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Went to one while in Spain. The spectrum was roughly the same as you would see at any beach. There were no creepers hanging around or anyone who was judgy.


Some rich asshole named Stuart Sloan, owner of University Village, tried low key getting rid of our nude beach here in Seattle. He talked directly with the mayor to get a children’s park right next to the beach and offered to pay for it which would likely mean police would crack down on nudity there. Thankfully the community gathered together to tell him to fuck off.


There is one near there for sale for only $2.7 million. The other one near there is less affordable at $6.2 million. That one does have a pool though so hanging dong easier to do.

SeaJ, (edited )

So you have a billion dollar aircraft carrier. How many million dollar missiles can you shoot at it before it sinks?

For Russia’s aircraft carrier? Zero. That thing was always catching fire and had to be towed everywhere.


You do know that illegal crossings are down significantly, right? Are you crediting Biden with that? Biden is not censoring anything. Trump is doing his best to get himself locked up by states, not the federal government, dingus. Trump spent a third of his time golfing and STILL managed to fuck things up horribly. Did you just run this through AI and it hallucinated garbage?


Not the Federal government huh? That’s why Bidens number 3 at the justice department just happened to demote himself down to Braggs office right before charging Trump

You do realize that is not proof, right? Just because you do not know the reason does not mean the reason is due to your whacko conspiracy theory. And you also realize that a jury convicted him, right?


You don’t seem to understand what proof is. Bragg was a professor before his current position so I’m not sure you know the order of events.

You are looking for something that isn’t there because you want to believe that Trump was somehow wronged. He knew what he was doing was illegal. A jury of his peers (even someone who got their news only from Truth Social and Twitter) agreed and that those crimes rose to the level of a felony.


Honestly I thought it was here. It definitely already was in Seattle. I have not seen styrofoam for drinks outside of the South for over a decade.


I think I have seen crappy styrofoam coolers a couple years ago for 4th of July. Those at least are meant to have containers inside of them. Drinks though, especially acidic ones, are nuts to put in styrofoam. That shit breaks down pretty easily which means it is going straight into your drink.

I’ve had the Double Down because it was an absurd idea. Mine tasted like an entire shaker of salt.


OMG. I completely forgot they used to come in those. It’s like “let’s not just have this very degradable plastic have really salty food in it, let’s go ahead and add some water and microwave it.”

I wonder why we are finding micro plastics in people. /s


Summer is still a few weeks away…

I’m starting to think Kim Stanley Robinson predicted the future.


Finished up Wind Waker HD last week so I am in between games. Might get back to Skyward Sword.


Cemu. As much as I would love having a Wii U, I kind of prefer all my gaming on one machine as much as possible.


That always happens with tariffs unless they are small. You ship the unfinished product somewhere else to be assembled. Sometimes it even makes more sense to ship a finalized product somewhere to then disassemble it and reassemble it in the same factory.


I have to imagine there will at least be a lawsuit here. It will probably amount to a rounding error on the size of the fund though.


Cliff’s notes: Belgian King Leopold II convinced countries that he would take Congo for humanitarian purposes and also implement free trade. He focuses on rubber production and forced local populations to meet production quotas. If you did not meet your quota, they took your hand. If you didn’t meet it again, they’d either take another body part or take a body part (heads were not unheard if) of one of your children. Millions were murdered. But King Leopold II and Belgium got a lot of money so it was all worth it in the end, right? /s

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms (

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....


Sounds like they don’t need any help. Good to hear. Now maybe we can stop providing billions in support each year.


Surprisingly, they have a correct headline:…/596906-russia-gazprom-net-loss/

The comment section is filled with Russian bots running on copium.


That was a good episode but it is also very outdated at this point since it is over 7 months old now. The reason nobody was buying it was indeed because the government had set a rate that was completely out of whack with its actual value and they implemented exchange controls to stem the outflow of foreign exchange reserves to put up the appearance of legitimacy. Milei removed the capital controls though and floated the currency. It was expected to free fall and it has. Milei is a far right nutjob but a pegged currency to encourage investment followed by exchange controls has never worked out for Argentina.


The plan for stealing the Stone of Scone was hatched where all good plans come about: a pub.


It’s not even a cohesive group. It was some dude at Goldman Sachs seeing a few countries grow quickly and even then it was more like brIC since Brazil and Russia saw growth only from resource extraction. South Africa decided they wanted to be part of the show despite shit growth and it became BRICS. They don’t do that much trade with each other and now outside of China, their growth is shit. If they want to become more economically integrated, go for it.


Because that would fail very quickly. The CFA franc works because France dominated their exports. The euro took a long fucking time to make work and took a lot of planning and market integration. Even then it has some struggles.

brICs has very little market integration. While many of them do a good chunk of trade with China, it’s often not very even. Essentially it would be China dictating monetary policy which also ties itself to US monetary policy via a floating peg. There is also no freedom of movement between most of them. Without that, countries can very easily fall into a liquidity trap and be forced to deflate because of capital flight. As bad as the PIIGS financial crises were, they would have been significantly worse without people being able to move away from the countries.


There is a reason Poland’s defense spending has ballooned to over 4% of GDP. By comparison the US spends a little over 3% of its GDP on its military and most EU countries are closer to 2%.

SeaJ, (edited )

OP recently posted a rumble video to shit made by the founder of the American Nazi, George Lincoln Rockwell. Considering their seemingly anti immigration stance, you can probably guess their politics.


You use rumble, you watch neo Nazi accounts on there (peacedozer), you are into conspiracy theories, you are anti immigration, and you think shit from George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, is interesting. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

If you are somehow not a neo Nazi, you are going to want to do some serious self reflection. You yourself may not be a neo Nazi but the company you keep is fucking filled with them.


That was my first thought. The fucking spray is not creating the chemicals. We created them and they ended up in the ocean.

It’s weird because it seems like the author primarily reports on PFAS so you would think he’d know better.


Dudes will literally murder people instead of going to therapy.


Those changes they push through are not likely to be good for workers and the general public. They push them through because they help their own profit. Them being able to do that fast is actually a negative.


Of course they are doing robots. Japan was founded on the idea that the country would eventually be run by robots and kaiju. Their kaiju progress is sorely lacking.


Quality engineering there. It lasted a whole 10 years.


This article is four days old. I feel like they’re was something that may have happened in that time period that might change this…


I was actually surprised at how recent the bike infrastructure was in downtown Indianapolis so using a scooter to get around would not be bad in downtown at least.


Russia is not against doing false flag terrorist operations. That is how Putin came to power.


No. Just standard operating procedure for Russia.


As soon as Russia stops hitting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure since they are kind of the one that started doing that.


Oil execs in the US would love that.


And for those that don’t know, female circumcision is much more destructive and dangerous than male circumcision (which I’m also against but apparently that’s a touchy subject for some folks).

A note on why it is more destructive: they generally just take off the whole damn clit. Imagine if male circumcision involved removing the whole head of the penis. You’d have a lot fewer dudes being okay with the cultural difference.

And I hear you on male circumcision being a touchy subject. Guys will rant about it being as bad as female circumcision (it’s not) on one side and on the other you have people pointing out the benefits (complications with circumcision happen more often than instances of it being beneficial). Can’t we just leave kids’ genitals alone unless there is an actual issue? It’s so weird to obsess on changing their bits.


There are also health organizations from many other countries that come to the opposite conclusion and recommend circumcision only when it is medically necessary. The policy seems outdated at the very least and based on misleading conditions at worst.

Benefits include significant reductions in the risk of urinary tract infection in the first year of life and, subsequently, in the risk of heterosexual acquisition of HIV and the transmission of other sexually transmitted infections.

UTI rates can be lowered by teaching parents to properly wash their children.

For HIV, they mention female to male transmission which is something that is extremely rare in the US. The two studies they looked at were in Africa where that actually is an issue but far from being one here in the US. There are also non surgical methods to avoid that: PrEP and/or using a condom.

As for something like HPV, we have a vaccine that prevents the vast majority of forms of HPV.

So for the most part the benefit (when not medically necessary) boils down to a very small increase in penile cancer. But even that has likely changed significantly with the increased usage of the HPV vaccine. I don’t think they would recommend circumcision if they were to update the policy (which is apparently an expired policy and has not been reaffirmed).

No judgement for those who do circumcise their children but I’m personally not a fan of unnecessary surgery.


Straight up using Chinese tactics of forcing a company to be majority domestic owned.


Safe does not mean no side effects. Those first things would still absolutely qualify it as safe. Those last two you mention seem to be inconclusive by the way you worded it.


Vote for progressives in the primaries. Voting third party does nothing but help speed toward fascism. Our first past the post elections make voting for third parties cause the person you least want to win.

SeaJ, (edited )

What’s better? Being on a path to a brick wall while going 60mph or being on that path while going 10mph? One gives you a pretty good opportunity to swerve and avoid slamming into the wall.

The job market outside of tech is largely fine (I can very much vouch for how shitty it still is in that sector) and is better than it has historically been. Housing is indeed unaffordable and local efforts clearly are not cutting it. I grew up in a time when insurance companies could simply stop paying for your Healthcare because you reached the lifetime maximum coverage. They could also refuse to give you coverage if you had a pre-existing condition. That forced many people to stay stuck in the same job for fear that a major health issue you or a family member had would make you ineligible for future coverage. We are at the highest level of insurance coverage we have ever had at the moment. It can certainly be better by simply having Medicare for All but that is still some progress at least.

When voting, you vote for the best possible future. Someone from the Green Party has zero chance (Jill Stein also sucks) so you vote for the possible candidate that is closest to a party like that. There are at least starting to be some changes in voting since Maine and Alaska switched to ranked choice voting. My city also just switched to ranked choice. I know progress can seem horribly slow because it is but quick, large changes often lead to large reactionary responses which also often lead to authoritarianism.

I can list you a host of institutional changes that I would love to see happen that will make what you want possible. For instance, we need to at least double the size of the House and states need to implement proportional representation. That would make voting for a third party candidate actually carry some weight. We obviously also need to make the electoral college worthless by more states passing the National Popular Vote so that no candidate with less that does not have the most votes can win. That is only a start of course because we then need to get rid of the electoral college (difficult since it requires an amendment) and have talked choice nationally.

US government delegation cuts short Saudi trip after rabbi is asked to remove kippah (

US government delegation cuts short Saudi trip after rabbi is asked to remove kippah Rabbi Abraham Cooper, who chairs the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, says ‘no one should be denied access to a heritage site… simply for existing as a Jew’...


Around 2 million Muslims enjoying complete freedom of religion inside Israel. While Jews cannot even wear a small head cover in neighboring countries.

Well is Israel not merciful to allow Muslims to pray while they are being starved to death and murdered? Real good Samaritans the people in the Israeli government are.


Thailand’s Election Commission on Tuesday said it will seek the dissolution of the progressive Move Forward party, which won last year’s general election, after a court ruled that the party’s proposal to amend a royal anti-defamation law was unconstitutional.

Fuck their weirdo king.

But the military-installed Senate blocked the party from taking power by refusing to approve then-party leader Pita Limjaroenrat’s nomination as prime minister.

Fuck the Thai military who consistently destroys the country’s democracy.

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