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We used to have laws that decentralized control of media. An entity could only own a certain number of newspapers, tv stations, or radio stations. There were incentives for smaller news companies to insure that there was competition in each market. Congress kept chipping away at those laws letting larger companies buy up more and more of the market, allowing mergers that restricted competition. Now radio is nearly a monopoly, TV and newspapers are oligarchies. The Internet fell into an oligarchy disturbingly quickly.

The only way to get the media serving the people again is to break up the big companies and restore the guardrails that protected and supported small local companies.


Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, did not have wmd’s, and was the only major Sunni power in the region. Saddam Hussain was not a good guy by any means but he actively worked against Iranian influence and was a stabilizing presence on the middle east after the first Gulf War. Pre-invasion Iraq was good for US policy. The invasion led to the growth of Iranian influence in the region and the rise of the Islamic State terrorist organization. We should not have attacked Iraq.

I was in support of attacking Afghanistan at the time and still think military action to go after Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Ladin was warranted. The diversion of resources from that conflict is another reason we shouldn’t have attacked Iraq. We probably should have extended that conflict into northern Pakistan where we knew Al-Qaeda’s leadership and the bulk of their fighters were hiding.

We definitely should have invaded Saudi Arabia. They provided training, equipment, travel, and money to enable the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 would not have been possible without Saudi Arabia’s support. Saudi Arabia was(is) in the curious position of publicly allying with us while plotting terrorism against us. Curious because by siding with us publicly they gave up Iran’s advantage of attacks against them potentially leading to conflict with Russia. Iran had some part in 9/11 but between their having a lesser role and the risk of Russia coming to their defense it would not have been worth it to attack Iran. Saudi Arabia had our backing instead of Russia’s. When they used proxies to attack us we should have leveled their royal palace. So far we haven’t even pulled our support.


I’ve never been much of a social media user outside of reddit and lemmy and I’ve never had an Instagram account so maybe it’s my lack of familiarity but does that page list some really unimpressive stats? The original post had “more than 3,000 likes in less than three years” and for the second Instagram post it says"Within seven months, the post gained over 4,000 likes." Do Instagram posts continue active participation for years? I felt pretty good the few times I’ve posted something that got thousands of likes but it’s more personal achievement 'than this is going to be bigger than two broken arms".


Why isn’t IUI an an opinion for them? From a biological standpoint what’s the difference between a sperm sample being used for IUI with a surrogate and IVF with a surrogate?


I’m confused about what’s presented in the article. The article says that to qualify for IVF the couple must be unable to conceive through IUI and that this requirement prevents gay men from accessing IVF. In the article’s conclusion it says that gay men can only have biological children through IVF. That doesn’t appear to be true.


That organization says that it is an option for gay men to use a surrogate and have a biological child through IUI. It wasn’t the only one I found when I searched, “can a gay male couple use IUI with a surrogate”.

Gay couples should have insurance coverage for and access to infertility care but is it unreasonable for an insurance company to say that a simpler cheaper alternative that produces an equivalent result (IUI) must be ruled out before it will cover the more complex procedure (IVF)?

Where is the disconnect? Will the insurance not cover IUI unless the procedure is preformed on the insured? Why jump to IVF and dismiss the simpler procedure? Why make IVF specifically the center of the argument instead of infertility treatment in general?


The city requires people wanting to access IVF services to be infertile, which it defines as an inability to conceive through heterosexual sex or intrauterine insemination—a set of criteria which disqualifies only gay men.

It’s the first sentence of the fifth paragraph, the article writes it out instead of abbreviating.

Yeah the procedure would be performed on the surrogate either way. Something’s just not making sense to me. Since the couple the article is about have been to Drs and are living it and the complaint has already gone through a 2 year review process I assume that the article is just missing some important piece of info.


It’s a really good topical antiseptic.


Distillation doesn’t create alcohol, it concentrates alcohol. Fermentation creates alcohol and the hardest part about fermentation is waiting for it to finish.


Fermentation is unlikely to create something that will cause worse than mild stomach issues. For homemade alcohol to be really dangerous you have to distill it and distillation without a license is already a federal felony.


It’s fake. It looks like that so she can bring the same one to every picnic.


As a small silver lining, about a third of the Israeli aid package was humanitarian aid for Gaza.


It would have been a continent and a whatever Central America was when I was in school but the younguns nowadays tell me that Central America is included in North America now. And most of South America seems to think that North and South America are all one continent. If we went with that we could make a really long transcontinental path.


My mind can’t comprehend those walking and biking numbers. The walking is about 70 miles a day. That’s more than double the average distance of a one day ultra marathon done everyday for a month and a half. The biking distance is about 255 miles a day. Roughly 2.5x the average daily distance for the Tour de France. I want to meet the people who can do that.


The highest tax rate on income is 37%. The effective tax rate of the people who have income in that bracket is significantly lower.


As far as cheap quick and easy it’s hard to beat Midwestern style “salads”. Egg salad is something I eat fairly often. Mix hard boiled eggs, mayo or miracle whip (I use light), and sweet pickle relish in whatever proportions you prefer. I generally add some frozen peas and top mine with Tajin powder but you can add veggies, nuts, seeds, cheese, seasonings or sauces… whatever you want to customize it. To make a different kind of “salad” replace the eggs with ground, chopped, or shredded meat (home cooked, deli, or canned) of whatever type you prefer or a can of beans with the liquid drained. It can be made into sandwiches, wrapped in a tortilla, used as a dip, served over rice, noodles, cooked or fresh veggies, it can be eaten cold or hot, if you add a lot of veggies, pasta, or rice and some liquid it can be baked off as a casserole maybe topped with cheese. The meat/eggs/beans should be cooked before they go in so all you have to do is dump it in a bowl and mix it up.

For a dessert “salad” there is cottage cheese salad. Mix a tub of cottage cheese, a can of fruit (pineapple is the norm but I use oranges because I don’t like pineapple and it’s suppose to be drained but I don’t), and a small package of flavored gelatin (sugar free store brand works fine) in a large bowl then fold in a tub of whipped cream. Sometimes I add some cherries and/or walnuts. Any fruits, nuts, or seeds can be added. It has to be refrigerated for a couple hours so the gelatin can set up.



That’s his record of votes and proposed legislation for the current Congress.


That’s a bill he supported in committee.

He has also worked with Sanders and Warren to convince Biden to expand debt relief granted through the executive branch. As far as congressmen go, he’s a good one.


He’s pro choice and proposed federal legislation to guarantee the right to both medication and surgical abortion and to require insurance to cover it. He has sponsored bills to protect IVF and other reproductive treatment, to give everyone paid sick leave specifically including parents taking leave to care for sick children, to expand Medicare to cover all citizens.

I’m not sure how much more he can support the right to bodily autonomy.


Honestly, I don’t get it. I saw the total eclipse in '17 and I’ve seen a couple of partial eclipses and they weren’t particularly exciting. I live about 10 min outside of the total eclipse path and I’m not even sure I’m going to walk outside for it. What am I missing? Why are people spending thousands of dollars to see it?


If we can add people then the real question is Riker or Jadzia?


We’re no where near $170 a year but $500 is very high. I haven’t had a ticket or accident in about 15 years, I think insurance companies can only go back 6 years, and I’m paying about $75 per month.


I’m in a similar position, middle aged, clear driving history for about 15 years, car’s an '18. I pay ~$450 every 6 months with Progressive. Paying the whole amount up front gives me a good discount. If you can’t do that size payment at once you can pay with PayPal credit and it should be no interest for 6 months so you can get the discount and still pay monthly.


I’m not convinced that Biden hasn’t slowed down. Dude’s old but his speaking style, history of gaffes, and his stutter makes it hard to really gage a change in his public speaking. I definitely don’t think he’s struggling nearly as much as Trump but ultimately I’m not sure how much difference it makes for how I will vote. Even if Biden was as bad as Trump he would be the better choice because he builds teams and listens to experts whereas Trump collects sycophants and listens to whoever best flatters his ego.

The job of the President is complex and involves dealing with incredible amounts of information. No one person can meaningfully process the amount of information Presidents get presented with everyday nor have the background to understand and properly contextualize the variety of types and sources of that information. The person that recognizes that they aren’t experts on every subject and who builds teams of subject matter experts to help them process the information and make the most informed decisions possible will always be the better choice.


This required a huge amount of redesign and engineering, why didn’t they design it to have an interchangeable battery? I know very little about the technical aspects of batteries and electric cars so maybe I’m underestimating the difficulty of designing interchangeable batteries for electric cars but it seems like electric race cars are a good place to develop the tech and would give them a better chance of competing with gas powered racing. In addition to that it seems like interchangeable batteries in consumer cars would solve a lot of the issues people have with electric cars.


They’re afraid of another lawsuit. If they get sued for pushing lies related to the same topic the Dominion suit was about it’s likely to cost them more than that one did.


It’s not just phrased poorly, it’s not a true statement. It’s a conservative talking point that does not bear out when you look at the federal budget. Republican Presidents and Congresses increase spending at least as much as Democratic Presidents and Congresses. Both parties are big spenders. Despite this and related talking points, Republicans are the less fiscally responsible party because while increasing spending they tend to enact policies that reduce growth in revenue.


I am planning on it being hot. I was going for something like a vegetarian stroganoff.


I wound up taking out the olives and tomatoes and adding 450g of sour cream and 60g of Dijon mustard and increasing the salt and pepper . It was much more casserole than stroganoff so I called it a crustless pot pie. We did 2 tastings, one fresh and one reheated after being frozen for a month. My recipe was popular, it won for the most stable between fresh and reheated. Thanks for the advice.

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