@electro1@infosec.pub avatar



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electro1, (edited )
@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

It’s kinda strange, the guy reached a conclusion that the service is legit hard to control and take down by any government, but was insisting on: BUT… BUT… BUT… trying to stress the negative points, which by the way, they’re way more apparent on other Big tech Platforms, specifically : Discord…

If you have a centralized server and that server straight out refuses to take measures against abuse ( I’m just gonna say abuse in general and that includes all things: Child abuse, Ra*e, addictive drugs…etc )

if you as a user notice these things and after you report them nothing happens… Then what ? Wait until a big news outlet notice, then they publish it on their website, and after a week or so, you’ll watch the CEO walk away from court like nothing happened…

On Matrix, as a user, I can spin up my own server, make my own rules, and make sure stuff like this ( abuse ) doesn’t happen, the point here is that you can’t blame Element Team or Matrix Team for what happens on this system, they just make the software and people deploy it

the only thing left to blame afterwards is human nature!

Which brings me to an important question, who is his source ? they must have great control over the network to realize that Matrix ( a huge decentralized network with many servers is a pit of abuse ) !!!

without a source ? without knowing how they knew what they claimed ? this video is just a conspiracy theory in my view… And having ties to the French government isn’t necessarily a bad thing… ( knowing that the French government spied on it’s citizens, yes )

I have been using Matrix for years, and never encountered a single instance of abuse… trolls yes… Hentai…yes … but no shady stuff… It’s mostly nerds talking about Computers, Linux and Anime

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

The UI is designed in such a way that it doesn’t expose the user to outside servers ( by default you’re on Matrix.org ) even when you press the discover button you’ll see rooms from the same server.

the only way for an average user to get exposed to such rooms is by being invited to them by strangers or Bots ( so maybe there should be a way to disable community invites, especially Bot invites )

Or maybe your client didn’t put much thought into the user journey and let you discover everything, even abstract/shady servers

Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you lurk on Matrix everyday ? I’m not on the right ( wrong ) rooms because I only take what I need from any service, the Internet can be depressing, so my advice is to be careful

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

i see, I think that’s a problem of who is recommending the servers to people, I always go with one of the servers that are on the matrix.org website ( these has strict moderators and are under active development ), I can certainly go with another list of abstract/shady unknown servers but that’s a recipe for disaster…

Btw, I’m not denying that there is terrible content on some of these servers/rooms, but I’m saying it’s a byproduct of the system architecture, Element/Matrix can implement more safety settings that’s for sure

that being said the worse footage I saw in my entire life was on Facebook, and it was completely allowed, which tells you something about the platform and how little to no control you have to change it’s direction.

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

They used to say that every product evolves until it can send mail.

they did ? when ?

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I like that this exists but I don’t want to use it because i want to know the content creatos to avoid, thumbnails are part of the game, but putting your face on them feels like a cheap trick ( since it’s unecessary ), effective… yes… but cheap…

electro1, (edited )
@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

how so ? he isn’t saying anything really… because he rarely says an opinion of his own, and when he does he does so briefly… like he grabbed it from someone 👀… yeah… why I’m not surprised every video idea he has is LITERALLY stollen from a Reddit post or a comment ( source : him )…

plus anyone can go and read from a blog post or a github discussion and come out with same amount of information if not more…

lastly quantity over quality: this complements my last point, because the only way to make a quality video is by doing deep research، these YouTubers skip shit ton of critical information, and it makes people have a flawed perspective

less than 2 days to research, record, and edit and make a thumbnail ? Seriously ?! It should tell you something is off

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

From your experience is it really unstable ( annoyingly buggy ), or do they just call it that and it stable really ?

Sid exclusively gets security updates through its package maintainers. The Debian Security Team only maintains security updates for the current “stable” release.

Is this a good thing ?

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Exactly I find it funny too, why doesn’t he at least mirror his posts to Mastodon or just post on there, it’s just a copy/paste…or is it difficult on Qubes ?

On the other hand, normies are still on Twitter so… I don’t blame him

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Exactly… “had

Check again, it’s broken now…

I haven’t seen a single Mastodon instance available as TOR service.

Kolektiva dot social is Mastodon server for activists, and they have a Onion version, and they never track you like Twitter does…

there is more into the anonymity game than just using TOR, other networks has their own approaches, and TOR is not perfect

Edit: but that’s another subject…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

About “Security theater”:

keep in mind that companies can lie on how their stuff works, also I don’t think the nature of the store matters, as much as the fact that you’re only allowed to get the open source apps from there which will also run on top of a proprietary OS, with proprietary firmware

Gaslighting their customers": I’d like to see hard proof on that

Consider that I have a low standard on what a hard proof should be,… I consider telling people that : “Privacy, that’s iPhone”, while literally developing nothing in the open, which is the best and ONLY way to guarantee transparency, instead they went with the “trust me bruh” method, plus they display ads… like…they have… a… dedicated… ad … platform…

You don’t respect my Privacy while you target me with ads

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I mean they understand their encryption algorithm, they made it after all, and with the advancements of Quantum computing it could be possible to decrypt someone’s data… So what good does providing quantum computing for Imessages do… If they : understand how the algorithm works + they have enough computing power to decrypt it + it’s proprietary.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was all a theater, and it’s the best backdoor implementation to exist

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

No, breaking an encryption is all about knowing how it works, many cryptographers make their algorithm proprietary in hopes that an attacker will have a hard time figuring how it works, however they turn out to be weak, other encryption algorithms are developed in the open so that many people look at it and see the flaws

The key word is : weak The idea is not making a backdoor directly, the idea is making it flawed, it’s like securing a bank with steel doors with the exception of one door, that door is made out of wood and only you know where it’s located.

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

He looks like a raccoon and should get some sleep :p

Makes me feel all warm and cozy

It makes me think why haven’t these companies got suied out of existence 😮‍💨🙄

Best Android spreadsheet editor?

I tried Collabora on a Galaxy Droid and it was such a massively buggy disappointment: in a .ODS file, I couldn’t backspace more than once; I could only delete one character at a time. I had to enter another character or move the cursor or do something else before it would take another backspace. I don’t understand how this...

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Shame it has all those built in trackers…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Facebook and Google trackers.

I believe yes, disabling network access will disable the trackers ability to report to their server, a Calyx developer told me this, but do your own research

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I’m not sure, if you’re involved with the project, but if so: you really need to work on your communication

Looking at your username, it makes sense you say something like that

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar
Sustainable Software For Sustainable Hardware

I mean this subtitle right here gave me a pretty good idea what’s this initiative is all about already, but that’s just me I guess

Also, keep in mind that people from different countries work on KDE, and English is not their first language, I don’t know what are your expectations… on how the writing should be…

But here’s the thing, take a look at Google or MS posts about sustainably and being green, and you’ll realize, truly realize how one could say so much without saying anything… this wall of text that you’re talking about is full of insights

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

If only everyone stops believing in their bullshit humanized deities a looot of these conflicts would just vanish… But my Gods dick is bigger than your God’s dick…

electro1, (edited )
@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

what you believe is even more questionable than what they believe

this is not about me, and my beliefs are my own to judge

but something else substituted for the religion.

I agree, but when you live in country far away from that conflict zone, and you see this kind of hate towards people who have nothing to do with it… you know it’s about ideology saying it’s not about religion is the same thing as saying: it’s Ok to let a harmful teachings keep spreading… why not debunk the hell out of it ? and worry about the next issue later… you can’t deny Religion’s role … It’s one of the biggest factors … Explain to me why Abu Abaida starts his speeches by doing Basmala, or why this guy doing a protest is screaming Allahu Akbar…

Ideology is the core of tribalism, I didn’t say it’s the only factor

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I agree, but

to hate each other over easily. Skin, language, clothing

what’s the one thing that directly tells people that they should do all this, and it’s justifiable and they blindly follow it

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I mean both of their religions teach their followers to invade other regions, it’s easy to predict Jews and Muslims actions, just read their scriptures it’s their written agenda… Religion is cancer … Next question

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

the funny thing is he himself makes clickbaity videos… like all the time

Don’t trust any content “creator” especially if they have a YT channel… YouTubers wants you to click and companies wants you to buy

I deleted my Google account…

… And damm it feels good! Before starting this step, I had to migrate to a better browser that respects privacy (Brave, because🖕Firefox, I mean Mozilla at this point doesn’t even want you to be safe on the web anymore!) And a better “Google-style” ecosystem (Proton is the best they have an email service, a calendar, a...

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Congratulations on leaving Google, personally I still have an account but I never log in, it’s for those rare occasions when I need it… I would say though the tricky part isn’t leaving, it’s staying outside forever, I have convinced some people of leaving FB and even Instagram but they couldn’t resist the temptation and went back, they told me they felt bored because they had so much free time… 😐…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

why don’t they just build their own indexer and AI crawler… Brave is newer yet surpassed both of them

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

You need to imprort a keyboard dictionary first… Bruhhh

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

😄…Ok… I think you meant Lobotomite

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

we understand that any data collection may spark some questions

Nah, not “any”… it’s Ok to ask for telemetry, it depends on the time you do so… and it’s the wrong time now

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

tbh, you can’t ask or expect that from users, people aren’t wired to be careful all the time… they need something ( or someone ) to babysit them…

the best solution is to build a system that defends itself, and it’s really hard to break into by an attacker

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

It gets worse when you watch his interview with Tucker Carlson … guy said if a government forces us to censor a group it’ll only censored from the app you get from big tech play stores… That’s horseshit… If you censor a group from your platform, it’ll be removed from all people’s feeds regardless of their clients or from where they got the app…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I’ve seen it firsthand how some channels are not available on telegram downloaded from app store vs direct apk download

the right word is “visible”… discoverability on Telegram has always being broken, as in you search for a channel, good luck finding it!.. like you said it’s because of your phone number region… Etc… that has been fixed when they introduced similar channels feature, since then I never used that broken search functionality… But once you find and join a channel, if Telegram mods decided to censor some posts or remove the entire channel, it’ll be removed from all clients… unless there is some client out there who saves snapshots of all channels or posts ( somehow )

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

So have been testing over the past few weeks and made accounts on: a) Hubzilla b) Friendica c) Mastodon d) Kbin e) Lemmy f) Iceshrimp g) Bonfire h) Peertube i) Funkwhale j) Pixelfed

I’m only interested in moving my friends away from Facebook, and have the same fun we used to have as a group, for now nothing seem to match FB functionality unfortunately…

  1. Have your own profile
  2. Public and Private Groups
  3. 1 to 1 chats

And of course no one would consider joining a platform without a ( feature complete ) mobile app, Firefish is amazing but it has no mobile clients that look as a good as the website, and people say Friendica is the ethical Facebook, but it’s ugly…😅 i don’t know what to recommend ?

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Sorry, should have expressed myself better, sometimes you’re not exactly speaking what you thinking … I was referring to the mobile apps, Friendica main app looks horrible last time I checked

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

This one called Friendiqa, it’s on top of other apps so I’m assuming it’s their flagship app

however, you want a dedicated mobile app, then check out Relatica.

Oh this one looks way nicer, judging from the screenshots…

Friendica also supports the Mastodon API, so you can also log in with pretty much any Mastodon app.

Idk, on their website they list a few compatible clients, maybe other clients won’t work well…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Yeah, he needs to fix his broken secret chat feature first… I think it’s broken on purpose…

After seeing his interview with Tucker Carlson, I’m 100% the guy has some really dark agenda…

electro1, (edited )
@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

It stops working after a while ( days or weeks ), your receipents will stop receiving your messages, and you’ll not receive theirs, or you’ll receive them with a big delay, it happens more frequently with iOS users

most people have to go out of their way to start a secret chat, the user journey to activate it is too long, it’s safe to consider it hidden…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

What makes you think it’s dead?

used to use Instander to browse Instagram privately

That’s far from true, if you installed it on your phone, it’ll collect all the data that the official Instagram app collects… Does it give you the option to use an anonymous account ?

there’s another project called Honista, but I quited Instagram years ago… So idk about it’s features…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I’m kinda embrassed to say that I used to think “based” meant : “a person who’s is a purist in terms of their tech tools choices… Like they use Debian or Arch, and GNU/Linux Mobile… Or ReplicantOS… like Only FSF approved software… A person who hates mass surveillance and wants to go off the grid…”

when I understood what it meant, I was disappointed 🙄

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

Just leave your phone at home, and bring a Digital camera, and few SD Cards … Oh, wait… < insert company name here > makes Cameras that spy on you… nevermind…

maybe we should hire a fast sketching artist to draw police brutality … What.!.. your pencil can track you now… come…ooooonnn

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

who had the audacity to downvote a guide for activists here?

they go by many names… shills, glowies… etc…they’re everywhere

The Best Secure Email Providers in 2024 (blog.thenewoil.org)

Like it or not, email is a critical part of our digital lives. It’s how we sign up for accounts, get notifications, and communicate with a wide range of entities online. Critics of email rightfully point out that email suffers from a significant number of flaws that make it less than ideal, but that doesn’t change the...

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

I’m probably going to downvoted to hell with this… But didn’t people say Proton might be a government Op, even Tuta was mentioned as a honeypot in a recent Court case, so they released a blog post titled: Tuta is not a honeypot…

Idk… my guts tell me, if something is too good to be true, then it’s not true… Proton offerings are amazing for a free plan… And their clients looks good and they sponsor YT channels… I used to be happy to see an Open source project succeed as a business, but the concept of honeypots, made me rethink my view

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

because they have the other half.

could you please elaborate, or matter of fact, ELI5…

Isn’t the whole purpose of having power and control, is to have it all, or make it appear that you’re not in control?

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

What a ridiculous response.

what’s so ridiculous about it?

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

first of it’s a comment not a response… secondly, you quoted everything in wrong order to make it appealing to further ridicule, which brings me to my last but not least point, is that what you do? you find something ridiculous and get your dopamine kick by saying how ridiculous it is!

I quoted the bits that answer your question and which completely undermine the bits I didn’t quote

Not what I asked, I don’t see ridiculousness in my comment, so if you care to reply with feedback, please do, otherwise stop bothering me

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

You thinking it’s a honeypot is a win for the government. All they need to do is spread some propaganda

Good point, but I didn’t think of it that way just because, I saw things and read stuff that made me suspect it…

to run a service that is hard to keep alive. And if they were to run a honeypot

But they did, and it worked for them before, and it’ll always work unless no one start using that service, so there’s no point in keeping servers operational… time for a rebrand. plus they’re getting paid.

having it outside 14 eyes countries would be the most stupid decision the government could make.

having it outside the US ( if we’re talking about the US ) maybe, but the 14 eyes… It’s just s story at this point, even countries outside the 14 eyes spy on their citizens and make secret deals… So…

@electro1@infosec.pub avatar

This is all kinda of weirdness

lmao, wow…

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