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Do you have any comments/suggestions on picking one of those distros? I can do my own research so no pressure.


The fact that they’re letting this shit happen to one of their own communities is extremely disappointing. They should take it personally that a group of people are using their game as a tool to harass people, but they don’t give a fuck.

I have lost so much respect for Valve over their handling of TF2. I’ve gone from a fanboy to a hater.


People are being harassed and doxed by a group of people that have turned one of their most popular games into a fucking cesspool. They need to either throw in the towel and drop support for TF2 or wage war on these losers.

Hire a dedicated team, involve the police, I don’t fucking know. The current state of TF2 is an absolute disgrace, it’s fucking pathetic.


They sell you 15 minor features for $10 each and then every tutorial/gameplay video you watch has 5-10 features you’ve never seen before. It fills you with fomo and when you do cave you end up spending $80 to make a $40 game slightly more interesting. It’s predatory as fuck, paradox can go fuck themselves.

Sorry, I really hate paradox.


Using the floor as a bar.


All my homies hate paradox.


Just because you’re able to spend $60 on 3 DLCs instead of whatever the 62 DLCs cost, doesn’t mean those DLC are worth what you’re spending. I can buy a single banana instead of the full bunch if I want but if they cost $10 each I’m not getting a good deal.

The fomo is because I’ve already invested in the base game. I can ignore content about games I haven’t bought yet but if I want to watch tutorial videos that have every DLC I have to filter out all the content I haven’t paid for. I can’t engage with the community on equal footing unless I spent 4-5x the price of the base game on overpriced content. That is not an enjoyable experience and has left me with a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to Paradox games. I don’t want to navigate the cesspool that is their monetization strategy so I simply don’t buy their games (I pirate them :^) ).


$60 CAD and sales do not justify the base price. Nothing you’ve said has remotely convinced me any of their DLC is worth what they’re charging.

You’re not going to convince me this shit isn’t predatory and vice versa. Later.


Plenty of developers continue to develop content for years after release without selling overpriced DLC. Y’all are coping.


These people are seriously fucking scary. Reading roman history with all it’s conspiracies, government takeovers etc used to seem like fiction, a relic of the past. But no, we exist on a planet where rich old people use their money and power to manipulate and oppress the masses for their own gain. And there’s no solution. How do you fight these people when they’ve weaponized ignorance and convinced a signification portion of their voter base to vote against their own interests?


Shoutout to the climate deniers playbook podcast. Anything remotely anti fossil fuels can and probably has been politicized.


This joke only makes sense to you because you have zero understanding of what is meant by people when they use this phrase. All you have to do is spend 30 mins or less listening to the perspective of the other side and you will have the context necessary to realize this “joke” is nonsensical.

You won’t though.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ (

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf ® received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....


Cognitive dissonance is fucking wild.

*edit I definitely am not using that term correctly. Double think? Someone help me out here.

U.S. company found liable of financing Colombian paramilitary death squad to advance its interests (

A U.S. jury in Miami has ruled that Chiquita Brands International is liable for financing the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a paramilitary death squad designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. during Colombia’s civil war....


The people responsible went to jail right?



Same shit that happens with every climate protest. “Climate protestors deface painting” etc.


Corporate home ownership needs to end yesterday.

A new poll shows trouble for Biden with young voters, especially among voters of color (

It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said...


This narrative has really annoyed me on lemmy. So many comments about how Biden is ruining his chance of winning by his Israel/Palestine stance but absolutely no evidence to back it up.


Jesus fucking christ america. Their bio includes “and, yes, Democrats love criminals and steal your tax dollars.” Did they forget their candidate is a felon?


I don’t agree with you focusing on that aspect of this interaction but it is interesting to see how many downvotes you got just for pointing out the gender dynamics of men talking over women. Men can be really sensitive to that sort of thing. Source: I am man.


Well, just goes to show that you don’t need to be white to be a total piece of shit

Lol I really hope this isn’t some revelation to you.


It’s absolutely bonkers to me that people think not voting for Biden will somehow help Palestinians.


Also, yknow, the next 4 years will be a hell of a lot worse for a lot of people.


Well, By telling Biden “it is okay, you will be voted no matter what” you encourage him to be his worst.

I don’t disagree with this. The point is that Trump being elected will be much worse for non-whites and LGBT than Biden.

Going into speculation, I don’t think not voting for Biden will make dems shift further left. I see so many comments talking about how Biden’s stance on Palestine might lose him the election but absolutely no evidence that shifting his stance would help him win. Leftists are a small minority and I see no evidence that Biden has anything to gain from appeasing the left. My guess would be that shifting left could lose dems the support of many “moderates” or whatever the fuck they call themselves.

If you want people to agree with you then you need to convince them that sharing your point of view benefits them. I see absolutely no evidence that not voting for Biden will benefit anybody on the left, but I see plenty of evidence it will harm the left. Going on about how voting for Biden is bad is just straight up fucking obnoxious when you fail to follow it up with any logical alternative. “Sending Biden a message” is not a good argument when you fail to prove that he has anything to gain by listening.


What makes you think the dems “deserving” the votes has absolutely anything to do with this? LGBQT+ people be trying to exist and you’re asking them if Biden “deserves” their vote?


Is this true though? Don’t many liberals support Israel? Are there actual polls that show Biden would benefit from taking a stance against Israel? Genuinely asking.


Am I the only one thinks his videos got stale after a while? Feels like the exact same video every single time but with different characters.


80% of the game being made is definitely a stretch. The engine and many assets were there but they still had to build the world and populate it, that in itself is a gargantuan task. Call it DLC if you want but it’s a fully fledged story with a full game’s worth of content and deserved to be full price.


Teach your children why it is inappropriate to do business with or keep relationships with conservatives

Dude this is some wack shit and solves nothing.


I appreciate this point of view but I refuse to have my limited time and energy wasted as a form of “payment”. Ads degrade the user experience of everything they touch and corporations don’t limit their ad use to “continue operations”, they push it as far as possible to suck as much money out of the product as they can.

The only “TV” I watch is hockey and it’s depressing watching the product get degraded year after year as they continue to shove as much advertising down our throats as possible in order to make more money. Fuck ads.


They definitely push it. The mobile app has popups advertising it etc.


You realize people watch youtube on computers not just phones right?


13 yo me had so much trouble with SVN. Thanks for the flashbacks.


Maybe watch the video lol? She acknowledges games are better then they’ve ever been, she’s just pointing out how corporate greed has created a trend of publishers forcing half-baked games out the front door and fixing them later (or not).


I love Gabi but her videos are never well researched imo. They’re fun not informative.


Yeah I love Gabi but it hurts that she doesn’t even seem to question whether or not she should stop buying these games. Like, I get that you love Pokemon but you acknowledge yourself that this shit isn’t going to change if people keep buying this shit.


Yo not gonna lie kinda vibe with this comment. I love gaming as an art and a social activity but it’s also the “sand I bury my head in”. I’m currently on a Factorio playthrough that I started purely as a distraction for my latest bout of depression.

And I do also agree greed has ruined a lot more “important” things than gaming.

But also, no need to shame people for wanting something they love to be free from corporate greed. Be cool friend.


idk if this is a stupid opinion but I feel like us, the consumers are to blame. If everyone just waited a week and read reviews before buying games then publishers wouldn’t be able to get away with this shit.


I’ve hated Paradox ever since I bought CK2 and then realized how many minor features were locked behind $5 DLCs. I later pirated the game to play all the DLC and there is absolutely no fucking way that shit was worth what they are charging. Decided then never to buy a Paradox game again.

Compare that to the Factorio devs Wube. They released their game as a beta and then just kept updating it and adding features until it was done. Then they spent years fixing basically every bug in the game. As far as I know they never decreased the price or put the game on sale, and at one point they increased the price of their game because of inflation. Which honestly is fine, they made a great game and they are continuing to support the game, why decrease the price?

I know I’m coming off as a Wube shill but in my eyes they are ideal devs. Paradox in theory make really interesting games but in practice they poison them with shitty monetization strategies. If they just made games and added free updates for a while afterwards if they wanted to I probably would have spent a shit load on their games.

I’m ranting but as a side note, Paradox definitely abuses fomo. They make games that basically require you to watch videos of how to play and those videos inevitably mention DLCs which you then start wondering what you’re missing out on. That’s definitely what made me want to buy their DLC.

Fuck paradox


This is why I stopped buying Paradox games and just pirate them if I’m curious. No way I’m getting trapped in a fomo cycle everytime they release a minor feature for $5.

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