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I don’t do difficult games cause of physical issues. I tried Elden Ring and was very impressed, but ultimately it was unplayable for me even trying to go easy.

What do you recommend cheat wise? I’m running on Linux and I really don’t care about online.


If we’re lucky, Steamdeck verified will also mean it’ll run fine on linux.


Good ol Toronto Sun / Post Media trying its damn hardest to be divisive and hateful


I don’t want a Steam Deck 2. I want Steam Deck to live up to the upgradability and customizability that Valve had originally empasized for it.

It would be amazing to be able to just swap the main board for a GPU update. on the OG deck, it’s the single biggest bottleneck I run into. (for docked gaming on a big screen). Plus a better GPU would allow it to run cooler when only doing 720p and quieter on the fan.

but, Id on’t want to buy another Steam Deck :p


The point of the Deck versus anything else was that it was common x86 architecture and it runs skinned linux, thus letting us have access to virtually all our library.

Moving to ARM based silicon would massively change things in that regard. We don’t want yet another platform to have to worry about ports for. The Steam Deck is a PC and that’s it’s goal

Pierre Poilievre called lobbyists 'utterly useless,' but they're still attending his fundraisers (www.cbc.ca)

As Pierre Poilievre presents himself as both a prime minister in waiting and a champion of “the working-class people,” he’s headlined roughly 50 fundraisers at private venues since becoming Conservative leader in 2022 — some of them in Canada’s wealthiest neighbourhoods and most exclusive clubs....


While PP might not actually be the wealthiest, He has consistently for years now pulled in the largest income as well as one of the highest expense portfolios. …substack.com/…/pierre-poilievre-spent-129825715

that doesn’t include all the “free” travel and expenses he managed to get from those so called lobbyists he hates: cbc.ca/…/canadian-mps-free-foreign-travel-620k-1.…

addition to being regularly one of the top earners and expense users, he also already has his full pension and has been an MP for 19 years. During that time, we know at least that he has some investments with his wife in real estate.

the man is as phony as they come.


ME:2 In my opinion is one of the greatest games ever published.


Justice Kent Teskey warned the province that courts take a dim view of delay being used to neuter public attempts to understand how important decisions are made.

I wish the Ontario judges were at least this intelligent.

We’re STILL waiting for Doug Ford’s mandate letters: cbc.ca/…/crown-lawyer-hours-ford-mandate-letters-…


Not if bought on the open market already.

The company only receives money on IPO. after that, shares the trade private hands only profit the owner of the share.

still, wouldn’t want to give any of these people money for their shares. let them ride them to 0 and trump media shuts down.


So, I’m not American so this seems like a weird gripe to me based on the question:

Do American elections base the persons place of vote where they are living, or where they come from?


Because it counters most peoples hate boner

The thread immediately above this with posts newer than yours ranting that “nobody in the government is doing anything”

But present them with the facts that the federal government is doing something, that is within their jurisdiction on, they go silent

A massive amount of the rage is intentionally being stoked and laid at the federal government for politics when it’s the Conservative premiers who actually have the most authority to do something about housing

Zoning and developer control is a provincial jurisdiction. The Feds cannot do anything other than provide financial incentives and tax changes

Sprawlie, (edited )

I think you’re underestimating the amount of organic free-range rage that has built up over the past decade. We’ve watched as housing has almost doubled in price.

I do not. this housing problem started long before the current federal government. I was in the same place 20 years ago when we had a different administration.

the dollar amounts were different, but housing was still generally outside our reach as single people. this is a result of neoliberalism capitalism, and not any specific actions taken by Trudeau, or even Harper before him (who also massively ramped up immigration despite his own rhetoric). It’s almost like the problem is our desire to stick to neoliberalism for things like housing. But that’s popular because the majority of Canadians agree with it. And in that sense, the government is doing what is best for it’s majority (or perceived)

At this point, I don’t think conversation is “nobody in government is doing anything”, it’s more “is it going to make a difference?” And “are they doing the right thing?”

Your arguments are that. which is legit. But no, go read the room a little better and there’s a good chunk of “Liberals are doing nothing”… while they repeat tikto and twitter rants based on misinformation.

As I claimed originally, there’s a LOT of ignorance being pushed intentionally on the housing crisis in order to put the blame 100% on Trudeau, despite the actual powers and responsibilities falling on what is Currently provinces led by Conservatives. So the argument that it’s somehoow a “LPC” symptom, is misinformation. LPC is doing what they’ve always done, slow or nothing until shit hits the fan. This is the LPC for the last 50 years. and Canadian’s on general like “status Quo” governments who aren’t going to massively shake things up just for 20% of the population. (This isn’t to ignore that we have to fix the 20%)

iN fact: A Lot of this is NOT organic. Our media in particular is nearly entirely owned by both Conservative party doners, or in the case of Post Media, is 100% owned by Chatham asset management. An American media conglomerate who was found guilty in illegal campaign funding fro Trump, and has outright stated that their goals are to get rid fo the liberal party and ensure conservative messaging. They have outright lied as part of this campaign.,

Don’t undersell this. Financial advice paints homes as great investments, because of the tax benefits on mortgage payments and sale profit. That is part of the reason Canadians are willing to spend so much on homes - because they expect to cash out with hefty profits. Limiting or removing those benefits would make a huge difference.

This is not untrue, but it’s a bit simplified.

Financial advice paints homes as great investments

Yes it does. The banks and media have pushed this for decades. You cannot sit and read a paper, or listen to news without advertising for home buying as an investment vehicle. But if you dig into why? It’s because the owners of these banks and papers are invested in real estate. And have the money and power to lobby the government for deregulation and access where the rest of us don’t.

MEANWHILE, it’s those same very rich billionaire paper owners taking that money and investments, publishing about the housing crisis and how you, without a house, should hate Trudeau.

and yes, I THINK that should all be curtailed and regulated.IMHO, Newspapers and media ownership should be disconnected from the editorial boards of papers, and a “bill of rights” so to speak made which ensures Journalistic integrity, and fact based reporting is mandatory. And in addition, The Budget from these papers should directly count against the campaign funding for the parties they push for. Why is it ok for a newspaper for example to fully endorse a political party and candidate, push only their messaging and narrative, and NOT count towards to the campaing funding for that party?


Any media conglomerate who endorses a political party should be forced to open their books and have those applied to the political parties campaign rules.

Does that sound “organic”?

Especially since the majority of the cause of housing development crunch is the Province. The Province has the authority over developers, how many houses are built, zoning regulations, and laws over building types. Which is the number one reason why housing is a mess. The developers will only build mcmansions or shoebox condos due to profit motive.

These same developers who in Ontario, ran “Ontario Proud” and were given preferential treatment by Doug Ford for greenbelt land. (which is currently being investigated by the RCMP, and has already cost an MP, and staffer their job in what looks like some handy’s for land acces in vegas, and $1000 per plate wedding invites to Ford’s daughter’s wedding)

So yes, some of it is organic, but a lot of the rampant hate being directed exclusively in one direction is not. It is being pushed by agendas and individuals who will directly benefit from a Conservative leadership. And I do not believe they care about putting roofs over peoples heads, since you know, pretty much all of them are house investors too (So is dear old Skippy)

“is it going to make a difference?” And “are they doing the right thing?”

complete valid discussion to have. One I know you in particular do have. But you can see enough people repeating incorrect misinformation and rhetoric online, that these actual good conversations inevitably get enshitified by people repeating falsehoods.

because they expect to cash out with hefty profits.

yes and no. people just want the knowledge that they, when they have to retire, are going to be able to do so with some money in hand. With the constant attack on our social services, especially those by the Harper government, people pivoted to put money into what was already a growing investment market of real estate.

people living in their homes generally do not give a flying fuck what the current value is since they are actively living there. I can tell you as a home owner, my house value could be 10 million today and I Don’t give a flying fuck. This is my home. my roof over my head. It’s the investor class that cares. And they should not have access to homes while people struggle to find a place to live.

Sorry for the long post. I don’t believe you’re one of those people I was refering to since you generally are posting with thought in your posts. But there are too many people on social media who read a twitter post by PP or Ford and have immediately gone to spread those false messages and push hateful and divisive speech.

However, I don’t know if something is wrong with your account as I only saw this in my inbox. Not a single other one of your posts appear anywhere when I browse Lemmy, and I don’t have you blocked so I don’t know what’s going on.

Sprawlie, (edited )

while this one talks about 30k dwellings.

No it doesn’t. The OP of the post edited out the actual words in the article to make it seem like that was what was said. That is not what was published on the Parl government site. The exact wording of the 30k number:

Delivering a $15 billion top-up to the Apartment Construction Loan Program to build a minimum of 30,000 new apartments. With this top-up, the program’s financing is on track to build over 131,000 new apartments within the next decade.

Is this enough? I can’t answer that. But the policy isn’t just 30k new dwellings. It was specific to a MINIMUM of 30k new APARTMENTS. nothign to do with houses, condominiums, or overall housing numbers.

Now ask yourself. Why did the OP omit the full wording of the statement? Sounds like they’re just trying to push and feed that ongoing hate boner.

in addition that is a TOP UP to an existing program and not a new single investment: cmhc-schl.gc.ca/…/apartment-construction-loan-pro…

Sprawlie, (edited )

There are a lot of people who see housing getting further out of reach. Rents are going up. Homes are too expensive for young people to buy. It’s too expensive for some home owners to move into larger/nicer homes.

there is absolutely 100% a housing crisis. no argument from me. Please don’t take what I post as some support for the LPC. I AM NOT A LPC voter. I am just frustrated at the purposeful propaganda intended to disrupt government in the desire to put in place a more corporate friendly (historically at least) Conservative government, who has also historically, done even worse for Canadians, while all lying about it.

a lot of cases, people are seeing their mortgage/rent increase while they’re living in the same place

nothing new to me. I have a mortgage. I know

We don’t see any kind of comprehensive plan to get prices from where they are to where they were a decade ago

because that is not and has never been a goal of the federal government nor has that been ever in their pervue. Especially since the Canadian government has essentially been a Neoliberal free market money growth economy since the era of Mulroney. what you likely want is a shift to that to a more social based governance. Well, you’re not going to get arguments from me there.

Nobody should be profiting off basic needs until the needs of all are met. I’m a mixed socialist :p

The simple fact is in a neoliberal and capital based economy, all things inflate. The biggestt problem is that theres a class of people whose incomes did not inflate in line with the rest of society. And nobody seems to want to care about them.

instead, we see a trickle of piecemeal announcements that talk about tens of thousands of units over decades. It doesn’t seem like enough.

This comes down to jurisdiction, and actual powers though. What would be the biggest, and most dramatic change to allow for mass building of homes? Fixing the provincial barriers to home building. Those barriers are in the power of our premieres who are all current conservative, and instead of doing anything about it, are saying “BUT ITS TRUDEAUS FAULT!~”" while doing absolutely fucking NOTHING to fix what is in their power. THis is intentional. This is rich developers using their money and power and influence in media to convince the masses (who in their defence, don’t have the time to be OCD about this like me) to hate LPC and put a party in place who have their own nefarious behaviour in the housing crunch. (this is also exactly whats happening with the gas tax, which is 100% the premieres fault for having us pay)

The CMHC simply needs to be given back power and money to build non-profit housing to meet the needs. Something, that would cost so much money, that it will also get the inevitable “WHOSE PAYING FOR IT” anger and rhetoric.

(I still can’t figure out why I’m not seeing your posts in the actual communities)_


Yeah. Sometimes I don’t know why I bother with the Fediverse. Like, I like the idea, but there’s a fair amount of jank. I think lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works are still federated or whatever. Maybe I’ve gotten myself banned from some communities? I dunno. And I have no idea how/where to check.

Over the last few days the more glaring issues with the federation way are emerging. I sadly don’t think Lemmy is going to survive once some of the federated servers either get big enough and they have to start dealing truly with the same bullshit posters /bots that reddit does.

Look at the .ML instance as an example. It is growing to be one of the largest ones, yet The typical post on that is borderline violent. I have read numerous death threats. Rampant Racism and anti-semitism. and the owner/admin of it seemingly agrees with that. I got a temp ban for “reporting too much” for directly reporting around 6 anti semetic and anti - islamic posts. And rading his post history, he’s a staunch Commie who thinks we should kill all capitalists.

How lemmy.ml continues to be allowed to be federated despite this direction will be the evidenec that federation won’t work if the overall Lemmy experience does not adhere to at least the same standards. Having standards differ wildly like that will just alienate poeple. I Know I don’t know if I’m going to stay long here because of the sheer hate I see supported on Lemmy because certain federated server admins decided that sort of hate is ok on their server


There’s backer expectations of at least one drop in the second half of 2024

I’d you look at bank gic rates you’ll see an indication of what the bankers are predicting

For example, short term 1 year or less, have better rates than 2-5 because of this sentiment

That doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed, just the overall direction that is being expected

However, of you have some cash, there OSS some quick 5% returns to earn on 8 month gics lately


Kind of just hit this point. Weed is medical for me but at the same time it’s become so what you’ve said as well

Sunday was my last smoke so far.

Been smoked for almost 30 years now. The hard part I’m struggling with is replacement for the medicated part. Weed cured my insomnia and pain issues.


Thank you

Today was rough. Been bed ridden since mid day and had to abandon work early cause of pain

The thing that scares me is potentially needing to replace cannabis with pharmaceuticals to deal with the pain, and I’m not sure that’s better

But this is a conversation to have with my doctor


Once I got the steam deck and saw basically all my games could run in linux, I made the change fully on my laptops and desktop computers.

There’s not a single windows left in my house.

I’m a former IT Manager and system admin. And I am so fucking frustrated and pissed at Microsoft’s bullshit that I want nothing to do with them, and nothing of theirs in my house.

I cannot believe I’m going to say this: But from and enterprise point of view, I Miss Balmer. Nadella is a fucking useless wannabe Steve Jobs tool who has zero concept of what made Microsoft what it is. There’s horror stories of dealing with Microsoft on a corporate level that attributed to me having a mental breakdown.


probably just a flatpack issue. I don’t bother using flatpack at all and still have not ran into anything that truly needs it (From a gaming use at least)


No rooted phones for our App. No travel to specific locals and countries either. we hvae black lists of Regions of the world where you simply cannot login to your accounts due to overwhelming security concerns and lack of extrajudicial remediation should there be fraud.


You kind of countered your own comment at the end

One of the leading causes of alcoholism is cheap access to alcohol


For alcohol, because of it’s prevalence in society, yet known destructiveness, it is a very prickly topic. Historically we already know that prohibition is the worst solution to the problem and has far worse outcomes.


A whole lot of semi and newly blind people who believe it was a conspiracy are not going to admit to their ignorance. They will in fact probably say that the blindness was not normal eclipse behaviour and that it was all a Librul conspiracy to blind conservatives.


Does not matter what “majority” want in this regard, even if this is one of those usual conservative dog whistle topics.

The constitution, Charter of Rights and courts are there to protect us from majority rule. And they have all stated, numerous times, that the death penalty is strictly unconstitutional.

It is not coming back and these stupid “polls” to push “simple” and “common sense” style questions.


Here in Canada, it’s generally the same. Our Economy has almost always been strongest under Liberal led governments.

The Conservative’s have always ran on “conservative fiscally” as a term, but often never have real plans than tax cuts and austerity for public services.


Almost half of Canadians know little to nothing

probably the most accurate thing I have read all day


you know what is boiling my birches in all this shit.

every single province can over-ride the federal carbon tax by putting in place their own Carbon program.

the fact that the provinces are spending so much time and effort to fight the backstop carbon tax, while at the same time doing zero, or worse instead of putting in place their own measures is disgusting

shows that our premieres are purposely riling up morons and climate deniers while sitting on their asses pushing conservativism.

Ontario paying the Federal carbon tax is 100% Doug Ford’s fault. and the same with every other premiere who doesn’t have their own carbon program


The problem is world power. Economic power is the power of the day, and to have it, you need population. The biggest powers in the world have hundreds of millions of people. Our closest ally and neighbour has over 400,000,000 people.

we can either, grow our population and therefore our basic economic engine capabilities with that, or, not participate in the leadership at a world stage (like the G7).

That’s the existential question you have to ask. what do you want for Canada?


There is more than enough overall wealth in this country to pay for all that. If we’re just willing to be honest and fair with what taxation should look like.


Loved BG3. but it was the hit it was because it was done by people who love the D&D world and didn’t attempt to live up to any specific monetary goals, nor did it rush out to try and beat some arbitrary deadline. it was done in the old style of development, by a relatively small team over long periods of time to showcase their labour of love.

given the history of D&D the company itself and it’s more recent copyright monetization and attacking the playerbase for profit, I cannot see them pumping out other games that are anywhere CLOSE to what Larian produced.

Wee’re going to get a whole lot of bullshit shovelware trying to ride BG3’s excellence.

this is why we can’t have nice things :(


Sure, but on the flip side, I’m paying for the service already. It’s not on us to subsidize the cost.

TIpping was meant and should only be done as a reward for job well done. Not a defacto standard expectation just because you did your job.

That’s what your pay is.

NOW, go fight for better wages. Unionize, promote higher minimum wages, be the change you want to see. But sitting here and bitching out customers because they don’t tip is a you problem.

Sprawlie, (edited )

I have no easy solutions.

There’s an easy one that could be legislated tomorrow by any states.

Raise minimum wages and enforce it throughout ALL workplaces, including wait staff. Nobody should be earning less than a living wage just because they’re restaraunt staff.


This is ridiculous amount to tip. Good on you for being frivolous and not caring how much you spend, but understand that by your further escalation of tipping you are directly contributing to the businesses that are getting away with it.

Not 10 years ago, expected tipping was 10-15%. Now you’re throwing 25-30? Or 50? you realize how unstable, unrealistic and how bad a precedent that is setting?


Why is your problem here that people don’t want to have to pay additional above the expected posted fee for their food?

the same argument can easily be asked, why the fuck are you supporting and allowing for restaurateurs to pay 2.35/hr?

Stop encouraging greedy bosses by subsidizing their workers for them.


Employees who won’t be able to make a living will go elsewhere. it’s not easy and instant, but eventually if a restaraunt can’t staff itself, it will collapse.

We should absolutely not be subsidizing restaraunt owners who are only keeping a float by paying low wages. if they can’t afford to properly pay their staff, they don’t deserve to operate.

Sprawlie, (edited )

I got chased down the street on my first day by someone I tipped. I didn’t know it was actually taboo. Apparently tipping is an insult. The staff chased me down on the street to return it to me.

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