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This is probably one of the more active communities I’m in, actually. Lemmy’s just not that big, I guess? And that’s fine with me. I don’t need an endless scroll of posts daily. I catch up on my subscribed pages within 20 minutes each day. But if someone wants to encourage more conversation I’m all for it.

As for what I’m playing this month, I just got a used Steam Deck and that’s dramatically opened up opportunities for me to play through my PC games that I haven’t gotten around to. Started Psychonauts 2 and I’m pretty impressed with how little Double Fine had to change since 2005. It feels like 20 years just never happened and it’s so far a very natural progression of the first game. Having a great time with it.


I re-played the first a few years back and it’s one of the very few games I’ve 100%'d. Despite the years long gap since my last time playing, it still felt like I just jumped back into the world. So far I’m liking the new characters, but I do miss the original cast of camp kids.

I will say the constant references to the in-between VR exclusive game is frustrating. That feels like a crucial bit of story being dangled over my head that I know I’m never going to see because a VR headset is just not in the cards for me for at least the next few years. Maybe I just need to watch a Let’s Play.


You heard it here: Refusing to mislabel refugees as “illegal” is the problem, not drowning them.


Jak 2 (OpenGOAL) on the pre-owned Steam Deck I bought on Tuesday. Just very excited to be playing PS2 games on a portable device.

GBA ‘Mega Man Mania’ Collection Is Being Brought Back To Life By Fans, Two Decades After Its Cancellation -- Retro Gaming News 24/7 (

Fans of the Mega Man series were excited about the announcement of Mega Man Mania for the GBA in 2004, as it offered a modern-day collection of the classic Game Boy Mega Man games. Unfortunately, the project was canceled shortly after. However, fans are now reviving this idea and working on remastering and coloring the original...


If this project gets finished this might be how I finally play a Mega Man game for the first time.


Dang, I don’t like heavy use of the shoulder buttons as those tend to be the first to go. I do want to check it out. As far as fullscreen goes, not sure, but maybe it’s two different resolution options like with Virtual Console games?


That’s the Wikipedia bias. The vast majority of pages are written and maintained by a small number of people with a Western Centrist perspective, which tends to be more conservative. You start to notice it more once you see it for the first time.


Netanyahu could and the US would happily follow them.


Way to redraw your red line, Biden. Absolute fucking coward.


Holy shit, I forgot about Artifact lol.


This is unreal. I’m looking forward to a new wave of modern ports for N64 games I missed.


I realize I’m biased having experienced this era at my most influential (as another user easily defined it as ages 12 - 22), but this was definitely it for me. I only had a Gameboy before I finally had a PS2. The big mascot character games of this console were formative for me. Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper. Kingdom Hearts and Shadow of the Colossus were everything to me. Tons of other huge titles made this generation.

But it’s the weird little games that I think about fondly. Katamari became a franchise, but it was just a funny novel idea when it dropped on the PS2. Kya: Dark Lineage, an adventure/fighting game absolutely packed with fun ideas from a studio that just made racing games prior. Magic Pengel - basically DIY Pokemon - was pretty much everything I wanted in a game. Even Eye Toy, which completely sucked and barely worked, offered a new way to play games.

Things were just different then. I think it was maybe the last time we thought of games by their budgets. Most titles were what we would maybe call AA these days, something that almost doesn’t exist anymore. Where indie games didn’t exist yet, but small studios were prolific. For me, any game that let you run around as a fairly detailed 3D character in a cool setting was magic to me in a way the flat, pixelated worlds on my GBC never were. The worlds in my PS2 were believable.


As a vegetarian who’s been excited for lab grown meat since I’d heard of the concept a decade ago, I wouldn’t hold your breath. It’s looking like one of those things that sounds great on paper, but isn’t viable at larger scale.


lol right. The secret service, FBI, and every other agency in the country with the express objective of maintaining the status quo are just gonna let a president get killed. This isn’t the 60s.


When he’s no longer president, he’ll still have secret service agents guarding him with their lives 24/7. He’s the safest man on the planet.


This is fucking nonsense. You don’t need to be at “president orders legal hits on political rivals” level of corrupt for a country’s electoral system to be in absolute shambles.

But holy shit do we have a ton of big actual nightmare problems in the US to worry about, and the health and safety of its eldest active war criminal is easily near the bottom of the pile. You know what, I hope you’re right. I hope Biden is fucking terrified for his life. Maybe that will scare him into doing the one god damn thing he needs to do to get elected.


Need a fork of an app that replaces a Google app to get a fork of an app that replaces another Google app.


Not OP, but I recently beat P5R years after P5 vanilla. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it myself, but will try to elaborate a little without spoilers.

I found myself mostly disagreeing with the Phantom Thieves in the new chapter and electively went through the “bad” ending first. I do like the story that was explored, however, and I think it was genuinely fascinating to see how the team approached their most complex dilemma yet. Ultimately, I appreciated what they were trying to do even if it felt a little trope-y at times. That said, the ending cutscene is leagues worse than vanilla’s and even kind of walks back some of what made the new story great.

I’m currently playing Strikers and I’m unfortunately getting kind of bored with it after the second area. I was very impressed by how many of Persona 5’s systems translated to an action game so well, but now I’m feeling like I’ve already seen the extent of the gameplay and all that’s left is to repeat again and again and again until it’s over. The story is vaguely fun and the road trip framing is a wonderful follow up to P5’s ending. The writing is fine and the characters haven’t become flanderized quite yet despite being at about that point in the Persona spinoff cycle. But I kind of don’t care what the cast has to say about everything. Maybe that’s the problem of starting a big adventure with a full party. At every cutscene, there are at least 8 characters there to react to what’s happening, which holds up for about as long as one would expect. Considering skipping out on the rest and moving on to Tactica, since that’s way more my style of gameplay.


Returned to my beloved 3DS to play a fan translation of the Japan-only Rocket Slime 3. The translation itself is solid, though there are a bunch of text rendering issues. Nothing that ruins the experience. I loved the previous game and this one is a very similar experience, but I think I preferred the mecha fights of 2 over the pirate ship battles of 3.

The gameplay balance is all over the place, unfortunately. Regular adventuring off-ship is dead easy and a little dull. The boss fights in particular are incredibly uninspired. But the ship battles wildly fluctuate in difficulty. Some I manage to Perfect without much challenge, others have me hanging on by a thread and landing me on the Game Over screen more than once.

I’m on the last chapter of the main quest and will probably give up soon on trying to complete everything as I’ve read the final post-game gauntlet is absolute hell.

Games that still need more patience: what games released a year ago (or older) are you waiting for a sale on? Or that need another patch?

Other than a slew of Nintendo titles that maybe hopefully will come down in price (the patient gamers’ bane), I have my eye on the next time Divinity: Original Sin 2 goes on sale. A friend who never plays anything other than WoW loved playing Larian’s newest with me and I’m trying to get her to pick this up. Pretty sure...

graymess, (edited )

Edit: Realized you said one year or longer. I was focused on the “waiting for updates” part.

Definitely waiting for Persona 3 Reload to both come down in price significantly and get the mostly confirmed epilogue content. But I’ll be very patient with this one. P5 Royal took me years to finish and I’ve already played through the original P3 back in the day. No rush at all from me.


It’s not really worthy of Patient Gamers because I bought it shortly after launch (in an actual box at Best Buy), but the Orange Box was one of the most absurdly good deals I’ve ever seen. I can’t even calculate how many hours I’ve gotten out of it because it ended up on an old Steam account, but TF2 alone is easily my most played game ever.


Kind of weird to admit to stealing someone’s purchase. Dick move, really, regardless of how dumb that was of the buyer.


Was it the buyer giving it up to anyone who wanted it or were they under the impression G2A customer support would be refunding it?


Dang, Valve stealth indoctrinated console gamers to Steam with the Orange Box lol.


No, the US resolution was distinctly bullshit and did not call for an immediate ceasefire. The previous resolutions that the US vetoed did. Let’s not pretend the US proposed this version of a resolution out of humanitarian interest.


It’s a misleading headline, whether deliberate or not. Read the context of the resolution. It was a highly conditional ceasefire proposal that would require Gaza to give up all hostages while Israel would be permitted to continue controlling the region. Not immediate and clearly untenable for Palestinians. The US submitted the proposal knowing it would not pass just so they can act like they’re trying to negotiate peace, only being shot down by the usual bad guys. It’s a propaganda tactic and it’s clearly working.


I agree with much of what you’re saying, as well. With Israel holding all the cards, I just find it worrying that Gaza would be forced to give up its one and only leverage. We’ve already seen that Israel does not care if hostages are involved when attacking a location. It’s hard to imagine how much more aggressive they will be when the risk of Israeli collateral damage is removed from the equation.


That’s the most interesting bit of Star Wars lore I’ve heard.


This is one of those ideas I’d love to agree with, but I know the reality of the situation would mean negative consequences for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, just like how current ID systems are now.


Yes, my entire personality formed when Hollowknight released. Why do you ask?


Did I somehow miss it or does the article not even mention what the mod is?


Oh wow, that’s nuts.


Schools don’t use these balls anymore?!

8bitdo Pro 2 controller with multiple Android devices

Hopefully someone on here has the 8bitdo Pro 2 controller and can answer my question: can it connect to Android-devices on more than just the A-channel on the 4-way bluetooth connection? I have two Android devices that i would like to have connected so I can just change the 4-way bluetooth slider to connect, is this possible?...


Sorry, I don’t really have a definite answer I can say from experience. But I think what might be an option if one of your Android devices is a streaming box: Maybe use an 8bitdo USB adapter? That way the controller connects to the adapter via whatever channel that uses and to your other device via Bluetooth.

I’m also replying because I’m curious about options for this kind of setup. Personally, I’d love a controller that can connect to multiple consoles and devices without needing to re-pair. Just pushing a button and changing from my PC to my Switch or Android streaming box. Really wish the All Controller was a success or at least had a successor. One controller for your living room and you’re set for all past and present devices.


I believe that D-Input will connect, but works on a per app basis for Android. So if your game or emulator doesn’t support it, it won’t work. I guess that’s true of X-Input, too, but that’s been the dominant controller API for many years. I could imagine some apps supporting X-Input controllers only.


Now I’m thinking you don’t even need the USB adapter to connect to both your Android devices. The Android mode is probably just another X-Input Bluetooth channel.


This sounds awesome. Any recommended games to try for someone totally new to the console?


Please pay attention this time, it’s getting old: Holding Democrats accountable for their support of genocide is not the same as supporting Republicans.


No, not voting for Biden is not voting for Biden. I’m sure Biden is counting on your argument to get elected, but it’s not going to work. You can’t guilt the left into voting for a genocide supporter. If Biden loses, that’s on Biden and the Democrats. He and the DNC know what they can do if they want votes from anyone left of center.


It’s such a buzzkill to lose a race because you took a turn you shouldn’t have after blazing through the first 3/4 of it in first. For a game that requires twitch reactions at high speeds, it certainly was a choice to make players have to constantly take their eyes off the road to find the map.


If both parties are going to genocide Arabs while they’re in charge, the blood is on their hands and no one else’s. Only assholes and morons will blame Arabs in the US for the massacre of Palestinians.


I only played the beta a couple months ago and I found it unbelievably boring and uninspired. I’ve never been so uninvested in a game’s world and this is a motherfucking pirate game. How is it this dull?!

Wanted to bring attention to the 1.0 release of this excellent Moonlight PC Streaming App that just dropped today!! (

Thanks to GitHub user zoeyjodon for dropping this incredible 3ds fork for the Moonlight PC game streaming client. You can run this software on any hacked 3ds (though a new 3ds is recommended) to stream PC games from any PC to your 3ds. Although it’s not super useful for most games since the 3ds has such a pitiful screen, this...


Thank you for sharing! I didn’t think this was possible on 3DS hardware.

I’m still having issues getting it to work, though. I shut off NVIDIA GameStream in favor of Sunshine and made sure all the required ports are open on my PC. But when trying to pair to PC, the first time I get a PIN it immediately fails, saying something about the URL being illegal. If I try again, get another PIN, and enter that into Sunshine, nothing happens. More annoying, at most stages of the process, Moonlight soft locks my 3DS and it can’t even quit the app from the Home button, forcing me to hold the power button until it turns off.

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