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Watch how far above the law he is when it’s time to be sentenced. While it’s good that he was found guilty- he’s going to show how broken the system is when it comes to holding people like him accountable.

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid (www.middleeasteye.net)

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....


And suggesting people vote third party when it is well known that not one of them have a remote chance to win, is purposefully trying to give the election to Trump.


See… this is the problem with discussing these things with people like you. You were asked a simple question as a rebuttal to your suggestion that people not vote for Biden, and you have no answer.

I’ve asked this same question to nearly every one of you that I’ve spoke with on the subject.

None of you can answer it.


Exactly this. Ask them every time. And none of them ever have an answer. They’re not here to support third party candidates- they’re here to sway votes away from Biden.


Yep. Predictably unbelievable. They think we don’t know what they’re up to and keep sticking to the bit. They’re like… bad telemarketers.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Complaining about something while offering no solutions and expecting to be taken seriously is about as fucking stupid as not voting and expecting things to change.

You were asked a simple question, that for all the talk you people seem to do here- should be simple to answer…

But NONE of you can answer it. It’s litetally your shut down code. And I’m going to ensure that everyone knows it.


Nope. That might work on the high school kids you’re used to arguing with, but I’m holding you to the wheelhouse of the topic:

Your inability to answer a simple question. You can either answer it, or admit your entire argument is flawed.

You come here and ask people to not vote for Biden, without suggesting an alternative. So either you’re actively trying to get Trump elected, or you don’t know how elections work.

Either answer the question, or admit to one of the aforementioned.

Your choice.


…. they said, on the Internet, as I laughed in enjoyment at their attempt to troll, just before I blocked them in one moment, and forgot about them in the next.


So you refuse to answer. Predictable. Thanks for playing. We’re done here.


Rage quit? Dude… you’re the one refusing to answer a simple question. And then trying to pretend you’re on some more high ground?

You’re not.

If you don’t have an answer, then you have no reason to be telling people who to vote for, or not to vote at all. Simple as that. Well, you do have that right-

But no one in their right mind should take you seriously.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Oh I am fully aware. I’m pretty sure I’m familiar with their sock puppet accounts as well. And if not, they’re so interchangeable that they may as well be the same person.

But where you see trolls being fed, I see it as them being called out. And the more it happens, the more we can keep them from spreading their misinformation.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

So after that wall of nonsense, you STILL refuse to answer the question.

Who would you suggest instead of Biden? I will keep asking you this until you provide a name, or admit you have no answer.

Oh, and while you’re answering things, how about you explain to me what bus you think I missed?


So now I’m obtuse and scared and… jerking off? Why the vulgarities?

You still haven’t answered the questions:

Who would you suggest instead of Biden? And what bus did I miss?

Come on man. You can accuse me of being scared when you can’t answer a simple question? Seems it would be an easy task for someone as brave as you.


Still no answer? And now some Hexbear style edgelord memes from you and your sockpuppet?

How fun!


You have yet to answer the question;

Who instead of Biden would you suggest has a chance to win November?


ROFL! She’s not even running. My god man… you people really need representation. You’re al over the place. How on earth can you expect to be taken seriously when you answer a question about who can beat Trump in the 2024 election….

And your answer is someone that’s not even running?

Get someone to speak for you if you want to be taken seriously.


So your offering is someone that’s not even running…

My good man.


She’s not running. Try again.


I know you think you’re being clever, but seeing as how you’ve already been banned for trolling and harassment once today, it’s probably not a good idea to go to another community with the same tired shit.

I’m asking in good faith that you simply answer a question:

Who has a better chance- that THAT IS CURRENTLY RUNNNG- to beat Trump?

Come back with you copy pasta again, and you’re admitting you’re out of gas. I’ve allowed you to troll here because you’ve made my point for me quite clearly.

There not much more for it at this point that to just ignore you.


You’re mistaken, I never once said “if they start campaigning today.”

And even if she started campaigning, she STILL doesn’t have a chance.


Try again with someone currently running. And no, she still stands no chance.


It’s implied. Otherwise, why not just say…. Darth Vader, or anyone else with zero chance to win. Because making suit up is SO fun!

I asked in good faith, who could win November if not Biden. It’s a given that I was talking CURRENTLY RUNNING candidates.

But you people never respond in good faith. Which is exactly why I asked what I did. To show to everyone how you cannot answer a simple question that challenges your agenda.

Thanks for adding your two cents.

And why would I edit? I’ve nothing to hide. It’s all there. You and your pal getting…. Clapped? Is that a thing? Sure…

let’s go with that.


… says the guy that’s famous for moving goalposts.


Really. That was written in January, and it’s essentially an op-ed piece.

Come on man. Do better.


That you can’t understand implied meaning isn’t my fault. You came in here with the intent to disrupt by answering a question unrealistically.

You’re proving my point for me.

None of you have anything to offer yet want even to not vote for Biden.

No one is wondering why anymore.


Not entertaining trolls anymore. This has gone on long enough. You’re both out of gas.

My post was made quite clear. And proven.



It has not. Keep trying though. Maybe… try offering Iron Man, or… perhaps Harry Potter next.

Both have the same chance to beat Trump.

I’m done arguing with you. I’m not going to have you report me like you do others. We’re going to end this here.


Fair enough. I don’t like him either. But I know what needs to be done.


The question was asked from the beginning. And has not changed. YOU have been side-stepping the topic with every response. So let’s stop with the projection.

Who would you offer if not Biden, to win against Trump? You failed to answer it SEVERAL times. This proving a point I made in another thread about this exact thing.

You cannot answer it without revealing how flimsy your agenda really is.

Thanks for playing along. I’m not going to block you as I normally would with trolls that spam bad-faith nonsense, because you need to be called out when you post misinformation and trollish propaganda that you have been banned for in the past by mods in other communities-

but I won’t respond to this discussion any further.

And any response from you is proof of intent to troll.


You are accusing me of ad hominym after using ad hominym on me and you’re asking why I might think you’re trying to get me removed?

You’re answering a question in bad faith. She’s not running. You know that. And you know that question wasn’t asking who of anyone, could beat Trump.

Then you offer an op-ed written in January as evidence.

Maybe not trolling, but this isn’t a response in good faith.


On that we can agree.




It’s the same post, genius.


There’s a lot of them right here on lemmy. If you don’t know what to look for, they’re the ones yelling at everyone not to vote. They’re the ones you’ll see on every post that’s critical of Biden, but they’re nowhere to be found n any news critical of Trump.

They’re the ones that either disappear, or resort to personal attacks when you simply ask them who else can win the White House if not Biden.

They’re all over lemmy. They are just counting on you not being aware of it.


Did I say everyone? It’s very easy to tell the ones that are though.

VERY easy.


There are always exceptions. This is because the world we live in isn’t as back and white as you all like to paint it.


Again, I said there’s a lot of them. A LOT. I didn’t say “all” or even “most.” I said A LOT. That, by definition- is not a sweeping generalization. It’s a statement of an indiscriminate, and unknown amount. Similar to “a few”, or “some.”

That you’re here whining and splitting hairs over this says a lot more about you than it does me.

Something something something protest too much methinks.


Ok buddy.


Meh… neither does the far left. But they sure do love a good Biden post.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

It’s because it’s a scam.

EDIT: all the downvotes, yet no explanations. I wonder if it’s because there isn’t any way to prove it isn’t.


Ratios man. Ratios. Check their post history. It’s all there.


“Nothing of important?” Did you mean… importance?

And… it shows Jill Stein being propped up by Russian troll farms. Vet culinary to what we have here on lemmy.

Go ahead and get your last word in, I’m done wasting my time in this useless discussion.


ROFL!!! You really should read your own article bud. It says nothing about the troll farm NOT supporting Stein. The charges were dropped for completely unrelated issues.

Also, a case being dropped doesn’t indicate no wrongdoing. I’d urge you to look up how nuance works as a concept and then apply that to everthing to see and hear-

But we both know you’re not going to do that. It’s much easier to make shit up, isn’t it?


My god man. If it weren’t for straw men, you’d never have a point to debate, would you?

I never once said Stein broke any rules. So… why would she be in prison? What I said was- and was backed up factually with evidence was-

Russian troll farms were spreading pro Stein propaganda. This is not up for debate. And it’s becoming more and more suspicious that so many people here seem to want to repeat the same bullshit from back in 2016.

It’s almost as if……

Naaaah! It can’t be. It’s not possible that Russia is trying to manipulate people using lemmy?

Is it?

Don’t bother responding. I’m going to block you now. This discussion is useless when you keep making up new narratives to argue against.


The opening letter of every sentence must always be capitalized. Also, “I” is the only pronoun that must always be capitalized.

I’d think someone that accuses others of not being “well-read” would know this.


Okay… you’re clearly a troll trying to waste my time. So… We’re done here.

Blocking you, so don’t bother responding.


Go away troll.

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