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Subtle wasn’t the intent here. But I do like your thought process here.


Privacy is implied when you say “innocent until proven guilty”. Surveillance assumes the opposite.


Yep, might be the only business savvy move Twitter has made since Musk took over.


Energy and packaging are orthogonal concerns, but we should be aware of both of them.


Apocalypticism has been a trend in Christianity since its inception. Heck, Jesus himself told people that the Kingdom of God would arrive within their lifetimes.


The first weapon has slower gameplay, yeah. But there are also lots more play options due to Omega abilities and whatnot, I think they’re trying to give the player space to think tactically instead of spamming one ability nonstop.


Delicious in Dungeon (aka Dungeon Meshi), which is airing on Netflix right now. It’s an excellent show.


There’s a damn good national security reason to never let him out of the country again.


The real headline is that 20% of Republicans think so. Shocking.


[Citation Needed]

I’m happy to listen to your points if you have well documented evidence.


The Democratic Governors Association and the campaign of Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) spent a combined $34.5 million successfully elevating Bailey.

Great, that’s exactly the kind of evidence I’m talking about. I hope people take you dead serious when you spit facts like this.


I picked it up to test. So far I once got soft locked in a push animation while pushing a box another player was pushing, but otherwise the game seems nice and fun. Also it’s beautifully designed.


There needs to be a fine or something for legislators who write unconstitutional laws. Give ‘em one freebie a year just in case they mess up. But for everything else, there needs to be a consequence to fighting against democracy.


The thing is that it has hints of brilliance underneath all the bad. The mission structure was far better than the original, and obviously the artistic direction was better. If the bugs could get fixed and the features mostly matched up to KSP1, I’d say it was superior.


Aren’t modern vehicles more fuel efficient though, despite being bigger? Imagine if we kept them the same size and still improved their efficiency.


lol not sure why you’re calling out Israel specifically when likely every government on the planet is doing the same thing.


An extraordinarily sensible action. While Israel is certainly causing the most civilian suffering right now, Hamas also needs to be punished for their instigating terrorist actions.

The only good guys here are the noncombatants.

Taiwan is selling more to the US than China in major shift away from Beijing (

WASHINGTON (AP) — Whether it’s tapioca balls or computer chips, Taiwan is stretching toward the United States and away from China — the world’s No. 2 economy that threatens to take the democratically ruled island by force if necessary....


The trade with China is a a big part why they haven’t been invaded yet. This may speed up the timeline for China’s invasion.


Only works if the liquidated assets are worth more than the money spent acquiring them, which usually is not the case.


The main thing we need to do to fix journalism is crowdsource the titles. But how to make that happen? I dunno.


When entire civilian populations are bombed or starved, then yes. The US is not free of war crimes. They’re merely immune from the consequences.


Absolutely, there were millions of civilian casualties in WWII. The difference here is that there have been, according to Israel, only 273 soldiers killed in ground operation combat vs the 13,000 civilians killed on Gaza’s side. (According to the new, lower estimates.) This is not so much a war as a one-sided beatdown.


No, I’m saying that if a nation has such a huge advantage they also have more responsibility to select targets carefully so as to not kill noncombatants.


God this reads extremely pro-Israel.

“Hey everyone, Hamas lied about 70% of casualties being women and children. The actual number is 50%, so that makes Israel the good guys!”

Fuck no, it doesn’t matter what the ratio is, the fact is that noncombatants are being slaughtered by the thousands.


Because it’s being used as a weapon to justify Israel’s actions.


You can condemn both Hamas and Israel for killing civilians. It’s not either or.


Lying about casualties is standard propaganda in every conflict. Everybody does it (for another comparison, look at the discrepancy between Ukraine and Russia’s published numbers). That’s why third party assessments are important.

It’s been hard to get people into Gaza safely to do accurate analysis however.


Misleading title more than simply fake, but arguably there’s no difference in the propaganda wars.


Hell, I should be able to upload an economic playbook with hundreds of rules like the one you described, and load it on game start. Then all I have to do is the actual unit movements.

Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape (

I don’t think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I’m letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I...


It’s easy to remember just the successes of the past and ignore the fact that the vast majority of media then was shit too… we’ve simply forgotten about the things that ended up being mediocre. Survivorship bias is really really strong.


I’d love to see a scientific study that shows this, if the effect really does exist.


Check out the latest games on to see the way the trends are shifting. (Spoiler, people are already leaving for Godot.)


They won’t, because they know if they do Israel will bomb them like they do other journalists and aid workers.


Phrases like “it symbolizes the increasing role” are something I generally see ChatGPT say. People don’t typically talk like that, even pretentious lunatics on LinkedIn.


This will keep happening as long as humans keep ranking wordy AIs higher than succinct ones. Unfortunately we have this gut instinct to judge long responses as more true than short ones, so we keep making the problem worse.


Agreed, you put these suckers out on the airfield and they’ll be great decoys. Probably cost less than the missiles that hit them.


It’s a stupid trend where people think they are somehow liberating their comments from being used in training by AI.

Spoiler alert, it doesn’t work. And even if it did, no one actually cares about your comment about (checks thread) people NOT playing a video game.


I just think it’s silly that people think it actually works.

Besides, if AI really is powerful enough to make a splash in the world, wouldn’t you WANT it to contain your data? That would make it more favorable to your viewpoints.


I mean the appropriate way to do that is to flag the site data as not approved for AI training, as shown here:…/dont-want-google-to-use-your-website-…

It’s pretty much just a flag in the robots.txt and it has a whole lot more weight than linking CC in your post.

So if you want to actually make a difference, lobby your Lemmy instance to add this flag.


I’m quite familiar. It legally works, if you can prove that your data actually made it into the training set, you might be able to successfully sue them. That’s extremely unlikely though. If you can’t litigate a law, then it essentially doesn’t exist.

Besides, a researcher scraping websites isn’t going to take the time to filter out random pieces of data based on a link contained in the body. If you can show me a research paper or blog post or something where a process is described to sanitize the input data based on license, that would be pretty damn interesting. Maybe it’ll exist in the future?

Besides, the best way to opt-out of AI training is to enable site-wide flags, which mark the content therein as off limits. That would have the benefit of not only protecting you, but everyone else on the site. Lobbying your lemmy instance to enable that will get a lot more mileage than anything else you could do, because it’s an industry sanctioned way to accomplish what you want.


Oof yeah that was not the correct word at all. It would have been better to say effective.

You’re always free to do what you want of course!


Woah MIT license. That’s a lot more permissive than I expected.


It wouldn’t look the same, but the US could domestically produce enough food and energy to sustain itself.


Nah you did good explaining it in detail, nice work.


I have never once called my dog “sir”. This is a sensationalized headline to the maximum.


If Iran uses a nuclear device, the whole world will use conventional weaponry to flatten the entire country, just to make an example of them. None of the serious players actually want nuclear war.

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