social media anyway. Dunno about you all, though I am fucking tired. So much shit just wrong nowadays and while I do my part where I can, when it comes to games I honestly just want to sit down and have fun. Palworld is fun. Lots of potential that is likely to be built upon and just enough depth right now that I can hop into the world and actually feel just a bit of that original wonder from so many years ago. Something our old pals Game Freak and Nintendo have, much like Nvidia did years ago, purposefully opted to barely refresh the concept as time has gone on.

There have been plenty of fanmade Pokemon games that have done it better than the devs of the actual, official, licensed main games. Hell, there have been sideloaded Pokemon titles better than the cash grabs of the last few years. I for one hope Palworld lights a positive “better-than-thou” fire under Nintendo. The literal best move they could make now, imho, is run with the larger community response and release something truly mildblowing.


it’s also working counter productive to their cause. I originally wasn’t going to play, I came across the game soley from the posts on imitating pokemon, I tried it via gamepass and fell in love with the game so I bought it on steam. I originally was just going to skip it, the publicity on the game is what pushed me over. The saying “No PR is Bad PR” can be true at times.


How did 40+ people upvote this?


I just hit the little up arrow. It was pretty easy, actually.


I was being a little piss baby the other night.


Wait until those trolls hear about tamagachies.

victron, avatar

Ah yes, death threats, the dumbfuck mean of communication.


I wanna see Nintendo publicly announce that palworld is like Pokemon. 🤣


Only tangentially related, but I just realised that now when I read “X got death threats”, the assumption I jump to is that X is a terrible person/company trying to deflect from their terrible decisions/actions.

Not seemingly the case here, but Im left pondering how often this claim has been misused as an easy cop-out. WoTC, <insert politician here>, etc.


You jump to blaming the victim? That’s not a good place to start.


Yeah, it should be the opposite. If X is getting death threats, that means X is successful. FOSS projects get that nonsense all the time, it’s just a symptom of getting large enough for crazy people to notice.

There’s no real correlation between getting death threats and being “good/bad,” if you make something that gets popular, you’ll get death threats. There’s no further meaning behind it.


Nintendo and Game Freak execs have wet dreams about developing a Pokemon game this interesting.

They haven’t iterated on their formula since the first game. The 3D version could have been a 2D re-skin.


Gamefreak has absolutely 0 drive or desire to make an actual improved pokemon game, they have been carried by the IP for the past 20 years. Now if they get some competition… Maybe they will start dreaming


My son just said the same thing. Game Freak are actually going to have to do some work!


The 3D version could have been a 2D re-skin.

I honestly wouldn’t mind if they remade their 3D games into the GBA/DS era 2D style. It’d look better and more appropriate to the gameplay

frozen, avatar

Radical Red is a Fire Red romhack that brings the new Pokemon and mechanics to the old GBA art style. It’s the standard gen 1 story for the most part, but there are a ton of new features and a little story deviation at some points.

I definitely recommend it for old Pokemon fans that are disappointed in the newer entries.


Does it require a flash cart with clock or on any old flash cart? Got a link to the project? I’m paranoid for fishing sites when searching for romhack projects on the search engines

frozen, avatar

It doesn’t require a clock, you get the ability to manually switch between day, dusk, and night very early.

The official thread is at…/pokémon-radical-red-version-4…


Damn, I guess the monster designs aren’t a ripoff, now that they’ve received death threats and clarified that the game isn’t a copy of the Pokémon gameplay loop.

nanoUFO, avatar

The dev admitted he copied a lot of games and the next game does look very similar to hollow knight. Doesn’t deserve death threats though.


Doesn’t deserve death threats though.

Nothing does and no one said anything to the contrary as far as I can tell.

nanoUFO, avatar

I know but sometimes you just need to make the obvious statement because people will attack you anyway.


That’s stupid imo, and we should push back against that nonsense. I strongly oppose the format, “I agree with {majority opinion}, but {nuanced opinion}.” Just lead with the nuanced opinion. Don’t make me sift through this appeal to the majority nonsense every time.

I get why people do it, it’s just a lot of noise just because people knee-jerk downvote. I wish Lemmy (or something else) would weight votes based on some kind of merit so we don’t need to play that game.

nanoUFO, avatar

Yeah I agree generally but for me it was more like this is very sensitive issue and if I say anything controversial I also have to make sure people don’t’ randomly think I’m fine with the death threats in general. I think this death threat stuff is nonsense, I got death threats just playing games, I see people complaining about it all the time, it just seems like a non issue and I don’t know why devs even talk about it.


Who cares about them looking like Pokemon?


Clearly no one if the death threats aren’t made up.

nasi_goreng, avatar

I recall the dev claims that the monster are inspired by Dragon Quest.

…and Pokemon itself has a lot of monster that basically inspired by Dragon Quest as well.

Also, huge chunks of design are basically based of common monster design in Japan or Chinese mythology. Unfortunately, Western fans don’t know the reference, and claims it was ripped-off from Pokemon.


I have yet to see anything in that game that’s not ripped from somewhere else. It’s an incredibly derivative collection of successful concepts. Other studios doing the same thing, to a lesser extent, doesn’t make it worthy of praise and other games have been called out for the same shit. Getting death threats unfortunately works like some kind of get ouf of jail free card for game studios, because social media is more obsessed with defending a company over the original criticism than any threats they received over it. Exactly like what’s happening in this thread.

Zortrox, avatar

Just taking random assets from the Unreal store and jamming them together to make a quick buck or releasing a game with different-colored models is “ripping”.

After playing Palworld for about 15 hours, I can confidently say that it has gameplay elements from a lot of different games, but they are integrated together seamlessly (at least for an Early Access title) and expanded upon. Pals aren’t just something you capture and sit in a PC forever. They have different stats that actually help you while exploring (running/mining faster) or help keep your base running (water your garden better). You are also incentivized to keep catching more to level up your character and level up your party.

It also has elements from Zelda with the climbing, exploring, and gliding. It has elements from ARK with leveling to get new crafting recipes and upgrading stats. It has elements from Elden Ring, like you can roll to dodge. Wait, that’s a simple mechanic…

Just like every game I’ve mentioned so far, they have elements from other games or simple mechanics that other genres have. They’ve used them cohesively and expanded upon to build a better game. Palworld is no different. Is it game of the year? Probably not. But it’s a fun game that isn’t as derivative as people are trying to make it seem.


Iirc the head creator of Pokemon has actually explicitly said that Dragon Quest V was a major inspiration for Pokemon


Imagine sending death threats over Pokémon. What kind of pathetic clump of cells must they be to do that shit.


It’s not the pokemon people. It’s all the retarded anti-ai people throwing a fit

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