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Republicans really do have just one playbook.


And yet, removing the ambiguity seems superfluous. It’s not like it’d change anything, right?


He wasn’t embarrassed. He was afraid it would make him look bad enough to American voters that he would lose the election, and narcissists can’t handle being losers.


Heartbreaking: the worst bleach-blonde bad-built butch-body you know just made a good point.


I’ll join in and say you’re right. Policing morally “wrong” but legal acts is a very conservative way of doing things. You can point to dozens of activities that conservatives decry as “immoral” or “sinful” yet are legal and nobody cares what they think, but when it’s two adults who get married with a large age gap suddenly everyone wants to be moral guardians. Two consenting adults can make a legal choice, and anything more than that is nobody’s business.

That said, in this particular case, this dude met his wife when she was still in high school. He absolutely groomed her.


That was the very last thing I said:

That said, in this particular case, this dude met his wife when she was still in high school. He absolutely groomed her.


No, his roommates are still Trump supporters.


the duo plans to ask for donations to repair the vehicle.

That doesn’t sound very bootstrappy. In fact, it sounds downright socialist.

billiam0202, (edited )

Given that the first modern(ish) colonizers in the US were religious assholes who were kicked out of Europe, it kinda makes sense.


That’s because Trump is purely transactional. If something doesn’t benefit him directly, he has no use for or interest in it.

That’s a symptom of his emotional immaturity.


But what about all the gay people now have mothers-in-law, which they didn’t have before?


(I too love my MiL.)


Which is what he says after every right-wing terrorist act. It’s almost as if the logical result of his and the other right-wing media’s terrorist edging is violence…


It’s just always shocking how Repubs feel so comfortable blatantly contradicting documented reality.

Because their voters don’t punish them for it.

Al Franken was run out of the Senate because of the appearance of impropriety in a staged joke photo.

Republicans lost over 60 court cases about the “rigged” 2020 election, and yet they’re still gonna nominate Trump again. He lied about Hillary, he lied about the wall, he still lies about the economy, but none of that matter because Republicans want it to be true. That’s what you get with the “feelings over facts” party.

billiam0202, (edited )

I have a suspicion that Klingons would consider not being your true self dishonorable, so of course they’d be accepting of trans people.

edit: It looks like there’s a Romulan petaQ among us. Your bigotry will not serve you well here.


…Yes? Because I stated exactly why I feel it fits with the Klingon ethos? Outside of combat, Klingons don’t generally favor deception, so why would a trans woman trying to pretend she’s a man not be looked at as dishonorable? Besides, Grilka couldn’t be the leader of the House because (as far as the Klingons knew) Kozak died in combat which meant Quark had the right to be the head of the House. Had Quark admitted upfront that Kozak had gotten drunk and fallen on his own blade, he never would have been involved and Grilka would have been granted the House.

In the real world, it is entirely possible to be against gender but not sex (c.f. TERFs like J.K. Rowling) or to be against sex but not gender (c.f. how many gender reassignment surgeries are performed in Iran, where it’s culturally better to be a woman or trans-woman than it is to be a gay man).


Hey, you have to credit Grand Nagus Zek for starting those reforms!

(Of course, that was also at the bidding of Moogie, but still.)


My dude, your lame Tumblr insult aside, you’re still conflating discrimination of sex with discrimination of gender. Yes Klingon society is sexist in a lot of ways, but that doesn’t necessitate that they’re genderist too, because 1) despite what conservative ideology believes sex and gender aren’t the same thing, and 2) you’re attempting to square that circle using human logic with a species that isn’t. I gave you an example of each situation that exists on our current planet as is.

You’re also ignoring that L’Rell was Chancellor of the Empire and also that lots of female Klingons are shown in the military same as the males.


Someday we won’t have to see his “I totes don’t want Trump to be re-elected wink wink I’m just trying my hardest to depress Democratic voter turnout!” but I guess it’s not this day either.


Alternatively, you can just abbreviate it as GOP.


And I’m sure you’re equally as concerned about the conflict of interest from a judge that Trump appointed overseeing one of his trials, right? Surely you are of the opinion that Cannon should have recused herself at the very beginning, right?


I have no expectation that Trump will go to prison. I just think it’s bullshit that Cohen cooperated and got jail time, while Trump didn’t cooperate and will probably get a fine and probation.


It’s not that surprising. The Catholic Church is one of the least progressive large religions in the US, so it makes sense that if you were attempting to weld regressive policies with religious fervor, you’d start there.


Idealistically, you’re right. But it says volumes that someone would be willing to say a lot of shit in front of a camera (where the consequences are miniscule), but refuse to say the exact same shit in front of a judge (where the consequences are serious [assuming you’re not a “rich” white orange cult leader]).

Trump doesn’t testify for the one reason we all know: he’d incriminate himself faster than any piece of evidence that could ever be produced.


No he wouldn’t. There would be no one to give him external validation, which extreme narcissists crave.

Ranting and raving in his own mind, with no one to tell him he’s a good boy or the yugest, bigliest smartest man to ram the ramparts, would be the worst kind of hell he could suffer.


Also he needs to add some slurs.

The “bad dentures” kind or the “racist bigot” kind, dealer’s choice.


Another spoiler for Republicans, same as RFK. I can’t see any Dems voting for the guy who fucked Biden’s agenda so much over the last four years, but it’s totally believable that there would be Republicans who don’t want to vote for their convicted criminal nominee but also are too brainwashed to vote for Biden.

If Manchin runs as an independent, I predict he’d have the exact same result as RFK: more Republicans would vote for him than Democrats.


Manchin isn’t running for his seat again because he is going to lose to the same kind of asshole he is, but with the magic ( R ) after his name.

Democrats hate him, because every Biden policy that was blocked for the first two years of his term was Manchin’s fault.

Manchin running as an independent isn’t gonna split the Dem vote. In fact, I’ll say the opposite: he’d split the GOP vote. Republicans who won’t vote for the convict, but also won’t hold their nose to vote for Biden, would probably find Manchin acceptable.


Hey man, don’t forget to add some butter to that crustacean you’re roasting.


They want to use the law to order you to bow down to them. It’s that simple.


I guess the genre is just dead.

Diablo IV’s current season is pretty well regarded, from what I’ve read.

The Last Epoch is good.

Grim Dawn is fantastic.

And of course, Path of Exile is doing Path of Exile things.

What’s this “genre is dead” thing?


Oh, you don’t actually like ARPGs. So why are you complaining about them?


Well that’s a hilarious tinfoil hat theory- that lung-cancer-fighting drugs are financed by Big Tobacco as a way for them to sell more cigarettes.

And honestly, is there anything more late-stage capitalism than “who cares if this activity causes you cancer; you can just take a pill to make it go away!”

-The above post was brought to you by Lucky Strikes, the cigarette that causes the most treatable form of cancer!


“Sure Trump has now been convicted of 34 crimes, but Biden didn’t ride a unicorn to my house and give me everything I wanted under a rainbow in the sky so I don’t know who to vote for. I mean, I know Joe isn’t doing great with Israel now, but something about Trump saying he would do worse really makes me not want to cast my totally centrist and not-at-all bad-faith vote for Biden, you know?”


And yet, one single word can be enough to describe a person who is not worth wasting time on.

If you tell me women shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions, I’m going to call you a misogynist and ignore you.

If you tell me that your god demands I act a certain way, I’m going to call you a zealot and ignore you.

If you tell me that eating horse paste is a cure for a fucking virus, I’m going to call you an antivaxxer and ignore you.

If you tell me Ukraine should surrender to Russia, I’m going to call you a Putin apologist and ignore you.

If you tell me trickle-down economics works, I’m going to call you a fool and ignore you.

If you tell me that mankind isn’t causing the Earth to warm and that won’t be bad for us, I’m going to call you a science denier and ignore you.

Hitler liked dogs, too. That doesn’t excuse the rest of the evil shit he did or mean we should have a talk about the merits of Nazism. Likewise, Republicans are a willfully ignorant, evil party. I don’t need to know how much of that party one disagrees with; the mere fact that one agrees with any of it means one should be ignored. I don’t need to know their entire worldview; the GOP platform is egregious enough that agreeing with any of it makes Republicans terrible people.


Donald Trump taught the worst of us that it not only is okay to be a bigoted racist, but that it is okay to be that in public.


You are aware that there are more types of authoritarian governments than just “fascism,” right?


They haven’t “given up” on democracy.

They’re lighting it on fire and dancing its grave.


Too bad the earth is round, then.


Hey ABC, I wrote a better headline for you:

Conservatives force child rape victim to become parent


Anyone who thinks it’s acceptable for any rape victim to be forced to carry their rapist’s child, can take the longest walk off the shortest pier they can find, then keep walking after that.

I don’t give a good goddamn fuck about their opinions.


As much as you might be right, I would find it distasteful to use a child who has just gone through such a traumatic experience to score political points.

Which is why conservatives do it.


No, that isn’t what I said and I would appreciate it if you would direct your anger at the conservatives who caused this whole situation.

Put yourself in her situation for a moment. You are a middle school girl who has to endure the trauma of being raped. Not only that, but you find yourself pregnant. Your parents try to get an abortion for you, but the conservative lawmakers in your state have made the laws so confusing and complicated to enact a de jure ban that nobody can decide if you qualify or not. No doctor is willing to risk their license to do the morally right thing. And so, as a result, your whole life is now different because one man forced himself on you and a bunch of other men forced you to accept that.

This girl already has a daily reminder of that experience. Do you think she wants to see, at the very least this story, and at the most her name and picture, splashed across the news retelling this event over and over for months? She was raped against her will, forced to be a mother against her will, and you don’t see how forcing her to be the poster child of the results of Republican policy against her will might be adding more trauma?

It’s a very fine line between using a child for political points and raising awareness of the damage conservative policy inflicts. I’m not so sure making her your martyr doesn’t cross that line.


“Self managed” abortions are extremely dangerous

Well no shit Sherlock, that’s why we want competent, trained medical professionals to administer them.


“Might” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there, bud.


according to the article Gabe only owns about 25% of the company

The source for that number is the same Xitter that made up the rumor in the first place:

Insights from Dior, a prominent figure in the Counter-Strike community, reveal that Gabe Newell owns less than 25% of Valve.

Valve is not a public company. Unless Dior is on the board of Valve, or know someone who is, he doesn’t know the makeup of the ownership structure. Wikipedia cites a Forbes article that says Gabe owns “more than half” of Valve, although that article was published in 2011 so it’s possible that’s changed.


Yeah, what I should have said was

electing lawmakers who’s only goal is to break the government.

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