@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar



Transfem | she/her | professional keyboard operator | old

All the cool kids hang out at Ten Forward

Nazi Punks Fuck Off!

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@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Holy feckin cannoli, this is terrifying. Does everyone in that universe sound like her too?

Also, nice work with the templates in the other post. I’m digging this recent book cover meta, there are so many possibilities!

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar
@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Nah nah, FR though, mayo is low key awesome on fries


@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Jawa21, are you from Canadia? Omg poutine is amazing, it’s like the next natural evolutionary step of the fried potato. Has to have cheese curds, I’ve learned. I’ve had it with regular cheese before, and is that sacrilege? It tastes like sacrilege to me. Anyway yes fricken poutine is amaaaazing

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yeah, I can imagine it gets pricey depending on where you are in relation to the nearest local cheese curd makers. I’m pretty lucky, I can take a short drive to Wisconsin if I wanna stock up. It’s crazy, like, once you cross the border, even at the gas stations there’s so much cheese. So much cheese. It’s everywhere!

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Oh wow, homemade gravy sounds awesome. I’m eating Oreos before bed, and like, now all I want is gourmet poutine lol

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

This whole thread is like, pure gold-pressed latinum. If Lemmy GPL was a thing, I’d GPL everyone in this thread. That just sounds wrong. I’d latinum everyone in this thread…yeah, that’s better. I guess

‘It is simple. You name the crime’: AOC has contentious exchange with Biden probe witness (www.cnn.com)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked former Biden family associate Tony Bobulinski about what crimes he alleges he witnessed President Biden commit during a House Oversight Committee hearing. CNN’s Melanie Zanona breaks down the exchange.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

These schmucks keep repeating “RICO” like it’s some dumbass SovCit incantation or something.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar
@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Hey FlyingSquid! So, like, there are different types of mj aromas, which are solely dependent on the terpenes present in the plant. That’s a documented thing. There’s a over a hundred terpene types that can result in citrus, diesel, skunky, or woodsy smells, for example. However, as it’s been pointed out already, plants have been cross-bred so much over the years that individually named strains don’t always have their “known” unique characteristics these days. And that includes smell/aroma.

So yeah, it doesn’t really matter anymore. I wouldn’t put much stock in how flower smells, because it’s largely inconsequential save for personal preference. I prefer citrus-y flower cuz it smells better to me. There’s one strain I used to buy regularly from my dealer that had a really strong but pleasant grapefruit smell (and taste, just a little), it was awesome.

Also, wrt indica vs sativa… there’s never been any scientific data that can back the claim that they provide different kinds of high, like energizing versus relaxing. It’s just not true. Like the meme says, weed is weed.

kellyaster, (edited )
@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

I picked up Tekworld #1 eons ago, back when I was a young voracious comic book collector and would buy anything off the “New” shelf. I never bothered to read it…I figured it couldn’t be worse than TJ Hooker, but it appears I was terribly mistaken. I’m sorry I contributed to this shitty franchise, I thought it would be worth a fortune when I got old (it’s not).

Also, wrt:

I’m not sure how thankful I should be that someone made William Shatner’s TekWar more accessible to me, but at least I didn’t struggle with PGUP and PGDN to move my virtual neck.

Yeah, thank your lucky stars that gaming with a mouse became a fuckin thing, because hitting PGUP and PGDN to pan up & down sucked back then too.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

You know what, you’re right. I’ll make sure child me from 30 years ago doesn’t do it again.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

I got this one.

We is condemning food … things and supplies. Over!

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

JFC, this troll again. You’re the one who’s been stalking Stamets for the past several months, posting shit about him constantly. What, did you get bored with your other account? Piss off.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Understood o7

I’ll be good

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

I’m the opposite too, Disco really grabbed me in season 3. When Sadil told Burnham “that future is you,” I was sold. I honestly teared up, you could feel the weight he carried his entire life being lifted. What a line. Plus the future is a better fit for them and helps avoid continuity issues and all that.

All the gay killin’ was disappointing, I agree there.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, but you have to avoid using words like “woke” and “diverse” and “agenda” so you come across as a generic hater.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

I think I only got like three or four episodes into Discovery

Disco had a rough start because the showrunner Bryan Fuller was fired during preproduction, and they drastically changed the story he had in mind and just ran with it. Fuller has writing credits for the first 3 episodes, which is about where we both gave up on the show (I started again a few years later and got caught up). Those first two seasons are real hit & miss for me, it kinda looked like they were scrambling to develop a compelling story but were under a tight deadline.

The part where they time travel was actually done well, I thought. I had some issues with the tone here and there, but I thought it made sense in universe. It’s really too bad Disco had so much turmoil wrt creative control, because I look at how SNW and LD hit the ground running, and it’s obvious they had a clear vision from day one and were able to plan everything properly.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

But I have a hard time believe people who complain about Trek being woke are actually trekkies.

Same here, and that’s why I singled out out bad faith actors in my post. They aren’t real fans of Trek any more than people who like to highlight black crime statistics in the U.S. are “just asking questions.” It’s bullshit, and they need to be called out on that bullshit. Star Trek has always had a progressive vision of the future; anyone who claims otherwise or complains about “wokeness” is sowing discord and trying to get people to subscribe to their brand of douchebaggery.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

I think I’m still on the fence about the revamped Klingon look; I would be 100% ok with it, though, if they reveal it’s just the way that Klingon house/subspecies evolved, as some of the fan theories go. The changes are so drastic (even moreso than the changes made between TOS and TNG) that it’s jarring. What I never got used to was the Klingon mouth prosthetics; they were so unwieldy that it was hard to understand the dialogue at times. I had to turn on closed captioning.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

The show’s use of the ‘bury your gays’ trope is so disappointing. It was so noticeable on first viewing, I remember thinking “why the hell are they killing them off?”

Ok, so you said something that really got me thinking:

And Adira doesn’t get the dignity of even existing without having to declare themselves and struggling to fit in as well.

Yeah, thank you for saying this. I hadn’t thought about this before, but Adira not even existing is crazy ironic because queer folks everywhere right now are fighting just to exist…not just as a byproduct that accompanies coming out in the modern era (having to explain your identity can be exhausting), but in the context of severe oppression where it’s a crime to be queer or where laws are being changed to restrict queer rights. Take your pick of which state, or country, for that matter…queer erasure is happening in a lot of places.

I wish I had enough faith in the writing team to believe this was intentional and meant to be an allegory, but nah. They were just tone deaf.

They’re regarded as objects of pity, cudgels for plot points, set pieces, and fucking ghosts, but never with the dignity and respect that any other crew member receives, and that’s just fucked up.

Thank you for saying this too. FFS, can’t we just have a gay character on screen without constantly having to O’Brien the poor dude? It is fucked up, it’s today’s version of making all your female characters victims of rape (poor Deana, how many times was she violated?). So incredibly fucked up

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Argh I know! It’s like, they couldn’t think of something more original? Gotta keep them all in the same space? People who complain about this show’s “wokeness” specifically have obviously never seen it, because it’s strangely regressive in some ways.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

If you feel personally attacked when people voice their dissent against regressive discriminatory behavior, perhaps consider it’s your conscience trying to tell you something.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Lol Zardoz was ahead of its time!

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Lol it’s not my style at all (I’m more a Barbarella cheese fan), but I do appreciate the spectacle it achieved, even if it looks outrageously silly today. It’s definitely a product of its time. Seriously though, you could take the movie and all it’s wild production stories, claim it was made in the 80s, and everybody would believe you. I’m not unconvinced Boorman wasn’t a time traveler

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Sry, I’m still seeing the typo (“That’ kind of bbeautiful”). It seems to be loading pretty well, though!

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, beautiful scene in Insurrection. Gets me every time. Thx for sharing

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

no salt

Hahahaha well played. Also, Office Space is awesome

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks, I think so too! I can’t quite describe it, something about “Space Arby’s” just has a funny ring to it.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

it’s too bad he didn’t drop his visor during the roll, and reach back and grab it real quick like Indiana Jones

[DISCUSSION] online resource for Trek meme creators

This probably sounds ridiculous, but I gotta say it out loud anyway because it’s been driving me bananas for the past few days. I want to create an information resource specifically for Star Trek meme creators. I haven’t been able to get it out of my head, so I think I gotta just build it already....

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

On the other hand, the advantage of using markdown platforms (like Docsify) is that they can be hosted directly from the repo without having to be deployed on a host; yeah, hosting, I forgot to mention, can be a bear to maintain and is not something I’d like to take on or pay for. That shit can get expensive. There are wiki service providers like Nuclino that have a free tier of hosting, but they all look like they’re closed source. One of my requirements is it be open source so anyone can fork it and do what they want with it (also addresses the “what if I get hit by a bus” question). The same goes for other collaborative CMS packages, I don’t wanna deal with hosting.

So something like Docsify would have a higher barrier to entry, but it’s also something I am comfortable with/capable of managing. Even if we had someone volunteer to take on a DevOps role and set up & manage a deployment pipeline, there’s still the issue of the hosting costs. Yeah lol, it sorta comes down to money, and I unfortunately I think I gotta draw a hard line in favor of free open source over free proprietary. omg I don’t know if that sentence makes sense. I’m so baked, what time is it? Is it tomorrow yet?

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

This is also amazing. What a time to be alive!

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Lol jawa21 you missed a great “I use Arch BTW” opportunity. Hmmm, Miraheze, I didn’t know it existed! I think technically it might count as a FOSS implementation, as it is free and uses Mediawiki. Since they manage the hosting, there wouldn’t be any direct access to the instance’s code, but there’s still the option to do a data export in the event of a necessary migration.

This does look good on paper, lemme look at this some more. I’m trying to picture how this would work for this use case, and I don’t see any red flags just yet. Yeah, solid so far.

odds are that pure accessibility and low maintenance/hosting costs are going to have to be considered first a

Omg I feel called out. Haha, the context of accessibility is slightly different here, but I’m actually the resident web accessibility expert at work. Yeah, I use a screen reader to test functional WCAG compliance for some of our products and have to make recommendations for fixes, if not fix it myself, amongst other things. I’m actually working on a presentation about it. Yeah, this thing would serve others best if it is inclusive. Aight I gotta jet, lemme get back to you on this.

Any other thoughts that come to mind, don’t hesitate to post it here.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

I created an account at Miraheze and put in a request for a wiki, which has to be manually approved. The queue has a three day backlog at the moment, so it might be a hot minute before I can give it a test spin. That is, if it’s approved.

I’m probably showing my age, but I really miss Geocities, you know? You had all kinds of cool niche special interest sites about all kinds of things, and this would’ve fit right in there.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

omg I didn’t know that was a thing

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

@Moxvallix, Just a heads up about the Trek meme-making web development idea, as you offered your services earlier. I’ve decided to go in a slightly different direction than I initially thought; it’s gonna be on a FOSS wiki that lives on the provider’s (Miraheze) free managed hosting solution. We don’t have source code access and thus won’t be doing typical web dev stuff.

I still kinda wanna do some collaborative development for something Trek-related one of these days, so if/when that happens, I’ll let you know!

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

@jawa21 Hey, quick update. I’ve been tinkering with the Miraheze wiki… and you know what, I think this will work. Great recommendation! I’m gonna send you a DM in a few minutes, let’s chat.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

@The_Picard_Maneuver there’s been some movement on the meme-making site, and plans have changed; Jawa21 recommended a wiki-based solution that fits the bill, so I’m gonna go with that. I’ll send you a DM in a minute.

@kellyaster@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, that’s neat. I’ve seen that site before, but I totally missed that you could save it as a transparent png. That is a very handy tool. Thanks for the heads up!

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