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Hell yeah, thanks for linking my Loblaws boycott post!


I wasn’t ecstatic about GG nPlayProtect either (though the fact that it runs in Linux userspace makes it okay for me). I don’t think people would be outraged as much if PSN account was always enforced or the timelines for how long one could “skip” the integration was made clear in game and in community announcements.

The issue I think is that Sony and Arrowhead are making it users’ fault for their arbitrary change for not reading the fine print, yet they are selling it in places that wouldn’t legally be able to access it after the enforced mandate.

I think similar hell would be raised if GG nPlayProtect or some other anticheat had a malfunction so it was disabled for sometime post launch, then later enforced and again blaming the players for not knowing better.


Welcome back~ hope things went smoothly with the movely.

Rentlar, (edited )

It doesn’t seem like a big change to me, so long as you can just have it linked to your Steam account and nothing else.

I’d mostly be upset if it breaks Linux compatibility or was a single player game (HD2 isn’t).

E: Changed only to mostly


This is the point of contention I am curious about. If Sony can be the one to kick you off the game that you bought on Steam and you don’t get refunded for it, I will review it negatively. Let me know what happens after the update forcing PSN.


I think those people that will no longer be able to play it, because Sony doesn’t let them do the thing that they now require, deserve refunds. I will leave a negative review when the update drops if they don’t, despite really enjoying this game, because it’s not fair to those who bought it and will be locked out. If they can make it such that you can have a placeholder Sony account that can’t access all PSN features, for the sole purpose to play this and other Sony games on Steam, that anyone in the world can access, that would be an acceptable compromise to me.

I understand EULA and account creation fatigue. It’s just that it’s not the accounts themselves that are the worrisome part of the change for me is what I’m saying. If it’s for specific reasoning (console crossplay), is unobtrusive, and maintains access for existing Steam purchasers then I don’t have a real problem. If they use it to limit people’s access that’s where I have a problem.


In the compromise model, Sony gets the interaction data they want and pad their account numbers for investors. Players get sustained access to the game. Win-win.


Cheaper price tag AND doesn’t beg you for more money constantly. Helldivers 2 has premium content but they don’t shove it in your face unless you bring up the specific menu for it.


Don’t forget that it’s $70 for the Disappointment Standard Edition and $120 for the Disappointment Deluxe Edition.


"Contrary to the FAKE NEWS MEDIA, I don’t fall asleep during the Crooked D.A.’s Witch Hunt, especially not today. I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!"

Rentlar, (edited )

The problem is that the percentage of profits, not just revenue, as indicated by the 15% dividend raise, is increasing which means more is being scraped off the top by Loblaws which isn’t from input costs which Loblaws likes to blame but greed.

Revenue and share of profits should be should have steady growth commensurate to inflation at most for an essential service like Loblaws. Really government should treat housing, food, water and energy as essential with better regulation across the supply chain.


At least our cops aren’t American and arrest first, have no accountability later.

‘Where Is the Palestinian Gandhi?’ (

On Oct. 7, as the Israeli military deployed across the country to combat Hamas, a group of soldiers waited on an ancient hill called Tel Rumeida in Hebron, a city in the West Bank. Their target was a burly Palestinian man, then 43, named Issa Amro. As Amro approached the soldiers through an olive grove, they moved in and struck...


Luckily now, the IDF can have “an AI make a mistake” and sweep this man under the rubble.

Loblaw reports $13.58B in Q1 revenue, as Reddit group's boycott kicks off (

Loblaw Companies reported $13.58 billion in first-quarter revenue — a 4.5 per cent increase from a year earlier — on Wednesday morning, the same day that a group of frustrated shoppers said they would begin a month-long boycott of the grocery retailer....


Oh, won’t anyone think of Benjamin Netanyahu’s hurt feelings?


I see what you did there

Loblaws has stolen plenty from Canadian farmers, suppliers, store owners, grocery workers and consumers over the years. It’s time to treat the Weston family as the thieves they are.


This decade and a half long bread price fixing scheme was something that set Loblaws apart

Profits were up 9.8% over last year, and dividends to shareholders just announced to increase 15%.

Earlier this year they were going to lower the “near-spoiled” discount from 50% to 30% but cancelled that after backlash. So none of the increase in sales/profits seem to be going to anyone other than shareholders and the Weston family.

Also Galen Weston has been going on a PR tour past couple of years to say “nothing to see here” “we totally aren’t gouging you on the necessities”.


Absolutely I’m not saying any chain is particularly good (my local save on foods has unionized workers, good bread but stupid prices for things other than grocery staples). Consumers need to force the oligopoly to compete with each other. A co-ordinated monthly rotating boycott would be an excellent way to do that.


Every bit helps. Even a 3% drop at the Q2 report in a few months will be noteworthy for shareholders.


There’s a lot of options, including big and small chains and local independents depending on your needs. It may be worth boycotting other chains in some order to keep everyone on their toes, but none have been as blatantly greedy as Loblaws for sure.


Every middle finger (real or imaginary) you give the Westons as you pass by NoFrills helps.


Back in the day I was drifting in Mario Kart DS on the Dpad until my thumbs hurt before the Wii version (with Nunchuk) and later.

The switch was fine, of course in handheld mode its inferior to the larger/heavier, newer and more ergonomically designed Steam Deck. These days at my friends house I bring a Pro controller around which works and feels just fine.

Oh and yeah the best Switch gaming experience is via emulation of the games you own and using nicer controllers.


I think I’ve seen Alan Wake 2 on Epic while I go and claim the free games.

For some reason I can’t find my credit card when I’m using the Epic Games Store app. I wonder why. Could it have anything to do with Tim Sweeney having a grudge against Linux gamers?


Hey, Premiere Smith and the UCP need that $6.2 million to do important stuff! It’s much better spent to tell struggling kids that gender dysphoria isn’t real. Or to remove wind turbines blocking pristine views of oil derricks. Or to go around kicking homeless people or something.


(All prices $CA)

Yes. If you were commuting from Oshawa or closer you’d use GO so this train doesn’t stop there anyway. It’s quite cheap, arrives frequently so you won’t have to book a seat and convenient.

I agree that not having a railpass/multi-ticket since Covid really sucks for Via. They recently changed their entire reservation system so maybe they will bring it back in a year or two.

Where this train is competitive is for business people I think. The base price from Ottawa to Toronto is $60, and the most expensive Business class fare with lounge access and a meal is $150. Compared to flying, sure its 1/3 of the flight time not including security and getting to the airport and boarding and getting out of the airport (which is especially rough if you pick YYZ), but you are pretty miserable and it costs $280 similarly booked in advance in El Cheapo class. Comparing the two when booking last minute (if seats are available) you have up to $331 in business class by train or $580 in economy plane seats. If you know you’re going to commute you can book at least a week in advance which generally doesn’t sell out or get overpriced so long as it’s not a holiday weekend, whereas flight prices need about 3 weeks to be ideal.

As an addendum, compared to driving, I think even just considering gas it’s cheaper and faster to get from station to station by train (and most businesses people would hire a ride on both legs if time was more of an issue) Depending on how far out your actual start and end points are the car might make sense but really, train travel is the least stressful of the 3.

Rentlar, (edited )

I can’t really vouch for every part of the argument your acquaintance on Twitter, such that it’s “mainly” made for commuting. Like I laid out earlier, it’s more geared for business as clients and employers would be the ones expecting you to be in Toronto downtown by 9am for one reason or another. There are manager type of roles that need to travel as frequently as once a week between two cities, that’s still commuting in my eyes. A Monday to Friday 9 hour round trip commute would be utterly insane, that’s a quarter of your week gone. I’d have to be paid big bucks to put up with that.

Then again: One summer I did take a Via roundtrip every weekend (using a very nice pass deal at the time ofc) and I’d consider that commuting also.

Sidenote: In the morning Via in the corridor is very reliably on time. It’s usually in the afternoon and evening when Via sees cascading delays by freight traffic.


Well as a country we’re working on it, hopefully done in 20 years if the Cons don’t scrap or hamstring it.


If I could wish a HSR system into existence, or change the date of Mulroney’s obituary to a time before he decimated Via Rail, I would.


Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, an outspoken abortion-rights opponent who faces a competitive re-election bid, said abortion rights aren’t in danger at the federal level because the 60-vote filibuster rule will give Democrats the power to block anti-abortion-rights bills in Congress.

Let the voters vote on this and talk about it. And debate it. And vote again, if they want to,” Hawley said. “I support a 15-week ban, but that’s not going to pass.”

Yeah so these numbnuts are saying that they rely on Democrats to be smart and reasonable so that they are free to hold their batshit stance.

Dear southern neighbours, please elect reasonable people to the US House and Senate. Thanks and with love, Canadians.


From day 1 it was a terrible law reported on as the “ag-gag” law. Glad that part is overturned.

The part that was upheld where you can’t forcibly interfere with trucks to feed the livestock is unfortunate but still reasonable, for the safety of protestors themselves around big rigs.


Agreed. Work on capitalist principles and you end up becoming beholden to capitalist principles.

If it could be made once, could it be done again? Main thing is adoption I think, not unlike Lemmy.


I’ve been really disgusted by this repeated gaslighting and abuser-kind of rhetoric coming from the US Department of State.

Stuff that has the air of: Agreeing to this (not exactly a ceasefire deal) is the only thing between you and a ceasefire, despite the fact that the US has continually blocked ceasefire motions for 6 months.

Still, anything that can move toward an end of hostilities can be good.


I know as compassionate Canadians it’s hard to contend with Ukrainians losing their homes to Russian aggression. It’s major power vs. major power though, the main reason Ukraine is lacking is because Putin’s bootlickers in the US have helped Russia by stalling aid for so long, and even meeting NATO commitments for 30 years would have no discernible effect compared to that.

When looking at the Israel-Palestine issue, I think it would have been a better time than any for us Canadians to respond in the same way we did in the Suez Crisis in 1956, where UK, France and Israel invaded Egypt. It would have been excellent to take a stand and intervene not necessarily supporting Palestine or Israel specifically but to end hostilities and protect civilian life in a conflict where there is blatant disregard for it from Hamas and IDF military command.

Unfortunately we basically took the US’ position without saying so explicitly. And considering the way non-combatants, humanitarian volunteers and journalists have been murdered without consequence, it’s a hard sell as Canadians to sacrifice ourselves to the war machine.

Wanting to dual boot Windows with Kubuntu. Am I fine getting a Windows 10 key instead of 11?

A couple of months ago, I wiped Windows off my old laptop and installed Kubuntu instead. Now, I was thinking of dual booting Windows additionally for a certain game (definitely not League of Legends, for sure not) and will need to buy a new key. Am I fine getting a copy of Windows 10 despite Microsoft’s discontinuation, or...


One tip, if Windows 11 is what you want, you can install W10 and it may prompt you to upgrade to W11.

Link directly from Microsoft.

Pierre Poilievre Wants a Carbon Tax Election | The Walrus (

REMEMBER BREXIT? That time a Conservative Party directed widespread voter frustration at a single easy scapegoat, smothered the public with misinformation, and were rewarded with their biggest electoral victory in decades? Something similar is happening today in Canada....


If this is going to be a carbon tax election, we can get the wildfires, droughts and floods to campaign against Poilievre?


First/Given Name: Ya

Middle Name: Like

Last Name/Surname: Jazz


I enjoyed Terran 3, my favourite of the TerrN themes.

As for suggestions for next, I think you should do what you desire, but if I were to pick it might be Civilization 6 themes.


I’d be okay if they do it virtually or behind a screen where the rules are clear and they mute you when it’s not your turn to speak.

It should be a debate, not a loudness contest.

  1. Placing renewable energy projects on their own land (Alberta)

Not on public land. On private land. But only when it would block the pristine views of the wildfires that are getting worse every year for some reason.


I don’t doubt it there are influence attempts on the US election by China.

an asideStill, the selective blindness of the “US” on the Gaza issue has me disappointed in what the Pentagon and Blinken’s Department of State overall can and can’t see.


And amidst this peril of food banks, Loblaws made 551 million Canadian dollars in net profits in Q4 2023.

ITT we’d rather worry about handfuls of people wasting few dozen dollars of food each.


Yeah, it could be the people that launch every game in their library once a day for cards or something.


We have rushed training because of a shortage. We have a shortage because trucking companies don’t wanna pay their workers enough for the work involved. When you get paid peanuts to work with constant pressure to deliver, it’s no surprise that drivers on their way to getting experience leave when a better opportunity arises, which leaves an opening filled by someone with no experience again.

Have a unionized standard hourly rate like we used to when trucking was a job one could sustain a life and raiseafamily on, or the federal government should help jumpstart trucking co-ops. Or just re-nationalize CN and get a comprehensive freight network back to replace trucks.

The paper cited an aging workforce, demand for higher pay and difficulty attracting youth and women to the profession as the main reasons for the shortage.

There you go.


Being limited in speed doesn’t preclude trucks from using all the lanes and weaving in and out. Also a truck can go slightly faster on a downhill even if the speed limiter shuts off the throttle.

That said I know of a couple instances where for sure I know the truck didn’t have a limiter on when they should have. One was a Heinz truck a couple years ago, on the 401 east of Cobourg, ON. They passed me at around 125km/h. 30 minutes later I saw them on the road shoulder either broken down or pulled over by police. Trucks with disabled speedlimiters are the exception rather than the norm in my driving experience.


Even last-mile 53’ TL and LTL make for more appealing trucking jobs in terms of work-life balance. The way freight shipping has “optimized” itself on all modes (rail, road, air, marine) has screwed over labourers AND customers, in the name of reduced expenses and more profit.

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