@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar



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@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Maybe it’s all a collosal joke - like “if you spill coffee on me one more time do you know what I’m going to do to you!?..” (His Ex, maybe?:-P)

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Bc profits. They invested in his name brand recognition and want to maximize their return. “Logic” has nothing to do with this - it is “Greed”.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Life is pain. Sometimes the sex is real.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

It’s been years since he was impeached, the second time I mean. Government is slow AF.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Tbf, in that case we had the documents written and signed and sealed and delivered and notarized and what-not for decades in advance. Literally. A lot of preparatory work went into making that happen.

The judicial branch, on the other hand, has been predated upon by so many groups acting to try to disable it so they can get their way - e.g. the last real anti-trust lawsuit was in the 90s, with Internet Explorer bundled into like Win95 iirc - that it can barely hobble along to do anything. People ask for it to do so very extremely much, like consider the detailed cases of every single immigrant that comes into this country asking for asylum, but then it is not given the resources that it would need to properly do a tenth of what is asked.

Though you are right, b/c it still did manage to overturn Roe v. Wade pretty quick. When it wants to, all the barriers somehow magically just disappear…

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Good point - it seemed to happen quickly once the ball got rolling, but it was actually a MASSIVE undertaking that led up to that, right.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

That reminds me of this FASCINATING deep dive by Innuendo Studies on agency / protagony. Warning: while not technically NSFW… caution is still advised.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Bc corruption, one presumes, getting the government to get involved with people’s rights to choose. Yeah it’s weird for me too:-P.

Total deregulation=anarchy, but not all regulations are good either. This is the kind of stuff that made people choose capitalism in the first place, to try to get away from it (not that it worked, obviously).

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

As you should be:-). It is possible for both sides of a conflict to be in the wrong:-P.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

That is a BIG load that someone dropped there!

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Only in our dreams - unfortunately, irl nobody is coming to save us:-(.

Biden’s populist budget marks the overdue end of trickle-down economics (thehill.com)

A president’s budget proposal is seldom passed into law. Instead, it’s an expression of the priorities the president promises to fight for, often coming on the heels of an agenda laid out in the State of the Union address....

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

This “threat” stings less and less over time - i.e., if we get nothing from them now in taxes, then how would them moving away change anything? Like, would we pay higher amounts for food maybe, or not be able to buy a house anymore, or have lesser access to medical care as a result?

Also, we cannot change how others act, only what we ourselves do. e.g. perhaps if they become honest about being non-taxpaying corporations, we could do things like pass laws restricting the amount of money that such entities could contribute to politicians?

Ultimately, would it be so bad if like “Apple” were a non-American company anymore, and we could incentive our own USA-backed companies instead? (or if Apple does pay appropriate taxes, then substitute with some other company example here) Likewise, Google already is losing its ability to “find stuff”, b/c of its chasing after pure profiteering. Let them go, I say, b/c while that may induce some pain in the short-term, it is the only way that we will heal.

But, I have been wrong before, and you should not base any real decisions off of my opinion:-).

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Except consequences - and facts - do not seem to ever stick to him. He’s already been impeached, twice, after causing more “excess deaths” than all wars combined (except the Civil War - or maybe we passed that marker too? tbf not all of that is on him, though surely a lot of it is, e.g. lying about the virus being airborne). And now there’s a not insignificant chance that he will be re-elected again.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

He also deregulated the FCC, the SEC, and trains. I dunno, I seem to recall hearing some stuff about train derailments that seem to me to be directly traceable back to those decisions…

Also, while he is not directly responsible for Russia invading Ukraine, he likewise directed our response - e.g. “you have to do me a favor though” (which iirc is literally treasonous).

Also, well there’s a lot of also’s.:-( Unfortunately, we may get to start working on a whole second listing:-(.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

I dunno, at this point - as always - the person most singly damaging to Trump’s brand is the man himself. His people don’t worship him so much as the ideals that he represents. They KNOW who he is, they simply do not care. And if he died, they would just move on to the next one - we thought DeSantis but similarly to Trump himself, his own shortcomings got in the way, and unlucky for him Trump did not step back + he (DeSantis) simply could not force the issue on his own.

And unfortunately, there is a lot of truth to the idea that the Democrats suck ass. If the question is “what is 1+1=?”, the Dems answer is a million, whereas the old-school (e.g. Tea Party) Repubs answer was negative Pluto, while the Alt Right would fuck your mom and kill your dog (or maybe get them confused and vice versa). i.e. there are a lot of ways to be wrong, but they are not equally so.

His conservative base is not nearly so “Pro-Trump” as they are “anti-libtards”. Which should worry us all, b/c McCartyism has touched this nation before, and those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. Anyway, yeah they would move on, and yeah those others would not be supported quite as strongly, but I don’t think this would actually matter, in terms of people showing up to vote to swing an election? If anything, it could even help Repubs chances, for those middle-of-the-road voters who definitely do not want to vote for Biden yet did not want to vote for Trump, and would consider voting for a different Republican.

A New York Times reporter was asked why they consistently frame things as bad for Biden but never bad for Trump. (old.reddit.com)

"I think what you're reacting to is that, at the moment, Biden is an unpopular president seeking a second term while Trump is a popular figure inside his party who is winning primary races. I wouldn't necessarily compare the two."...

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Your own wording softens the blow too much, imho. How is it “fairness” to point out that he may or may not have been lying (you seem to think not but… how can you tell, really? after all: his answers were prepared in advance, thus the fact that they were not inconsistent is not a surprise?)

Also, even if like you say he is massive unintelligent, he still collects a paycheck to do the job - how then is he not a liar, either way? When people get into a plane, it is with the expectation that the “pilot” knows how to fly the plane. Then, if someone passes themselves off as one, how is that not a lie?

There are so many more ways than one to be incorrect. For example, just b/c they don’t slant the coverage as much overtly towards Trump does not mean that it is unbiased for it to have been slanted away from Biden.

The job of a newspaper is to tell the unvarnished Truth. Whether it fails to do so for reasons of profit, or b/c of Russian interference, or they are merely unintelligent, or whatever - does it matter? Whether it is a “lie” (and that fact demonstrable in a court of law) or not, it is not the Truth, and thus fails the criteria of being “news”, and remains mere opinion instead.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

I mean, we do hold leadership to a different, higher standard, that much is true. But is this man not the foremost world-class expert authority aka leader of his own life at least? And if not him, irt to that super narrow niche, then who else would be considered the leader of his own life?

Imagine if you will a scenario of a Doctor on television, let us call him Oz, who gives patently false advice that literally gets people actually killed. It is not okay for the TV station to air whatever film was handed to them, but how does that absolve the responsibility of this Doctor Oz from his own measure of responsibility, one may even say culpability (or perhaps criminal liability?) in this whole affair?

Again, there is more than one way to be incorrect, and by extension they both were partners in this crime against journalistic integrity.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Pigeonholing / steoreotyping people according to an aspect over which they have zero control? Yeah that does sound vaguely unfriendly - just a bit!


@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Just wait’ll the fascists take control in the next election, and it may become so here! (this statement works regardless of country or year or even party affiliation, unfortunately, but people are people)

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Plot twist: both sides are fascists.

But not equally.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Wow, a representative democracy - I have heard those words before but I struggle to even so much as begin to understand what it might be like in such a place. For instance, I presume you have socialized healthcare? (It’s a good bet b/c the only 2 first-world countries that do not are the USA and Saudia Arabia iirc:-P)

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

(Wow a lot of downvoters here but fwiw I at least upvoted you.)

You bring up a FASCINATING tangent: is there a minimum level of agency required for someone to be “wrong”? Like if ChatGPT were to say something that represent racist trolling language, is it racist, or is it merely incorrectly trained? (and if it is a racist troll, then why is it not banned entirely from places like Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, Threads, X, and the Fediverse? humans that do precisely that have that happen to them - why is it treated with “kid gloves”?)

Moreover, if someone steps up to become a leader, do we hold them to a higher standard? e.g. even though Trump can barely pass a test to determine if he is mentally incapable, do we hold his actions (such as assassination, invasion of another country like Russia is doing, etc.) against him? Do these standards vary according to the level of leadership, e.g. what if someone is not running to be a President, but they do vote to remove access to medical care for pregnant mothers - does the person bear any responsibility whatsoever for their actions in that case, if they “merely voted”, the way that their cough cough evangelical christian cough pastors told them to?

Another source of bias is a personal relationship - is someone wrong, or conversely not wrong, even if they are your mother or father?

I think the Western world is under attack, and we have some difficult decisions ahead of us. People people are literally dying, and we are in this trolly staring at the lever. Whatever the attacker does is on them, but whatever we do in response is on us. imho. But if I say that, then isn’t it likewise on them, those people who vote in the other way than I think is correct?

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Upvoting. Or, accusing people of accusing people of pigeonholing/stereotyping people according to an aspect they have zero control!


@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Good points! Fwiw, though I’ve never met a roma person, I thought that one was more “cultural” than “ethnic”, and also that it was a part of the culture (literally) to steal. That said, one should keep a solid eye on their belongings regardless of who else is around, so the “clutch” seems entirely unnecessary. Being aware is just good advice, though not making an obvious clutch is an “anti-racist” pattern that considers the feelings of the person that just stepped onto the bus, and I would strongly advocate for doing both actually.

One thing to add to your story though: you were willing to learn - but not everybody is. And if your racist parents, just to give an example, were to vote against women’s healthcare, then their choices will lead to literal deaths, possibly even of your very girlfriend, like if a period went wrong one day but then doctors did not know what they were allowed vs. not allowed to do and she died as a result. At least, this is happening in America. This is not theoretical - this is ACTUALLY happening.

Russia may be feeding into the existing prejudices in the Western World - by making memes, making TV shows (like Tucker Carlson’s, before he got booted out as a result of going too far), bribing politicians; and overall causing or at least inflaming or taking advantage of things like Brexit - but the people who make themselves into sheep and enact those wills… they bear some of the responsibility as well. As in, if they ever were fortunate to have your own experiences, then they would look back at how they voted decades ago and feel guilt. Assuming that they were still alive - which many of the anti-vaxxers are already not anymore. And they did not go down quietly: they took MANY others along with them too. They also prevented us from even so much as counting precisely how many there were, but from the excess death stats it was A LOT - in the USA we lost more people to covid than all the wars we’ve ever had combined (with the one exception of the immensely bloody civil war on our own soil, and even that number we’ve probably blown past by now?).

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

“Need”? Not really.

“Want”? Absolutely, apparently.

But it is their house, so their rules, and the issue of corruption in the world won’t be solved overnight. The same if someone says “you can’t smoke weed at my house”, okay then… you know what to do about it - find another house, or even make one on your own.:-)

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Here’s to hoping that it happens right at midnight for ya! :-D

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

You are so very welcome my fellow Lemmy…ite? I dunno what we are called, and at this point I am afraid to ask!:-P

Oh, Lemmyian sounds cool!

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Oh. Probably. That does sound boring though. :-| :-P

Reminder: Trump’s Last Year in Office Was a National Nightmare (www.nytimes.com)

One of the amazing political achievements of Republicans in this election cycle has been their ability, at least so far, to send Donald Trump’s last year in office down the memory hole. Voters are supposed to remember the good economy of January 2020, with its combination of low unemployment and low inflation, while forgetting...

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

I dunno, a good third if not half or whatever of the nation seems ready to fall back asleep and return to this dream. And another third or whatever seem ready to let them. Meanwhile the remaining third downvote you if you dare to say that “Biden is old” - an objective fact if I ever heard one.

Everywhere I look, all I see & hear is “fear” - on literally all sides.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Except that’s not what I said - it is a reaction to what people fear that I might have meant. And I understand that, I do, but it is still not what I said, and sometimes (not here though) I have even gone to great lengths to try to painstakingly say that that was explicitly not what I meant.

Btw, please allow me to clarify that I am not saying anything against you personally - you have been nothing but polite and helpful here.

A straw man argument, sometimes called a straw person argument or spelled strawman argument, is the logical fallacy of distorting an opposing position into an extreme version of itself and then arguing against that extreme version.

I also have fears. And they go beyond Biden v. Trump in the next election. I fear that we are losing the ability to even so much as talk in a halfway civilized manner about political matters. Not that downvotes are themselves the same as impoliteness…:-)

But my main point here isn’t about the downvotes, it is that people are doing the latter b/c of being driven by their extreme fear of what is to come. Which ironically seems to be the one thing that is shared in common amongst all Americans right now - the only real difference for most people being which set of facts you choose to believe in.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Right, I did not explain myself well there - in the past I have gone to greath lengths to say all of that, but people still downvoted even the tiniest, most mundane, even if delivered in a three-quarters joking manner, that “Biden is old”. Also, I may have been condescending after having been challenged by people who did not really want me to answer their questions - and that part would be on me:-).

For more info, check out Jon Stewart’s position.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

I dunno - personally I think his age is a whole third thing. There’s: (a) I am alive and healthy and well and President, there’s (b) I am dead now, so control passes over to my VP, while I go sit in my coffin for… forever, and then (c) I am old and so while I seem to be health enough on most days, I am also unreliable in that at any time I could zone out and miss a crucial detail in a meeting, before having to make decisions with literally nuclear consequences.

A vote for Biden would hopefully, in practical terms, translate into a vote to separate out the Commander-In-Chief role (that needs a much more active presence than e.g. a mere speaker behind a podium) from the other aspects of the Presidency, except that is simply not how the Presidency is defined.

And, I should point out, the former at least has some hope of working out the way we might want it to, whereas for Trump there is no hope at all that he would not hold on tightly to the reigns of power, and he could literally decide to assassinate someone on a mere whim, again.

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

(he said the quiet part out loud:-P)

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

This is not a mere shitpost - these be FACTS baby! :-P

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

In case anyone needs a break from the existentialist dread that is life: It is Monday, my dudes - and yup, it is exactly what you think it is:-).

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Thanks for the link!

It did say that it reduces particle spread by 30-60% though, yet with qualifiers too.

My natural intuitive thought is that the lid down surely limits the spreading, i.e. the left side of this picture, especially as compared with the right side:


Also, I want to (half jokingly) complain that they treat the MS2 bacteriophage like one of the bad guys there, as if killing the E. coili wouldn’t make it one of our allies in that fight:-). (I say jokingly bc most people reading such an article would know that, but also what they really used it for was a detection vector, probably bc the protein wrapping eases sample collection by reducing degradation.)

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

It would be neat if someone developed a product where like you could spray a mist into the air, or I guess pour a liquid into the bowl, turn off the lights, flush the toilet and then watch as it glows where all the “stuff” spreads:-). But for now, at least these studies are better than nothing.:-D

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

There you go then, now we can all go nuts, flushing away!:-)


@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Meh, would it not depend more on the saturation of the field? Like a physicist may literally only need a computer and desk (and a small salary, supported by teaching), while a biologist might need lets say contracting funds to do DNA sequencing, and yet even in that scenario the latter might still find a job more readily than the former? Though heavily influenced by factors such as willingness to move to elsewhere especially another country.

Additionally which (sub-)field someone is in has implications for how readily available even small amounts of funds are, especially if the various committees are using the hiree to obtain funds from a known source?

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