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XZ Hack - "If this timeline is correct, it’s not the modus operandi of a hobbyist. [...] It wouldn’t be surprising if it was paid for by a state actor." (

Thought this was a good read exploring some how the “how and why” including several apparent sock puppet accounts that convinced the original dev (Lasse Collin) to hand over the baton.


If my job didn’t pay me, I would have certainly burned out years ago. For one, I’d need another job.


The Wire is a great show.


Just a reference. I’ve also heard that The Wire was one of the more realistic shows.


Looks like those F-16s will help Ukraine win one way or another.


Is this PsyOps to keep people discouraged?

The OP has a point and for some reason you don’t like it. I wonder which of the people you’d be in this analogy.

I understand feeling angry and dejected, but if you act like there’s absolutely no hope, then there won’t be. Votes still matter in this country. Maybe they’re not counted in exactly the way you’d like, but they’re still important, and they make a difference.


Right. They do all the campaigning and Fox News propaganda just for fun.


He’d be able to jail governors until they agree to amend the constitution to make the president subject to laws henceforth.

What a fucking joke.


Eh, I think he’s a good person that was hit by a horribly misplaced attempt at chivalry. There’s a lot of stuff he’s done that I don’t like, but it’s mostly been in his attempts to protect and help his family.

There are worse reasons to do bad things. It’s not an excuse; I just think he’s not a terrible person.


Oh yeah, he deserves everything Chris Rock decides to throw at him. A mistake isn’t an excuse.


Looked like a coach diff to me.


Inspired did such a great job of neutralizing the fed Zeri. And that Bwipo interrupt on the Taliyah ult was insane.


Are these the rats? Seems meaningful that I haven’t heard of them as shitbags, even if they do vote in lockstep.


Like it or not we all spent years adding a small chunk of the world’s knowledge to Reddit. I was fine with that at the time.

That knowledge hasn’t moved, and likely won’t. Past Reddit isn’t going away any time soon. I’m content with getting future knowledge to a better place rather than moving the old knowledge.

Also, try not to be a dick. Not everyone who disagrees with you has been “brainwashed”.


They haven’t yet taught him how to deflect the truth. Teach him that what he believes is bullshit, but profitable. Teach him how to understand and ignore the truth. Teach him how to just be louder than opposition. Have him memorize talking points and teach him to always retreat to them (especially when not appropriate). Give him 15 years of practice doing that, then he’ll be great at owning college libs, preferably on camera.


It’s still important to give at least the initial response.

If people read one narrative with nothing to counter, it’s in our nature to believe it. Fiction just wouldn’t work otherwise.


Game 3 - Do they let them have Smolder or no?


NRG’s draft is better. 100T fifth pick should have been Smolder. Put the Kaisa top and just survive vs Renekton.

What can NRG’s full comp do against a Smolder + Naut?


Game 1 -

spoilerTough team fight, but what can you do when the ADC starts 3-0?


Their supporters are 72% of Palestinians ^[[1]…/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-…]. That would be genocide. It’s not that simple.


You think the ten year old who has been told his whole life that the highest purpose he can serve is to jihad against Israel deserves to be killed for it? What if he hasn’t even done anything?

Maybe you think he deserves death for his “crime”. I have a bit more empathy than that.


What’s “material support”? Bread? Does giving bread to someone who hates Israel mean you deserve death?

What if the person encourages attacks on Israel? What if it’s a mother feeding her Hamas son who joined Hamas because the IDF shot his brother’s kneecap? Does that mother deserve death? What about the families of these other 42 palestinians?

I’m just curious how far this death by association should go.


Your personal American dream was a deep state that defied the president and the people?

Before 2016 even the worst presidents had a baseline where the country was their top priority, just with differing opinions on what that meant. Trump is the first president who doesn’t give a single flying fuck about the country.


Might as well start using GMT. At least you’ll get some value out of that.


And then when we stop following the laws and the election is cancelled, we’ll see if the second amendment actually matters.


Is it not? I’ve already felt that way, but having the comparison is a good point.

In a way, voting for the KKK is smarter. At least then you’d be part of the in-group you’re voting for.


Give me the touchscreen gear shift. It’s not that hard, and I’d rather not have the extra physical object in the car.


I’m already aware of where the manual door release is.


Yeah, but what if they find the right commercials to throw at us during election time?


Biden went over this. A 25% AMT, which doesn’t care what your type of revenue is, you’re paying at least 25%.


It’s so weird how electing a single Democrat doesn’t get us everything we want.


Immortals making some mistakes, but they’re being active and aggro af. You love to see it.


criticize the sitting president for their actions.

It’s not this so much as the attitude that it’s too late, so everything he does now is wrong.

If there’s literally nothing he can do at this point that you approve of, then why bother trying to get your approval?

Israeli settlers cross into Gaza, build 'symbolic' outpost (

From the first moments of the war, it was clear that right-wing Israeli politicians and settler leaders sensed an opportunity to radically shift the status quo in Israel-Palestine. For months, calls to resettle Gaza — often in the same breath as calling to expel the Strip’s 2.3 million Palestinian residents — have been...


Hamas is not Palestine.

But it’s pretty close.

Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was “correct” given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was “incorrect”.

This supposedly pro-Palestine video also made an impression on me.

Palestinians generally support Hamas, not just ideologically, but physically.

That does NOT mean that they deserve genocide. But it also doesn’t mean they’re generally innocent victims.

It’s time for a ceasefire. It’s time to release the remaining hostages. And we should come down harshly on Israel if they attempt to put civilians into Gaza. But that doesn’t mean Palestine has done nothing wrong.

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