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In March, the former president won enough primary races to secure the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

However, according to a survey of 1,003 Americans by Canadian polling firm Leger, Trump does not command the full support of his base and 33 percent of this demographic would have preferred another politician.

Another way of writing that 33 percent prefer another politician is that 67 percent prefer Trump. Last I checked, 67 percent support is enough to secure the Republican nomination.

Meanwhile, this proportion is higher (47 percent) among Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old.

Again, another way of writing this is that 53 percent of Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old support Trump. I’ll double check my arithmetic, but even this seems to be enough to win primaries.

With a title like “One in three Republicans now think Donald Trump was wrong candidate choice,” I would expect to see a poll which showed that fewer than “One in three Republicans” used to “think Donald Trump was wrong candidate choice.” That seems like a straightforward way to make the point this article is trying to make. Yet none is provided. Instead we are treated to some general electorate polling showing some minor fluctuation and some republicans who were already critical of Trump continuing to be critical of Trump.

The centrist will to make the Republicans look better than they are is so powerful.


The ToS forbids satirical reviews. I’d start a review by reading out this portion of the ToS and then make a list of things I hate, just saying I’m not allowed to talk about this aspect of the game, or this aspect of the game, etc, etc.


Yeah, I sometimes forget that the law isn’t a code to be broken with this One Neat Trick. That goes double when you are going up against power.


Also MFW my desire to love and be understood is thwarted by my fear of loss and the existential horror of being known


It is not factual that US politicians are reptilians who eat human babies for sustenance. It is, however, true.


$375 million in today’s dollars would cover (adjusted for inflation) the marketing and development of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. en.wikipedia.org/…/List_of_most_expensive_video_g…

What Columbia Should Have Done Instead of Brutalizing Its Student Protesters (slate.com)

One example, from just up the Ivy-garlanded I-95, at Brown University, was announced just hours before Shafik again called in the police. Brown’s governing body agreed to vote on a proposal that would divest the school’s endowment of companies affiliated with Israel in a meeting in October. The proposal is based on a 2020...


Divested from Israel. The answer is that they should have divested from Israel.


In addition to what @JakenVeina said, a lot of universities have endowments that are invested in stocks, bonds, etc., to provide a baseline level of passive income. Divestment would mean getting rid of any existing investments and barring future investments in Israeli companies and companies that do extensive business with Israel. The result is to lower the access to cash and value of said companies.

Wanting to dual boot Windows with Kubuntu. Am I fine getting a Windows 10 key instead of 11?

A couple of months ago, I wiped Windows off my old laptop and installed Kubuntu instead. Now, I was thinking of dual booting Windows additionally for a certain game (definitely not League of Legends, for sure not) and will need to buy a new key. Am I fine getting a copy of Windows 10 despite Microsoft’s discontinuation, or...


Don’t go to massgrave.dev and follow the instructions there, that would be copyright infringement and would deprive an already insanely wealthy corporation of some funds.


Are you sure we won’t have to worry about Trump running again? Because I am absolutely not.




They tried to pass public option, not universal healthcare. Plus, if the rest of the democrats had really wanted it they could have done away with the filibuster and had an 8+ vote margin. But they didn’t really want it, and they wanted a convenient excuse for why they couldn’t do it, so the filibuster remains in place. And people still buy the flimsy excuse.


Stop maligning Waffle House by comparing it to the White House.


So the Dems need to figure out how to balance those two things by appeasing the powerful interest and paying lip service to the voters.

I mean, that’s what they’re doing now, right? “Oh, we all want to do these things, but the big mean republicans won’t let us do them, we’re just smol beans who can’t help it, we couldn’t possibly kill the filibuster or reform the court, it’s our birthday, why do you hate us?”


My God, this. I keep wondering what would happen if they stopped yelling at us and tried yelling at Biden to course correct instead. It’s hard at times not to think that they don’t actually want positive change, which I know isn’t true, it’s just that their actions sure seem that way


Funny how the person we always end up having to unite behind is someone who would have been a republican 20 years ago, and not someone who’ll actually try to make change


That’s a good point. If only left-wing Germans had backed Hindenburg despite his right leanings, they could have won the 1932 presidential election and stopped fascism in its tracks.


Fascism is inevitable if we count on someone like Hindenburg or Biden to save us, because they either can’t or don’t want to.


In your opinion, is fascism more of a threat now than it was in 2020?


Ok, but imagine if this had been the last episode, and the final scene was decompressing the shuttle bay and the same thing happens


Chamber of Commerce Republicans sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

Chamber of Commerce Republicans reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


I avoid gas stations that have ads. There’s a chain where I live that doesn’t do them, so they get all my business.


America also deserves someone better

Do we really? I’m not so sure.


It’s not both-sides to say that Genocide Joe sucks ass. Yes, Trump is worse. But Biden is still awful. I don’t say that in some effort to appease the right or sound somehow neutral, I say it because it’s true.


People shouldn’t stay home on election day just because Biden is a terrible piece of shit. People should go at the very least to vote down ballot, if not to vote against Trump. Nor should people feel hopeless. There are so many avenues to pursue outside of simple electoral politics (again, do vote). But I’m not going to cave to this loyalty test bullshit. Also the money is good, praise Mother Russia.

In short, your words are not neutral.

Yes. That is literally what I said.

Look, I agree that “telling it like it is” can be a toxic trait (although as long as we’re discussing the subtext, it’s interesting that you used the example of “girls”. I’m sure you didn’t mean to, I’m not leveling accusations at you, we all do this to some degree or another, but that is definitely an appeal to misogyny. You could have compared me to Bill Maher, which frankly would have pissed me off a whole lot more). But the truth does matter, and appeals to nuance/arguing procedural or rhetorical points while ignoring the realities is also toxic. Children in Gaza are dying, and Biden has actively helped with that. Call it propaganda, call it whatever you want, but innocent people are dead, as a result of a genocidal campaign helped by Biden.

Israel Attacking West Bank Farms (www.npr.org)

The U.N. humanitarian affairs office has recorded 650 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since Oct. 7, harming residents and property. It says settlers have killed at least nine Palestinians in the territory and Israeli security forces have killed more than 400 Palestinians in that time.


Reminder: Hamas does not have a presence in the West Bank. Mass killings of Palestinians have never been about containing or defeating Hamas. The killing, destruction of property/seizure of land, and creation of fear are the point.


Two people who were willing to publicly admit it. The article provides indications that more may have switched over, including that Donald Trump proclaimed anyone who contributed to Haley is out of the MAGA camp, and that the Biden campaign is actively courting them.

Besides, there’s less than a hair’s breadth between Haley and Biden politically.


Is there a reason this requirement doesn’t apply to iMessage as well?


I keep seeing this criticism, but flatpak provides a run command on its cli that works just fine. It is a little clunky though.


I think its biggest weakness is also its biggest strength: isolation. Sometimes desktop integration doesn’t work quite right. For instance, the 1password browser extension can’t integrate with the desktop app when you use flatpak firefox.


Yep. But,

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo tee /usr/local/bin/nvim <<EOF
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#!/bin/sh
</span><span style="color:#323232;">flatpak run io.neovim.nvim "$@"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">EOF
</span><span style="color:#323232;">chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nvim

(I haven’t tested this, that I use similar code for a different program)

It sure would be nice if flatpak bundled some functionality to do this for you, though.


aberrate_junior_beatnik, (edited )

there are two healthy sex phenotypes … and b) the result of something going wrong.

What about intersex people makes them “unhealthy”? What makes what their bodies do “wrong”?

Everything else is a) extremely rare

Intersex people are about as common than redheads. Would you agree with the statement that redheads are the exception that proves the rule that there are 3 hair colors, blond, brown, and black?

[Edit: more common -> about as common]


“it” in this case is to magically add a centimeter or so of paper to the left side of the 't


Weird shot at the Arch wiki, which is truly great. I turn to it regularly despite not using Arch.


No but see now you get to pee, which feels good. It’s just a bonus!

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