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A Rising Enforcement of Censorship (blog.thenewoil.org)

In recent weeks, I’ve noticed a rise in censorship regarding SMS communication that’s not being discussed. At all. I’m concerned that it may become a slippery slope that eventually effects us all. I don’t have any dramatic, prose-ridden introduction this week. Just some news, facts, and observations I wanted to share. So...


I just tested this myself between tmo and GV and no censorship here.


I texted myself “fuck this” and it went through no problem.


GV is a voip carrier.


I sent it from my tmo number to my GV number. I can do the inverse as a test too but I don’t think anything will change.


Just did, again no issue.


All of the anti crypto people are idiots. They barely understand how fiat works and then expect the world to believe crypto is a scam because “they say so”?.

Do yourself a favor and just block, ignore and move on. You are never going to educate these folks.


I gave up trying to spread the word that is crypto to the non believers. Just like everything else worth discovering, they have to want to learn.


Not surprised by this at all.

Have a nice day now.


Wow. You have set a record for amount of dumb shit in one comment.

You sound salty that you missed out. You haven’t. BTC, et al isn’t a ponzi or a pyramid, it’s actually more fair of a system than fiat.

I could give you a list of projects with real teams and communities behind them but I don’t think you would appreciate it so I won’t.

Have a nice day now.


It’s a start but even if you are guaranteed that amount per hour worked you can still end up making way less after operating expenses unless they are also pushing the companies to reimburse for mileage on top of a min hourly. I drive for a living, uber, etc and I run my own service. When you are self employed in most industries, hourly is actually counter productive to profitability and success.

I would absolutely NOT work this kind of job for as little as $20/hour even if that included mileage reimbursement. If you track your earnings hourly then most days you will have an hour or two where you make like $10/hour or less and then it goes nuts and you clear $100 or more in an hour or two or less sometimes. One of the benefits of being self employed is the various tax benefits depending on the country you live/work in. I’m in the USA where I can deduct 64.5c/mile iirc but if I was getting reimbursed I may not be able to take that deduction which would mean I earn less after taxes. Not to mention the control these companies have over drivers when they are considered employees versus independent.


And if you look closer at the verbiage and the way they are known to operate, you are highly likely to be “on the clock” for 50 but only paid for 40. Then deduct standard taxes from that and you end up with way less than if you had been smart about things and they paid fairly per mile, etc.

Considering how clueless the lawmakers are here in the states about this stuff (despite best of intentions), I wouldn’t expect this arrangement to be any better than being free to cherry pick the best offers, best times to work, etc. The beauty of being IC is being able to say fuck that, not doing that one. What I fear about this is that the gig workers will have to accept bullshit offers to keep their metrics in the right zone so they don’t get “fired”.


I am and you apparently aren’t aware of just how these companies operate. You also clearly didn’t read everything I wrote (or didn’t comprehend it).

rdyoung, (edited )

I’m not assuming anything. I’m going on the presumption that they will do what they will do and that politicians are going to be similar regardless of country or tax laws, etc.

It’s also clear that as I said, you have no idea how these companies operate. They will find a way to fuck the workers over as much as possible.

As I said and you clearly missed. I’m a so called gig worker except I’m making an actual job out of it. I refuse to do the food deliveries because I can’t see how they make any money after the time and mileage invested. I drive uber, empower and I am building my own service. I’ve also been self employed most of my working life and I know how these companies operate.

If you can prove that Canada is somehow impervious to what they have done everywhere since these companies have existed, I’ll move asap. For example, if I’m not mistaken, California has similar laws on the books and I am fairly certain that uber and lyft include tips in the hourly min. They will probably do similar up your way unless your law makers are some how much smarter and tougher than ours and thought through the possible ways they could work this law.

The above said. I’m done here. I’m tired of talking chess while you assume we were going to play chutes and ladders.


Come to think if it, why would he tell the probation officers to “be safe”? Is he anticipating they might be in danger, for some strange reason?

If this wasn’t trump, I’d say this is one of those things you say to people. Drive safe, safe flight, be safe out there, etc.


You had respect for ikea? There stuff is cheap and shitty, it’s great for a dorm room or first apartment but it’s not really made to last.

rdyoung, (edited )

None of this is accurate at all.

Work harder at your fake news and bullshit.

For those who may not know, we have gun regulations because the black panthers started carrying and some people (I’ll let you guess who) didn’t like it that black folks were carrying weapons.


Its because the shootings are caused by those transgenders. How? Reasons.

/s because /s

rdyoung, (edited )

There was a time when judges appointed by one side of the aisle would tend to lean towards the other side because of the aforementioned lack of blatant corruption and ideological based appointments.


I use resilio sync across my work and personal phones and I use it to backup my phones to my nas. No need to turn it on/off, it’s accessible only via secret key or shared link and it’s encrypted.

I know sync isn’t foss but it’s the best one I’ve found over the years and it just works.


We should stop voting for people who promise to dismantle said services. We also really need to move towards a basic income setup instead of having all of the hoops and paperwork for people to prove they are eligible for whatever it is. In the USA people going on disability are always denied even if they are a paraplegic. We would spend so much less money and other resources if we just made it available to everyone with no proof of eligibility needed.


Only the idiots like him. Guaranteed he doesn’t fit in with the ultra wealthy, he is likely seen as a tool literally and figuratively by the people who have been able to keep and grow their generational wealth where as he lost his familial wealth multiple times over.


Read my comment again.


You’re thinking of a hurricane. The eye of a tornado is not going to be pleasant.


Get the fuck out of here with this shit.


This right here. It’s not like no progress has been made and the legality of things is not under the presidents purview. Biden can’t wave his hands and declare weed legal across the country. It’s close to being moved away from the current scheduling which will be a giant step forward.

Plus, for the convictions, I’m not sure he can unilaterally override state level convictions for weed.


Obama tried telling the dea to back off that shit and they ignored him. The president doesn’t have as much power as some of you think he does. Plus most things need congressional approval before they make it to his desk.

And from what I could read (without seeing ads or using their app), that article is about weed being imported, not what is being grown and sold in legal states.

I’m not sure you understand what exactly is going on here.


Even if he does have power over the border patrol, as I said with Obama the dea has jurisdiction too and they ignored him.

As for the border patrol. They don’t have blanket jurisdiction. They operate within 100 miles of the border. So you most definitely aren’t grasping what’s going on nor the bigger picture here.

The above said, I’m done here because I’m tired of dealing with jokers like you that (hopefully) had a problem with trump and his umpteen executive orders but expect Biden to solve every problem like that. It’s clear some people definitely didn’t learn any of this in school and are just now paying attention and getting enough info or understanding what’s what.

Have a nice day now.

rdyoung, (edited )

Why would be this be a concern? If they publish it in cartridges to be used in original systems, it shouldn’t be a problem for Nintendo, especially if the developers pay Nintendo whatever licensing fee needed.


And hdd/ssd speed. Honestly it’s more about the drive speed than the cpu.


Some of us try to do the right thing from the get, the problem is that now we have an entire party of Russian assets that are trying to help Russia take over the planet.

As much as this has been fucking ridiculous, I’m enjoying watching this be one more thing tearing the maggats apart.


This right here. I deleted my account so long ago that I don’t even remember when I decided I was done with it.


Can we cut out the hyperbole. They aren’t requiring it and a hash of your finger prints are already stored on your phone if you use biometrics for other things. This email is likely meant as a reminder, especially for people who may not lock their phone down as much as they should and others (likely kids) can get access and spend money they wouldn’t be able to if it was locked down.


This right here. OP is freaking out over a nothing burger.


No it’s not. If you think it is, you don’t understand what it’s saying as well as you think you do.


It’s not collecting anything. Your phone stores a hash of your finger prints and uses that to verify it’s you. If you already use biometrics then your phone already has that hash. And while we can never be 100% certain, I’m fairly certain that android doesn’t upload that hash anywhere, it stays local to your phone.


If things don’t get better soon, we may find ourselves literally fighting for democracy on US soil. Trump and his puppet masters have convinced enough people to vote against their own interest and against true democracy that we may find ourselves in another civil war.

Note that I don’t want to go to war with my neighbors, I’d rather Texas be allowed to secede and the maggats can all move there.

rdyoung, (edited )

I didn’t miss anything. I know about the Korean war. I think it’s you not paying attention to whats going on and the sheer number of idiots on the right who literally want to end democracy and install their own version of either a dictator, sharia law or some combination thereof. This isn’t an exaggeration, they said as much at cpac.


And what the fuck does Korea have to do with this? A better reference would have been either of the times we went to Iraq when we had no legitimate reason to be there, more specifically after 9/11 when Iraq and Saddam had literally nothing to do with that attack and all of the intel that said they did was falsified or based on bullshit.


The question is. Who told him to say that? Was it putin? Xi? Kim Jong Un? And, what do they have to gain?


I’m going to let you think about that one yourself. Let that question simmer in your own head for a bit and then get back to us. And my point wasn’t about the law in particular, that was just a small part of it.

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