@khannie@lemmy.world avatar



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@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

That’s why they’re worth that much. You can’t hoard that much wealth and have empathy. They’re mutually exclusive.

They sound like animals. Glad to see justice being done here.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I wonder if working conditions have improved recently after this. LOL.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I was just about to link that video. He does put forward a convincing thesis in fairness to him.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

It is?! Must look into that. Still my favourite game of all time.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I did come across the competitive scene there about 2 years ago. Honestly I found it both fascinating and a bit disheartening. There was I happy with my occasional dad game where I was regularly beating the AI on one of the higher levels. Nope. Apparently still a noob after 25 years.

The speed and accuracy that they move and build at is astounding.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar


First read: Sweetest

Second read: I hear you deep down

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Sold. Just picked it up for €1.49. Thanks for the tip and the link.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

You really have to hand it to the British. They’re great at stuff like this.

Nice bit of Wensleydale with a protest, eh?

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Crazy stuff. I’ve spent a decent chunk of time in China and always felt safe.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I didn’t feel like I was likely to suffer any crime at any point was what I meant. I’m fairly well travelled and have definitely not felt that everywhere I’ve been.

I found the authoritarianism quite stifling. All the cameras almost literally everywhere you look. Passport to go on high speed rail yada yada.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

TL;DR I think most people are full of goodness.

In this instance that’s definitely the case that it’s shitty behaviour IMO but in general I still hold dear to my view that most people are good and it’s my default position on new people I meet, with some bad vibe exceptions, until proven otherwise.

It’s like the old Mr Rogers quote about looking for the helpers. I see (and try my best to also do and am so lucky to be married to someone the same) so much good in this world.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

You need to politically hang by your heels in Milan for this.

Well that’s a new one for me but entirely visceral. :)

‘Time is our life’: Volodymyr Zelenskiy on balancing urgency with diplomacy in the war against Russia (www.theguardian.com)

The interview came at perhaps the toughest moment for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Zelenskiy insisted, however, that it was too early to write off the country, and that he remained positive despite all his frustrations. “I’m not in despair at all … I don’t feel like we are on a sinking ship which is going to...

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a good read. Nice video in the middle too.

Asked how he wound down at the end of his long days, he said he often listened to classical music – “Domingo, Pavarotti”. Either that or he read books as a way to turn off his brain before going to sleep. “It’s much more better than to drink,” he said, switching again to English.

He’s some man. Churchill might disagree with him on the booze front but I think if a good book is doing it for you then press on, son.

Can’t imagine what it’s like trying to get to sleep while leading a nation that’s being invaded.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Execrable was a new one for me.

Essentially means hateful for anyone else wondering.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

when do we stop capitulating? If Russia had Ukraine, then invaded Latvia? Then? After Russia rolls into Warsaw? Then? How about with Russian troops in Munich? Then? How about Anchorage?

There’s a great British comedy skit describing exactly this scenario that someone on here recently introduced me to. Short watch.

Salami tactics.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Native Unreal Tournament 2004 client.

I had already been using it as my day to day OS in work (my choice and they agreed) for about 2 years at that point. Gaming was the only reason I was still using Windows and the only game I was playing was UT2004 so that was it. Off I went and haven’t looked back.

Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state (www.theguardian.com)

Ireland, Spain and Norway have announced they will formally recognise a Palestinian state on 28 May, triggering an immediate response from Israel, which said it would retaliate by recalling its ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo, and withholding vital funds from the Palestinian Authority....

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I think it was smart enough to let them do the withdrawal instead of us doing the expulsion tbh. They look like they’re having a tantrum now because of it.

You can’t have a two state solution without two states. Calm down lads.

That Russian ambassador though… I would very much like to see him kicked out. His justification of the invasion to Tubridy was disgusting to watch.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

There was quite a bit of speculation that we would do the formal recognition yesterday and I suppose this announcement is essentially it as nothing will stop it.

I wonder if the extra few days before formal recognition is to allow some on the fence to join in / possibly to allow for the slow wheels of bureaucracy to turn. I’m not sure what legal steps have to be taken to formally recognise a country. I don’t suppose it happens very often.

It’s no surprise to me that they’ve recalled their ambassador. Quite a few opposition politicians here have been calling for the expulsion anyway so it seemed like an inevitability.

khannie, (edited )
@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

That’s very informative and all makes sense. Thank you.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

There need to be clear consequences for breaking the taboo before he does it, otherwise he’ll do it.

He has shown how little he cares for what others think of his breaking of taboos.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not sure and I think there are people with more expertise who will come up with better solutions but I do feel like a tactical nuke is his trump card so I expect him to play it if things go worse for him given their comparatively low yield and very high shock value.

I think if a response was laid out to him in advance he might be less likely to cross that line. As it stands he can more or less choose to use a tactical nuke on Ukrainian soil knowing that much hand wringing will follow.

One example might be to say that Ukraine will be given a tactical nuke for use at their discretion on the battlefield for each one he uses. It would certainly cause pause for thought whether or not it was even followed through on.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think there’s any need for the name calling. I was engaging with you in good faith despite the differing viewpoints.

Yes, I believe a small yield tactical nuke in the kiloton range, possibly in the arse end of nowhere, would not elicit an immediate military response because they haven’t said up front the response it would elicit. The West has shown itself to be absolutely afraid of escalation which other potential adversaries are taking careful note of.

Putin is desperate to hold on to power and this war that has cost untold number of Russian lives is the first thing that has shown any sign of potentially costing him that power. So sure, I think a 30KT tactical nuke in the arse end of nowhere to change the conversation could happen.

If NATO had been clear about the response if he does I believe he’d be less likely to do it, but they haven’t and it stinks of not wanting to upset him along with every other weak arsed decision they’ve made out of a misplaced fear to not antagonise him.

Since you’ve been asking me what the response would be, what do you think the response would be by the West to a small yield tactical nuke in the arse end of nowhere?

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know why, but I was actually shocked by this. With the benefit of 30 seconds hindsight I feel foolish.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I would honestly pony up money to see that.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

It tastes like blood because you’re going to get punched in your potty mouth for ordering it.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Wash your mouth out with radioactive waste you dirty Philistine.

Shandy is fine on a hot summer day if you have to drive. Pleasant, even.

That drink is the greatest assault on the Irish nation since bloody Sunday.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

These would also be my top two apps. Absolutely essential pieces of kit IMO.

The android integration is just so good these days. Syncing is the only minor issue but it is minor.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

To be honest I use signal “message to self”. I know there are better ways to do it but it’s a very convenient way to transfer small files from my laptop to my phone securely.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Apparently might be visible from Ireland too! (edit: which presumably means the UK also)


@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I’m so sick of the “oh you naughty boy, Vlad” nonsense. Get up off your arses and do something to stop it.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Those Italians dug a lot of gold and silver out of the Iberian peninsula too.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

1 dozen

You can just say 12 if you like.

Senate Approves Aid for Ukraine and Israel, Sending It to Biden’s Desk (www.nytimes.com)

The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday night to give final approval to a $95.3 billion package of aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, sending it to President Biden and ending months of uncertainty about whether the United States would continue to back Kyiv in its fight against Russian aggression....

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Wow. Some fascinating numbers in those polls.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I had a look on the Galileo website and wiki page because you don’t hear about it much. Anyway it looks like the secure version isn’t open to businesses though maybe an exception for airlines would be prudent.

Still though, planes flew long before GPS was a thing and were fine so should be fine today too. GPS was only released to the public after the USSR shot down a passenger plane that had gone off course.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Yes tensions were high at the time but it was a gigantic series of fuck ups that it vaguely sounds like you’re trying to excuse?

The radar signature wasn’t an issue. They flew right up to it, knew it was a passenger plane (albeit possibly disguised), lied their asses off about various aspects of it, held back the flight recorder after they recovered it and initially denied having done it at all.

Later we began to lie about small details: the plane was supposedly flying without running lights or strobe light, that tracer bullets were fired, or that I had radio contact with them on the emergency frequency of 121.5 megahertz.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

the USA has contributed more in total dollars than the rest of the world combined

This is incorrect.

Here’s another link that doesn’t include billions more from other EU countries since January.

Also European money is overwhelmingly being sent as cash. US aid is overwhelmingly spent inside the US.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

No hate here. I’m delighted it’s coming. I think there’s a lot of frustration with the lives and ground lost over political wrangling.

Ukraine weapons package ‘ready to go’ once aid bill clears Congress (www.washingtonpost.com)

The Pentagon has a massive infusion of military aid for Ukraine “ready to go,” U.S. officials said, once a long-delayed funding measure, which is expected to pass the House this weekend, clears the Senate next week and President Biden signs it into law....

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

100% agree. C’mon back lads. I’ll buy the first round.

Surely a vote is warranted at this point. Maybe after the Tories get hoofed out.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

I often wonder how a country with the economy the size of Italy can have so many fingers in so many pies. Those pesky Russians seem to be everywhere.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Oh this one got me good. I’m laughing out loud here.

Explosions, fire reported at military airfield in occupied Crimea (kyivindependent.com)

Explosions were reported in the town of Dzhankoi in occupied Crimea near a military airfield during the early hours of April 17, according to Russian-affiliated telegram channels. Following the explosions, a large-scale fire reportedly broke out at the airfield....

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Delicious. Huge ammo cook off in the video too.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Stopping someone with a knife is very difficult.

In my youth I used to fight Muay Thai professionally and did so for about ten years. I would be very confident taking on a random person in fisticuffs but I would rank my chances against someone with a knife very, very poorly.

Knives give an obvious reach advantage. Also just one nasty slice or one well placed stab and you’re fucked where generally most people will take a few well placed strikes to stop. The odds just aren’t in your favour.

Basically the safest thing to do against someone with a knife is run for your life or get your hands on a weapon that’s longer than the knife if you can’t run.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

It’s actually really shocking for me as a non-American who grew up during the cold war and remembers the shadow of nuclear annihilation hanging over my head, then watching the fall of the Berlin wall then the comparative peace of the latter part of the 90’s where the future looked so bright that there is a real chance of senior American politicians being under the thumb of Russia.

It still kinda blows my mind that it might be true.

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

You do realise that it’s a republican house, right? And that they’re the ones holding up aid, right?

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Someone does and that someone is you.

You care enough to bother making a new account every time you get caught and called out on the weak and obvious trolling.

I uSeD tO tHinK UkRaInE cOulD WiN. Hahaha.

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