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Shkshkshk, to 196 avatar

Used to be you could blow dust off a shelf. Now you can't. Because of woke.



Half are indoor smokers. None have heard of feather-dusters … outside the context of the bedroom.

I didn't know where else to ask rule (

How do you shave your balls? Every time I’ve tried with my trimmer it pinches and tears my sack and I’m too traumatized to try it again unless there’s a full proof bloodless method. Usually I just pluck as many as I can tolerate while I’m sitting around watching YouTube or somethin. But it’s such a pain (literally)....


Sack trimming is what ultimately converted me from electric trimmers to safety razors. Night and day. Even if I nick myself, the closest thing to a problem is NOT pain.


The Maze was based on previous work by id Software and others. IIRC, it was kinda janky when held up against Doom or even Wolfenstien or Heritic/Hexen. Hell, Descent was out by then as well.

Pipes? Pipes was something else. None of those games I mentioned bothered to make something look round in any believable capacity. Pipes did that, seemingly with shading 🫨


Came here to say this. They wrote the playbook that has spelled the end or at least shitification of so many standards, open-source or otherwise(but usually still free-to-use or at least cheap).

MachineFab812, (edited )

Someone needs to colorize the top pic. I’m not convinced they were any less vibrant or peace-loving then. They just happened to understand it would take violence to protect, well, anything that needs protecting.


The bottom pic reflects much more of a soft-sell, non-violence-and-family-friendly-only take on the topic. The top pic leaves getting one’s face smashed in, with bricks or dildoes, firmly on the table, where it should be when one considers human rights negotiable.


I was rooting for this therapy, but not at the expense of exposing vulnerable people to all the hokum that Lykos was apparently trying to spike it with. FDA made the right call for now.


… and I’ve been told I’m demanding and entitled, but here’s some jackass who downvoted one(@ryannathans) who is doing the work. You or I can never do enough to be worthy to request certain features or bug-fixes be given higher priority.

These people need to go back to Spez’s, Musk’s, or Zuck’s playground, since they love having no say so much.


Not only an airport, but elsewhere would likely not have been able to negotiate to same prices as a local. Sticker price is almost always the foreigner price, at least when it’s matching or higher than the price one would pay back home.

I’m almost certain I’ve seen $5 “lightning” headphones here in the midwestern US.


You could apply that 1% chance of a gruesome death to every single day the rest of forever(my life, anyways); I’m still pushing the button.


“Over 18”

… my first thought when I read “never dated a woman” was “yeah, because these are mostly the basic requirements for an adult women. Sicko obviously likes them young”


OP isn’t gay, is what you’re being told, and I agree. OP screams more “pedo” to me than anything else.


Deadnaming Corporations-In-General: chef’s kiss

MachineFab812, did I just read? Yes, getting a “no strings attached” ID as an undocumented person or illegal alien is a pain-in-the-ass, but the problem there isn’t any state refusing to document them, its that they don’t want to interact with a given state for fear of being deported, and/or they do NOT WANT to be documented for whatever reason.

Its not their government refusing to issue ID. That’s generally not a thing outside of Alabama (because they closed the places that issue IDs) … and that’s not a “big government” problem, but a state refusing to follow federal law and court orders. Give those last two some MORE teeth and watch what happens.


I’m not sure how they track illegal aliens that they’ve opted not to export just yet, but by definition, once they are in the system by way of intentional interaction with the government, they are “documented”. Becomming identified/identifiable is far from impossible; Its an inconvenient pain though.

All it takes to get a library card is a piece of mail. For that mail, an address. Homeless shelters(among others, but here its free of charge) provide address/mail services(of a sort, and by request). Library card + piece of mail plus some sort of birth certificate(think a foreign one will do) will get you a State ID, generally issued at the DMV/BMV, but you don’t have to pass a driving exam for an ID.

Getting ID alone is not the problem. The problem is all the baggage it un-packs into a mess on the floor. IMHO, someone who takes the initiative to literally tell the government who they are and where they live should be allowed to work, rent an apartment, recieve healthcare, and otherwise be left alone unless they need help or commit a crime … hell, make them citizens after x years “above board” … but that’s not the state we live in.

“Work Permit”/“Visa”/whatever, should come with some guarantees/privileges/obligations(for any party bring an immigrant/potential in), like, thanks for letting us know you’re coming, here’s your job, some necessities/food and a place to stay until you can afford better. Whenever we hit the point that NOT having those things meant illegal/criminal is one of the tipping points where the US became less free. I don’t care what an idividual has done, that damage to our Liberty and the promise of “The American Dream” was worse, no matter your criteria.

Immigmants bring prosperity and good will. Always have and still do(todays immigrants, especially the illegal ones, are more law-abiding than any before), regardless of legal status. There is no reason to treat them as our government does today.


I am absolutely not talking about “free stuff”. They have to prove they have a job lined-up to get a work Visa; Proof they also have housing lined up and the ability to buy groceries should also be a part of that, and on the employer. It’s the would-be employer who is claiming to “need” them, after all.

I agree citizenship should be guaranteed after a set period of time, but I’ll settle for them not breaking the law during that time. There are plenty of legal ways to support onesself and not “be a burden to society” outside of normal employment.

The path to citizenship for people already here should be more straight-forward/much the same as well. I would argue that its harder to sneak into this country than to enter it legally. Seems to me that those people want it more, and have demonstrated they are willing to endure hardship to get here. “Free stuff” for them? Not available legally already, but they shouldn’t be criminalized just for being here and needing food and/or a place to stay. No one chooses to stay in a shelter “to scam the system”.


Forcing companies to feed and house the labor they import is nothing like giving anyone “free stuff”.


I mean, if its based on how that person identifies … Otherwise, I could maybe see it, but still leaning more towards: why not just ask?


More likely the downvotes come from users you’ve already blocked or an instance with which yours is not federated. Supposedly, there are also instances that only show local votes as well.

Regardless, you are the only one who has said they didn’t see any downvotes, so far.


Yours is the first mention I’ve found of children as members in that community, and its an NSFW-allowed community, so I have no idea where you got that notion.

That said, I would block any minor or minor-welcoming instance I became aware of on Lemmy. I’m not here to interact with that level of immaturity; I still regret not leaving facebook the moment they allowed teens(and grand-parents/boomers - yes it was an all-at-once change).


Jesus. Not even what I thought you were getting at, at all. I was thinking more like Narc-anon.


I don’t care about hiding the downvotes. I simply have no interest in seeing their comments/replies to others or myself.


Not my post in the screenshot … Nice freakout over another’s business though. Quality stuff.

MachineFab812, (edited )

Going into a community to downvote one of the most wholesome posts that community gets is very much something like a value statement.

I get that a lot of people are looking at the unfiltered “all” feeds for their instances, but damn, it seems like few, if any, communities here are large enough for the outrage some of their content will attract from outsiders.


Kudos to you on digging through their comments/post history. I see plenty of drama just looking at those that cross my path. From where I’m sitting, digging like so is just looking for the very things you claim to not want to see.

Me? I would rather fool around with my wife’s sister than all that, and/or hang out with those who do such things. If you can’t see the line between that and actual incest, its you with the blurred boundary issue. That said, my wife has no siblings, and I don’t need the drama enough to be sad about it.


Thanks for reminding me that you are exactly the sort of person I mean to block in this post. I had made the mitake of engaging with you as if you were coming from a place of sincerity, but here, we part ways.


Title is misleading: they seem to be succeeding at it, not just “hitting on” women. Its alarming, not just sad and disgusting.


Here’s hoping you’re right.


Americans don’t need to be cool about shit. We’ve been too cool about shit, until this dumb fuck is about ten inches shorter. Not like Balaji will be making productive use of either end if nothing is done.


Too few are cool “enough” with the methods when it comes to actually using them. That’s why I’m saying “cool” is the wrong word. We don’t need more chill. We need more people mad enough to act and not even begin to give a damn if anyone is cool with their actions.

Unfortunately, almost none of us reach that point short of direct harms to our persons or our (chosen, birth, whatever)families. Even for the dude who iced Shinzo, it was mostly a personal vendetta.


PC for “real” gaming. Phone for casual stuff, although I’ll stream better games when my connection is good enough.


For a moment, I thought the kitten at the top might be a rabbit. Rabbit tails aren’t that long though, but damn, thems some long ears.


Found Justin Trudeau’s Lemmy account y’all. Let’s all point and laugh at the moron who thinks the Flipper Zero is genuinely useful for car theft!


Okay, so point and laugh with me. The general direction of “Canada” will do!


Fully expected to see something about “Mr Dumpster can hit it”, then I read the scribbles lol


Finally, they’re catering to the right customer base; ME.


Technically, the Nintendo Switch uses Linux, and Android is Linux, so its kind of absurd the pushback Steamdecks are getting from these people. They aren’t afraid of Linux; They are afraid of the posibility of running a terminal and interacting with a Desktop Environment that isn’t Windows or MacOS. Doesn’t make any sense.


Left Column, with a Right Column in progress.

The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store (

Caveat: It isn’t available in the app store in the EU, and is instead only available via the developer’s marketplace, AltStore¹. As far as I can tell, this genuinely isn’t because of greed, but because of a little detail in Apple’s EU rules (possibly wrong):...


Need an “emulator”(sandbox really) for old IOS apps. All the best games I ever played on IOS, games I paid for, were retired from the app store and replaced with substandard, ad/subscription based knockoffs, years ago.

Now I think about it, I’ve got a lot of android apps I keep sideloading to new devices that won’t work if I try to actually use them, but at least I have convenient ways to preserve those.


outdated bullshit** bingo yeah

MachineFab812, (edited )

Multi-core processors already do this. Give the Android OS a Core or 4, the Linux OS a Core or 4(or however many). The power management already works in the suggested configuration as well: High-power cores are put to sleep when not in use.

The remaining question is whether the hardware virtualization is in place on the specific ARM chip in question to give/confine the one OS(virtualized/parallelized, not dual-booted) a specific Core or set of cores. It could be desirable to give Linux and Android each a low-power core and have them dynamically split the rest, with Linux controlling prioritization.

There are high-powered Linux apps. Moreso than Android in-fact.


That face when I sympathize with the writer and their target less … than anyone else. Just … there are better hobbies. Don’t feed the trolls!!


Its implied in the fact that anyone feels the need to write like in the OP. Are they the troll or the trolled? Friend, that conversation left the station several rants ago.

Wait. I mean yes. They are the troll or the trolled. Likely trolled themselves at some point in the same thread, because it all blends together when you’re trying to reply to insincere and garbled bullshit.


All you’re telling me is that reddit has turned into another 4chan over the last 9 months. Glad I left.


The AI figured out a way around the garbage it was fed by idiots, and told on them for feeding it garbage. That’s the opposite of dumb.


It works because the AI finds and exploits the flaws in the prompt, as it has been trained to do.


It works because the AI finds and exploits the flaws in the prompt, as it has been trained to do. A conversational AI that couldn’t do so wouldn’t meet the definition of such.

Anthropomorphizing? Put it this way: The writers of that prompt apparently believed it would work to conceal the instructions in it. That shows them to be idiots without getting into anything else about them. The AI doesn’t know or believe any of that, and it doesn’t have to, but it doesn’t have to be anthropomorphic or “intelligent” to be “smarter” than people who consume their own mental excrement like so.

Blanket Time/Blanket Training(look it up), sadly, apparently works on some humans. AI seems to be already doing better than that. “Dumb” isn’t the word to be using for it, least of all in comparison to the damaged morons trying to manipulate it in the manner shown in the OP.

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