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Clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Can she just quit as lead prosecutor? Is that an option?


Marriage is basically a tax shelter in the US.

Right-wing media company Salem apologizes, stops distributing 2020 election conspiracy film ‘2000 Mules’ after lawsuit | CNN Business (

CNN — Salem Media Group, the right-wing talk radio network owner, issued a public apology and said it would stop distributing a discredited 2020 election conspiracy theory film after a Georgia man wrongly accused of voter fraud sued the company for defamation....


Like all Republican conservatives they’re just sorry they got caught.


Why is it the people continue to think that the president sets the prices the private companies charge for their products?


And what exactly would you have him try?

Maybe some regulation from the agencies that I’ve been captured by lobbyists and corporate interests?

Maybe enforcement of current laws before they were gutted by Congress?


Party of law and order, and family values.


All politicians represent corporate and wealthy interests. They don’t really give a fuck about regular people or their interests so long as they shut up and do as they are told.

None of this is surprising. Until money is taken out of politics and corruption is addressed, we will continue with the status quo.

Democrats know that if they rock the boat too much they will lose their donors and someone else will get those campaign contributions. The wealthy elite who finance the elections don’t care if you are republican or democrat so long as you do what is in their interest and they can continue to do what they want. As soon s you are not useful to them anymore they will find someone else to replace you.


He said the quiet part out loud again because there is nothing you can fucking do about it.

The Republican controlled House will not impeach and he won’t be removed.

The only way forward is to win control of Congress and hope the president has the balls and political power to expand the Supreme Court. Keep in mind that the confirmation hearings for new justices will be brutal and there is no guarantee that any new justices will be much better or vote with more liberal views.

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid (

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....


Separation of Church and State! No one should care what your personal beliefs are so long as you do your job.


Republicans support grooming kids to be christian white nationalists. So much for separation of church and state.


If only there was some sort of large language model that could be used to summarize large volumes of text. Hmm


They don’t want to actually fix anything, just to complain about it and blame it on someone else.


Sounds like you don’t understand numbers.

Ignorance is no excuse for justifying war crimes.


The President is not supposed to rule via executive orders.

It is the job of Congress to pass meaningful laws. The issue at hand is that Congress is broken and refuses to pass laws. One party blocks the other and nothing gets done without a majority or supermajority.

Corporations have captured all of congress via Citizen United and no meaningful laws will ever get passed to reign in price gouging or regulate the markets.

So stop blaming the President and vote for better state representatives and senators that represent your interests instead of corporations.


That is unfortunately true. And those are the steps that are needed but will not happen, no matter the candidate.


Remember when there were network television standards? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

New Star Wars Plan: Pentagon Rushes to Counter Threats in Orbit (

The Pentagon is rushing to expand its capacity to wage war in space, convinced that rapid advances by China and Russia in space-based operations pose a growing threat to U.S. troops and other military assets on the ground and American satellites in orbit....


So this will just make even more space junk floating around above the planet? Great.


He didn’t even know how old his son Baron was last week!


The Christo-fascist ultra-maga republicans are allergic to facts.

House Overview: Six Months Out, Fight for Control Remains a Game of Inches (

“Over the past year and a half, the House has been dominated by GOP infighting, leadership upheaval, and unsurprisingly, little to show in terms of legislation — partially a function of Republicans’ miniscule majority. And six months out, it makes sense that many Democrats are more bullish about their chances of taking...


Remember when politicians from both parties worked together to pass bills together instead of opposing every bill and fighting for slim majorities and procedural blocks? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


You can’t even buy a car for $22500 anymore! The cost to buy political votes is comically low. AT&T is a multibillion dollar company. They probably spend my on toilet paper in a month.


The president has little say on the laws that Congress passes. Vote for your local senators and representatives! The only way to realize change is to vote in your local elections!

It is local and state government that is important to making changes! Republicans have figured this out decades ago and have been gerrymandering and packing courts for decades.

The president can’t waive a magic wand and make any change he wants.

itsonlygeorge, (edited )

Wtf is wrong with these people?

Federal judge halts new U.S. rules limiting credit card late fees | Bank lobbyists challenged the legality of the cap, which was set to take effect next week. (

The judge is a Trump appointee.. I’ll also note that he’s in Texas, where the rules against judge-shopping aren’t being applied, so the suit was likely filed with advance knowledge that he’d be hearing it.


China has an excess EVs and are looking for places to offload their inventory and contracts for the supporting charging infrastructure.


Remember that there are photos of him with Jeffery Epstein on numerous occasions.…/4b688682-7aaf-45dc-95ed-0f17974b43…


Does anyone remember that Bill Clinton got impeached for a fucking blow job in the oval office and lying about it on national television?

Yet we elect a president with multiple scandals, including paying a porn star hush, money for an affair while he was married. The hypocrisy in this country is ridiculous.

Israel commits to limit Rafah operation, grant control of crossing to private U.S. firm (

The parties agreed that a private American security company will assume management of the crossing after the IDF concludes its operation. Israel has also pledged not to damage the crossing’s facilities to ensure its continuous operation....


“Grab her by the pussy.”

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.”



There is an excellent podcast ‘the dollop’ on Donald Trump. It paints a rather stark picture full of racism. His father burnt down a building to force the mostly African-American tenants out on the street.


New Title: Corruption rampant in US politics, elections favor the rich and corporate


He can’t, he already used all of his brain power to spell illegitimate.


I still don’t understand how people think the Trunp does anything. He is a crybaby wearing literal diapers who is only job is to throw a temper tantrum to distract everyone from the horrible people around himself with who do this evil shit. He is an enabler and a distraction.

The only reason the uneducated masses are voting for him is because they are too stupid to see that he represents the people who are actually ruining their lives and decreasing the quality of life.

They believe they are giving the finger to the system, and the Trump will magically make things better again. He is a snake oil salesman in a shit filled diaper.


Yeah, however in this case Trump did all the felonies is on his own. Your argument is for a very specific set of circumstances, in which one party nominates a candidate for the primaries, who, then commits felony crimes before the general election.

itsonlygeorge, (edited )

And yet the Republicans still blame Democrats for their shitty pay, workers rights, and work environment. Yet they keep electing representatives who vote against fucking unions, and all kinds of common sense laws.

And then they blame Democrats because the Republican controlled media tells them those are the bad guys who are ruining their way of life.

They are mad for the right reasons at the wrong people. In reality, the people who are destroying their way of life, are the same people who are supposedly the representatives.

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