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And yet…. There are people here that are urging you to not vote against this clown.

Try and imagine that.

Then try and imagine why.


Please don’t insult vaginas. They did nothing to deserve that.


It doesn’t. But it puts their agenda up front and center for those that can be manipulated by it a whole lot easier.

Sort of similar to how people here will urge you to not vote for Biden. Most people will see this as people essentially just shitting into a fan, but at its core, it’s really a way to circumvent having to directly show support for Trump on a left-leaning social media platform where they’d get banned.


Well said and good point.


Personally, I think there’s a fuck-ton of nuance to the issue and I find that it’s best not to listen to a bunch of high-school kids lecturing everyone on who to vote for based on foreign affairs that they weren’t even aware were happening less than a year ago.

Where the others went?

This is lemmy. You’re not allowed to accept that the situation is nuance led as fuck. Even if you mostly agree with the hive.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Yawn…. Is there anything that doesn’t offend you? Seriously man. I’m not engaging with you on this anymore.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

I said I was ignoring you then. And I did. And now I’m ignoring your current nonsense now. You see, it’s a thing that can be activated at will. And don’t mistake my responding to you as some form of hypocrisy. Or that your little trolling attempt was successful. I’m fully allowed to respond to whatever bullshit you bring me. That is my right. I will however choose when I wish- to ignore discussing whatever dumb shit you try and bring up as a means to distract from the point to create a straw man as is pretty much ALL you do.

And considering that you’re incapable of stopping yourself from mouthing off at anyone who dares to disagree with your little agenda, it’s pretty easy to do.

You should probably get used to it. I have seen that I’m not the only one that does it.

Oh, and for the record- and on the topic of ignoring things… As I’ve said and you’ve ignored before- I don’t have a problem with the far left.

I have a huge problem with the “far left.” And you should too.


Three things:

One- You seem to take GREAT offense to my accusing some people of being fake far lefters. So much so that you can’t help yourself and seem compelled to respond to my every comment about it. It’s almost like… you’re incapable of not responding to my every comment on the topic. It’s like… you just can’t ignore me!

Two- gEnOciDe is absolutely a “little agenda.” When positioned from the perspective of the far right trolls that pretend to support it. The same people you get incredibly upset about when people accuse you of being- but adamantly defend them when people go on the offensive.

You really need to choose a lane buddy.

And three- you claim time-and-again that you’re going to vote for Biden. At this point: I’m calling bullshit. And I’m pretty sure we both know it’s bullshit. And my evidence is One and Two from just above this paragraph if you need a reference.

K? Bye!



My god I haven’t hear that term in DECADES!


You really need to drop the “blue Maga” cringe. It screams “I’m trying my hardest to become the edgy teenager I want my friends to think I am.”

Just stop. It’s not about your opinions, it’s about how you’re framing them.


I’m sure it has nothing at all to do with loud-mouthed SJWs that find a single issue to whine about- but ONLY during election years, latch on to that to the point were they don’t vote and ask that others not vote, and then disappear after the election- only to reroll as a victim of their own decisions.

Maybe do some work between elections and this shit wouldn’t be happening.


Dude… the ACLU sues almost every president. This isn’t the win you think it is.


Oh I assure you it doesn’t. And I assure you that that’s not just my assessment. NO ONE is taking you seriously when you make such baseless and ignorant comparisons.


Remember folks- this is the guy people here want you to not vote against- for…. reasons.


At least it’s not AI bullshit. I’ll take human error over processed rhetoric any day.


Predictably, the “nothing is ever good enough!” crowd has arrived.


I’ll add the overwhelming amount of canned and processed Star Wars and Marvell slop that’s been pushed on us.


Well said. And what a nostalgic trip. Thanks.


Fair point and well said. I really wish they would consider those of us that want actual content. Less expensive movies that are more character driven.


And this is the guy that for some strange reason, people here want you to not vote against.


Hope they go bankrupt. AI “art” is anti-artist.


Think Google is any different? Bets that they’re next.


Considering the fact that now, Google is pretty much an add company, it’s almost unfair to compare them. Since 75-80% of their revenue comes from forcing adds on people throughout their various platforms/products… they’re really not even in the same genre anymore.

I’d maybe put Google in the same box with whoever sends out junk mail.


ROFL… okay. As a rule I don’t debate with Stans.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

I’m not abusing you. I’m simply stating that you have a very obvious bias. I’d have to overcome that before you’d ever even consider any counter-argument I would have.

You position Google as having no business complaints, use things Apple USED to do im the past as arguments against them now…

And “oh no! Google’s worst problem is too much tech!” Meanwhile, the evil empire Apple is horrible and mean! You’re biased as hell man.

Therefore, to me, this is an exercise in futility.


You’re not voting. So you don’t count.


This. 100%!


When your source is an op-ed piece, you don’t have a source. You have an opinion that isn’t even originally yours to begin with.


Nope. I’m trying to ensure that the work propagandists do is undermined. Nothing more.

Calling you out seems to work just fine to that effect.

And thanks for pretty much admitting that you and non voters like you- are irrelevant to the upcoming election. That’s all I really needed you to say.


You lose. Thanks for playing though.

(If anyone wants to know how to tell when a propagandist is out of gas and has no argument left, it’s shit like this:

They resort to their hexbear origins and post memes.)


The fuck has this to do with anything? Do you approach everyone that says things you disagree with using this bullshit?

This has nothing to do with protests. What I’m taking about are the leftists that do nothing about “the leftists” that pose as them to bandwagon the agenda for the purpose to get people to not vote against Trump.

And trust me- I do PLENTY during the years between elections. And what I do is far more effecting than protesting every four years over FOTW manufactured outrage.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.




Who’s forcing or being forced? You’re not a victim of voting oppression because someone suggest you do the right thing and keep a rapist traitor out of office.

Reluctantly do whatever the fuck you want- or don’t. But anyone here rusts suggesting that we don’t vote against a tyrant is here in bad faith and needs to be called out for what they are.

As I’ve said- if this doesn’t describe you-


So how about you take a deep breath and stop white-knighting for people that are using your platform to disrupt an election.


So the fact that you know damn well that Trump will do just as much if not worse- illustrates that you Gaza stance is absolute bullshit.

And the fact that you know damn well by now what will happen to our LGBTQ+ friends and family, and women’s body autonomy if Trump is elected- and clearly don’t give a shit about any of it-

Shows you’re a propagandist. Don’t make this about my words- it’s YOURS that are telling on you.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

ROFL! Dude. What I do and how much of it for how long- isn’t what this is about. And I’m fully aware of this tactic you’re using to turn the discussion around to put me on the defensive.

I’m not new to this.

News flash:

Not voting doesn’t cancel an election. Someone is still getting elected. And suggesting people not vote against Trump, is support for Trump. This is not up for debate. This is reality. With us or against us is a very real thing.

And the fact that most of the clowns that are not voting know damn well that things will be as bad is not FAR worse for Palestine if Trump is elected- and don’t care…. Says EVERYTHING we need to know about your agenda.

It’s been argued time-and-again how you people can’t offer a better candidate to win in November- but still fold your arms know how badly we will ALL be fucked if Trump gets the White House.

Even people for other countries have been pleading with you to do the right thing.

How fucking stupid can things get?


Nice try. But we’re done here. You’ve said what I needed you to say.


Probably the most astute thing you’re ever going to say here… and you didn’t even say it.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Do whatever you want- AND take the risk of being called out.

You’re not exempt from criticism for what you decide to do, or not do- but for now, you’re free to do it or not.


Says the person that endlessly berates people for who they are voting for.

We’re done man. You’ve buried yourself deep enough to satisfy my need to call you out.


Why do you feel the need to make up fake dialogue between you and the people you disagree with?

What’s wrong? Is reality not suitable enough to support your bullshit that you need to fabricate conversations?


To anyone that doesn’t have an agenda, there’s nothing at all inconsistent with anything I’ve said. However saying shit like “I am voting for Biden.” And then going so far out of your way to defend those of you that suggest no one vote against Trump…

Well, now that is what I’d call inconsistent. But you people do love to project, so sure. Call me what you deny.


Dude… your comment history is public.




ROFL! Playing the racial card? Really? I might’ve entertained your shit take on this but trying to make me out to be a racist?

That’s fucking pathetic.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

That’s quite an ironic accusation considering you haven’t seemed to mentioned Gaza at all prior to now. I’m guessing you’re either new to the concept of genocide- or you haven’t been made aware that Palestine was a place that existed before recently?

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