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I’m just commenting to get your hopes up that you might have gotten an answer, but I don’t know either. Please, someone tell me what it means :(


Yeah, I honestly doubt he’s going to lose. It would be nice to have faith in this country, but…


Article title:

Why some people believe ‘marijuana’ is a racist word, and why it doesn’t offend me

Getting the feeling we could be spending our time on much more important issues…


Big if true. Going to need some real convincing benchmarks to believe this one, though. From a read, seems like they’re implementing ASIC on processor dies, which is not at all a new concept.


What?? We desperately need mental health institutions back. No, we don’t need the romanticized victorian dungeons, but what we do need is an alternative to jails. Secure treatment facilities. We have… four, on the west coast. Two of which have at most ~160 beds. The priority waiting list for admission is decades long (no, that isnt an exaggeration) and there isn’t a non-priority waiting list. If you’re not a priority, you just go to jail!

Community treatment is critical and we totally lack anything like it, but good god deinstitutionalization was one of the biggest public health and social equity diasters this country has ever had.


Deinstitutionalization was dreampt up by deluded idealists that slept with a copy of Naissance de la Clinique firmly lodged in their asses. Abolishing asylums was good, because at the time asylums were the aforesaid victorian dungeons. But from the outset, the movement was based on the belief that a magic pill would cure everything and all long term treatment was oppressive.

Antipsychotics enabled community treatment at all. But the wholesale rejection of both long term and secure treatment facilities was an indefensible failure of reasoning and an abject tragedy, and one that was set in motion by Hoffman and his peers when they penned the foundational texts of the movement.

We desperately need secure treatment facilities. There is no solution if we do not have them, just the continuing abject failure of basic human decency that we currently have. This system is broken, and it is directly the fault of everyone who began the deinstitutionalization movement and their total inability to foresee the obvious consequences of their actions. Regan was evil and JFK was understandably bitter, and even though they both worked to bring the end of asylums, they are both still guilty for their roles in bringing this current hell down on us.

Warl0k3, (edited )

The Bad:

No Marcus narration. How are they so out of touch with the source material to miss THAT one? And there’s like… five guns. And while I like all the actors, what the hell are they doing playing those characters? Claptrap already had a voice, and it sure wasn’t jack black. Poop jokes. They’d be fine if they were, you know, funny. But they weren’t. How do you fuck up a poop joke?? The absolute lack of a coherent timeline that follows the canon. How is Tiny Tina the most subdued performance in the whole trailer? WHERE THE HELL ARE LILITH’S TATTOOS? Why are the cars so… lame? Why is the part where the narration says “Weirdest and most dangerous world” playing over a shot of random boulders? Why is Roland being played by a comedian? Where the hell is Zer0? Mordecai? HANDSOME JACK? Chris Sabat isn’t listed on the cast so we’re not getting Mr. Torgue. There’s no vending machines. This fight is so rough it looks like I choreographed it. NO HAMMERLOCK.

The Good:

Florian Munteanu (Krieg) doesn’t have a shirt on.

The Bad Again:

This movie isn’t 1hr30min of Florian Munteanu not wearing a shirt and hitting things. Preferably in slow motion, and glistening. Maybe throw in some cute Pandorian animals, too. How cute must a baby skag be? I don’t know, but I want to find out the answer.

I mean come on you could do ANYTHING with this, a feature length movie just of Granny Flexington’s Story Corner would be lauded as one of the best troll moves in history. Sure, I’d go and throw a brick through Gearbox’s windows for that, but I’d make sure nobody was behind said window first. … Probably.

Both this clip and the first clip emphasize the same poop joke. And that’s a problem. Somehow they’ve managed to make poop jokes in Borderlands a problem.

And keep in mind this is the scene the producers and people involved thought was good enough to debut online. This is what they are selling the movie on. This is their big “Take a look at this and get excited!” clip. If that’s the case, well, I fear for the rest of the movie.

Sums it up pretty well. I’m just astounded by how awful this is going to be. This looks bad enough I’m not even going to hate watch it, just… just no.


See its not that the poop jokes are bad its that there’s only one damn joke and they keep recycling it. Like the poop jokes were rarely funny in the games (I’m secure enough to admit that I laughed at more than a few…) but at least there was a variety. This is the same damn one as in trailer #1. What kind of person can’t write two “claptrap shitting bullets” jokes???


I bought my mother one of these for mothers day, since then she has been hiding it all over the house so moopsy can jump out at him when he least expects it. It’s very cute.


Although its a super common greeting on there (I’m told), most likely they’re bots. There’s tons of them on there.




The writing in 3 was… not great (the DLCs were amazing) but man the gameplay is unparalleled. If they could just do a villain that rivals jack again, maybe this could be something decent.

… unrelated, anyone wanna buy a bridge?

Warl0k3, (edited )

That line is taken completely out of context. The full quote, pasted elsewhere in this thread, is about how people can pay these price hikes, technically, but it’s rage inducing that they keep having to, and we need to address this kind of corporate greed.


I am so lost as to your message here, I’m sorry. Best guess response:

I’m well aware of the rising cost of food, and that people increasingly can’t afford it. But desperate people do desperate things, and food insecurity is about as desperate as humans can get. People find the money, usually by reprioritizing other critical needs. This is, of course, fucking insane that they have to do that. But because they are able to do that desperate reprioritizing they can continue to be bled dry by the corporations setting the prices. I’m not disagreeing about the cause or half measures, just that that quote is being used so out of context it’s straying into the territory of intentional deception.


Guardianships are very often for severe physical disabilities with no intellectual imparement. Those people can’t vote either.


The “all lives matter” slogan is a disruptive counterpoint used to rally support around a seemingly moral cause, to make more palatable the obviously racist ideas of the countermovement.

These current protesters are being labeled as “Pro Palestine”, not “anti-genocide”, for similar but distinct reasons - there’s an exhausting amount of effort being expended to make sure that Palestinians are synonymous with Hamas. By labeling these protests as pro palestine, you can leverage your massive public opinion campaign to discredit the opposition as being pro-terrorist.

Explicitly saying that your movement is about human rights violations, not the imprecisly defined concept of “palestine”, helps to defeat this tactic.


mmmm you didn’t actually read the article, didja?


Its by no means uncommon for people to nod off during court proceedings. Especially in the early stages like this, you’d be hard pressed to find any activity that’s more boring. You’re rarely engaged with, can’t get up or play on your phone, don’t understand anything that’s being discussed and are stuck in the least interesting room in the world.

Though, you’d expect the goddamn president to be able to at least fake attentiveness. It’s not like he’s never had to sit through a boring briefing before. Fucking hell…


Oh hush.


There were gunmen in both places. Videos linked in this thread show that, though I do not recommend watching them.


That’s fine if you’re into vanilla porn, but if you have a fetish even slightly more niche than what they’ve got on ex: Kink.com, you’re not going to find more than a handful of videos for free (unless you go with piracy but that’s beside the point). And those will be digitized German VHS tapes. And will be out of focus. So in situations like that, paying for porn (or, paying to support creators that produce content you enjoy) becomes a lot more attractive as an option.

… not that I’d know anything about it first hand.


I am sorry, I dont think I understand what you mean.


They’d probably just take ranks in Noble or Politician, assuming 3.5 backgrounds.


I really want to believe that poster meant that there’s no way the headline in the image is real, but…


Serious question not trying to troll here: Isn’t everyone stuck in this hellish capitalist system part of that class?


Do please enlighten us oh great and mighty Whooshmaster, master of Whoosh!


Sorry, I’m not trying to be as confrontational as this sounds: do you mean that we should stop research into other avenues of clean power generation because we’ve figured out some different methods?


ITT: a lot of people worried that one of the few examples of corporate-provided services that isn’t a flaming pile of anti-consumer profit-before-everything garbage is going to be punished for not being that via political ratfucking.

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