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It’s more like android apps from early versions of Android before the permissions became user-managable.

It won’t prompt you to give the application access to certain permissions, all the permissions are predefined in the manifest by whoever published the application to flathub. When you run the application you just hope it won’t cause too much havoc (you can of course verify the permissions before running it, but I guarantee most people won’t)

Flatpak supports sandboxing but due to how most desktop applications want access to your home folder, network etc many apps simply disable it.

Regardless of the level of sandboxing applied to the app, Flatpak is a great way for a developer to package once run anywhere. Prior to Flatpak, if you wanted to support multiple distros, you had to build a package for each distro or hope somebody working on that distro would do it for you.

Inb4 AppImage was here first. And if you mention Snap then GTFO


My house was built in the 1960’s, to New Zealand standards.

We build houses for the climate we wish we had, not the climate we actually have. All the wall cavities are empty, especially the external walls


Still kind of relevant today; benevolent big corporate appreciating the work of its faithful office slaves

/s just in case


Let’s say your country was about to be invaded, your house stolen and you sent elsewhere or killed so that citizens of the invading country could occupy your house and your land instead.

And all of that not happening was hinged on the physical prowess of an old guy who’s probably been in politics for decades.

How helpless would you feel?


Tbh im incredulous that explicit sync wasnt a thing from day 1.

Like what kind of sane API have you ever used that didn’t allow you to buffer / queue up operations and then flush them all at once?


If I had a dollar for the number of BS CVE’s submitted by security hopefuls trying to pad their resumes…


I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/LInux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.


You’re like the guys who spent up large because they thought the world would end in 2012 when the Mayan calendar ran out.

It didn’t, and now they’re saddled with debt


The enshittification will continue until morale improves!


Everyone seems to be forgetting who started this in the first place.

Israel is sure as hell gonna finish it


Who cares?

Ubuntu is a shell of what it once was. They’re not going to make Snap optional, they need to justify its existence by releasing everything as snaps with no alternative so you have to use it.

Or, just use Debian if you like Debian-style distros?

Or, wait for it - this is gonna sound a bit radical but hear me out - give Fedora a try? Flatpak instead and unlike Debian Stable has packages from this century

Inb4 btw I use Arch


Yes, you can sideload apps from this century into Debian and run them in an isolated environment with dependencies also from this century :)

Tbh I’m surprised that the Debian kernel is new enough to support cgroups /s


First step to get a usable machine: disable SELinux


It’s a great example of the English appropriating another cultures cuisine because theirs is, well, a bit shit.

China wants to rid itself of Western tech by 2027 -- outlines domestic alternatives in 'Document 79' (

The WSJ reports that China is on an extensive push to drive out Western tech companies from the country and replace them with domestic alternatives. China reportedly started its domestic expansion in 2022 with a highly secretive “Document 79,” an initiative focused on deleting Western tech companies from the country. Since...


It’s like it’s “expats” when UK citizens enter your country and “immigrants” if anyone else does


I’d never heard of this before now but an infinite horizontal scrolling window manager is an interesting concept. Might check it out!



In think you’re mistaking them for beef-like products. I don’t think they’ve used actual beef since they declared independence from Britain

anders, to linux

Enterprise Linux on desktop?

Anyone using enterprise Linux on their desktop such as RHEL, Alma, Rocky, CentOS etc.?

I'm curious if it's easy to use for this purpose or if the older packages are a pain.



Even on servers, “stable” distros suck.

It’s less bad these days thanks to Docker but when Docker was even a few years old, guess which servers still had no support for it…

Asking for a Linux (or non-Windows) laptop during a job interview?

I’m interviewing for a software dev job currently (it’s in the initial stages). If things work out, I’d absolutely prefer a work laptop with Linux installed (I personally use PopOS but any distro will do), a Mac will be second choice, but I absolutely cannot tolerate Windows, I abhor it, I hate it… (If all computers left...


No way. Even if you try to run Linux on it, the keyboard is a mac mangled keyboard.

You’re better off leaving it on MacOS, which is still better than Windows but not by much


In my experience most non-Microsoft organisations use Mac’s for development but deploy to Linux in production.

It’s rather insane because this of course creates lots of subtle differences between Dev and prod, although not as many as if dev was a Windows box.

To answer your question though - just ask in the interview what the deal is so you know what you’re in for.

If you deviate from the norm (i.e request a Linux box when everyone else is using MacOS) you’re always going to be the guy with issues that nobody else has.

If the company has any kind of standard mobile device management - it probably won’t work on Linux.

This will trigger the security team and probably the IT team because there’s always this outlier device that can’t run the standard VPN client or can’t have DNS config pushed to it or the Linux version of some app has bugs that don’t surface on the Mac version

Are there any Windows-exclusive programs you use?

I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise...


Mah man! The only people recommending WSL for Linux development are the ones that have bought into the Microsoft ecosystem, don’t know any better and crucially also dont care to know any better


Lol, Snap.

Wish Canonical would just kill it already

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