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Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal (truthout.org)

Following the UN Security Council vote to approve a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza, U.S. officials and other international allies of Israel are cynically placing blame on Hamas for a stall in current ceasefire negotiations — even as Israel has insisted on indefinitely continuing its massacre in Gaza and Hamas has said its main...


How the hell Hamas are the good guys when they’re the ones that pushed Israel for so long that it finally snapped? Have we forgotten them proudly parading a dead/unconscious girl nude around the streets.


Not a straw man, but whatever. If you fail to see that the comment I was replying to is basically “they’re not the good guys, BUT…”, not much to discuss. I’ll maybe just add that a few years ago, when comments like “I’m not racist, BUT…” were everywhere, people like you were going around telling everyone that the part before the BUT doesn’t count, so I took the liberty of ignoring it.

So, is it hypocrisy or just cognitive dissonance?


Did I say that? Just to clarify: I didn’t and I don’t think so.

I know it’s hard to grasp, but there are people who think the hamas terrorists are disgusting and at the same time the Israeli genocide is disgusting.

You know that you don’t have to support terrorists just to condemn a genocide, right?


They aren’t the good guys. Neither are the terrorists who murdered Israelis long before the current conflict. You realize you don’t have to support terrorists to be against a genocide, right?




Everything before the “but” doesn’t count, you know?


At least I’m not too disgusting, otherwise I might go around and start calling people names online to feel like a big boy. I’m tired of you tools supporting terrorists and somehow pretending that’s fine because Israel is bad.


How am I supposed to answer a stupid question like that? Should I elaborate or what? They asked a stupid question, they got a stupid answer, end of story. Look through my history if you fancy so, I’m not a troll, I’m just tired of people like you. I’m all grown up, so guess I’ll have to fuck off. Not engaging with you does not sound that bad.


Cry me a river, perhaps?


What a load of bull crap. GDP PPP does not mean they’re the 4th largest economy, even if the numbers could be trusted (no idea if they can, I don’t really care).

Also the comment from that Russian fella is hilarious - apparently they have larger salaries than Americans! Especially funny given the context where the USA is above Russia in GDP PPP.

Usually when you talk about “largest economies”, you talk about nominal GDP. And congrats Russia, thanks to waging a war, you have apparently fallen out of the top ten!

In short, this is a propaganda piece which is intentionally very misleading and full of lies and half-thruths.

Review your Cloud Saves to avoid loss of files – GOG SUPPORT CENTER (support.gog.com)

We’re reaching out to inform you that your Cloud Saves files that exceed the default allocation limit (200 MB per game) will be deleted after August 31st, 2024. Please review them to avoid the loss of files stored within your Cloud Saves available via GOG GALAXY. Saves stored locally on your computer(s) will not be affected.


That’s so low… Why not make the limit per game like Steam does? There are games that have less save storage than 200 MB and nobody cares because those are small games.

While the only game on my account that goes over the limit is ironically one of their first party citizens: The Witcher 3.


It’s not, each game has a 200 MB limit regardless of what’s actually needed.


Yes, when a dictator actively oppressing his people, particularly women, says you’re doing good, you should feel proud.


Published on his official website on Thursday, the letter addresses students whose “awakened conscience has moved them to defend the oppressed women and children of Gaza.”

Holy mother of all cognitive dissonances.


Do you feel like there are only two choices? I support Israel striking back when Hamas started a war they had no chance of winning. Doesn’t mean I support how they’re doing it and I don’t think the crimes they’re committing currently are any good.

So yes, they should feel “proud” a scumbag like Trump endorses them.

In an ideal world both the students and Israel would say “wait, that piece of shit says we’re doing good, maybe we should take 5 to rethink what we’re doing”. But we don’t live in an ideal world.

As a side note, I truly envy people who can view things so clearly so easily, like unequivocally supporting Palestine or Israel without seeing the very shitty things both are (or were recently) doing. While I envy such people, I definitely don’t want to be around them - people who have easy answers to complex issues are rarely correct.


If you truly feel that European racism is in any way comparable to US racism, maybe think again.

People asking you to show your badge when your white friends don’t have to sucks and I believe is very demeaning and humiliating. But it’s miles away from being shot at or being afraid that your local hillbillies gonna revive the old customs of hanging black fellas.


In a sense, yes. All those other fuckers are a distant past when people were dumber and the Catholic church was a global political power.

At least to me it’s more acceptable that they did it to maintain control over a whole continent, that’s human behaviour and perfectly understandable, even if shitty. But this here is worse because there’s no other reason than people truly believing in it.

I’m kinda afraid when I’m surrounded by psychos whose imaginary all-powerful friend tells them what to do and who believe a random dead dude did a miracle.


Nah, we’re gonna play by the rules with bad actors who only abuse it. That’s how we’ll win, right? Because all the fairy tales said the good guys win, right?

In the end Russia will see the error of their ways, a unicorn will fly out of my ass while shitting rainbows and everything will be good.


Turn back time and don’t leave the union that actually does pro-consumer things?


Who says that? Or is it the case of making stuff up and being angry about it? Who calls you antisemitic for criticizing Israel for committing genocide?


Source? I’m pretty sure it says something different and you just reduced it ad absurdum.


I am paying attention and the only people throwing around antisemitism are people like you.


As I said, reduced ad absurdum. Just read through it, nowhere in the text there’s anything about criticism of Jews being equal to antisemitism.


I’ve never encountered it here on Lemmy.



Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: Qatar
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM
Media Type: TV Station
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic


If you don’t see the value in an independent media check, I’m afraid you’re beyond help.


As I said, beyond help.


You can choose where you want it (original payment method or Steam wallet) if I recall correctly.


Yeah, we should fuck proper investigations and just go with what the masses say! Because that’s historically proven as a good thing, right?


I don’t disagree and I don’t think Israel are good guys or something. It’s just that saying “everyone thinks so, so it must be true” is one of the stupidest and most dangerous things to say and think.


Maybe I’m getting too cynical, but my first reaction was “what else is new?”

This shit happens so regularly that I’m not even surprised.


I’m like 80% sure that comment was sarcastic.


You mean the patriarchy that’s fine with male genital mutilation?


Sure, sure, whatever makes you sleep at night.


Is the driving fixed? I literally couldn’t drive in this game and gave up after 30 minutes of gameplay many years ago.


You should really specify it more. You really don’t want to be like Slovakia right now.


I think for the generic NPCs that repeat like 5 lines over and over when you pass them it might actually be an improvement. For characters you need to interact with, not so much, yet.

‘Get on a plane’: Danish minister urged to meet Greenland coil scandal women (www.theguardian.com)

The Danish health minister should “get on a plane and visit” some of the thousands of women thought to be living with the consequences of being forcibly fitted with the contraceptive coil as children, Greenland’s gender equality minister has said....


Oh, that’s nonsense. Sure, what might be underneath is about privilege, but, you know, being white myself I haven’t had much privilege. Because my family was on the extremely poor side of things.

Sure, being in Europe in itself is a privilege, but that goes for black/asian/other people living in Europe as well. Other than that, I’m as white as they come, but I didn’t have any privilege, except those I fought hard for. Turns out privilege doesn’t have much with skin color, but is caused by capital and money.

So, it’s the same as treating all black people as criminals, to dig out another stereotype. Sure, there are statistical reasons to say that (as are for the so-called white privilege), but it’s incredibly racist to treat black people as criminals by default (as is attributing shortcomings of the privileged to white people). Believe me, most white people I knew growing up weren’t what you’d call privileged.

I don’t think I ask for too much when I don’t want people to use my skin color to mean something bad, do I? Like, have we learned nothing? It’s frankly disgusting that racism against me is allowed because it’s socially acceptable. Racism against black people and Jewish people used to be socially acceptable, too. And I for one really dislike racism because it’s stupid and I don’t particularly care which group you’re being racist to.

To chronic downvoters: If you only downvote without providing your thoughts on the topic, your opinion on this topic is as important as my dog’s.

They deserve to get reparations without having to go through the hassle of a lawsuit first.

That would be nice, but what government wants to pay for their mistakes?


There’s nothing reverse about it, it’s plain racism.

This is the definition:

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Except the minority everything checks out. Note the word “typically” when referring to minority.

Unless you want to change the definition of racism (which many of you fellas seem to want to), racism against white people is just racism, nothing “reverse” about it.


Well, I’ve lost interest in a discussion with you, if you’re unable to discuss without saying stuff like And the 2024 “Well, Duh!” Award goes to…, you’re not worth discussion.

Edit: That was before I read the other personal jabs at me. Well, if you ever wonder why you can’t convince other people of your opinions, it’s this behaviour.


So is black, what’s your point?


I could take the time to paraphrase every sentence you used with black people, but I’m kinda tired today, so you just have to believe me it can be done.

But I’ll write this: You don’t get to decide what is and isn’t part of someone else’s identity. That’s called oppression, you know? The exact same thing that has been done to minorities over centuries and millennia. We have a name or two for that, one of those names is “racism”.


I usually don’t reply to the following messages, but I’m gonna make an exception, because it might help you in the future: Yes, I’m gonna ignore all your other points, because I have no interest in a discussion with someone who makes personal attacks at me. I’ve had some thoughts prepared to write down and discuss further until I reached the point where you made personal attacks.

In short, you’re not worthy of my time - not because I disagree with your points, but because you had to go and make it personal.

Anyway, this was truly the last message from me to you.


Yeah, let’s pretend that’s what I meant. You should feel proud.


It’s almost like white is literally different to all those other racial categories.

Holy shit, how do you not see the racism in that statement?


it wouldn’t scare me very much because I know that I have the privilege of being white

That’s simple, that’s because you’re racist.

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