
Some teachers deserve all the good in the world.

EmperorHenry, avatar

Why can’t good people who want to do good work get paid for their time?

The super intendant of that school district is probably a millionaire, but doesn’t do any of the work.

It seems like only the shitty teachers that hate children are the ones that remain as teachers.


During grades 0-4, i had a special program where i would stay at school for 8 hours, but get no homework and had a 1 hour recreation break and big eating break(not to be confused with the shorter one), where we(my class) got served food(once we received moldy bread i think). Each friday we each got a pizza.


It buys the pizza or else is gets the hose again


I never appreciated this as a kid even though there was plenty of pizza to go around for everyone back then. If any teachers are in this thread reading this comment, thank you. Thank you. It does make a difference, even if it’s a small gesture.


My wife and I go out of our way to try to reinforce the fact that we, as parents, very very very much appreciate their teachers. We give them Christmas cards, end of year cards, we donate gifts to them, and any time they send home a letter saying they are running low on supplies we donate something with a thank you card. Hopefully this eventually becomes apparent to the kids that they should appreciate the teachers just as much.


why is the meme referring to the teacher as an “it”


To further dehumanize it for not buying enough pizza of course. /s


In my secondary school we were expected to address all the teachers by name so I tended to use “Er…”.


Best way to get it to put the lotion on its skin


Everyone’s so scared of pronouns now, humans are now referred to as non-sentient objects.


Lol’d at this. Great job.


But “it” is a pronoun too.


Because it’s a cat.


I did a pizza party for the class that made the most improvement on a benchmark test. Paid ~$100 in my own money, tried to get everyone enough for two slices. It wasn’t the right kind of pizza, they were still hungry, I didn’t get the right soda… fuck me for not dropping that cash on a fat j instead.


Unfortunately, $100 isn’t enough to satisfy varying tastes, while also leaving out no one. Aside from that, kids didn’t recognize sacrifice, nor were most of them taught the manners to say “No, but thank you.”

Honestly, I think you probably should have known.


Then we teach them?? They’re not gonna know if we don’t be good role models for them, but doesn’t mean they can’t learn.


This feels like it could be a new indicator for the relationship between economy and education… The Pizza Party Slice Index?


I DIDN’T GET A PEPPERONI GOD DAMNIT. Fr though, I miss my teachers like this…these online professors ain’t worth two fucks


With it is own money?


Gender neutral, but forgot their existed.




Its 💀


Been there. In my secondary school, every week a class was selected for performing well (so good feedback for behaviour and homework sort of stuff) so the class got a tenner I think. So at the end of the year when we won so many times we had about 100 quid so the teacher wanted to see what everybody wanted to do and of course the class said party. So the teacher had to plan out how to spread 100 pound on food for a class of 30 and she used her own money too. My form teacher was a legend.


In my primary school they did it based on the cleanest classroom. Except all we won was a $2 Freddo frog. The teachers wouldn’t let us vacuum though, and rather than just not eat inside and not make a mess, we went around with tape to pick up all the carpet crumbs


Everyone is calling out “it’s” but not bough?


*bough tit


Good call, my eyes fixed that for me without me noticing.


Invisible because there is a T nearby


Is this you robocall? Did you do this and then make a shitpost about it? I salute you.


“it’s” - nice touch to hint at the underfunded school system


No capital to start the sentence, no period, “bough” instead of bought. Yep.

TBF there’s a whole separate mindset of online communication that seems to demand shitty writing and spelling, like there’s peer pressure to not do it right even if the writer might know better. One would hope in a more formal setting the writer would do better. Maybe.


too each they’re own i guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Killin’ me, man. Didn’t see what the reply was for and had a brief “WTF” over the writing, lol.


The missing arm is icing on the cake, even if it wasn’t intentional.

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