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I would win. In times of war, I become a gentleman thief and underworld figure who is useful to both sides.

'Settlers are right': The kibbutz movement should break away from the left, leader says (

“The settlers aren’t wrong. The right is correct: That is the way to seize and hold land, and their claim that, any place we Israelis leave, the Arabs will come in our place, is correct. The right is also correct in its path: It’s by settlement and only by settlement that sovereignty can be imposed. The debate is whether...


Interesting. I think the settlers are human scum. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


He said while wearing a beadazzled cloak, long skirt, and ballet flats.


I’d send him a list with just his mom’s name on it.

Are there any Windows-exclusive programs you use?

I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise...


Yeah, that makes sense. I’m not an irrational hater of Microsoft — maybe a little — but Excel is very good. The people who need Excel, often genuinely need Excel, specifically.

And Numbers on the macOS ecosystem is shockingly bad. Like, I’d rather barebones Gnumeric from 10 years ago for my purposes.


Adobe CS is the industry standard in some fields. You should absolutely learn them if you’re in school for that.


A lot of fraudsters get caught because they use the Cambria font instead of Times New Roman to make a fake word document without realizing Microsoft switched the default font in the early 2000s.


I’m old and don’t really sail the high seas these days but does Handbrake not rip DVDs and BluRays?


I loved Foobar2000 back in the day. I’m glad it lives on.


Trump calls someone a RINO like every 15 minutes, and he’s far right. What are you even talking about? You should probably go with uncommitted if you’re a single issue voter on whether people called you names for being a centrist.


In general, the cities in red states are very progressive. New Orleans and Miami are two of the least small-c conservative cities you’ll find in the U.S., more akin to San Francisco than a place like Boston. (Boston has amazing universities and is progressive in policy but it was founded by puritans and isn’t exactly known for it’s late night parties and festivals.)

By contrast, more Californians voted for Trump than Texans. It’s mostly an urban/rural divide at this point and whether your state government is a horror show or not depends on whether your cities are large enough to create a majority after districts are drawn.

Also, there’s a lot of outrageous bills introduced by one state rep that will never get a vote. But they know they’ll result in clickbait articles and help them gain notoriety.

Whats your thoughts on Ai in your terminal? (

Today i was doing the daily ritual of looking at distrowatch. Todays reveiw section was about a termal called warp, it has built in AI for recomendations and correction for commands (like zhs and nushell). You can also as a chatbot for help. I think its a neat conscept however the security is what makes me a bit skittish. They...


The terminal seems like the very last place I’d want A.I. I’m usually using it specifically to be precise and don’t just run commands I don’t understand. If you forget some long command, just use history |grep whatever and see what it was. (And then turn it into an alias or function.)


Whom amongst us can resist the temptation to throw a Christmas tree?


I like the recommendations but I would also just ban cryptocurrency wallets from the app stores (and traditional finance apps capable of transferring funds electronically). There’s not much you can do to stop scams in that space but if the devs distribute their own apps, at least the user can verify they’re at the original developer’s site or repo or whatever and possibly hold them accountable.

That probably won’t help on the scams — people in the crypto world get scammed more than aging grandparents, it seems. But I don’t want Canonical or Flathub to be held liable due to a lack of moderation resources. If they can ever automate moderation to the degree it’s safe, bring back the finance app category with some safeguards.


This is a genuine question and not damning with faint praise: what period are Argentines nostalgic for? Like, not saying Argentina was never great. It’s one of the world’s great breadbaskets. I’ve been there and Iguazú Falls is great by anyone’s standard.

In the U.S., there’s nostalgia for pre-9/11, post-Soviet period when we it seemed like democracy was on the march and we were blissfully ignorant of what was coming in the 2000’s. There’s also mythologized nostalgia for the post-WWII era that I think some Trump supporters imagine (rise of the middle class, manufacturing jobs, etc.). And Trump, obviously, is also referring to a time when straight, white, Protestant men had basically all the power.

So, what era is Milei referring to? Is it before the multiple financial crises (like maybe pre-1999)? Is it more in the Bolsonaro style where he means the military dictatorship? Something they don’t teach Americans about?


“African wild ass” is an S-tier animal name.


If we can’t have world peace, maybe we can someday at least reduce war to mostly drone vs. drone fights and precision strikes on legitimate targets instead of reducing cities to rubble.


I’m not saying Russia hasn’t drawn up plans for this but this story sounds like a PR thing. America is trying to pass a bill to fund Ukraine. Suddenly, this “intelligence” comes out? It’s probably just to light a fire under Congress’s ass.

Putin is a real shitty leader but I’d imagine the U.S., China, India, and everyone else with an interest in space has plans to take out satellites. He’s probably not planning to nuke low earth orbit except in a mutually assured destruction scenario.


The ones where I live have some sort of range signal where the wheels stop if you go too far away. If you leave the parking lot, all the wheels lock up. It’s probably simple to disable but I haven’t bothered to go there with a flipper zero and sort out how to steal them since I already own a pretty sweet wagon.


U.S. resident (me) also condemns U.S. veto of call for immediate ceasefire. Why are we embarrassing ourselves for Netanyahu’s headassery?


I don’t think they’re better than modern Russian stuff but North Korean weapons are probably copies of Soviet ones. I’m guessing Russia is trying to bring some old shit back into service but their domestic military industry doesn’t make the old missiles anymore.


The most ridiculous version of that was during the recent ICJ trial about Israeli genocide where the lawyers came from different places and so some dressed like 1700’s land barons and the others just wore normal suits.


“Windows-hardened” is SteamOS at this point.


I don’t have any specific beef with your chart but I do feel like we sometimes do a disservice to newbies by focusing on distros rather than the main desktop environments and what differentiates them. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend basically any of the Fedora spins or Debian-based distros to beginners.

The choice between KDE, Gnome, Cinnamon, etc. is much more consequential for a new user than DNF vs. Apt (especially in the Flatpak era).


Having a separate, open source JavaScript engine is in everyone’s interests even if they don’t know what they’d lose without the Mozilla Foundation and Firefox. I’m a web developer and Mozilla has protected the open web for all of us and if people understood what they’ve done, they’d all donate.

Google and Microsoft cannot and should not control standards. Mozilla is the conscience of the industry. Support it or you won’t know what you lost.


I’m not saying they are the right size. Just that if we lose Mozilla and Firefox, it’ll be almost as bad as losing Wikimedia for certain things. We need to protect the open web.


I use Autokey because I prefer a global snippets engine. Then it works in text editors, browsers, email clients, etc.


I’d like a vanilla, stable, rolling release. Fedora is close but I’d like a “clean slate” option where you have the desktop environment, package manager, and expected hardware functionality like sound, Bluetooth, etc. But then as few extras as possible so I can choose my own adventure.

And by stable rolling release, I just mean that most rolling release options are for beta testing. I totally get the reasons for that but while we’re wishing for things, I’d like a rolling release that was almost as conservative as an LTS release. I doubt that’s realistic but a feller can dream.


Yeah, I don’t even think it’s realistic because of how software development works in real life. It’s really hard to coordinate things even with a release cadence. It’s more a North Star to work towards than something I expect to happen.


I think it’s better to have one but you probably don’t need multiple layers. When I’m setting up servers nowadays, it’s typically in the cloud and AWS and the like typically have firewalls. So, I don’t really do much on those machines besides change ports to non-standard things. (Like the SSH port should be a random one instead of 22.)

But you should use one if you don’t have an ecosystem where ports can be blocked or forwarded. If nothing else, the constant login attempts from bots will fill up your logs. I disable password logins on web servers and if I don’t change the port, I get a zillion attempts to ssh using “admin” and some common password on port 22. No one gets in but it still requires more compute than just blocking port 22 and making your SSH port something else.


The comments on that article are really missing the point that leveling a city block to kill a few terrorists almost invariably means you created more terrorists than you killed.

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