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The NDP are the closest thing to a left party we have (outside voting for the communist party (fun fact; we have a communist party)) and they’ve been clearcutting forests, creating an astronomical fuck ton of homeless people and gentrifying the fuck out of the place.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Socialists are extremely good at economics, because they throw out all the capitalist indoctrination garbage that economics is plagued with. Opinions about Carl M and Freddy E aside, their knowledge and communication of economics is second to none; that book is still making solid predictions to this day and all of that despite the myriad of large mistakes and flaws its writers ended up having to correct early on.

Capitalists on the other hand are some of the stupidest motherfuckers out there. All marketing crap, models that don’t make any sense at all (but it makes sense to them and you’re the idiot for not understanding) and they always run their companies into the ground whenever someone is stupid enough to put them in charge. I specially remembered one business course I took way back when being so completely and utterly full of shit that I wasn’t surprised when I later heard that he got himself banned from teaching after they found out he was a scam artist who was consistently grifting their way into trying to get people to buy into their marketing crap. I’ll just take their word on it; I wouldn’t know because I left that waste of oxygen’s class half-way and from what I heard the rest didn’t last much longer. I presume the only reason it took them so long to find out what he was doing is because nobody actually made it to the end to receive the scam payload.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

If your response to someone getting their basic needs met is “they shouldn’t get their basic needs met” instead of “why do I have to work so much to meet my needs” than you are a fascist and your utter lack of basic human decency is your answer as to why things are that way.


Get off Telegram, nothing good has ever come from that client.


I get called narcissistic a lot for standing up for my core values, because they assume their abuse tactics bouncing off me means I’m full of myself, when really i’m just on to their shit because they’re all the exact fucking same and once you’ve dealt with one you’ve dealt with them all.

Israel using Meta's WhatsApp to kill Palestinians in Gaza through AI system (

According to software engineer and blogger, Paul Biggar, however, one key detail on the methods employed by the Lavender system that is often overlooked is the involvement of the messaging platform, WhatsApp. A major determining factor of the system’s identification is simply if an individual is in a WhatsApp group containing...


Facebook funds terrorists.


Facebook the company. If you included the people on the platform it’s done FAR worse than just that.


Because there’s a good experience buried under a mountain of extremely bad decisions. If the games lacked potential people wouldn’t care.


The only time boycotts work is when they’re paired up with divestment and sanctions.


:lazer-eyes: or bring them under public ownership

CSIS had officer investigated after she reported a superior raped her (

A CSIS officer’s allegation that she was raped repeatedly by a superior in agency vehicles set off a harassment inquiry, but also triggered an investigation into her that concluded the alleged attacks were a “misuse” of agency vehicles by the woman....


It’s literally impossible to be in any branch of the military without getting abused by multiple people above you. Just a reminder that NATO was started by a literal Nazi and every single war it’s ever participated in has been rife with severe war crimes and sexual abuse; and that’s just with what little we know about. With all the cover-ups going on it’s likely the problem is much much MUCH worse.


Actually they’re far more likely to commit crimes than they are to stop them. There’s so many examples of them saying “we knew we just chose not to act” on horrific acts of violence, and well-document cases of them taking normal average day people (particularly muslims) and grooming them into doing acts of terrorism so they can justify the existence of their deeply fascist institution.


What the fuck is this circlejerk bullshit? Steam is a competent platform, that’s it.

All Steam revolutionized is getting people to download DRM and psychologically manipulating them into buying EXEs they will never download with skins that are pretty much NFTs in all but name and people act like they’re the 3rd coming of god.

Legitimate interest? (

I never consent to give my data away or being tracked, but how do you deal with so called legitimate interest? I tried several times to untick them but it is a long list (in fact at the bottom there is a “vendors” link with even longer, much longer list. It took me 10 minutes to get to the bottom of it once)....

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Use a script obfuscator. I’ve been using one for about a decade now and it’s extremely easy to tell when companies are doing illegal spying. Looking at YOU ebay. My full name is not GKDSLGFJDS ZKGWKDSF, you fucking assholes. Enjoy the cement shoes when the advertisers you sold “my information” to find out that it’s nothing but strings of randomly long random characters, kinda like what happened to twitter when they started lying and saying everyone who used their platform was SUPER into crypto (Yes, this was pre-Elon. All Musk did was bring the nazism of the platform to the surface. For an example of what twitter was really like you need look no further than BlueSky where you need to go out of your want to “disable nazis” because the CEO is convinced the average person wants to see hitler apologia)


Canada cares more about landlords than it does about its own people, and it shows.


Well it’s time for the broken clock to be right for once. Gmod is not a safe place for kids and it absolutely should not have kids content on it.


Why shouldn’t children use gmod?

You press the server list and the first thing you see is just a massive list of Nazi Germany RP going by as many names as you can think of. You keep scrolling down looking for a normal sever and learn every possible way to code “you play as the Nazis in this server” as you go.


Yeah it’s absolutely gone to shit. I remember learning lua playing back then, pretty good language.


I remembered there was a thing that came out not too long ago that proved that silicon valley executives literally don’t know what consent is.


99% of the planet are sheep who just click the first thing that shows up, if not enables autoplay while it feeds them incel nazi conspiracy shit.


The free market has always resulted in the best outcomes for the people!!


100% that porn is not legal. It’s also pretty easy to tell which demographic they’re targeting with this.


Whose to say they aren’t doing that on the side?

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

You clearly haven’t seen it, nor know anyone affected by it. It’s like 99% noncon shit from people who are too creepy for artists to work with.

EDIT: Sums it up


It’s really not hard to tell.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

For fuck sake you may as well come out as a pedophile if you’re going to be posting shit like this.

Poilievre won't commit to keeping new social programs like pharmacare (

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre delivered a fiery speech Thursday that depicted the government’s latest budget as a threat to the country’s future, and suggested a number of new social programs will get a second look if he leads the next government....


That’s a bit of a mischaracterization. They do in fact have to put annoying attack ads on every other party once per election season.


The tin man has cancer because of the aluminum paint they lied about being safe.


You can get thrown in jail for contempt of court for wearing traditional indigenous clothing to a trial. The genocide is still ongoing.


😀 Deregulate the government - 😏 Give the power to private corporations

😄 They start fucking up - 😲 They start fucking up


“training neural networks to recognise protestors”

Good one


To all of you who still tip in this day and age: will this convince you that tipping culture only exists to underpay (usually black) workers?

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

People only play Overwatch 2 because they deleted the vastly superior original so they could squeeze out more money.


Like they said, exactly like tipping at a restaurant.


Sure then, tip your landlord for all I care.


How desperate they are to force that shit onto everyone should tell you everything you need to know about what their intentions are.


Get these crooks under control; history repeats and we are long overdue a revolution.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Reconsider. Crypto has been outed as a scam for almost a decade now. If something requires it, it’s absolutely a scam.


There are two people, those who think bitcoin is a scam and those who benefit from the scam.


If you’re asking me if i’m jealous the answer is no: why would I be jealous of someone who isn’t allowed 6 feet around a school?


People erroneously believe that the Nazis fled to Argentina. This is not true, they were given high-ranking jobs within America’s institutions.


Source: a play

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

People are allowed to make mistakes every now and then. I would draw the line at open mod abuse such as using their rank to intimidate or just flat out removing people who they disagree with. Still a pretty crappy showing that I hope they grow from, but like, give them that chance.


I used better language this time

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

We’ll see if the trend holds in a month, a year, and a decade. I think the flaws holding it back will prevent any growth, charging money for mods is radioactive to the community as Railcraft had proven before they were forced by law not to paywall their updates.

Best case scenario we get the Google Play Store where people don’t make stuff because they want to, but because they want to make money, but like I pointed out that MTX scheme is absolutely going to result in bad and confusing payouts which will drive away even those people. If it turns out they’re paid in scrip- I mean minecoins, than at best you’re getting a bunch of kids who don’t understand labour exploitation yet.

EDIT: I looked into it and it’s mostly just kids who don’t understand how exploitative the whole thing is. The API is also extremely lacking.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

You think they might have had a reason to do that, something that had to do with them completely stiffing them out in the agreement? You’re acting like they were being unreasonable but this is just a continuation of the white man’s treaty, a tactic where you take a minority of a community, whoever’s the cheapest and buy them out, and then have them represent the entire community. That’s exactly what they did and if it wasn’t for the fact that they had a controlling stake in the project they would have gotten away with it too. Is it at all surprising that one of the developers who ‘played ball’ in the scheme ended up becoming the CEO?

As with all things, if you zoom out and squint you can see the reality of the situation; and what you see is a capitalist organization shutting down a project that wasn’t even competing with them or even a threat because they weren’t under their absolute control. All capitalists do this, and it’s the biggest reason why capitalism is such a dysfunctional and shitty system where inferior products end up as monopolies, by simple dint of hunting down and killing or assimilating anything better than them.


I’m on the verge of quitting after dealing with fucking groomers and nazis in ever server. I’ve already pulled out of every server and have remained DM-only. As I lose my last few friends my incentives to stay are going to be severely tested by having to deal with advertisements.

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