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It’s a rule in English that “and I” is only used when it’s the subject not the object of a sentence. (Subject is the thing doing the action, and the object is the thing being acted upon)

The proper way to say this would be “she’s coming over me and my girlfriend’s movie night” because “she” is the subject in this sentence since she is the one “coming over”.

Hope that makes sense.


They’re talking about packages you install, not the ISOs.


While contributing is great, the BSDs are kinda dying and it’s probably better to spend that effort elsewhere. Even TrueNAS is leaving the BSD space. The fact that most applications are shipping via docker/Flatpak/snap etc. and that BSD does not have a good solution for those does not bode well for BSD.

There just really isn’t that much development for BSD anymore. Everyone who wasn’t on Linux is moving over to it.

PayPal Is Planning an Ad Business Using Data on Its Millions of Shoppers (

Wall Street Journal (paywalled) The digital payments company plans to build an ad sales business around the reams of data it generates from tracking the purchases as well as the broader spending behaviors of millions of consumers who use its services, which include the more socially-enabled Venmo app....


The issue is every competitor will use the same targeted ads. No advertiser who is not using targeted ads by utilizing tracking data will never be as competitive because their ads won’t be as effective.

Until we can kill these types of advertising by making laws against it or make tools that counteract them widespread enough that it makes the business unprofitable we will continue to have our data used against us.


Nope, they’d rather scream about “not voting for the lesser of two evils” full well knowing that if they don’t that the likelihood of Trump becoming president and having MUCH worse policies for the Palestinians becomes much greater.

But hey, why care about the realities of a situation when you can scream about principles or something?


If you think you’re going to change anything by not voting or voting third party then I have a bridge I’d love to sell you and decades of American history I’d like you to read.

Please explain to me what action you’re going to take and how that’s going to lead to positive change?


Also I guess losing the majority on SCOTUS and losing abortion rights was just a “hypothetical scenario” when people like you refused to vote for Hillary in 2016?

When will you people learn that, yes, elections have consequences.

Trying to pretend like they might not and Trump might somehow not be worse is being deliberately obtuse and sticking your head in the sand. Wake up and smell the reality.

Please tell me about your hypothetical future where you don’t vote for Biden. Please explain to me what your best case scenario and outcome look like in that situation? Please tell me, what are you working towards?


No, it’s because people like you don’t vote in primaries. I vote in every primary for better candidates meanwhile people like you scream how the candidates are awful while staying home during the primaries.

The candidates won’t get better until we grass roots organize and start actually making good candidates popular.


These people care more about their “principles” and lack of fundamental understanding of the realities of a first past the post system, than the very real reality of people like us losing our rights.

Everyone who thinks voting 3rd party or staying home is an option is rooted in privilege.


Uhh I think you’re thinking of The Washington Post.


Remember how Russia forced Navalny’s plane to land in a different country so they could arrest him? Not that I agree with the action, but it might not be a bad idea for Europeans and Netanyahu. Just sayin’.


Yeah actually it was a Belarusian journalist, Roman Protasevich.


Is there so much more he could have done without an act of Congress? We saw from Trump’s presidency that most executive orders do not hold up in court and Congress controls the power of the purse.


How does this work with local laws regarding 2 party recording? If you’re on a video call and this records the other party without their permission, that is AFAIU illegal in many states in the US. I’m sure in parts of Europe as well.


The famous rap artist Biggie was also known as The Notorious B.I.G.


“Hey! Bi-den Hey! How many kids have you killed today?!?”


On the flip side, if the genders were changed in this situation and the guy only wanted the woman because of superficial reasons like she was attractive or popular, how many people would be saying “he got what he deserves”

This is definitely one of those double standard situations. While we shouldn’t be victim blaming, I think there’s something to be said for calling out people who are willing to throw away an existing relationship or form a new relationship just because an “influencer” came up to them and they thought they were rich. And I think that’s what the poster you are responding to was getting at.


Did you have electron/chrome applications flicker? I’ve been dealing with that since switching to Nvidia (I didn’t want to but Plex only supports GPU encoding on Linux with Nvidia).


The tdrop program that let’s you interact with any terminal as if it were a dropdown terminal doesn’t work in Wayland, and it just isn’t the same to open a terminal in the normal way, is lame. Foot is a good terminal for sure but I want the dropdown effect.

It’s its own terminal but I find it to be pretty good and it works with Wayland.


Arch with Plasma


Yup, I’m cautiously optimistically waiting for it haha.


Aren’t her albums made up stories now, like theme albums? Like she did with Folklore?


Sounds exactly like Usenet, or any of the GNUtella network stuff back in the day (bearshare, limewire, etc.)


Typically lifted trucks that are supposed to “look cool” like they’re capable of offroading, but would get stuck the moment they actually went off road.


Nah fuck that, that’s not a deterrent and businesses will just see that as the cost of doing business. They should be forced to refund everyone for the entire game no questions asked. There was no disclaimer when purchasing this game that says “we may completely disable this game and render it useless, even single player, on short notice at any time.” What are you supposed to do, buy the game, then read the terms of service and maybe interpret it as them having the ability to do that and then return the game? Absolute BS.

I don’t think any reasonable consumer would purchase a game if they knew it could be made completely unplayable in the next 3 months. Which is exactly what happened here. It was still on sale in December and was shut down in March…

This puts undue hardship on the consumer to make sure they’re not getting ripped off and there’s not even a clear way to be able to do that. This is the exact situation regulations are for.


Dude straight up looks like Voldemort.


Lol again, everyone in this community loves to call The Verge corporate shills but then has no problem upvoting and commenting on posts like these. Like if the Verge were truly biased by corporate interests, wouldn’t an article like this be the place most ripe for that bias to show through and be a problem?

I get that the community is not a hive mind and is made up of many different people, but on posts where people are criticizing the Verge because they don’t like the way they show the corporate viewpoint you’d be drowned out completely if you were to argue anything otherwise. The irony just kills me.


I mean it is but it isn’t. I think Nilay wanted to get the Verge back at the top of the search engine results but also wanted to make a point about why he had to do it. It’s funny because it’s really 2 paragraphs about it and then the rest of it is a normal article about the best printer lol. And the fun Gemini thing thrown in.


Yeah I feel like they neglected to show how much more of a problem on iOS this is than Android.

On Android apps typically have their push notifications divided into different types and can almost always turn off the marketing notifications for an app while leaving the important ones on.

I dont see even half of these notifications on Android.


Did you read the article?

When people look up at the sun normally, the intense brightness triggers pain that causes them to look away quickly before it can cause damage, said Dr. Philip Hooper, president of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society.

But as the moon starts to block the sun in the period leading up to the total eclipse “there is significant light energy that’s coming from the sun, but we don’t appreciate pain. And so you can look at it long enough to do damage to the eye,” said Hooper, who is also an associate professor of ophthalmology at Western University in London, Ont.

Like yes, staring at the sun any time is bad, I don’t think anyone is disputing that, but there are factors as to why an eclipse makes it more likely for people to damage their eyes.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...


When morons like you throw around the word fascist it loses all meaning. Fucking too busy calling Biden a fascist to prevent the actual fascist from gaining office. The irony is palpable.


What kills me are the people whose preferred form of government is not currently the most popular form of government somehow think that after a revolution that their preferred form of government will win out. They’re delusional. In most cases the government gets worse, much worse, before it gets better.


I’m sure Billie Joe would agree with you. He’s always been a real one.


Your quotes do not come from the article you linked. Instead they seem to come from this one:…/americas-economy-has-escaped-a-ha…



Lol love how no one is shitting on The Verge when it’s a topic they agree with.

196 Stands with Palestine, but those of you in the US should still vote in the general election.

I’ve been seeing a lot of anti-voting sentiment going around. Can’t believe I have to say this, but you need to vote. Not only is there more to the election than just the president. (State policy, Senate, house), but not voting is not an act of protest. C’mon guys


Thank you. So tired of people who never vote in primaries complaining about how the candidates are bad.


While I agree with communism in theory, some of the language on the page regarding revolution is problematic IMO and is not going to gain the party any favors.

Also some of the stuff they have listed on the site is pretty hilarious:

The German Revolutions in 1918 and 1923, and the British General Strike in 1926, show us that even in the economic powerhouses of capitalism, the contradictions of capitalism cannot be fundamentally overcome. In fact, in 1968, the largest revolutionary general strike in history shook France. This was a country that had been lauded for its high living standards, and it occurred during a period of economic upswing!

Literally every example they list of “the contradictions of capitalism cannot be fundamentally overcome” is an example of a country that is still capitalist lol. (Maybe because the real life examples of communism objectively haven’t turned out that great.) So they’ve continued to overcome them. And sure you can argue a country like France has a lot of socialist programs and legislation but it’s certainly still a capitalist country.


TVs don’t have DisplayPort. I just bought a new TV, none of the options I looked at had display port.


Funny I feel like a lot of people said that about the multiple desktop cube that is finally coming back to plasma.


This. This seems to be the argument that Nintendo is hinging on. In order for Yuzu to play the games properly you need a prod.keys file. I guess Nintendo is claiming that the keys in this file are owned by them and it’s illegal to have that number much in the same way the number used to represent the C code for decoding DVD copy protection is illegal:…

I am no lawyer but seems tenuous when you can run a program to get the prod.keys from your own console. Especially when that code is legal and exists on GitHub:


Yeah that would make sense except you missed a key point:

Connectix’s development strategy was based upon reverse engineering the PlayStation’s BIOS firmware, first by using the unchanged BIOS to develop emulation for the hardware, and then by developing a BIOS of their own using the original firmware as an aid for debugging.

The whole point here is that Connectix used Sony’s BIOS to develop their own BIOS. Yuzu is not doing that. They don’t have their own BIOS they are providing to their users. They are telling people to use Nintendo’s bios, but that they aren’t providing it.


To put this another way, Yuzu relies on Nintendo’s BIOS to function. Connectix’s Game Station did not.


Define “good” ping. (Latency is the proper term)

Edit: Nvm, just saw your other comment. 50ms isn’t bad.

30ms+ is high for cable in my experience. I was getting routinely in the high teens and low 20s.

On fiber I get less than 10ms.


Just FYI steam compresses the data and shows the throughput with compression so the number will be higher than your actual download bandwidth.


Wow 1080 screen and hall effect joysticks. Since it’s 1080 I wonder how it will perform compared to the steam deck.

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