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Polls are dogshit.

But poll movements are worth tracking as long as the dogshit quality remains consistent.


True but what the poster said is important: polls do not work well in close races because they don’t sample correctly.

That’s not my point. My point is that the poll movements are almost always correct, because pollsters are at least consistent with how biased they are / errors in sampling.

Fox News had Trump leading Biden a few weeks ago. Today, Biden is ahead of Trump. We don’t know where the “truth” lies, but we can 100% conclude that the typical American has lost a bit of favor on Trump in the past few weeks.


Where I draw the line is environmentalist jackasses who are out there hating on the Prius (ACEEE’s greenest car of 2024), which would extend the climate crisis.

You guys are fucking up the #1 car in today’s market for fixing climate issues. Because environmentalism isn’t actually about what’s best for the environment, its its own insane cult that doesn’t actually calculate out the full issues associated with EVs.

Hint: EVs that charge overnight do not use solar power for charging. Think about that for a sec. Its all Nat. Gas in practice. Rerun the calculations and you’ll find that Prius burns fewer fossil fuels than most EVs for the typical American.

So stop fucking around with useful cars (like the Prius) and turn your attention to dumbass vehicles like the Hummer EV (which is so big and heavy that it burns more fossil fuels than a damn Corolla or Civic). EVs aren’t the answer, they’ve already been corrupted by the corporations to have insane designs. You need to calculate every car on a car-by-car basis before making large scale environmental policies.

And if you have dumbass policies (like “Advanced Clean Cars II”) purposefully leave out highly environentally-friendly vehicles like the Prius, well… guess what? You’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.


Have you seen the electric Dodge Charger commercials?

Anti-EV language wrapped up in an EV Commercial. Its hilarious. You need to speak anti-EV language to reach this audience.


Because I have solar pannels on my rooftop and my annual energy usage is net negative.

That’s not how that works. Natural Gas plants turn on at night to supply your electricity usage at night.

No solar panel is working at night.

Shill harder.

No you? You’re trying to pretend that solar power somehow is supplying energy to your nighttime car charges. Do you even know what the sun is or how solar panels work?

Unless you live near a pumped-hydro station, you aren’t getting green energy at night. Your best bet is nuclear, but for some reason a bunch of asshole environmentalists have hampered our nuclear rollout leading to this unpleasant situation where we have to rely upon natural gas more.

dragontamer, (edited )

But my net negative power usage from the grid means that I’m using less energy than I feed in when it isn’t shinning out.

Grid scale batteries do not exist yet, outside of pumped hydro. And honestly, they might never exist (Sodium Batteries in 2 or 3 years are our best bet at grid-scale energy, but maybe that’s not good enough. We dont know because they don’t exist yet).

So, it. Balances out

No. If there’s no grid energy storage mechanism, then the power is wasted during the day, and the natural gas spins up at night.

Apologies if you’re not aware that the grid isn’t a magical energy storage device. But… it isn’t. The tech for energy storage does not feasibly exist yet on any large scale.

Wind is an option but only in windy areas and windy times

So, it. Balances out. (And in the near future I’ll get a residential battery for night. Those are freaking expensive, though.)

I wouldn’t bother. When battery storage tech becomes feasible, the utility companies will buy it for the whole grid. Residential batteries are just for those who are tricking themselves into thinking these things are feasible.

The #1 “battery” is pumped Hydro right now. No joke. Running water up a hill with excess electricity absolutely works as an energy storage mechanism. The best battery techs will be exceptionally large systems (Pumped Hydro. Compressed Air, etc. etc.) that take advantage of these effects.

Even “Wind” energy is actually an energy storage solution due to the massive momentum the wind turbine arms have. So unlike Solar, a lot of Wind plants self-regulate and self-store their energy.


Alas, the most problematic part of the energy curve is the “Duck Curve”, of which only natural gas has been identified as a solution so far.

The setting of the sun does not coincide with higher winds. The elevated winds are deep at night when everyone’s asleep but the grid is actually 1/2 power usage IIRC compared to daytime usage. Not really the 7pm period where solar grossly diminishes (sun is low enough that solar barely contributes anymore), but the day is hot enough that Air Conditioners run, and everyone is home doing laundry or other energy-costly tasks since they’re still awake.


Didn’t they at least raise $500 million or something?

It’s not a totally worthless company. Honestly, the point we should celebrate is when it drops below the value of the $$$$ that was pumped into the stock. The IPO and SPAC rised nearly $500Million so the company officially loses value at around $6/share or so.


Interest rates are 5.25% right now. If they just put that money in a money-market fund, they’d be getting ~$25 million/year in profits alone.

Just $4 Million in profits is hilariously bad. It means the company is doing worse than a pile of cash.



Net Loss: (327,599.7) (Thousands).

That’s $327.5 Million lost last quarter. Holy shit.


20% of Republicans in the primaries were still voting for Nikki Haley, likely as a protest vote, even long-after Nikki dropped out.

So this is all within expectations. As usual, the Trump delusional refuses to accept reality. Its up to the rest of the country to band together and vote against him.


I thought I’d share with you that someone really liked your post and shared it on a sublemmy I moderate: lemmy.world/post/15449701

I also like your post. I realize you’re in a shitposting topic so maybe everyone else is just… well… shitposting. But its still good to see experienced posts like yours.


They didn’t sell it to Elon.

Elon sued them and took Tesla over in court. theverge.com/…/tesla-elon-musk-origin-founder-twi….

Elon beat them in the court of law, business tactics, and expertly took over the company. What, you think Elon paid for this? He’s smarter than that.


Only after the Delaware court forced him to.

Elon is a jackass who runs over all normal senses of decency while repeatedly getting away with it. And he will continue to do so as long as his legion of asshole internet followers continue to worship him on a wide scale, giving him large benefits in our cultural zeitgeist.

I am happy that people are finally understanding how much of an asshole Elon is today. But he’s been pulling this shit since the dawn of Tesla, as the Tesla takeover court cases proved in the 00s.


You might want to see who they threw into WW2.

Hint: It was the Ukrainians. The ability for Ukrainians to survive is epic. Still, we need to support them to minimize their pain, we don’t want them to suffer WW2-like losses again or be forced to bear such burdens for Russia in the future.


Iran hurting almost nobody is in everyone’s best interests.

We don’t need Israel vs Iran lobbing missiles at each other or marching to attack each other. Shooting down every single Iranian rocket was the fastest and simplest way to peace.


We can almost thank Iran for shooting at Israel here, as well as the Israeli aid being tied to Ukrainian aid. This has now spurred deep interest in passing the aid bill ASAP.

Its about damn time we got this passed. And remember, vote the fucking assholes out of office. Every Republican traitor who held up this bill for the last 5 months literally has Ukrainian blood on their hands.


Iran was USA’s ally in the 1950s actually. The Iranian revolution of 1979 is what turned them against us.

There’s a lot of complexity here, but its very 1950s-style US foreign policy where we refuse elections for a local population, they rebel and go off in a worse direction. There’s a lot of hypocrisy in 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s America.


Iran is a real regional power. I don’t think its clear that Israel can win vs Iran.

Biden/USA has already stated it won’t help Israel counter-attack Iran. If Israel wants to start a war over this, then its on them. We’ve washed our hands clean of it.

As it stands, the Iranians think they hurt Israel with their missiles. While USA / Israel have intimidated the Iranian Revolutionary Guards by shooting down every single one of their missiles, proving that our defense is superior to their offense. Iran didn’t want a war (and definitely doesn’t want a war anymore), so letting things stay as they are is perfect.


Well… more perfect than Israel retaliating or… us letting the missiles through.

Its hard to complain about this current set of events. But we need to hope that Israel actually moves for peace now on that front. Israel can’t just be pissing off everyone in the region.


I don’t know where USA Today found these people.

Same place as the Bernie Bros who voted for Trump instead of Hilary Clinton, giving the USA 3 more conservative Supreme Court Justices.

You know, to stick it to the Democrats.


If Bernie can’t beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 primaries when only leftists+moderates are voting, why the fuck would he win in the general election when we start including right and far-rifght people in America?

The fact is, the Democratic Party primaries are the best for a far-left person like Bernie. (Much like how far-right candidates have the biggest advantage during Republican primaries). If you can’t move the votes in the primary, its impossible to win during the general election.


If progressives are so insignificant that the party can ignore them, you don’t get to blame them for Clinton’s loss.

Yes I can. A significant minority of Bernie Bros are Sanders–Trump voters in both 2016 and 2020. LITERALLY participating and specifically supporting Trump.

Get out of here with the lack of responsibility.


I’m Republican yo. You would have lost my vote if you put Sanders on the ticket.

To put a finer point on it, a greater percentage of Clinton supporters voted for McCain in 2008. They even formed a PAC to try to elect McCain.

And that’s closer to my demographic. A lot of what McCain said (ex: the Ukrainian situation) has come true in the past decade, and has proven Obama to have been a naive fool.

You have my support, for now, as long as Republicans are dumbasses with Trump and as long as you keep a moderate (like Biden or Clinton) as your #1 ticket. But my support for Democrats may be somewhat temporary but its better than nothing.


That’s a lot of ranting.

I get it. PuyoPuyo main story is necessary for casuals to get introduced to the game. Chaining 10+ long while harassing is a skill that took me a literal decade to reach, and there are far stronger players than me at the game.

But PuyoPuyo Tetris was that big casual story driven game that truly did bring a lot of players into the scene. Myself included. So yeah, I wouldn’t be a serious PuyoPuyo without that.

PuyoPuyo Champions/eSports is pretty good for competitive players. We got Fever and Tsu mode, the main modes that people care about.

There are also more casual mobile games like that Apple Arcade one brought up. The real issue is that modern video games make money from Apple and Android stores, not really the consoles anymore.


Mobile games just make more money now than console games. It only makes sense to aim for casual gamers on the Apple Arcade or Android Play store.

It’s a problem in that it somewhat alienates the hardcore console players. But the console market is shrinking. That’s true for all fanbases, not just PuyoPuyo.

The only stuff that gets money in the console market are super mega AAA games that reach millions, like FFVII remake. But these mega-games cost so much that there’s no risk or creativity anymore. (I like PuyoPuyo Tetris’s style, it was a risk and a bit different. We need game makers to take risks like that)


It gets worse.


Real life USB-chips from Silicon Labs (a reasonably popular chip maker) use this “Bee” pun for all of their marketing. BusyBee, Sleepy Bee, Universal Bee, so many chips named after Bees…

Isn't religion really just an opinion?

So, recently I was talking to a friend and somehow we got to talking about religion and stuff. When I complained that religion is often put on a huge pedestal and that it’s really just a glorified opinion and should be subject to the same criticism as any other opinion, they told me that that was a really hot take....


Catholic here.

We preach to our kids that Religion is a choice. Above all else, it is the choice to believe in the mysteries (by definition unprovable) issues of faith.

dragontamer, (edited )

But what you believe isn’t a choice

Catholics believe it to be a choice because we believe in free will, among other things. And we choose to believe in free will as a gift from God.

At which point the argument becomes circular, therefore a choice. You can choose whatever now

your actual belief is not under your conscious control.

People seem to choose to join, or leave, our religion on a regular basis. So as a matter of practicality… I’ve seen people choose and change their beliefs.

As I explained to others on this subject: do you believe that others can manipulate your opinion? If so, you can use those same techniques to manipulate yourself in the mirror. That’s your choice as well.

Even if you are a helpless sheep, you have the advantages of psychological research today to manipulate yourself into choosing your beliefs through simple psychology and mirrors.


You just can’t decide to change them.

You’ve never convinced someone else to change their opinion?

And have you never looked in the mirror to do the same to change your own opinion?

It’s simple psychology. Not even religion. Arguments aren’t always the most convincing, that’s why we have other words (ex gaslighting) where psychological tricks are used to change someone’s beliefs even outside of facts.

Just… Do that. To yourself. Done. There are numerous documented psychological tricks and operations you can do to people.


Catholics believe that fundamental issues of Faith are unprovable by logic.

You’ve made the choice not to believe in a matter of faith without proof. I have decided to believe despite no proof and a well understanding that there never will be proof.

That’s really all there is too it.

dragontamer, (edited )

Catholics are ‘two truths’, see St. Thomas Aquinas. Science is one path to truth. God and faith are another. If both are true, then any (seeming) contradiction must be a human error, a misunderstanding that deeper study (either of faith or of science) will eventually reveal the truth and let both sides agree again.

Science has a large component of Catholicism actually. The Catholic monk Mendel discovered genetics and Catholics officially are cool with evolution. (Of course, specific people may disagree but there have been a lot of… Evangelicals… Who seemed to have joined in recent years pushing us to some braindead perspectives).

Nonetheless, the ‘Mysteries’ of Catholic faith, such as the Virgin Birth, the existence of God, etc. Etc. Are all unprovable and unfalsifiable. Given the nature of the core of our faith, it can only be described as a choice.

There is no proof, no logic, no argument to the core issues. It’s simply if you believe or if you don’t believe.

dragontamer, (edited )

Many religious people think atheists are incapable of morality

Some but not all.

Jesus has the parable of the good Samaritan for example. The religious man (The Pharisees) leaves someone on the mountain to die, while the less-religious Samaritan saves him.

In fact, a lot of Jesus’s preachings are about the outsider. Ex: Magi were likely Zoroastrianism, etc. Etc.

There are many warnings about how Religion can be used for bad in Catholic preaching. Ironically, Evangelicals ignore these parts of the Bible.

How Do You Deal With Thumb Stick Drift? (lemmy.world)

So I like to use Xbox controllers (doesn’t matter if it’s first- or third-party) because I like the layout, it’s just comfortable to me. However I’ve noticed that on all my controllers in the past few years, the left thumb stick will start to “give out” over the course of a couple months. For instance I’ll be...


Controllers wear out with every click. Buttons and sticks, they all have a limited number of cycles. Like 100,000 cycles, but if you play a lot of video games, that adds up over the years.

Super Smash Bro Melee players regularly replace Gamecube controllers for this reason.


The rednecks too busy getting triggered by Black Artists performing songs today, apparently… did anyone actually get pissed at Taylor Swift today?


My headlines I’m seeing “stick” are complaints about Usher’s halftime show and Andra Day singing Lift Every Voice and Sing.

But yeah, I see Taylor Swift stuff if I specifically search for it. But the anti-Black Artist thing seems to be the thing sticking. I dunno, lets see what happens tomorrow morning.


After the kneeling / Black Lives Matters thing just a few years ago??

Nah man, racial politics have penetrated into Football. The adults want it to go away because its mildly embarrassing to the league. But there’s a large group of racists who want to stir up anti-Black shit here.


… but it would’ve been much nicer if they were returned diplomatically.

It would have been better if Hamas didn’t take civilian hostages to begin with, which btw, is a warcrime. But who is counting?


Would been nice if Israel did not do illegal settlements, stealing more homes.

Yeah that’s called the West Bank. That’s not even part of Gaza / where Hamas has control. You’re conflating issues as if I’m a dumbass who doesn’t know what’s going on in that region.

Want to talk about warcrimes? Check Israel’s history and ongoing warcrimes first.

So do you condone Oct. 7th or not? Both sides can be jackasses. Whataboutism fucking sucks when Republicans do it, I’m not going to tolerate it here either. If both sides suck, then we have other things to do.

But just saying “Oh, these warcrimes are fine but those aren’t” is no way to solve any issue. You wouldn’t be able to solve two 5-year-olds fighting with that kind of nonsense, and it obviously wouldn’t work on adults who are literally launching bombs at each other.


It all started the moment they stole the land in 1948

That’s a fucking stupid start date.

It all started when the Ottoman Empire collapsed in 1917. The breakup of the empire leads to the modern Middle East crisis. Part of the deal from WW1 was Britain’s plan for the former Ottomans. Yes, it involves Israel and Palestine. It also involves a bunch of other things.

Palestine always was under another state. Yes, It was a Muslim Controlled Empire of the past few centuries, but that power doesn’t exist anymore.

Israel is stealing more land and homes and on a daily basis

Like all the settlers they removed from Gaza in 2005 and all the soldiers they removed?


This is fucking why Gaza vs West Bank matters dude. Gaza is the side the Israeli’s left and returned. To be attacked from “this side” is a huge deal from the perspective of the greater Palestinians vs Israel conflict… and for those who want peace in this region. Hamas has shattered the peace in a way that seemingly cannot be put back together.

Just 6 months ago, Israel was far more focused on West Bank issues than Gaza. Or have you forgotten? Its like history of the last 15 years is completely missing from your understanding, and you are choosing exceptionally weird dates (wtf? 1948 ain’t even the start of the Israel plan. Why the fuck are you choosing this date historically? Most people would choose Balfour Declaration or some shit).


It is not a “stupid start date” is the start date that Israel became Israel and stole the land from the Palestinian people.

So you really don’t know what the Balfour Declaration was, who the Ottomans were, the end of WW1 or any of that?

Fine, whatever. Figure it out yourself.


I mean… there’s all sorts of problems in Pokemon lore. The fact that you can literally capture the creator of the oceans (Kyogre is practically a god), or the master of continents (Groudon), or the master of the Sky (Rayquaza) is when things started to get silly in Gen3.

Overall, Pokemon entities, like N, only make sense within their season (ie: Black and White). Its not like the creator of Pokemon foresaw how Pokemon’s lore or story would evolve 10+ years later, so trying to retcon N’s logic into things from Gen1 or Gen3 is… well… its going to be problematic.

Its the general problem with any long-running series. You either end up with amorphous meaningless blobs (see Mickey Mouse or Sonic, who have been in so many settings that they are practically meaningless today), or you end up with contradictions as your story writers took short-term / long-term risks with the lore and setting.


I’m curious how Pokemon Horizon, with Liko’s focus on adventure, will help the Pokemon series here on out.

Even from the start, Ash was not really “catch them all”, but was a generic adventure in this world. Very few Pokemon (relatively speaking), become Ashs’s friend, so its not really a mass-mind control thing. And only Team Rocket (or other “evil” entities) have the problem of actively trying to “steal” Pokemon or otherwise mistreat them. Even then, Jessie / James are among the most empathetic characters (which is why Wobbuffet and other such `mon hang out with them so much), so everyone’s pretty much morally fine.

The few times “Pokeball-mind control” was used was like… Mewtwo in that one movie, and other such obviously evil situations.

Liko is perhaps a better basis for a modern Pokemon hero moving forward, rather than Ash. I mean, when Pokemon got started, the focus was (as always) selling toys and figures and cards. Pokemon is now popular enough you don’t need the main character causing casual FOMO upon children to buy more toys, if you get my drift. :-)

dragontamer, (edited )

You mean… Sonic SatAM ? :-)

There’s other settings where people are literally getting mind-controlled to work for an evil overlord, with a scrappy young group of freedom fighters running disruption campaigns against them. But the setting needs to be reworked entirely from the ground up.

I think such a setting could occur in Pokemon, but it just hasn’t been written yet. More importantly though, Pokemon is aimed at a younger demographic who wouldn’t appreciate such a story. And indeed: Sonic SatAM’s problem was the lack of toy sales. A lot of these cartoons are toy-commercials after all, as that’s where the real source of funding is. If the comic/anime/cartoon fails to sell toys, the whole system falls apart.

These slightly darker and more complex stories about freedom fighters (Sonic SatAM), or conspiracies (Young Justice) tend to lead to superior shows… but inferior toy sales. So everyone reverts to a happier storyline a few years later and My Little Pony suddenly shoots up to #1 (no offense to the Bronies out there, but yall spent money on those toys and it supported that universe…)

EDIT: I should probably note that Team Rocket in the Pokemon Special manga is a secret organization controlling large swaths of the world. In fact, the above fight is Koga vs Blue. Yes, Gym Leader Koga was trying to kill two kids, because Gym Leader Koga (future Elite 4 member) is an elite agent of Team Rocket.

That’s not “capture” or any soft words here. Its literally kill. Koga even resurrected a zombie Psyduck as part of this arc.


In the Pokemon Special Manga, Team Rocket is a serious world threat with deadly consequences. I mean, imagine what a criminal ring could do with legendary creatures, especially when said criminal ring has already infiltrated multiple members of upper-class society (Ie: Gym Leaders and Elite 4).

dragontamer, (edited )

If you want it for specifically Pokemon, I do highly suggest the Pokemon Special comics. (EDIT: Named “Pokemon Adventure” in the English speaking world. Though “Pokemon Special” is the Japanese name, so you’ll likely be able to find it in any case…)

Its the world the original creator of Pokemon wanted anyway, before Nintendo watered it down for a more kid-friendly environment.

EDIT: Anime in general took kid-like aesthetics and bring mature themes into them. Madoka Magika, Promised Neverland, Full Metal Alchemist, and the like. Young Justice did a good job for American media.

dragontamer, (edited )

I mean, the badge thing is primarily there so that when you trade a level 70 pokemon to your kid brother who is vs Brock (who only has lvl 10 pokemon), your kid brother gets a slight penalty for trying to use Pokemon obviously outside of their level. They also obviously exist as a 2nd gate for Cut / Surf / (etc. etc.) abilities, to prevent the same high-level trade from increasing the size of the world too much and sending your kid-brother onto a sequence-break.

In the typical anime lore, the badges don’t “control” pokemon or command respect. The exception being the Pokemon Special manga where badges have significant power, but that’s why Team Rocket / Giovanni explicitly takes over multiple gym leaders in an attempt to combine badges and take over legendary Pokemon (which is a more grimdark setting that does have these conspiracies or evils to face)

All of Ash’s badges don’t allow him to control Mewtwo or other `mon. In the case of Charizard, it was finally finding challenges that Charizard deemed worthy that brought respect. I’m not sure if Primape ever actually respected Ash. Mimikyu for Team Rocket was also for purely selfish reasons, there to harass Pikachu… I don’t think Team Rocket ever truly controlled Mimikyu.

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