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The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning. (lemmy.world)

Whenever AI is mentioned lots of people in the Linux space immediately react negatively. Creators like TheLinuxExperiment on YouTube always feel the need to add a disclaimer that “some people think AI is problematic” or something along those lines if an AI topic is discussed. I get that AI has many problems but at the same...


If you are so keen on correctness, please don’t say “LLMs are lying”. Lying is a conscious action of deceiving. LLMs are not capable of that. That’s exactly the problem: they don’t think, they just assemble with probability. If they could lie, they could also produce real answers.


They said “in addition to registry editing”.


Yup, I don’t understand it either. Many “how to fix …” articles involve quite a lot powershell magic. And I say “magic” because IMO they are often essentially API calls which I find far harder to grasp than config files that follow some logic and help me understand what is interacting how.


They also document scripts to bootstrap clients on other OSses. And I don’t think you need Pro to build rustdesk yourself - they even document the process.


The apps are bundled completely differently on OSX and Linux. It’s technically not possible to do the same thing there. Also this is not a free/paid limitation at all.

They could maybe build a packaging tool that can customize the binaries (adding data to the PE executable in Windows and maybe a property file in OSX and Linux); but that’s quite some effort for not much gain.


If it’s so easy to implement, go ahead and open a PR. The community will be thankful.


They still need to know the key. If you publicly distribute your config, that’s a problem. But IMO one even the pro version couldn’t solve.


I said it’s possible, just much more effort than the current solution which only requires reading and and parsing the process name on startup.



I like to stand there, with my bunny ears as hat, and wave at my dead opponents.

I think that’s the only class I managed to get all achievements for.


You joke, but I actually have a license key for WinRAR that I use with the native rar cli on my Linux machines.


That information belongs in the specs/feature list on the encasing, not in the fucking splash screen as dedicated video.

For the buyer that would be too late and for the one who bought it already and now wants to play it’s utterly pointless.


At least some games parallelize this. The game then already loads assets, caches shaders etc while the intro rolls.


I think the relevant news here is the PC support, not the directors cut. There is no other version for PC (AFAIK).


Buy CrossOver for Linux. Positive side effect: you support Wine development.


Yeah, like your crush telling you “I wish I met a guy/girl like you.” 😐️


Gamepass isn’t cloud gaming, though. It’s a game subscription, but cloud gaming is only optional and only available for a subset of games. All of the games however can be downloaded and are played locally.


But… they have devs. A lot of software is written for OSX. Zed being one of them. You may not like it, but it works for Apple.


I don’t see where your problem comes from. It’s really simple: they wanted to target Mac, likely because that’s their preferred platform. So obviously they use the best fitting APIs for that purpose. Why would they develop a Linux or Windows application, if what they want is Mac? Nothing suspicious about that.


Uhhhh, people install shit like Vanguard just so that they can keep having their mother insulted in the ingame chat.

And many people put up with cascades of different lauchers (and accounts).

So I am glad that there was some push back this time, but it’s not like there would be some sane baseline of PC players in that regard.


Only if you want to cap the skill limit. Otherwise you would typically have a hand full of players that are genuinely just good or rather far outside the normal skill range. I guess with a lot of data collection one might be able to determine if there was some kind of natual progress or sudden skill jumps, but all in all it could weed out legitimate players.


Also there could (and should?) be “simply” two launch options. One with “hardcore anti cheat” and one with some much simpler anti-cheat. Then a lobby option what you want to allow. You want to play competitive/league/whatever? Then require the hardcore anti-cheat. Otherwise: why bother.


Reminds me of the Volkswagen boss when their emission cheating leaked. He said he didn’t know. Wow, you earn millions for managing a company that big and then claim to not know about something. The fuck did you do then? So either he was lying or admitting that he didn’t do his damn job. Both cases should have lead to him having to give back whatever he “earned” in his position.


I am not a marketing expert, but when headlines pile up implicating that Microsoft doesn’t fully stand behind XBox anymore, no wonder the number for new customers tank. I wouldn’t “invest” in something that seems to be on the way out either.


Don’t you think that whole thing is simply a publicity stunt? Because it kinda looks like it and it seems to work…


So why didn’t he stop playing at level 100 or 200 or whatever but waited with this rant until almost level 300 in a stream with large attention? Pure coincidence? To me it looks like he wanted to go out with a bang and rage bait.


… also not this game, but especially not Palia.


They did give away DLCs. Orsinium earlier that year and now Thieves Guild. The event also gives out a lot of Seals of Endeavor.

They essentially celebrate the whole year instead of just this one event.


Have you considered publishing that as a book? (/s)

You are insane… in a good way. I love it. Fantastic read and I had to chuckle a few times.


As much as I like to shit on Epic, but UE 5.x is pretty much innovative with each minor release. Watching the release videos of what the engine can do in realtime is always impressive. They are used as realtime backgrounds for movie sets.


Do you mix game development with engine? Of course an engine doesn’t make an innovative game by itself. An engine is - hence the name - only the means to an end to help develop a game. Innovative games are all over the place in regards to the engines they use; from in-house/custom to products like unity, unreal, etc.

That you have the impression that engines like UE and Unity are “less innovative” by judging released games just shows how many games are developed using these engines - especially Unity. It’s so damn easy to build games with it, that many people do, even when they only build something simple. And that’s fine … it means that more people can channel their creativity into game development, even when it doesn’t yield anything ground breaking.

It also shows, though, that developers can focus more on the game development and have to deal less with engine development and now even asset creation, since these engines also bring asset catalogs. So it’s really quite a good time to dive into game development, which fosters creativity and in the end there will also be innovative games among them.


I am not a big fan of this, because you then rely on the scanner manufacturer to produce good quality results.

I scan everything using VueScan and that has a special mode for text documents. A single page with OCR ends up being about 25kb as PDF. It removes folding edges, sharpens the letters, etc.

If that software gets new features, my scanning experience improves automatically, even though I still use the same scanner for 10 years now.

With relying on the firmware, I would have long ago stopped getting updates and I either was ok with the results or I could throw away the whole device.

Just as people here recomment to separate printing from scanning, I recomment to separate the hardware and software.


Nah, explicit sync is the objectively better model if you want high performance. Android went for explicit sync right from the start and from what I gather also Intel and AMD prefer it. The problem is, that the graphics stacks on Linux have been using implicit sync for ages and so far no one dared to change the status quo. Nvidia was “simply” rejecting implementing an inferior mechanism in their driver. While somewhat understandable, it was still a decision on the back of their users.


The problem is IMO much bigger. Every connected and/or IoT device becomes physical waste if the vendor shuts down the backing infrastructure.

Every product (physical or digital) should be considered as a unit with the required technical infrastructure. Companies/producers should only have two choices: keep maintaining the infrastructure or publish everything necessary for individuals and/or a community to take over. This must be ready from the moment such a product enters the market and it must be part of the “will” of the company so if it goes bankrupt, the whole process can be triggered more or less automatically.

Lasse Collin, the other xz maintainer, has acknowledged the backdoor (tukaani.org)

They haven’t particularly made a comment on the situation so much as acknowledged it’s happening. They seem to be going with the story that they had nothing to do with it and this is news to them. Hope to hear more from them soon so we can find out more about the situation, how and why this happened, etc....


Do you think being maintainer makes you some kind of all knowing being? That’s not how that works. You write code and review code of others.

If there are multiple maintainers, you may obviously not even notice what another maintainer is doing; then you wouldn’t need multiple maintainers with write access if you could handle it all by yourself.


There is actually a mechanism that allows distros to register the system level driver as flatpak extension, so the driver is available in the sandbox. Unfortunately, almost no distro uses that :-/


It’s not the same model though, is it? I can buy XBox, PS an Nintendo games in a shit ton of physical or digital stores. So there are different channels. There is no equivalent on iOS. If you don’t want to publish in the app store, no one will be able to install your app (developers with own certs and enterprise customers with mdm excluded).


Don’t/can’t you still buy codes in other stores, though?


But not directly the apps. I can, however, for example buy codes for individual xbox games from different vendors.


… in which case you would have seen that they delete a path referenced by an env var being set earlier.

How likely do you think it would have been to notice, that this env var will turn up empty in your specific case?


I like the company and their commitment, but I would still not recommend them (I have two Tuxedo laptops myself and see others from my colleagues): all I saw were loud. Most cannot run completely without fan active, none were able to keep the fan quiet if you put even a little bit load on it. If you put REAL load on it you go deaf.

I would really like them to be perfect, but all I’ve seen disappointed me, unfortunately. And I am not sure I would take that gamble again when I replace my current one.


I am still a bit confused that it’s considered pre-alpha, when a final release is scheduled for later this year. That will be an awfully short alpha, beta and RC cycle then.


Don’t get me wrong: I didn’t want to downplay the work or doubt the progress. Quite the contrary. I think the current state is alpha and once the first sets of apps are finished it should be beta. Then polishing until release, a few weeks of release candidate phase and then release.

Basically I think it’s too far along already to call it pre-alpha.

(Unless the intention is to “release” it as beta with 24.04 to emphasize the missing apps… then consider what I said pointless.)


Thanks for the clarification. Seems sensible.


Not just scrollbars. Buttons, input fields, etc.

Dammit I sometimes have to search for elements I can interact with. Back in the day it was self explaining.

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