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So…. Let’s get this straight:

He’s being selfish for trying to stop a tyrant from turning America into a dictatorship run by a rapist/convicted felon…

But people who are not voting, are…. Hero patriots protecting democracy? Do I have that right?

JimSamtanko, (edited )

he’s giving that fascist rapist the best chance he’s got at winning the white house

Naaah… people like you are doing that.


You didn’t answer the question. Answer it.

Who is a better candidate that can beat trump. There is no one named literally anyone. So let’s see you name someone that is VIABLE. Not some bullshit dream you have. Give us a name of someone currently running with the chance to win.

And who is Joe Feinstein?


So like ALL The others. You have no answer. You were asked in good faith, and answered with bullshit.

You weren’t asked who YOU would be dumb enough to vote for (a roomba?) You were asked specifically WHO COULD WIN AGAINST TRUMP.

It’s that simple. Should be a no brainer which is right up your alley- and you still can’t answer it.

And lastly. This is how easy it is to out you people. One simple question and there’s all we need to know that it sure seems like you’re not here to do anything but disrupt an election.


Do you not understand that ANYONE isn’t running? And that suggesting this as an answer to the question shows you know that the answer is NO ONE.

But we both know that saying as much completely outs your propaganda bullshit.

And… for the record: I am asking a simple question to the topic of the discussion- your repeated bad faith nonsense as an answer is closer to trolling.

Just go ahead and admin that you don’t give a shit about all of the people that will be hurt by Trump becasue you chose to vote for…



ROFL… okay buddy.


Outraged enough yet? No?

Expect a LOT more of this if you keep urging people to not vote this year. Because this is a tase of what’s to come.


There’s a fuck ton of clowns here that are not voting.

To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board (www.inquirer.com)

"But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office.”...


And there’s people here wanting you to not vote against this. VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT.

Now let’s see them call themselves out in response.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Tell us again how you’re not MAGA? Nearly everything you post is the same repetitive anti-Biden rhetoric. Yet never offering any realistic suggestions to overcome the problem. Nothing but negativity and pointing out flaws.

That essentially the definition of propaganda.


Says the guy who magically arrives to defend the MAGA bots any time someone so much as looks at them.


Did I?

Or did you not read what I said about blocking you? Maybe go back and reread my words. Then come back here and apologize for accusing me of what seems to be your singular purpose here.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Oh I assure you that I blocked you. But it doesn’t matter because from the standpoint of a known troll, (easily verified by your comment history) you can’t be wrong under any circumstance.

I’ll block you whenever I wish so as to put you in a little corner until I feel I have the patience and/or willingness to deal with someone rewriting my words and shouting them back at me. This is seemingly all you can do. So knowing you can’t argue in good faith- I owe you nothing more or less. I’ve tried reasoning with you. You’re showing that you’re seemingly incapable of it.

You’re a troll. (again, verified by your comment history here) And because of this, I will never engage with you on your terms. So just know that when I get bored of you- I’ll block you again.

And again….

And again…


You have to know that I have no fucking clue what you’re taking about. But then again, you’re probably used to that as you never seem to either.


K. And you scream gEnoCiDe sUpPorTeR at anyone that even come close to suggesting that Biden isn’t that bad.

And I’ll block you when I think I need to and no sooner.


And MAGA bots whine when they’re accused of something while simultaneously accusing others of things.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Oh no my friend. Everyone is a gEnOciDe dEniEr but you and you alone.

I’ve been playing your own game against you kiddo. And your reactions are priceless. You can’t take what you give.

Considering it… trolling a troll.


We both know you are.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Do you see the hypocrisy here bud? You’re upset that I’m accusing you of lying, then accusing me of “loving genocide” which is a lie.

Then antagonizing me to block you. And claiming you’re NOT a troll?

You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe you, right?


I get what you’re trying to do here man, and I’m not falling for it. You’re not going to get me on a defensive to waste my time.

The entire comment chain is there to see that I’m right regarding my accusations of you. And your sad attempts to victimize yourself fall VERY flat When held up against reality, soooloo, I really don’t needled to keep going in circles over this with you. Your comment history and mod logs show you’re a liar and a troll. Mine don’t.

Though I do enjoy watching you try hard. It’s so embarrassing for you.

I love it!


Love your commitment to the bit. Hilarious!


Cool story! Loving the dedication. Keep at it!

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Yeah, but in fairness- Trump itself is particularly appalling.


Oof! FIXED. That was a horrible typo.

Trump Used "Palestinian" as a Slur. Biden and Debate Moderators Didn’t Say a Word. (theintercept.com)

Much of the attention on Thursday’s presidential debate fell upon President Joe Biden’s faltering performance, which has called into question whether he can even remain the Democratic candidate. In the aftermath, some have focused on former President Donald Trump’s nonstop lies....


To be fair though. Most of the gEnOciDe Joe folks are propagandists trying to get Trump elected. So……


Don’t forget though… ground rapidly shrinking…. Something something don’t care if genocide continues as long as Biden isn’t elected!


Yep. That’s how it seems to me as well.

ACLU suspects warrantless surveillance in neo-Nazi’s prosecution (www.theverge.com)

I hate that groups like the ACLU have to defend nazi scum to protect my liberties. Better that the government not violate our rights in the first place, but in lieu of that, even nazi scum is subject to the same rights and due process as any other citizen. However, I wouldn’t mind if they got pantsed a couple of times by their...


ROFL! The ACLU is now “rooting for Nazi terrorists”?

Does this have anything to do with that nonsense you posted from 2017 about how the ACLU protected someone’s right to free speech even though they admittedly abhorred what they were saying?

Yeah… that’s called the 1st Amendment. And that prick has all the rights illustrated within it just as you do to say your dumb shit here.


Without reading this- I’m going to say…… no, it didn’t.


And yet…. There are people here that are urging you to not vote against this clown.

Try and imagine that.

Then try and imagine why.


Please don’t insult vaginas. They did nothing to deserve that.


It doesn’t. But it puts their agenda up front and center for those that can be manipulated by it a whole lot easier.

Sort of similar to how people here will urge you to not vote for Biden. Most people will see this as people essentially just shitting into a fan, but at its core, it’s really a way to circumvent having to directly show support for Trump on a left-leaning social media platform where they’d get banned.


Well said and good point.


Personally, I think there’s a fuck-ton of nuance to the issue and I find that it’s best not to listen to a bunch of high-school kids lecturing everyone on who to vote for based on foreign affairs that they weren’t even aware were happening less than a year ago.

Where the others went?

This is lemmy. You’re not allowed to accept that the situation is nuance led as fuck. Even if you mostly agree with the hive.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Yawn…. Is there anything that doesn’t offend you? Seriously man. I’m not engaging with you on this anymore.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

I said I was ignoring you then. And I did. And now I’m ignoring your current nonsense now. You see, it’s a thing that can be activated at will. And don’t mistake my responding to you as some form of hypocrisy. Or that your little trolling attempt was successful. I’m fully allowed to respond to whatever bullshit you bring me. That is my right. I will however choose when I wish- to ignore discussing whatever dumb shit you try and bring up as a means to distract from the point to create a straw man as is pretty much ALL you do.

And considering that you’re incapable of stopping yourself from mouthing off at anyone who dares to disagree with your little agenda, it’s pretty easy to do.

You should probably get used to it. I have seen that I’m not the only one that does it.

Oh, and for the record- and on the topic of ignoring things… As I’ve said and you’ve ignored before- I don’t have a problem with the far left.

I have a huge problem with the “far left.” And you should too.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Three things:

One- You seem to take GREAT offense to my accusing some people of being fake far lefters. So much so that you can’t help yourself and seem compelled to respond to my every comment about it. It’s almost like… you’re incapable of not responding to my every comment on the topic. It’s like… yOu jUsT cAn’T iGnOre mE! (Waaah!)

Two- gEnOciDe is absolutely a “little agenda.” When positioned from the perspective of the far right trolls that pretend to support it. The same people you get incredibly upset about when people accuse you of being- but adamantly defend them when people go on the offensive on them.

You really need to choose a lane buddy.

And three- you claim time-and-again that you’re going to vote for Biden. At this point: I’m calling bullshit. And I’m pretty sure we both know it’s bullshit. And my evidence is One and Two from just above this paragraph if you need a reference.

K? Bye!


Okay buddy. You’re free to falsely accuse me of whatever you’d like. Until you get your boy elected, it’s a free country.


Sure thing bud. Keep defending those conservative bots. You’re only telling on yourself.


And you can’t defend your support for Trump. Sooo…. I guess it’s a stalemate.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

And I don’t support genocide no matter how much you interpret my opposition to MAGA bots parading themselves around as far lefters.

Dude… you’re not getting the point I’ve tried to fucking tell you- over and over again!

I’m not accusing you of shit. If you’re legit- you’re fine. But you HAVE to know here are bad actors among you. And the fact that you STILL constantly come at me when I’m only trying to pull weeds from YOUR garden, makes me think you want them there.

If you’re not in favor of a Trump win and genuinely don’t support him in any way, then why not join me and the others in weeding out those among you that are there in bad faith?

I honestly don’t get your angle here.


Holy shit! I don’t think I have ever in my life seen someone choose what they want someone else to say more than you do. And the amount of people you do this to is…. Well. Everyone you disagree with. Your modlog show that.

So it seems you either have a VERY serious reading comprehension problem, or you’re willfully trolling.

My guess is it’s both.

I’m done wasting time with you on this, so go ahead and have the all important last word you always seem to so badly crave. I’m going to go ahead and take the high road out of this embarrassment of a discussion. I’ll be temporarily blocking you so I don’t even get notified that you responded. That’s how little I am interested in hearing what you have to say.

But don’t think to bring this up as some antagonistic bullshit excuse to accuse me of paying attention to your nonsense after I said I wouldn’t. You’re not that good of a troll. I’m just simply done with THIS discussion. As I was done with the other individual discussions.

I’ll be unblocking you when I feel it’s time to.

Until then….

JimSamtanko, (edited )

And if you’re willing to admit that you are fully aware that the genocide isn’t going to get any better under Trump and will actually become worse-

And still suggest people not vote for Biden….

I won’t just not take you seriously, I’ll assume you’re actively trying to get Trump elected.



My god I haven’t hear that term in DECADES!


Oh I assure you it doesn’t. And I assure you that that’s not just my assessment. NO ONE is taking you seriously when you make such baseless and ignorant comparisons.

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