
pro: truth, free markets

anti: corporatism

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I like how the pronoun suggests that the teacher is an actual cat.


My adult children will be ecstatic for my new ability to set their playtime limits and see reports.


Yeah, Heusinger was Hitler’s chief of staff temporarily when the actual chief of staff got sick. This became a significant event, because Hitler’s assassination attempt happened during that time. Heusinger was suspected of being part of the plot, but no evidence was found. After that, he didn’t have a senior post in the Nazi German Army.

Also he was appointed chair of NATO in 1960s, so significantly later than WW2.

Also he was apparently never a member of the nazi party nor did he take part in nazi atrocities.

But hey, nice example of disinformation.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to imply here. He was a senior military leader prior to Hitler’s assassination attempt, of course he participated in planning military operations.

But hey, nice example of disinformation.


I think neither your quote nor the text under the link show that. Can you elaborate?


Perhaps looking at pictures like this has broken my brain, but the first image looks 100% staged to me.


Since when is it an insult to call people what they are?

It’s perhaps not helpful. I can also come up with reasons why Palestinians could be called nazis. Literally the only difference is that they’re not winning. So if Israel is 1939s nazis, Palestine is 1945s nazis.

But how does calling them nazis exactly help?


Why do they bother with this show? Do Russians think they live in a democracy? Who is this for?


Practically everyone except Nicholas II succeeded in that.


I wore a full PPE and dove in there.

They seem to be thinking that this is just a phase, and once Putin is gone, everyone who voted for him or his party is going to start voting for communists and thus Soviet Union will be soon restored.

Also in another thread some person was being feeling deep cognitive dissonance (to the point of crying alone and feeling nobody understands them) when their history professor gently gave them facts about the atrocities Soviet Union committed.

I cannot be mad at these people, but I am very worried how their bubble is feeding into their delusions. That cannot be healthy. I’m willing to bet that there’s a shooter or two brewing in those circles.


Also, they’re talking of the vote counts as if they were real.


Lemmygrad / World News for instance.

mellowheat, (edited )

Undertale. I was blown away by the soundtrack and the cleverness of it all. The twist was good too, but I hated the total completion grind a bit. But it is optional.

Crypt of the Necrodancer. Again, blown away by the soundtrack and how confidently it pulled off the idea of a rogue-like rhythm game.

Insurgency: Sandstorm. This might be stretching the concept of “indie” a bit, but its predecessor was definitely an indie game. This is an excellent arcade/realistic FPS shooter.


The less you know about it going in, the better the experience.

This includes the knowledge that it’s good. You should forget that people praise it everywhere because that has a potential of ruining the experience. It did for me, somehow.

mellowheat, (edited )

We didn’t mass murder all Germans after WW2 either.

In Dresden fire bombings, about as many people died in a single bombing operation spanning about 2 days as have died in the Gaza war so far. Note that Gaza’s population density is roughly 10x Dresden’s current population density.

And the Gaza war hasn’t ended yet.


A fact is that Hamas stopped elections after gaining power. They’re fascists and it’s absurd that the left defends them.


Kamala Harris promised to reschedule it right the following day after Biden has won the presidential elections. She added, “and if you don’t like the idea of marijuana being rescheduled”, and loudly winked three times.


I wish that mattered.


Could be that Pence is one of the people Trump is planning to have his revenge on.


That was USA’s ally. They weren’t being supplied out of goodwill.


it is meant to make Biden look like he’s doing something other than merely prolonging the slaughter by sending arms to Israel.

How does sending arms to Israel prolong the war? It should rather speed up its resolution, I would think?


Non-credible biased source that has been known to habitually lie to further their narrative. Probably doing it again here.

Doesn’t that description match Hamas as well? “Gazan health ministry” is practically Hamas.

mellowheat, (edited )

In the grander scale of global politics, a fact is that Russia is waging an actual war against Ukraine and a covert war against Europe and the West. Another fact is that Palestine has chosen to side with Russia, so in the current situation I see no reason to side with Palestine. I think all resources to help Palestine should be diverted to help Ukraine. When Russia has been contained, we can start thinking about things like Gaza. But until that happens, every diversion just critically weakens us.

It’s like a hierarchy of needs, you know? If my neighbor is threatening to punch me in the face, I don’t have the luxury of being worried about a potentially worse thing happening on the other side of the city.

This doesn’t excuse genocide, if such a thing would be happening, but it sure does give a reason to support Israel over Palestine.


Yet if you look at the neighboring countries, it’s better in almost every way.

I say “almost” because there could be some minor ways that some neighbor surpasses them.

mellowheat, (edited )

Corporations aren’t run in a neoliberal way, though. They’re usually run pretty much as a sort of a communistic hierarchy: decision-making is hierarchical and centralized; resources of all kinds are pooled; uniformity in behavior and looks is encouraged; internal and external propaganda is strong; and internal competition is discouraged. And finally, most of the benefits of the work, i.e. money, goes to the top.

So yeah, countries definitely aren’t corporations, but the end result of that thought isn’t perhaps what you imply.


Countries don’t need to be profitable, but also they cannot be hundreds of millions in the negative.

They can ignore or change of course all the rules that have been made up, but nobody can ignore the principles of economics.


I’m talking about every instance when communism has been tried, instead of some fantasy theory that never seems to materialize.


Red scare has a different tone to it when you live right next to Soviet Union.


The allies did specifically bomb civilians in WW2 though. And Nazis weren’t usually using human shields.


In lemmy votes don’t seem to matter that much, unless you’re viewing comments with the “Top” or “Controversial” sorting. But perhaps that’s a symptom of having not so many users.


That would be excellent. But also wishful thinking, probably.

Or are you being serious, it’s actually broadcasting?


This is true, it’s amazing that anyone from the countries Russia has said to be “unfriendly” goes to Russia anymore.

A new surge of settler outposts is terrorizing Palestinians off their land (

Since late December, Palestinians living in the village of Battir, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, have been cut off from significant portions of their land. A group of Israeli settlers simply arrived in the area one day — which UNESCO has designated as a world heritage site — and set up a new outpost, with a...


New? If this is just a recent thing, Russia clearly beat them to it.


Lemmy, for the most part, has been calling for the destruction of West as long as it has been in existence. There are still some niches that practically just forward unfiltered Russian and Chinese propaganda.

You can even see it in this thread. See for instance Dieguito’s comment below.


(as it plans to)

Does it.


That would imply that nuclear powers should just annex all non-nuclear powers while they’re available. How would a United America sound like, from Seattle, USA to Ushuaia, USA.

mellowheat, (edited )

As a Finn, I thought that joining Nato was the last nail in the coffin. After several decades of crawling towards it, we’re finally a western civilized country now.

You swedes were there already for historical reasons though, but very nice to have you in the same military alliance.


I was surprised to learn Ireland is not in Nato. They should obviously join asap.


Lemmygrad, and hexbear

A trifecta of varying qualities of propaganda. An axis of artifice.


I have not. In what way do they support Palestine?

mellowheat, (edited )

And then they actually do some research and notice that for almost everyone of them, in almost every country on this planet their quality of living would deteriorate.

edit: Trump getting 2nd term might actually for reals change this though

edit2: Although like the previous time perhaps not ;)


I don’t have a lot of faith in the D establishment, but I’m pretty sure their number crunchers know what they’re doing.


I’m not american though but sure.

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