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Dude is on so many drugs. It’s like that episode of Simpsons when mr burns sees the doctor and the doctor tries to push a bunch of plushies through the door


Zoom in on the other tab I think the answer is in there


Gamepass because I don’t even own an Xbox. I pay $15/ month for wow so having game pass with a shitload of games for basically the same price is a no brainer


They didn’t donate enough this election year. This is a warning to all other corpos to pay up.


What do you mean “you people” what are you trying to say


How? All these laid off devs will get new jobs make new studios make new games then m$ will just buy the ip and fire them again. The ip gets farmed for free to m$. They just come by later to harvest the best of the crop.


That stands to reason. Whatever games the people who stay make will continually fall into this cycle unless there is a fundamental change to the way games are developed. As you pointed out there will be tons of lost knowledge, and games will get worse every cycle. Companies don’t want to pay to develop things they just want to buy profitable companies once someone has done the hard work and it’s simply not sustainable.


Until we get politicians who will spend it properly and actually help the people there’s no point. We collect enough taxes now to have everything we need but they squander it on bullshit. Let’s get better representation then raise taxes. 30 trillion in debt is shameful


M$ gonna win the console wars because they don’t do this


That’s Microsoft favorite part. You don’t have to keep selling it


This shit is tight. I signed up. I consume porn I might as well help them make it


I’ve never played a single fallout game or even knew the lore besides its post apocalyptic. Loved the show and it was cool as hell learning about the universe. They told the story well and made me care about the characters.


One can only dream of the day. People will look back on this Era in history with shame


He did finish it we saw it on TV and hated it. So now he’s not gonna do it because he knows no matter what he does we will hate it. He wrote himself into a corner


This is just world of war warcraft which is printing money on mtx


The sub is great for their bottom line. The current state of the game is selling carries for everything from pvp, ranked, raids, dungeons, even leveling. To fund these legal in game purchases blizz will sell you gold for money. They also introduced a cosmetic store with in game currency which you earn by keeping the sub active. Then finally they have their normal store of mounts and pets for cash.


They disappeared one of the richest men in the world. If they can do it to Jack regular people don’t got a fucking chance


I’m so happy I never heard of any of these people until recently.


Only 2 million? These are rookie numbers we need to pump these up.


Service guarantees citizenship


The main point to announce it was so they would get shot down. If they had reached their targets that would be a war they would lose very quickly. This way no harm was done. But now the people in charge in Iran can tell everyone in the country look how we attacked the bad people. Kind of like when north Korea talks a bunch of shit to everyone then launches a missile to no where. They can brag about it in country how they almost fucked up Japan and no one is the wiser because the only news coming in is things they ban see internally. Iranians saw the missles and drones leave their airspace then get told lies about what happened.


Iron dome was conceived before small drones were really a thing like they are now.


Yeah but military drones are huge as luck. Reapers are massive.


What do you think his shoes are made of though


They are too busy drowning in sales to hear any sighs


I read about these bitches, they are not ok.


Just bring it on. We aren’t going to change anything until something happens first.

Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian shepherd reading the Quran on his land (www.haaretz.com)

Three soldiers pounce on a shepherd sitting outside his sheep pen. They knock him over and then one of them shoots him to death at point-blank range. Fakher Jaber, a father of four, was suspected of involvement in an incident that probably never happened...


You act like the employer would give a fuck about looking people in the face. They might even take joy watching the life leave your face as you get the news.


I just start pumping then go clean out my car. Sometimes I catch a little of the front or end of the ad. It doesn’t really bother me as I’m not paying attention and I still have my car music on


Wb just needs to be disbanded at this point, TV, movies, video games, everything. Let the ip go to someone with a brain.


No there won’t.

Alternate headline: local inbreds big mad


Let me guess they will give him another infinity days to come up with the proof?? This shit went from NY looking amazing to end up looking like a bunch of pussies. He’s grabbing them in front of the world. Clown show.

France votes to ban ‘forever chemicals,’ exempting frying pans (www.politico.eu)

The French National Assembly on Thursday unanimously adopted a bill aimed at restricting the manufacture and sale of products containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — also known as PFAS or “forever chemicals.” The MPs, backed by the government, voted to exclude kitchen utensils from the scope of the text....


Most people can’t cook for shit and their stainless pan would be trashed in a few uses


Doesn’t even matter does it? They will just keep breaking the rules for him. Justice is not only blind but hog tired or seems.


Pretty sure they will care who wins when they get shipped off to Russian labor camps or sent to the front lines for whatever shit putin decides to invade next. I feel for their losses of loved ones but that’s a pretty dumb take.


Schools will have to eventually send bullies and trouble makers away. Education for the behaved, something else for the rest. Guns are never going away.


The mines will always need labor, be it in earth or mars.

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