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He, like all old ass Northeasterners, also eats well done steaks with a side of unseasoned creamed whatever and something potato. It’s like they’re all perpetually on a cruise in 1965 and everything has to be overcooked and taste like shoe or air.

Source: Me. I did catering gigs in the Northeast for a hot minute. There’s obviously great restaurants in the Northeast but old rich people like shit I would feel bad about adding to pig slop.


I was gonna say that but does alpine have KDE or XFCE (he said Windows style interface)? I’ve only used it as a container.


I hope people understand that no one has beef with Tel Aviv left-wingers who hate Netanyahu and have been voting against him and protesting for years. Israel isn’t the right wing assholes who formed an elaborate coalition. The right wing assholes in your country don’t represent you.

ShittyBeatlesFCPres, (edited )

Epic, which most large hospital systems seem to run, has a Linux version but I’ve never seen it in the wild. Every healthcare worker I’ve met loathes Epic — I asked around about it because a doctor and nurse complained about it to me randomly because I’m a developer. I live near some hospitals so I often chit chat with healthcare workers who are neighbors or at bars or whatever. I wouldn’t consider people commiserating about work at a bar to be a representative sample but it seems like complaining about Epic is a thing.

I also don’t know for sure if this is 100% true but healthcare IT people have told me never to work for a hospital because HIPAA violations (like a data breach) can make the IT guy liable for the violations. I looked it up once and it seems like it’s more C-suite people who are actually held liable. (but more likely a CTO or CEO) can be held liable. But the threat is there and having another company to blame is a big reason some institutions use Windows. No one saves you if a Linux vulnerability exposes patient data.

Again, my source is barroom banter and not lived experience. Hopefully, someone with direct knowledge can correct me where I’m wrong.


If you say you work in software, a lot of people are like, “The software at my job sucks.” So, I don’t know how much to take seriously and how much is just that everyone kind of hates the indignity of paid labor.

Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian shepherd reading the Quran on his land (

Three soldiers pounce on a shepherd sitting outside his sheep pen. They knock him over and then one of them shoots him to death at point-blank range. Fakher Jaber, a father of four, was suspected of involvement in an incident that probably never happened...


There’s a fucking corpse with a bullet hole and an eye witness. Plus, settler gangs commit acts of violence pretty much daily. What the fuck else do you think happened if not the thing that happens all the time?


If identified, they’ll never be able to leave Russia (plus a few other countries) without being arrested and sent to The Hague. Sometimes, it takes awhile and sometimes, a war criminal is never brought to justice (see: Kissinger). But Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova already have arrests warrants out for one war crime (kidnapping Ukrainian children). Putin had to video conference into a BRICS summit because South Africa is one of the 124 countries that recognizes the International Criminal Court.


I spent a month there last year (as a digital nomad, offseason, in a cheap AirBnB) and I can report that there is no meth or guns. It seemed less MAGA and more country club conservative where the residents are just rich and half-racist and care about property values more than anything.

By half racist, I just mean people who don’t actively hate but are fine with racism. Like a grandma who wishes no ill-will on anyone but will say problematic things like, “I hope the blacks get it together.” Maybe a dad who likes his black colleagues but would be shook to the core if his daughter dated a black guy.


There was a tie in Virginia state legislative race a few years ago and they apparently just flip a coin.


They’re worried about setting a precedent? War reparations are pretty fucking precedented. The Treaty of Westphalia had indemnity payments involved.

Also, I got curious and checked: the oldest peace treaty, the Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty of 1259 BC didn’t have any indemnity payments. It would have been funny if reparations were that precedented but sadly, they just basically agreed to stop fighting over Syria and made a mutual defense pact.


I’m an American so I get it but everyone needs to relax. Half the world has had online gambling for years and they still manage to have sports. In fact, the data makes it easier to catch people point shaving or whatever. Plus, we already had sports gambling. It was just illegal or done in casinos and racetracks.

It reminds me of people saying “If we legalize marijuana, won’t people drive high?” Yes. Just as often as right now.

I’m not saying gambling is good. I hate being in casinos and only bet on sports here and there — I find betting $1 is as much fun as betting $100 because I want to be proven right more than I want to gamble — but I know people who are problem gamblers. It sucks. But all addiction sucks and usually, harm reduction works better than prohibition.

Trump Might Be Too Broke for a $175 Million Bond, Too (

A New York appeals court on Monday reduced the $454 million that former President Donald Trump was required to put up while he appeals his civil fraud case. Now Trump must put up, by April 4, a mere $175 million. The trouble is, he may not get a bond for that amount, either. Should that happen, this act of judicial mercy will...


El-P would clearly be a better VP. Killer Mike belongs at the top of a ticket.

Obamacare Is in Grave Danger, Again (

In 2017, Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress tried to eviscerate the A.C.A. and almost succeeded in passing a bill that the Congressional Budget Office estimated would have left 22 million more Americans uninsured by 2026. There’s every reason to believe that if the G.O.P. wins control of Congress and the White House in...


People are definitely going to cover the political, corrupt reasons but one historic reason is that we didn’t have the destruction of WWII in the U.S. Britain’s National Health Service was created in 1946. Germany’s was created during the war in 1941. In many ways, WWII is what created the conditions for universal healthcare in Europe.

In the U.S., we never had an equivalent crisis and so we basically have a non-system made out of kludges and duct tape. There’s no one government program but instead, several programs that were meant to be reforms but just added to the mess. To quote the Census:

Of the subtypes of health insurance coverage, employment-based insurance was the most common, covering 54.5 percent of the population for some or all of the calendar year, followed by Medicaid (18.8 percent), Medicare (18.7 percent), direct-purchase coverage (9.9 percent), TRICARE (2.4 percent), and VA and CHAMPVA coverage (1.0 percent).

And in the end, 92% of people end up covered. It might be shitty coverage and no one likes the mess of programs but sometimes, it takes a true crisis like WWII to make radical reforms.


Honestly, working at Hooters for 4 years does demonstrate strong work ethic and reliability. Like 90% of the RNC Chair job is getting dirty old men to give you money and 10% is TV. It’s not a typical career path but she might excel in the role, given the opportunity.

Indiana Law Requires Professors to Promote ‘Intellectual Diversity’ or Face Penalties (

Alice Pawley, a professor of engineering education at Purdue University, said that many faculty members in Indiana were angered by the new restrictions, and that “nobody trusts that this is actually going to be fairly applied.” Many felt discouraged about their job security, believing it would be at the mercy of trustees who...


A good malicious compliance idea would be to teach actual intellectual diversity and cover how different cultures around the world approach the topic.


They’ll never ban condoms. This is all about controlling women, not sex.

Hong Kong Article 23: Basic rights threatened as law enacted, critics charge (

“We are basically seeing the Hong Kong government trying to slam shut the really last vestiges of room for criticizing it,” said Kevin Yam, one of 13 overseas pro-democracy activists accused of national security offenses by Hong Kong authorities....


I don’t think anyone was under any illusions. Britain didn’t have a choice or any leverage. It was a 99 year lease so there was no legal claim to keep HK and the UK wasn’t going to war with modern China. China could have just taken it if Britain set a bunch of terms.

Before the handover, they just basically offered Hong Kong residents the right to move to England. Canada, Australia, and the U.S. had special rules for immigrants from HK. (Probably other countries too.)


Especially with the context that Australia didn’t allow women in pubs with men until 1965 so women there were literally sent to “ladies lounges,” which were apparently always some shitty side room, that sometimes would sell them a drink (at higher prices) while they waited.

Turning that on its head as a temporary exhibit at a museum is clearly art to me. It’s not like she did it as a business concept to make money.

Trump Told Pence Certifying Election Would Be ‘Career Killer,’ Valet Testified (

In the valet’s account, laid out in a transcript obtained by The New York Times, an agitated Mr. Trump pressured Mr. Pence to overturn the election and stewed about Mr. Pence’s refusal for hours after violence engulfed Congress. Told that a civilian had been shot outside the House chamber amid the mob attack, he recalled,...


If they had gone further with the coup, it would have been life ending for him. Sounds like he came out ahead.


It’s not the worst part of far right comedy but these motherfuckers have like 4 jokes and they’ve been the same for decades. There’s more variety in Deez Nutz jokes alone than in that entire fucking world.


I can’t believe the writers called the insurance company “Chubb.” Who would call any company that in real life?


I haven’t seen a single leftist say they’re going to vote for Trump but I’ve seen like 100,000 liberals saying enabling genocide isn’t a big issue and to vote blue no matter who. Maybe stop nagging leftists and start doing the bare fucking minimum to appeal to voters who don’t like actual fucking genocide.


No one on the left is voting for Trump! We all know what happens to leftists under fascism. Read the “First they came…” poem. We’re fucking first.

I am saying to stop nagging leftists and start focusing on suburban moms or whomever. Leftists upset about mass slaughter are never why Democrats lose. It’s people upset about grocery bills and shit like that.


There’s not a single literate leftist who doesn’t understand that centrists will ultimately sell us out to make a deal with the devil that is fascism. That’s how it’s gone in every country where fascism took hold. It’s part of the process and we know we’ll have to be the resistance.

No one even expect centrists to do the right thing when push comes to shove. But quit nagging leftists on the way. We’re really not the problem in this situation.

[former precinct chair and sergeant-at-arms for the Hays County Republican Party,] Hays County man sentenced to 410 years for sexually abusing children (

A Hays County man has been sentenced to 410 years in prison after pleading guilty to 65 counts of continuous sexual abuse of multiple children and possession of child pornography with intent to promote, according to county prosecutors....


That is the most pervert-looking pervert ever.


I’m so conflicted about web assembly. I’m a web developer and I think it’s going to be amazing eventually but 20% of me thinks it’s going to be a security nightmare and require a decade of fuck ups to reach its potential.


What does China’s government even want the U.S. election result to be? Putin and Netanyahu obviously want Republicans to win. NATO countries (Hungary aside, I guess) presumably prefer Democrats over MAGA Republicans (which I guess is all of them now).

I’m not really clear on what China under Xi would want. There’s a massive trade relationship that goes well beyond TikTok, EVs, and Nvidia chips. America being dysfunctional and chaotic doesn’t actually benefit China.


Remember when Trump tried a coup in Venezuela and they clearly dusted off a 1980’s coup plan in the smartphone era? They kept trying to stage things for TV cameras and random people were posting videos of them on social media like, “What are these guys filming?” And then they just pretended it worked and were like, “Juan Guaidó is the president now.” as if you could just pretend a coup worked.

That was some of the least competent shit I’ve ever seen. We shouldn’t be involved in coups at all so it was morally repugnant but on top of that, everyone involved in the planning and execution of the coup attempt should be required to wear clown makeup and big floppy clown shoes for the rest of their lives.


Ugh. More car infrastructure with no bike lanes or pedestrian-friendly sidewalks. Have we learned nothing about urban planning?

Wait, is this !fuckcars or another community?


It can probably wait until Monday. No need to work on a weekend.


Yeah, I know. I care about Haiti a lot because I’m a New Orleanean and we share a lot of common history and culture. In a lot of ways, Haiti is a bigger priority for me than other places we talk about here.

ShittyBeatlesFCPres, (edited )

I don’t think we should sensationalize one rabbi talking out his ass but there’s a lot of other data points. Itamar Ben-Gvir (Minister of National Security) and Yoav Gallant (Minister of Defense) say genocidal shit all the time. They’re not random rabbis. South Africa’s case before the ICJ included a lot of direct quotes from leading government officials.

I don’t know anything about this organization — I just found this on Google — but an NGO called Law 4 Palestine apparently has a database that seems to cite sources pretty well.…

And look: I know that Hamas and probably every other Islamic fundamentalist group’s leadership has said equally awful shit (and worse shit, for that matter). Some of the Israeli quotes came at an extremely traumatic moment. But this is bigger than one rabbi. I don’t think it’s be hard to establish intent if Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, and Gallant end up getting tried for war crimes.

Edit: I just want to add that most Israelis (and the Jewish diaspora) do not support the current government at this point. They were having mass protests before Hamas attacked.


Hopefully, they don’t find out how much we import from China. Then we’d really be fucked.


I don’t begrudge any 67 year-old woman for marrying a hot, dumb Australian guy.


Do I need to add a sarcasm tag when saying a 92 year-old ogre is “hot”?


I’ve also found that The NY Times is getting worse lately, not so much in leaning left or right but just in terms of the focus. Like their coverage of campus politics is so fucking tedious. I don’t give a rat’s ass about what some sophomore at U Penn thinks about global affairs. There also seems to be more access journalism and beat sweeteners. Maybe early in an election campaign is the time for that stuff but it’s still useless bullshit.

It’s closer to enshittification than something where the staff writers suddenly got worse. They still have good writers. It seems more like the editors got worse at assignments rather than the rank and file screwing up their reports.


I would win. In times of war, I become a gentleman thief and underworld figure who is useful to both sides.


No, I’m just a person deeply against war but if y’all gonna have one, 🎼 I’ll drink whiskey and Bacardi. I’ll sell dope to anybody 🎶

'Settlers are right': The kibbutz movement should break away from the left, leader says (

“The settlers aren’t wrong. The right is correct: That is the way to seize and hold land, and their claim that, any place we Israelis leave, the Arabs will come in our place, is correct. The right is also correct in its path: It’s by settlement and only by settlement that sovereignty can be imposed. The debate is whether...


Interesting. I think the settlers are human scum. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


He said while wearing a beadazzled cloak, long skirt, and ballet flats.


I’d send him a list with just his mom’s name on it.

Are there any Windows-exclusive programs you use?

I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise...


Yeah, that makes sense. I’m not an irrational hater of Microsoft — maybe a little — but Excel is very good. The people who need Excel, often genuinely need Excel, specifically.

And Numbers on the macOS ecosystem is shockingly bad. Like, I’d rather barebones Gnumeric from 10 years ago for my purposes.


Adobe CS is the industry standard in some fields. You should absolutely learn them if you’re in school for that.


A lot of fraudsters get caught because they use the Cambria font instead of Times New Roman to make a fake word document without realizing Microsoft switched the default font in the early 2000s.


I’m old and don’t really sail the high seas these days but does Handbrake not rip DVDs and BluRays?


I loved Foobar2000 back in the day. I’m glad it lives on.

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