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That ratio though.

On a social media platform. Rust leans presently far left- you STILL manage to get downvoted into the dirt.

Maybe it’s because of the sheer volume of misinformation you share- like this nonsense here, or maybe it’s just because you’re seemingly wrong more often than not.


Oh, you’re wrong. That’s why the ratio tips against you.


This should be shared as a response to every far left clown that posts here suggesting that people not vote.


They have no idea what they’re talking about.

War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable (www.middleeasteye.net)

While President Joe Biden recently said that “no one is above the law”, in response to guilty verdicts in former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, his administration is seemingly committed to shielding Israel from accountability at any cost - even if that means tearing apart the rules-based international order....

JimSamtanko, (edited )

This right here is CLEAR evidence that you’re here in bad faith to support Trump.

Because the rest of the world knows that trumps crimes amount to FAR more than payments to a porn star, and the mere suggestion that you’d compare this with being “complicit in genocide” shows plainly what your intentions here are.

Republican Operatives Swoop in to Help Cornel West This Election (newrepublic.com)

”This helps take away votes from Joe Biden,” the activist told one person at the rally, according to a video posted to X (formerly Twitter) by a Washington Post reporter. “We’re helping the Trump team who’s trying to get him on there,” added a woman by his side.


“Instead of helping keep America from falling into the hands of a wannabe-dictator, let’s suggest everyone do everything possible to allow America to fall into the hands of a wannabe-dictator.”

~ Leftists.

By the way. Didn’t you say you weren’t going to post here anymore after accusing the mods of being Zionist genocide supporters in another thread?


It’s good to see you finally being openly honest with your wish to fuck up America.

Heads up: your little group of accelerationists don’t represent the Democratic voter base, by the way. You have already been counted out demographically as they know that every four years there will be people that will buy into conservative propaganda and not vote.

Just like what’s happening here.


“While originally used by the far left, the term has, in a manner strongly distinguished from original accelerationist theorists, been used by right-wing extremists.”

Unless your boy is a conservative posing as a left wing propagandist, I’m not accusing anyone of being a “terrorist.“

What you’re all doing though, is your very best to ensure this country collapses under Trump. And you’re all insisting everyone not vote for the one person with the chance to keep him from overthrowing America over a single issue you didnt even give a shit about less than a year ago…

That means….


And voting for Trump is what exactly? Because that is what you are accomplishing with your propaganda here. You’re getting Trump elected.

And everyone knows when that happens, you will disappear from here and resurface as a victim like the rest of the far left.

Every four years…


So who’s worthy of the office that has a chance to win in November then?

Let’s see you name someone.

It’s easy to suggest people not vote- but let’s see you offer up a candidate in Biden’s stead since you hate him so much.


Do you have trouble reading? I’m serious. Is there some problem you have with understanding what the topic of a statement is?

Because I never said anything similar to thinking about voting for Trump. So you either have a reading comprehension issue, or you’re purposefully trolling. Which is against the rules of this community.


Nope. Name someone. Because leaving the field blank doesn’t negate an election. Someone is still going to be president.

Name someone.


“They want democracy gone”

You mean like the idiots shouting at everyone not to vote so Trump gets the win?

You’re not fooling anyone.


It’s not just my opinion.


So there it is. You cannot answer a simple question to support your entire ideology.


“biDeN bAD!” … but no alternative suggestions. Which clearly shows you are here in to disrupt.


Dude seems to think that not voting will result in no one being elected. I don’t think they’re teaching this shit in schools anymore.


You understate how voting works, right? Like… this was taught to you as some point? Because if You don’t, then I can excuse the ignorance. Otherwise, you really should know better.

Not voting won’t cancel an election. Someone is STILL getting elected. So you can either go with “genocide Lite,” or SUPER-MEGA-ULTRA-GYRO GENOCIDE 3000 v2.0.

But you’re getting one or the other regardless. You have the choice to help this country along with those in Palestine from suffering worse.

And it provenly will be worse.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

You absolutely WILL be supporting genocide by allowing trump to get elected

Bit you know that. Don’t you?


Riiight. Ratios my friend. Pay attention to the ratios. On a far left leaning social media platform….

YOU still get downvoted into the dirt.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Ahh. I get it. You haven’t yet figured out how things work yet. You’re still at that age where you think that you get what you want by simply asking for it, and when reality doesn’t comply- you throw temper tantrums and threaten to take your ball and go home when the other kids don’t play by your rules.

I think it’s called…. Idealism?

It’s all good. was the same way when I was young. Granted, I grew up and learned how things work before I could partake in anything too stupid- like… socialism.

I’m going to just ignore you now as I feel arguing with you is unfair and pointless.


Enjoy team B while they’re carpet bombing Palestine into dust. I’d imagine it’ll be horrible to be held accountable for it when that time comes, but we both know you’ll be nowhere to be found.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

It’s hilarious you think NOT voting is democratic. It’s legal, and a freedom you have, but it’s absolutely NOT democratic at all.

You’re by appearances, trying to get Trump elected- which is also- part of democracy…

But will also end it as we know it. And again… I’m sure you’re fully aware of it.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Real democracy is voting. And I’m not about to be lectured on politics by someone that’s not voting over a single issue they didn’t give two shits about less than a year ago.


You know, on my hunch, I checked your comment history. And I was right. You didn’t give two shits about what is happening in Gaza before Oct.

Not a word about it.

So it’s not a stretch to think that you, like the other bad actors here have no other agenda than to get people to not vote. This happens every election year.

I’ve said before that you probably didn’t even know where Palestine was prior to October- and now it seems I’m right.

You’re a fraud.


Right… all over something you didn’t give a shit about before it became something that could help you get your boy elected.


So you’re admittedly trolling? You know, most people know exactly what to do when someone tells them they’re not arguing with them any further.

The onus is on you to be mature enough to back off. But I see you subscribe to schoolyard rules of-

“I don’t care if you are done arguing! I have to have the last word!”

Block you now.
















He admitted he only chooses to post negative things about Biden. Don’t move goalposts for someone else… it’s VERY bad look.


Go ahead and do a comparison. I’ll wait here.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

But it isn’t. It’s shutting down an admitted propagandist.


But…. mUh WHaTaBoUT!

Check the mod logs. FAR more posts are removed for arguing WITH leftists than posts BY leftists.

And no one here believes R2O is even a leftist. Dude is a straight up propagandist.


Riiiight. Everything that you don’t like is “fascist” and the bOtH siDeS rhetoric is OLD.


I’d love to one day, see just ONE of you people offer up a good argument that’s relevant to the topic.


If you don’t like the title, don’t do the work.


Find me someone that does nothing but post negative shit about Trump all day here and I’ll concede this discussion.


Dude also shared a lot of misinformation and blogs as news.

Check the logs yourself and stop white-knighting for a known propagandist.


So what I meant was, find me a single person, one individual, that posts nothing but shit about Trump on this instance.

And for the record, there nothing good to be said about either.


Dude, the modlogs show how often your shit is removed for misinformation.


Looking at your comment history, it seems you attack everyone that disagrees with you or calls you out of ad hominem.

Do you even know what that means? You came here in defense of someone that was banned for reasons posted, only to replace those reasons with your own and accused the mods of bias.

And you’re now crying ad hominem?


It’s not a bandwagon. It’s just simply a basis of observation.


Threat you’re unaware of your own hypocrisy here is absolutely hysterical!

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