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Never heard of this before, but it looks pretty good!


I don't know, but I am scared for the future. It's also worrying how popular far right is under the youth. I worry about my little kids growing up ...


Probably still better than the fascist GOP alternatives though


The time to fix that is before and during the primaries. When you're in the booth with a choice between a Democrat and a Republican, the choice should be obvious


I replaced my old Ford Focus stationwagon with a Nissan Qashqai, an SUV. It has much better milage so it'll probably have less emissions.


I really hope that takes off because that would be awesome. Same with issue tracking.


Looks like all the eras except for ST: Enterprise 😕


Does this work with ublock? I noticed some consent popups are broken with ublock annoyances filter.



9 years later, I finally played fallout 4

Having dropped New Vegas in the past due to lost interest, I decided to try this game out finally since a friend of mine was having a fallout 3 playthrough himself. It was it 8 bucks, so I figured why not. I have to say, I put way more hours into this game than both other Bethesda games I’ve played through (Skyrim and...


I lost interest in this game half way through. I really don't like how the enemies level up with you. I was about 2/3rds through the main quest line when the bad guys became such bullet sponges that it wasn't fun anymore. Like, multiple nukes to the face and they still keep coming.

I far prefer games where the enemies scale by location, not the player.


I’m also jealous of people who’ve never owned these games and other bundles like it. They get to experience something for the first time.

That would be me! Your comment made me buy the bundle. I never played any of the Mass Effect games. Truth be told, I have no idea what they are even about 😄


The point of advertising is bidding and tracking, so they will be loaded online, always. But they f they go over the same connection as the game itself then pi-hole can't block it.


If they can use PPC then they will. It's far more lucratieve.


Looks great. Is this from the makers of Don't Starve and Rotwood? It looks familliar.


I've had it in Early Access for a while. It's a great game!


I never understood why people run Ubuntu on servers. It's madness. Ubuntu is a fork of unstable Debian packages. You don't want unstable on your server!

Ubuntu on Desktop I can understand. Back in the days the Debian release was really long so much software was a tad outdated after a couple of years. But Debian had a much faster release cycle now, and had pretty much incorporated all the good stuff from Ubuntu and left the bad behind.


Definitely. But back in the day it was good for desktops. Ubuntu has never been good for servers.


Remember, that's the third time you have to pay! The first rug pull is when you buy the game and then find out that the entire world is utterly devoid of players because everyone only plays the latest expansion. But you can't access it because you don't have a subscription. On top of a full price game.

Besides the switcheroo, I also think it's sad for WoW. Its world is massive and beautiful and utterly dead. Everyone is only in the latest zone. The game would be better named "Zone of Warcraft". I love how e.g. Elder Scrolls Online solved it. They made all zones viable. You will see players everywhere. It's a real contrast.


I prefer subscriptions too. I balk at asking full price for a game, and then finding out you need a subscription on top as well.


They are not hiding that you need a subscription to access the latest expansion. But they don't tell you the rest of the game is dead so you need the latest expansion to do basically anything.


There's plenty to do outside the latest expansion

If you treat it as a single player game maybe. There are very few players outside the latest expansion. Maybe a few power-levelling alts. Some quests are almost impossible because you're supposed to do them with multiple people and there's nobody around.

I prefer the Elder Scrolls Online way. It has far less power creep and more sideways progression, so people run all content all the time.


The US is a third world country when it comes to healthcare


I think many farmers are being played for fools. They are being astroturfed by big agri businesses run by corporate billionaires.


You can't just drop that and then not explain....


Suicide squad, a live service turd. And it flopped. Big. Meanwhile Hogwards is making tons of money as a normal single player game. So the studio does the only sane thing: they announced they are ditching single player games to focus on live service games.

I swear these companies are run by morons....


I use Alacritty on Gnome just because it has better window decorations than Kitty.


Gnome refuses to implement Server Side Decorations on Wayland (because... reasons) so applications are forced to draw their own. Kitty's decorations are very bare bones and ugly. Alacritty's decorations match much better with the rest of Gnome.


On the other hand, how dumb do you have to be to photoshop a picture and release it like that? That's just asking for the frenzy.


Using the TOTP of the vault is fine for normal people. You're trying to protect against apps and sites leaking your password. TOTP in the vault does that. If they can access your vault then it's already game-over.

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