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Also has a history of duplicating people entirely or duplicating their body but splitting their personality (passive Kirk and aggressive Kirk in season 1).


It in TOS I don’t recall it, in TNG there was an inter planetary race to find the McGuffin, which was just a message of how the first humanoids seeded all the planets with carbon life with their DNA so we would all evolve into humanoids.


Go pick up smoke and mirrors, it’s a short story collection, very easy to get into. If you love it, check out the American Gods novel and the Sandman comics. The original sandman is a bit dated at this point, but still some amazing storytelling.


You call no one. You buy a safe of your own. You start buying your groceries in two transactions, one with your card like always, the other in cash. Every other time you fill your gas tank you use a little of the cash. Clothes are all cash till that safe is empty. Buy all your gifts from the farmer’s markets or other “street walk” events. Who cares if it’s more than you normally spend, the point is that officially, you bought no gifts. Cash anytime you go out to eat.

Get what you can from Facebook marketplace or Craigslist, but never anything that would mean title or registration. Those all need to come with deductions from bank accounts you can point to. The point is that by “cutting” a bunch of explainable expenses, you can eventually save up for the big spend item and buy that officially.




It’s easy to confuse high compression JPEG artifacts with AI fuckery. IMO, if it was AI the lines would be cleaner and there would be other screwed up hands.


Does he want to take a budget option away? At one point he says “And they still charge $12” to me that says that’s close to what proper wired earbuds should cost. People are getting screwed buying something that should have higher sound quality and getting the cheapest Bluetooth quality instead.


Sure, but I have no idea what prices to expect in Chile, airport or otherwise. Just trying to extract some info by the author’s choice of wording.


Don’t we all just love it when someone watches us play a game and constantly comes in with tips? Now we can get that experience even when we’re alone!


Do you have extremely unbalanced vision in your eyes? Even with corrective lenses that can keep you from being able to stitch the images together properly for your brain to interpret the 3D image.


Read the article, it’s pretty clear who the author targets as the villain here. I haven’t verified the accuracy of it, but taking them at their word: management and the GOP that let requirements of who is guaranteed OT pay dwindle. This restores what Obama did that was then dismantled by right wing judges and Trump.

I think it has the potential of being a stepping stone, in first restoring who gets OT, to later push hours reduction before OT kicks in.


The need for crafting and settlement building really turned me off of 4. That and the super dense map. This is supposed to be a wasteland but it’s got people and settlements everywhere. The emptiness of 3 and NV made them feel like an apocalypse, I’m not sure what 4 feels like, but it’s really not the same.


Lex Luther is evil, but he doesn’t go around stealing candy from babies and punching grandmas. In fact he takes a lot of actions that people would think are good and altruistic. His motivations are what makes him evil. And when push comes to shove he would show how little he actually cares for all those babies and grandmas. This seems to allude many story tellers in many mediums. Infamous was a great game on the “good” story line, and terrible on the evil because you had to punch grandma with no real reason in order to stay evil. Bio shock was a bit better as you had motivation to kill those little girls to gain more power faster.

Writers and storytellers need to think more motivation than actions when it comes to being evil.


I want to be able to search the phone numbers in maps. Searching Google sucks because of all the algorithm gaming scam sites. I just want to know if this number is a local business I might actually want to talk to.


Not that I’ve found. There are plenty of ways to find a number of a business. But harder to find legitimate ways to find people’s numbers. And it’s almost impossible to reliably find the owner of a phone number.


Wasn’t there an episode that establishes Lore was first, but hit an uncanny valley that people didn’t like? The response was to make Data more robotic including no contractions.


“We cheated so hard and still lost! They had to have stolen it!”


Why are people going to show up for a primary that doesn’t matter? There was literally nothing else on our ballot in AZ so there wasn’t much point.


Bernie was running in the primaries? Did he do any campaigning? If so none of it reached here.


I mean, yeah, we were all desperate for distractions then. Now we’re all working multiple jobs to survive. The video game industry needs to lobby for lower rent. No one has time to play games when we’re trying to keep from being homeless.


That’s not all we’d need to do though. Too many cases of the content rights holders also owning a streaming service means they’d just not sign any contracts. Disney, paramount, NBC, hell even Netflix owns content. We need to also break up so that right holders can’t also control the means of distribution.


Tachyon was the best space fighter game ever. Even had Bruce Campbell doing some of the voice work. The physics were awesome and the storyline was good.


I have and use a resimed that does the phone home option. Once my doctor got what he needed I put it in airplane mode.

Distributor used the stats while I was reporting to call me and tell me I need new filters or other parts. I lol’d and bought them online for way cheaper. They stopped trying even before the doctor got all the data he needed.

Also, AFAICT it’s only data out, so I’m not worried about some exploit being delivered to the machine.

Final thought: I work in med tech. We have better security than credit agencies because we get fined more if we screw up. Personal data leaks are so common no one even cares anymore, but leaking someone’s medical info will shut a company down. You are likely safe, but ultimately never as safe as a “dumb” machine would be except they just don’t exist anymore.

Actual final thought: you will be amazed at how much better you feel every morning after actually sleeping instead of the dirty pseudo sleep you’re currently getting.


Silly jump to conclusions when it is more likely just repackaging things as “greatest hits” editions or something.

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