
Just pick one and piss. I’ve pissed in the woman’s bathroom before when the guys one was full. It’s not a big deal. No one cares.

francisfordpoopola, avatar

I’m going in and committing to whatever I find inside.


I seriously don’t know what the hell the “Birds and the bees” even refers to beyond an olde movie cliche.


One has a stinger and one incubates eggs I guess?


Bees… Do both?

gallopingsnail, avatar

Sex. It refers to sex.


Bees carry pollen to the flower

Birds devote time to their eggs


Both can be pollinators. Both can tend to their eggs/young. As a non-native speaker, the phrase never made sense to me.


It’s an old traditionalist saying to reinforce their norms, based on a limited understanding of both biology and society.

PeriodicallyPedantic, (edited )

The British call women “birds” sometimes. Idk.


Well, bees have stingers, which penetrate…


Women can be quite stingy, so that’s women I guess


Except male bees have no stingers, and almost all bees are female… So I guess that would leave us fellas as being the birds?

Birds are cool I guess


Ain’t that a b(ee)…


I see what you did there 😏


aha because it sounds like “births”

NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

If you don’t have a cloaca you can’t use birds


I know some of these words


A cloaca is kinda like an anus that you also piss and reproduce with.



NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

Terrific username for posting cloaca facts

Akasazh, avatar

So anybody with a cloaca can just go around and use birds?

It’s that what you’re saying?


Have an open mind. It’s 2024 for crying out loud. If they identify as a bird then of course they use birds rooms.

Akasazh, avatar

Say have you heard?

dan, avatar

I have it on good authority that everybody’s heard about the bird.


Why not just make every bathroom a one occupant room? Just because someone has the same genitals as me doesn’t mean I want them to hear me fart.


Because men piss on the seat, and women get pissy about piss on the seat.


You should still have the standing to piss area elsewhere

ulterno, avatar

There’s a reason the seats are liftable. It’s to lift before you piss and if you pissed on the rim, then just use the nearby faucet to wash it down, then drop the seat back down when leaving.
The problem is not men, but people who don’t think of the next person using the thingy.

I was in a hostel for multiple years and I used to was the toilet before and after the deed.

Anti Commercial-AI license


I went to a restaurant this week where the washroom was just one big room with full door stalls and a full door room the size of two stalls with a few urinals in it. No fear of pissing on the seat of you use a urinal. Also, just lift the seat?


You’re preaching to the chior. Try convincing the rest of the men in the world that they also can.


Women also piss on the seat, some squat over the seat to avoid touching it.


It’s cute that you think women’s bathrooms aren’t an absolute train wreck.


Tell that to the women I work with that had us roll back the 12x gender neutral toilet stalls into 5x men + 5x female + 2x genger neutral. Top complaint was “using a stall after a man has used it is disgusting”. The second highest complaint was that it smells like someone poo’d in the toilet… which is a strange complaint for a toilet.


Would they rather the poop be out of the toilet? I am so confused lol

Although I do agree. Using a stall after a man has used it is disgusting. Also, using a stall after anyone who is not a man has used it is disgusting. (But only if they don’t keep it clean)


LOL, I worked on a construction site. The men sat for their business or used the funnel on the wall, the women hovered and wet the seat

menemen, (edited ) avatar

I once was in the restroom when my (then) boss (plus later doctor father) came to the toilet and farted as loudly as humanly possible. It was very satisfying. Happy that guy is not my boss anymore, he thought his scientific staff are his personal slaves.


What is a doctor father?

menemen, avatar

The professor you write your PhD thesis at/with/for. Isn’t that a common word in English?


I have never written a PhD thesis, so I might not be the best representative, but it’s the first time I’ve heard the phrase.

craigers, avatar

Ditto for me on both counts. I was trying to figure out if he was your wifes dad who is also your MD or what. So doctor father is more like drag mother.


That would be nice, for small venues that only have a few stalls. However that would take a ton of rooms and money for high traffic areas like stadiums, airports, and so on.

Just make a big trough and make new friends.


Bees for pees, birds for tuds.

Can’t remember who originally said that but it had me creasing.


That reminds me of stingers for strings and wings for flings.

Used to hear it all the time got me cut up like what.


Bees have stingers, birds have peckers…


Bees pollinate, birds lay eggs


Tbf they both lay eggs.


Female bees pollinate, female birds lay eggs. Both are for female?


Women are Bees. Men are Birds. Arrhenotoky OP.

Of the 60,000 bees in a hive, almost 99% of them are female! Female honey bees, or worker bees, make all of the decisions in the hive and do all of the work. There are a couple hundred male bees in a hive, but they don’t do much but sit around and eat food.…/the-anatomy-of-a-hive


Thats a little to common sense for the average American.

I’d wager bees are boys, for bathroom purposes, cause boys have a “stinger”


average American… for bathroom purposes,… boys have a “stinger”

Exhibit A!

joshcodes, avatar

Same thought different reasoning: the expression “a bees dick” exists. There’s no equivalent for birds.


A birds pecker?

joshcodes, avatar

Huh, not heard that one


Meanwhile I’ve never heard “a bee’s dick” in my life.

joshcodes, avatar

My favourite use is to suggest a near miss: the other car missed the cyclist by a bees dick.


Well, there is the fact that “bird” is itself slang for both penis and woman, though of course in the case of the latter it is antiquated enough to be considered offensive (of course, since as I’m informed the only inoffensive ways to refer to those who identify as belonging to the gender traditionally known as the “not male” gender are “girls” for those under 18 and “women” for those above, the offensiveness of this term is perhaps expected.)

FlyingSquid, avatar

Maybe this isn’t in America.

That said, if it was in the UK, ‘birds’ would be for women, so the result would be the same.

absentbird, avatar

I think it’s a play on words Bees -> Bs, B stands for Boy. Birds -> British slang for women.


Birds -> Bs, B stands for Boy…

absentbird, avatar

I mean that if you say “Bees” out loud it sounds like “B’s”, as in the boy’s room.


I actually got that after I read my own post

But it did remind me of the joke that Quebec labels the cold water with C for cold and hot water with C for chaud


It’s not the right answer, but all the same, my head said:

Queen bees and Dodo birds

… - I think that checks out.


Honey this is an Applebee’s, shit wherever you want.


Especially in the microwave. Adds flavor.


Slang for women is “chicks” and a bit more archaic, “birds” too.

Bees have a…stinger? Dunno about that one.

theluckyone, (edited )

_prick /prĭk/ noun

… A small, sharp, local pain, such as that made by a needle or bee sting … A pointed object, such as an ice pick, goad, or thorn. _

  • The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

Suppose calling men bees is more polite than calling them pricks…

Gigan, avatar

Aren’t most bees female though?


They are. Hence confusion with the signage.


Bees are all female, so…


No they aren’t, the males just live in the hive and their only purpose is to fuck


Death by snu snu.


You’re thinking of honey bees. And no, honey bees do not “live in the hive and fuck.” They fuck once mid air then die.


Fucking living the dream


This sent me down a rabbit hole. It’s estimated that less than one in one thousand actually mate though. So… Maybe.


Drones also maintain the temperature of the nest/hive.

Additionally, carpenter bee drones defend the hive (although they don’t actually have any defences, and therefore do this by repeatedly bumping into the adversary); and Asian honey bee drones help to kill murder hornets, by enveloping them (alongside other bees) and essentially cooking them to death.


AFAIK bees are females, the drones are the males.


I got the stinger :p


No they’re not, that wouldn’t even make sense. If all individuals of a species are of a single sex, there wouldn’t be male and female, they are hermaphrodites. Bees reproduce sexually.


Lol no they aren’t. Honey bees have male drones. Carpenter bees have male bees that guard their nest from other bees.


Find a member of staff and ask where the “human bathrooms” are. Don’t let them leave until they explain. Bonus points if you piss your pants while they are trying to explain.


Look them intensely in the eye as piss streams down your leg to establish dominance.


Better piss on their leg to mark your territory

FlyingSquid, avatar

“Excuse me sir/madam, I am looking for the human bathroom as I need to pour out some liquid from inside of my body through my urethra, something we humans normally do.”


One of the most uncomfortable episodes.

samus12345, avatar

I had to look it up. Am I correct in thinking this was a transphobic episode?


Southpark makes fun of literally every and anything, so yeah it could be considered transphobic lol. Just keep in mind the intention is to be gross, over the top, nonsensical, etc…


I hate the excuse of “making fun of everything”

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


Eh, life is short, might as well find humor in things, if we tip toed around everything anyone could possibly get offended for, the world would be a pretty bleak place.


Humor isn’t harmless, you are affecting the quality of life of minorities if you punch down on them for no reason.


I never claimed it was harmless


That’s how you get idiots on Twitter getting offended at everything.


This one might have been, but a few seasons later you have “The Cissy”, probably the most trans-supportive episode they made.


South Park is always “edgy” in the safest way. Climate change was widely ridiculed when they made manbearpig, and the undertones of this one were definitely pretty bad. I give them a pass on mr/Mrs garrison because he’s always been a piece of shit much like cartman, but the message with Gerald and Kyle is “surgery doesn’t change who you really are.” It dropped in 2005 so… Product of the time I guess?


Kinda. But it gets fucking crazy. Mr Garrison gets surgery to be trans fem. Kyle gets taller, black skin, and Mr Garrison’s testicles as his new knees. Gerald becomes a dolphin. It’s all over the place.

Matt and Trey use the writing technique of “but, therefore” which leads to very insane story threads (with their ribald thinking)

vox, avatar

this is how i feel when a website presents me with a gender prompt with only two options


Or when a webform requires an honorific and none of them is suitable. (I’ll usually pick “Honorable”)


I love it when serious companies make it a text field, and i get my bills in a letter adressed, in all sincerity, to: Intergalactic Lord Emperor GoosLife


At work we used the department field for outrageous addressees


Hole or pole?


Void or avoid?


This is literally the only reason I’m considering a PhD: I can put “Dr.” on official documents and it’ll be accepted.


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