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I genuinely hope we are not headed toward significant layoffs over there as a result of this game.

Warner Bros. having the artists take the L for management’s poor decisions? They should be safe, that’s totally not gonna happen /s

200-300 active players seems to be gamers’ collective signal of, “fuck you for putting in stupid microtransaction live-service grindfests, you removed what makes games worth playing, so we ain’t playin’ them”. Payday 3 is around the same level.


Yeah I’m all for it!

I still imagine nightmare scenarios:

All is well until Microsoft or Embarrasser Group or whoever buys up every studio and getting blacklisted from one keeps you from being employed in all the studios owned by them.


Where in Canada do you live? In Ontario and Quebec trucks need a speed limiter of 105km/h or 65mph. BC also recently implemented this rule.

Many impatient drivers have whined that they can’t go fast behind a truck going 105km/h passing another going 103km/h.


The GOP infighting has escalated in the wake of the House’s months-long tantrum led by the far-right extremists who seemed to truly believe that they could hold their breath until they turned blue and they would eventually get everything they wanted.

Which they would have gotten almost everything they wanted except for the approval of Don Poorleone.

… And despite all the drama, the Biden White House ended up getting most of what it wanted without having to give up much of anything in return, at least in part because the Republicans wouldn’t take yes for an answer when concessions were offered.

I’m glad the Democrats have gotten bored of not governing that they actually got the resolve to come together and do something rather than cave to Republican obstruction.


Good job Biden… screw Israel but apparently we need to grease the Republican-led Congress with Palestinian blood to get them to stop cuckolding Putin for a second.


I had overheard their first draft at a rebrand was a new slogan, “You’re Boeing to die if you blow the whistle on us”, but I guess it didn’t take off.


Lol, Argentina if you want to see what happens to your universities from those types of cuts, look no further than the USA. At LSU, oil firms can set the agenda on what papers get funding for research


It’s not shown on this video, and I wasn’t able to find a video of the exact machine in question from a very quick search, but similar machines appear to have them in the capsules.


The video featured in the article had the cpu in its protective plastic casing.


How many coffees did Mr. Pecker fetch for Mr. Trump?

Some migrants flown by DeSantis to Martha’s Vineyard qualify for victim visas, feds say (

Some of the 49 migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by the state of Florida are now able to legally work in the United States and have temporary protections from deportation — because they are considered victims of a potential crime, their attorney says....


Correct. It’s the fucked up way the US works. You can get protections/breaks/grants etc. if you know what/how to apply for them (or can retain someone who knows them for you). Many protections are not automatic, in the name of “personal responsibility”.

Not to mention the fuckedup ness of the whole immigration system with quotas for most visa types instituted by Congress.


The “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy except as a Conservative governing method. If you are facing poverty, the Tories don’t want to hear 'bout it.


“I’m a black gay guy and I can personally say that Obama did nothing for me, my life only changed a little bit and it was for the worse. Everything is so much better under Trump though. I feel respected - which I never do when democrats are involved.”


If the difference between bribery and salary is not specifically written in the US Constitution, then it must not be applicable to the Supreme Court if you ask the Roberts court.


Heck yeah! That’s an instant get for me (and I put in double the minimum for the good cause)

If you want to be prepared for society to collapse, you already have a renewable off-grid source of food, water and electricity but need entertainment, these game bundles will be what you need.


Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Be quiet! Don’t talk about it until it’s fully playable, then put er up on torrent sites so it can’t be fully extinguished by the big N!

Rentlar, (edited )

Not even close (baby) to the first time: videogamedunkey got stiffed by Microsoft for putting out a review they didn’t like some 10-ish years ago.

Microsoft offered to pay if he made four videos for Xbox Live’s Summer of Arcade. Shortly after Gastrow uploaded the first video, in which he lambasted the game he was playing, Microsoft took down the video and canceled the deal. [Wikipedia] [Source Video]


I am a long time AoE player, and I know Microsoft has paid close attention to game balance and feedback from the community. Still, as a mobile game, I can’t say I’m that surprised. I am disappointed that they didn’t put the same level of care in making AoE2 DE possible to play on console with a controller, that they could have done with the mobile game.

Microsoft has done scummy stuff in their various product lines 25 years ago, 15 years ago, 5 years ago, now, it’s all a similar story. Except where I have to to make money (at work), I’m trying to move my personal life away from Microsoft as possible.

Also you have been cursed by the ants, soon you will hear the band Alien Ant Farm everywhere you go /s


For the American South, above 70% of votes for the union is a massive change! Congratulations and amazing job.


Oh no, his right to verbally attack people involved in the court case he is the defendant of has been taken away!

Trump being forced to have to sit quietly in company of people who aren’t yes-men and stooges is the tiniest bit of relief I get from 8 years of having to put up with this guy in our news.


Long overdue, but very good news! Ukraine needs more support now more than ever.

I swear some Republicans Representatives would not consider feeding their kids if they couldn’t also table some anti-LGBT, anti-immigration or anti-abortion measure at the same time.


But when we’ve failed to deal with that problem by providing food and shelter for those people, we’ve tried to deal with it by further limiting the number of places they can go seeking temporary comfort. And in doing that — treating the symptom while the underlying disease has gotten worse — we’ve slowly been making Toronto a less comfortable, less convenient, less welcoming place for everyone in it.

Yep trying to inconvenience the homeless inconveniences all of us. What’s more insidious is that the places that remain “more friendly” to the un-housed then become known and well-frequented which puts immense pressure to following suit. Why can’t we give ourselves places we can just chill and forget our problems for a bit?

I don’t know how well it’s studied, but I’d wager that inhospitable architecture and infrastructure leads more homeless people to drugs to numb the pain of sleeping in uncomfortable spots.


Ich spürte eine große Störung der Macht. Als ob Millionen in panischer Angst aufschrien und plötzlich verstummten.


They are doing all they can to cover for Israel, while attempting to appear neutral.


Been many years since I saw this. Thanks for bringing it back.

Poilievre won't commit to keeping new social programs like pharmacare (

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre delivered a fiery speech Thursday that depicted the government’s latest budget as a threat to the country’s future, and suggested a number of new social programs will get a second look if he leads the next government....


Looooool as if Mulroney-era and later Conservatives actually cared about deficits when they’re in power. Shovel those government funds to the wealthy!


The Beach DLC was distasteful, you still can’t even make convincing beaches with the terrain.

I’m very glad Paradox reversed course here. It sounds like they are starting to take seriously what it means to make a finished, solid game. Cities:Skylines fans are tired of half-baked shit.


On behalf of Canada, we welcome you with open arms, open hearts, open bottles of maple syrup and freshly opened cans of slightly better beer :P


Excellent! I will write my MP that I am happy about this plan and not to water it down. Industries magically extracting money off of overworked Canadian labour and consumers to buy back their own shares, need to pay way they owe to Canadians.


Do ya think so? Well I better not show you where the lemonade is made…

(For real though, super scummy and fraudulent move on the part of the trash hauling company.)


Why don’t the delegates just have a Video Chat at 7PM Alaska on August 1st to certify it?


Using one of the insults Trump commonly hurled at others: he’s a very low-energy criminal defendant.


I think people should vote their conscience. I respect people who bothered to vote, even if it is for Kennedy, a third party, Abraham Lincoln or Hitler incarnate, or went to spoil their ballot. The ones that say it doesn’t matter and stay home is what I have a problem with.


From the presidential, DNC/RNC perspective yes you are correct. From my perspective and a civic duty perspective, people who don’t vote even if they reasonably could have (so excluding people in areas specifically disenfranchised by stupid voting rules and ID laws etc.) are lazy.


Vote strategically, don’t vote strategically, I honestly don’t care. Even if your party has a 0% chance of winning I don’t care either. All I care is you cast your ballot in a way that you think is the best option, it shows you did something to advance your cause.


I care that people care. I don’t value the political opinions of those who aren’t arsed enough to vote for anyone or at the very least make the effort to vote for no-one.

RCMP warn public of interac e-transfer banking scams (

Manitoba RCMP is warning the public about interac e-transfer scams that are becoming more prevalent. In these instances, the victim receives an email which appears to be from someone trying to send them an interac e-transfer. At first glance it appears legitimate and when the victim clicks on the link and enters in their banking...


I’ve always wondered why you needed to put in ALL your banking credentials to receive an etransfer if you don’t have autodeposit on. Why not just have your username/access # only then have it put it in the default account or save it for later when you login. It just seems ripe for scams.


The bookstore shopkeeper also sounds a little specific for comfort.


TL:DW; Trains have better per-rider capex and opex costs. Despite train sets being more expensive than buses and station/railway infrastructure that might cost more than busways, trains and railway infrastructure last far longer, require fewer drivers or sometimes none per vehicle, structures, tunnels and bridges are relatively fixed costs that don’t need to be significantly more to support more riders.


The dwellings and amenities within a 15 minutes walk, bike or other mode from a transit stop is important, and of course if you can have both buses, trains and other micromobility that’s ideal.

This video mainly discusses how routes over a certain threshold of ridership would be better and more cheaply served over the long run by vehicles that sit between rails rather than buses.


The requirements for a train tunnel are different than for a bus tunnel, which “may” be cheaper depending on what you compare to. Usually a bus tunnel will need to also accommodate diesel and gas(petrol) burning vehicles which increases ventilation requirements significantly. A train tunnel might be electric only or have diesel engines running through it. A train tunnel will need to meet the accepted standard rail vehicle envelope of the region or the isolated rapid transit system, same with road vehicles, but since the latter includes taller trucks, the height clearance would be necessarily higher than buses.

Single line width rail tunnels are used, but dual lane tunnels are the choice for some new passenger rail projects for the speed of being able to bore them even if it is more expensive.


Yes. Absolutely there are some good advantages, and no doubt the upfront costs are signficant. The argument in this video is that over the life of a subway, train or LRT service that since buses have to be replaced many times over one train’s lifespan.


Creating bike infrastructure is the quickest, cheapest per ton way to reduce carbon emissions, if your place isn’t somewhere that wants to consider public transit.


Kinda. They are about the same speed, comparing the Scarborough Subway single TBM vs. the Eglinton Crosstown are both purpoted to travel 10m to 15m per day. Even if the speed of the smaller TBMs is a bit faster, the design of having one tunnel vs. two tunnels would be different. Costs of tunneling might vary greatly by project, accounting for each locations’ ground conditions and existing infrastructure to navigate around. So I concede that I could be wrong about the price in the general case when comparing 1 big vs. 2 small machines.

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