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How to install Nix on Fedora Silverblue (

Today, I wanted to have another go with nix. Previously I just read about it and didn’t do anything for a couple of months. Now, I installed nix package manager with very few lines of code and two more to install many packages as described in his post. Installation was very fast on my banana laptop. Until now I used distrobox...


There’s a GUI for it too

I just click install and it installs to the profile


Ah, yes, run a bash file executing rm -rf $1

What could go wrong?


I guess you just have to use home manager on NixOS


Actually, we’re on the metric system. The foot and inch are defined exactly by their metric conversion values, and so is the pound

We’re actually just using conversion factors


That’s on them, the pound is exactly 0.45359237 kg

So the conversion is trivial: 176lbs


If you want something simple most people can run, use flatpak. AppImage often fails for me because I’m missing some


Sounds like you should be filing a bug report


Paste it into the address bar to read it?

Mobile Firefox copy/paste


Good points, why not change it and recompile Firefox and see what font works. Then you can submit a pull request for this issue and they might actually accept it


Yes, but I used the NixOS “recipe”. I just tell it the new source folder in my config and do a sudo nixos-rebuild swirch --impure

It takes two hours, but completely hands off


That’s why I love NixOS, some dude (okay sometimes it’s me) already figured out how to compile all the software and built the binaries if you want them


Here’s an idea: buy Framework 16. It’s expensive, yes, but if your HDMI port stops working it’s not an issue because internally it connects via USB so you can buy a new insert for hdmi for $20.

Not only that, but the dGPU can be removed and upgraded to a newer model. It’s the only laptop on the market that can do this, and I’m waiting for the next AMD GPUs to actually buy a dGPU for my laptop. The iGPU actually games well too! I think similar to a 1050 or 1050ti in some games.

It doesn’t come preloaded with Linux, but it has excellent support for it.


I sometimes got performance issues or corrupted frames, so I mostly use mpv. It sometimes fails for some files so I need to switch to VLC to handle them.


You should still have the standing to piss area elsewhere


Birds -> Bs, B stands for Boy…


I actually got that after I read my own post

But it did remind me of the joke that Quebec labels the cold water with C for cold and hot water with C for chaud


Every language has these. Chinese prefers calques to loanwords, but even it has 浪漫 lang4man4 romantic


They are not pronounced the same way, the Polish word always has the extra spit at the end




There’s an s’ sound at the end of szikac’ which is different from t’


I used ppas and then noticed the updates take forever and start failing as those ppas don’t exist anymore. I switched to NixOS to eliminate having to deal with this. NixOS packages perfectly integrate with your system and you can install almost anything you need, even networking software and other things that need root. For everything else you can package it yourself, and nixpkgs will accept your pull requests


It literally doesn’t install non-free software until you manually configure it to do so. What do you mean by not caring about licensing?


Yes, but there are things that absolutely drove be crazy in Windows. When you switch to Korean, it would default to Latin characters, and you have to switch to Korean characters. Which is fine if you always use the Korean layout and just toggle between Latin and Korean characters, like most Koreans.

But I am actually learning Korean and I speak more than one other language. When I switch to Chinese I expect it to type in Chinese. When I switch to Korean, I expect it to type in Korean.

The most bullshit thing about Windows is if the default behavior doesn’t suit you, there’s no way to change it. You’re stuck with how Windows works because it’s batteries included.


Codeberg seems cool, even though I saw it go down a little while ago. I still believe the internet wants to be free. There’s no guarantee GitHub won’t eventually start charging for more things.


That’s worrying, I guess federation is the way to go


But the change in the numbers is not useless since the psychology of the Wayland users vs. x11 didn’t change


Clozemaster-style spaced repetition app for languages. It reads a sentence with text to speech, you have to fill in the blank with your target language. Translation can be shown if you’re stuck, and you can turn on hints when typing. It shows the words based on the SM-2 algorithm or similar


Spoilers: they are efficient in space, not really power

So for multicore workloads they are actually power efficient because you get more throughput (more performance iso power)

But for idle that has no benefit


I think moderator approval is a bit slow


Could be like anyone can post, but if it’s downvoted it’s hidden, Reddit style


No, the value of AI equals the value of the Blockchain

Might both be zero


The software is broken in an obvious way, even though it used to work and they could just roll it back for the release.

They are actively trying to harm the community to somehow “force” users into snaps.


Any bug is a skill issue. There’s literally 0.001% of programmers who are dealing with computer science problems and they are all compiler writers


Leviathan is just fucking awesome. Imagine some big power lifter dude and he’s named Leviathan.

“Cool, but what’s his real name?”

“That IS his real name”


I got annoyed with snaps, I can’t recommend it because removing snaps is that opposite of not having to mess with it out of the box


I installed Firefox and it installed the snap version. Then I had to do a bunch of pinning and other stupid steps to make it NOT do that


That’s why I upvoted Mint, it’s an excellent choice as a first Linux. My mom used it without much Linux knowledge


It’s a proprietary component run on only Ubuntu servers. Someone switching to Linux surely has REASONS to use Linux, like supporting open source


Did you enable subpixel font rendering and mess with the hinting?


More useful if you have several email addresses, you can more easily check all of them in one place


Flatpak works most of the time. Nix works almost all the time (except when stuff happens like the download fails)

Flatpak is free to assume anything about your system which is sometimes not compatible with NixOS


Great, now tell me why your appimage is complaining about not having some .so file on my system


I double clicked, the program didn’t run because it’s missing some dependencies


No, the problem is more subtle, the developer assumed I have the same libs in the same locations as a mainstream distro like Ubuntu, but I do not

I actually have several versions of each library in different hashed folders (my distro does this) and I just steam-run normal Linux executables

Except I can’t do that when using this appimage thing so it doesn’t directly work on my system

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