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And even before that they were tragically wrong in 2016. Fuck polls.


Part of me thinks this is insane, part of me gets it.

Riding my bicycle in the city is my version of it. While it is dangerous and initially I felt too afraid to enjoy it, eventually I came to the attitude that the adrenaline rush and requirement to be so focused is a feeling of being more alive than if I was half zoned out in a car because I could be half zoned out.

I’ve always said I would love a motorcycle if I could feel safe but maybe your perspective here is what I need.


There’s a balance though, right? Fear keeps us alive and is good at that. By this argument I could easily talk myself into trying heroin and be miserable then dead in 6 months.


Yeah I’m just saying it’s not always easy to strike the balance. I’m several times more open to risk than my grandparents were, but I’m willing to bet I’m much more risk averse than you are. I think we are all controlled by “fear” to a large extent because if we weren’t, we wouldn’t last long.

I’ve been thinking about quitting my job for years. But there are so many pluses to it that it’s incredibly hard to go through with it. On the other hand, I’m a slave stuck inside most of my life. I haven’t figured out how to quit my job without blowing up my path to a secure retirement. It’s hard. Life’s hard.


Well, that’s easy.

It’s not. Your heart might be in the right place, but you really don’t know other people’s lives


So without knowing my circumstance, you claim to know the solution…

Curious, do you know of any jobs available for someone with only a bachelor’s degree (not even in their field of work), that pay very well, and also keep next to zero tabs on employee’s day to day, and also pay a large percentage of their employee’s salary freely into a 401k, no matching required? Virtually no meetings and allows work from home. I keep my camera nearly off every day, and no one harasses me about it.

I don’t know of an opportunity even close to this elsewhere. I had a coworker friend go from my employer to an enormous corporation where he likely tripled his salary. But his work life balance was garbage. He quit, and now he’s coming back to my current company. I’m very lucky. I just also happen to be very bored. Boredom comes from a failure to properly entertain oneself, so this is largely on me.

Again, you’re passing judgement as if there were one simple binary factor there aren’t. You don’t know me. I appreciate it if you truly are trying to help, but it’s also a bit condescending and necessarily ignorant.


I can’t even read this ignorant mess after that first sentence. I no longer think you were being nice.


Don’t ever connect it to WiFi and don’t insert a sim card.

So… don’t ever use the Internet?


Well yes, obviously. That’s not something we need to be told.

‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank (

What followed was a wave of shooting and arson attacks across 11 Palestinian villages in which a dozen homes and more than 100 cars were torched, thousands of animals were slaughtered, four people were shot dead and scores of others were seriously wounded.


So trump can make it wayyyy better/s

Third party hasn’t been remotely close to having a chance in recent history, so this shitty anti-thought is just handing the reins to trump, who will very obviously make it way worse. But then again that’s what you want, isn’t it linker?


Wrong Wrong Wrong

I will never ever be convinced by the absolute hogwash Zero validity to it whatsoever.

TrickDacy, (edited )

No third party got enough votes to do anything but Fuck up one campaign or or another, at least for a few decades that’s been true. Exactly what good does that do? Absolutely no one will get “the message” from your 4% of the population (I’m being pretty generous there. Don’t get your hopes up) protest votes. All you can do is help trump by doing that

The protest vote has failed to achieve anything since the always. Is it possible you don’t know that? Or is the goal specifically to help trump?


You people going around spreading anti Biden sentiment like to pretend to be martyrs, but you’re 1000% hurting Palestinians more than Biden ever could. You pretend it doesn’t matter that you’ll elect trump and the horrors will grow in size, but it fucking matters. It will be your fault. Your conscious will not be clean no matter how many times you pretend otherwise


No make sure trump is elected and sleep like a baby about all those Palestinians you murdered


Yes sociopaths probably do think empathy is a sickness


Of course! Everyone loves genocide unless they agree with you that Biden personally orders bombings of Palestinians. that’s all that matters.

Trump’s gonna love sending extra genocide money once you hand him the election (totally accidentally too)


I haven’t read the articles because there is no link to them, but in my city there would be very valid reason for complaint about ebikes because the same sociopath tendencies that people exhibit while driving cars are moving to ebikes. These fuckers ride them like goddamned motorcycles, except whooshing right next to people on trails and sidewalks meant to be shared or in some cases, primarily used by, pedestrians.

If I were to guess the average speed of ebike riders I would say around 25 mph and you usually don’t even see any pedaling.

I’ve learned to despise them because what’s happened is that the people who don’t want to deal with car problems but are too lazy to pedal have brought car-type problems to spaces that used to only be shared with bikes.

The problem is obviously with shit actors but what can we do about it? Until there are laws enforced about speeding and riding like an asshole, nothing will change. Which in my mind won’t happen without articles or something else bringing it to the attention of people who don’t actually deal with these assholes.


I am extremely in favor of bikes over cars but this commenter actually makes a valid point. I have noticed extremely shitty riding behavior on ebikes and there is no hope of any legislation to curb that behavior until we talk about it.

In any case the tweet chose to not include any links to these articles.


Without laws or enforcement though, the exact scenario I am describing will play out ad infinitum

Kicked macOS to the Curb and Installed Asahi Fedora Gnome

Most of the switching posts are from frustrated windows users making the jump. I’m already a Linux user on my server (Ubuntu for now, going Debian at some point) and a 2014 iMac for tinkering/testing (KDE Neon), and a couple of raspberry pis (raspberry pi os headless) but our main household computer is an M1 Mac mini that my...


I haven’t had a bad experience with it yet.

Give it time


I feel you. I also have noticed that in a lot of small ways, the os keeps getting worse, and rarely better


Wow weird. Found one of these that is not a lie


That’s not what form factor means


You’re right, it was totally meant to group together devices which share zero characteristics outside being vaguely the same size and shape.


You realize that’s the argument you’re making…?


I especially enjoy when “Christians” try to justify all this by cherry picking weird bible verses and ignoring any that contradict them.

“See! Jesus was a capitalist after all!!”


You made it sound even creepier than usual


Nothing wrong with that word, it’s just a weird Internet bandwagon thing like pineapple on pizza

TrickDacy, (edited )

I know that I’d never heard a single comment about the word “moist” until like 2010 when apparently overnight 90% of the world lost their shit over it

Kind of like how pineapple on pizza was just something people liked or didn’t until like 2015 when everyone decided to grandstand about it


That is a reasonable way of looking at it. The Internet way of looking at it though, is to freak out any time the word is used.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing pivotal moment in long fight to stay out of US court [ BRIAN MELLEY | May 18, 2024 | Associated Press] (

“Julian has been indicted for receiving, possessing and communicating information to the public of evidence of war crimes committed by the U.S. government,” his wife, Stella Assange, said. “Reporting a crime is never a crime.”


This isn’t the brilliant clapback you imagine it to be


So glad to see tips like “hey everyone you should actually not eat glowing embers”

I need to wake up early (

All the vibrating alarm clocks I could find do not sync with your phone, and have to be set manually. I thought about getting an Arduino, but then I will have to build the whole thing by myself. The only logical conclusion I could come up with is to get a programable vibrator. But most of them are either very expensive of look...


This is a shitpost, but people are taking it seriously?


It really baffles me how often I still see it talked about. Especially on Lemmy. I never liked it myself but now the musk owns it, I would’ve assumed there wouldn’t be much controversy here: it’s dead and gone, move on, people.


Yes exactly. Which is one of a few reasons why I wish people would stop using it


Never heard of Loblaw but today somehow I’m seeing many posts about it


Thanks. Are the posts inspired by the boycotts?


I remember your previous comments but nice try

FYI when you write out a thesis about how no one could be doing something for a genuine reason then that reinforces previous reasons to think you’re a conservative

TrickDacy, (edited )

So you’re claiming that you’ve known a significant number of sexual assaulters but no other type of male who calls themselves a feminist?

Personally I could’ve seen your point if everything you wrote about it, along with past statements, hadn’t rubbed me the wrong way. It was like you were just waiting to find a way to bring down “feminists”.


Okay so you’re all about suspicion toward people who need you to know their morals. So then what does it say about your need to let everyone know you’re not like those “feminists”?

Also I don’t think your me too comment checks out at all. Harvey Weinstein was not an "activist " for women. Nor was Kevin Spacey, R Kelly, Bill Cosby, Garrison Keillor, etc. the only example I can think of where you could have a point would be Louis CK. So yeah, far from “almost every single one of them”.

And finally, you extrapolated all of this shit from that one sentence in the article… Not a good look


pro feminist ads

…TIL that’s a thing (it’s not)

I find it incredibly unlikely that anyone ever considered Harvey Fucking Weinstein to be a champion of women. It was actually quite well known that he was a pervert, if anything

Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China (

Chinese police hunting international corruption targets were allowed into Australia by the federal police and subsequently escorted a woman back to China for trial, in a major breach of Chinese-Australian police protocols....

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