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rozodru, (edited )

has damaged the school’s reputation

yeah that was damaged well before this encampment but ok.

driven up administrative and operational costs for the university and depreciated the university’s property values.

Or “We’re the UofW, we’ve never cared about students or what they believe in…like never. IF they refuse to be fed to the grinder of a US tech company or refuse to be a research zombie then we couldn’t give two shits about them. We spend what little we can on facilities here and have done so for…well forever, I mean really have you ever been to Dana Porter Library? and we said the quiet thing out loud with property value cause…yeah. Fuck the students and fuck Waterloo and especially fuck those peasants living in Kitchener…just ew.”


always has. If you’re not researching or willing to be a feed to some tech company then you’re not much good to that place.


and more and more people will become homeless. hell it’s already happening.

I was homeless years ago and thankfully got out of it. But when I was homeless, getting off the streets was an absolute cake walk compared to today. How much did it take me to save to do it? $1500 total. that’s it. that was working a part time job and saving enough for first and last. that $1500 included first and last AND money for clothes to interview/work as well as food. And that was only 10 years ago. It took me all of maybe, MAYBE, 2 months once I decided to get my shit together.

Now I volunteer for a food bank and community centre/drop-in and weekly, almost daily, you see new faces. And I’m not talking mentally ill or addict faces, I’m talking regular sane sober scared men, women, and children who have fallen with absolutely zero nets to save them. MOST work too. It’s the same stories over and over again. Landlord kept increasing the rent, Landlord decided to move in, Landlord decided to renovate in order to increase the rent for someone else, can’t afford food, can’t afford clothes, etc, etc, etc.

They all want help and we can only provide what we have which isn’t much at all because the Canadian Government sure as shit ain’t helping. The meals we provide the portions have gotten smaller simply because we don’t have enough to cook for everyone. We don’t have enough food to give out a few times a week cause the lineups will be around the block and we’re hardly getting any donations in cause no one can afford to donate. We’re running out of blankets, socks, hygiene stuff cause again no one can afford to donate that stuff. We’ve given up with shelter referrals cause they’re all full where over 50% of the clients living in shelters are refugees leaving Canadians to rough it outside. We’ve started handing out tents to people when we get them in. I cried the other day because I handed a child sized tent to a kid with his family and I had NEVER done that before. I’m used to dealing with the Homeless mentally ill and addicts. I’m used to telling them how to survive outside in the winter. I’m NOT used to telling a 7 year old boy how to set up a tent, how to layer his sleeping bags, and how to stay warm IF he and his family isn’t off the streets by this winter. It’s sick, It’s disgusting. It’s absolutely infuriating and if it doesn’t make your blood boil and demand change and demand it now then you’re dead inside.

I’ve emailed politicians left right and center. I’ve emailed Ford, Trudeau even Chow and countless upon countless MPPs and I’ve challenged them all, dared them, to stop by my community centre and look that 7 year old boy dead in the eyes and tell him WHY he can’t have his own bedroom, why he has to sleep outside, why the shelters are full, why his parents can’t afford to provide for him, why there’s no where affordable to live. these “leaders” are all cowards not a single one as responded and taken me up on my offer. They don’t care, none of them care.

Heads on pikes, then they’ll care.


“The beatings will continue until moral improves” Feels like we’re in a domestic abusive relationship with these politicians…all of them. The cons are morons without an original thought in their head, they looked south, got jealous and said “we want some of that”

the NDP lost their spine when Layton died and their current leader is more concerned about optics then doing anything of actual meaning.

And then you go the liberals who have managed to piss off most of the country, then laugh about it, then wave their hand at the rest of the shitshow parties in this country and say “really? them? haha good luck with that.”

we’re fucked.


or just straight up give it to their mafia buddies.


isn’t this like the third time something like this as either happened or was suggest to someone? like “sorry we can’t help you, hey…have you thought about dying as an option?”

The one that pops to mind was that military veteran that was asked if she had considered taking MAID for some issue and thankfully she out right refused.

Either things like this are going to become more common due to our severe lack of funding for healthcare and mental healthcare OR they do away with MAID completely and then…people take matters into their own hands. Regardless it’s going to get worse. Wouldn’t surprise me if people start applying to MAID simply because they can’t afford rent. wouldn’t surprise me if people have already tried that.


I kinda wish the OSC thing didn’t go through. after the Greenbelt kerfuffle I would have loved to see what his “friends” would have done to ol’ Dougie.


Looks like something the Deacons of the Deep would be protecting right next to the massive empty tomb.


stay out of Limsa.


FFXIV is an MMO where there’s a strong community OUTSIDE of the provided content. Get into a queue for your dailies and you’ll be waiting awhile (will change in a few days thank god) but if you’re down with talking to people, going to “club nights”, etc there’s plenty to offer for that. If you’re looking for an active FC that actually runs the content provided in the game? good luck.


WoW these days you can pretty much get through the game and into endgame stuff without being in a guild. It’ll be more tough if you’re looking to run mythics/heroics but if you honestly don’t care about running heroic/mythic raids/dungeons then you 100% never need to talk to anyone.

then you have games like EVE Online where it’s pretty much essential you get yourself into a corp/alliance or a solid Discord group. Sure you can solo but doing so makes an already tough game insanely harder or you’ve regulated yourself to the relative safety of empire space. Faction Warfare is a great noob friendly starting point to dip your toes into corps/alliances and the politics/meta involved with that stuff. But in many cases joining a corp/alliance in EVE is like applying for a job. background checks, interviews, mandatory monthly meetings and call to arms/operations, etc. EVE is like working on Wall Street but you don’t get paid.

FFXIV is another one you really don’t need to join a Free Company. And chances are if you do join one most of them aren’t running the content anyways, you’re just joining to talk and hang out.


his tweet was…wow. admits to sexting a minor, says he’s not a pedophile and hates pedophiles, says he’s gonna take a break and then come back similar to the time he admitted to cheating on his wife (likely with a minor at this point).

The timeline of events is wild too. He says he was sexting with the kid in 2017, the same year he admitted on stream he cheated on his wife. But he got banned in 2020…yeah because if you read the bloomberg article you’d see it wasn’t until then that it was reported to twitch by either the victim, their family or someone close to them that it happened. proof in the pudding? literally two days prior to the ban Twitch released a statement about how it was investigating and cracking down on streamers who were discovered to be sexting minors on the platform. two days AFTER that statement doc gets banned (Ludwigs most recent video here: goes into detail)

Nah man this is it for you bud. All his buddies (Nickmercs, Timthetatman, etc) have come out and said they’re done with him. If you support the guy you’re pretty much admitting you support pedophilia.

So now I’m curious when he cheated on his wife, was it with someone underage?


AND NOW it’s come out he was ALSO during the same period sexting a transgender sex worker for private cam shows in exchange for partner status on Twitch: After receiving said cam shows, the Doc promptly blocked her.


yup this is me. When Humble Bundles were insanely good I just bought them all the time. I’d say half my library, if not more, are from those bundles and I haven’t touched most of them. And I even ended up giving away a lot of keys from the bundles too. Like for a couple years there I used them has christmas presents for friends only if they were really good games that I either already owned or had no intention of playing.

rozodru, (edited )

that’s it, he’s done. The Liberals HAVE to ask Trudeau to step down as leader now, they literally have to. Even if the liberals had just squeaked by a win it would still put into question his leadership but now? he’s toast. I mean when you have NDP voters who would rather have a Con win than the liberals…oof yeah Trudeaus days are numbered.

Edit: don’t know why I’m being downvoted for speaking the truth and what pretty much everyone in the politicalsphere have said. He has to step down now, it’s facts. I’m by no means a conservative voter. I hate them, this is fucked, but make no mistake Trudeau is finished. it’s over folks. Get over it, liberals are done.


this and immigration, a few weeks ago announcing that Palestinians would be allowed to easily immigrate to Canada, the whole India thing, etc yeah and especially after lastnight Trudeau knows his days are numbered so he and the liberals are setting up their escape plan and leaving behind a bunch of booby traps for Pierre to unsuccessfully disarm THEN reclaim power.

Meanwhile the rest of Canada continues to suffer while these clowns circlejerk each other off in the house of commons.


please. I highly doubt it was Gen Z that have propped up Star Citizen for god knows how many years. And it wasn’t Gen Z that kept buying minor revisions of Street Fighter 2 over, and over, and over again in the 90s.


I used to live in the Southwest US like 20+ years ago and went to high school there. ICP was huge at my school but once people graduated they stopped listening to them for whatever reason.

for where I lived It’d be join the Navy, work at grocery store, work at a call center, or live in a trailer park and die.


if at this point in your life you’re still buying From Software games and STILL complaining about bad net code then I don’t know what to tell you…that’s on you my friend (not you OP the people posting reviews complaining) I mean god damn if you’ve played ANY Japanese developed game with online play for the past 20 some odd years and you’re complaining about bad net code…again that’s on you. I don’t think I’ve ever played a Japanese developed game that had good net code, it’s just something they’ve never been able to figure out for whatever reason. Even in fighting games it generally is and always has been garbage.


I love souls games but I love them for the lore. there’s just so. much. god. damn. lore in those games. I will spend hours, days, even months just picking up every item I can to read the description and get a tiny little nugget of lore. Sure I love the boss fights and I really love this DLC because I felt the base game was too easy. I mean when you’ve played all the previous Souls games Elden Ring is by far the easiest one, so this DLC makes me feel like i’m playing Dark Souls again.

All that being said I agree with you, I think there should be an easy mode or what I would call a “explore mode” where you can just go around and easily fight things while building the story for yourself.


thats what me and my friends did and it works wonderfully. The ONLY souls game that has good net code and online play is a blast is the Demon Souls remake and…surprise, surprise, it wasn’t developed by From Software.

Don’t get me wrong I adore From Software. I’ve been buying all their games for decades. But if you’re looking for great online play from them you’re going to be in for some disappointment.


hot take on my part but I think people should stop going to pride parades completely. I dont’ know about other cities but here in Toronto it’s become essentially a walking in real life commercial for companies. This combined with the fact they took nearly $2mil in government grants here and simply pocketed the money. now they have to pay back $500k of it. They didn’t use that money to benefit the community or LGTBQ+ orgs, nope, they just stuck it in their pockets.

Add to the fact none of these companies care about you giving them a piece of your mind, they don’t care. Some low level Verizon employee couldn’t give two flying fucks what you say about their corporate overlords. they don’t get paid enough to deal with that.

How do you stick it to them? stop going to pride, stop buying their shit in June. Once they realize that pandering to people for one month to hopefully see an increase in sales doesn’t work then they’ll stop doing it. And show these pride orgs that have sold their souls to corporations that you won’t tolerate them making money on the backs of the community.


So Landlords want to jack up the rent there simply because of greed and feeling left out and they can’t afford to build houses. brilliant.

rozodru, (edited )

should be open and shut, the plate is clearly visible. So all you have to do is trace the plate back to the advertising company and see who hired these people to display the ads. both parties need to be arrested btw.

edit: Rebel Media did it:…/article_ce7a82ca-2f0d-11ef-8cb9-271…

to the surprise of, well, no one. even the guy at rebel media admitted to the crime on twitter. open and shut at this point.


I said this when it originally happened that Peel Police were likely in on this. They didn’t steal that much gold to run guns into Canada, it’s a bullshit story and Peel is being coy about it. Hell when they made the arrests the literal previous day or two they told the media they didn’t have an leads, then suddenly “oh yeah, did we mention 9 arrests?” only WHEN the media started grilling them. They arrest some jewelry maker cause he made some shitty gold bands when a damn professor says “yeah…that would take days of being up 24 hours straight to melt it down to do that”. when questioned Why did you suspect this jewelry maker and the crappy gold bands? Peel police? no comment.

That department lined it’s pockets with this heist.


Am I having a fever dream or didn’t they pull this exact same shit years ago? like for a week in 2015 that got so huge negative backlash they had to drop it. Then didn’t they pull that again last year with Skyrim…again? and what, now they believe “third time is the charm”?

They must think gamers have the memory of a gnat or something…and well based on the reactions THIS time around i’d say they’re right. They’ll continue to push this again and again and like every time people will be “outraged” but they’ll keep pushing. they aren’t changing and they’re betting on your continued support.


Cops in this city only get off their asses and do something if certain money is backing them. Money from city hall, an increase in budget to actually do police work? nah fam they ain’t doing shit with that money. you can’t even get them to respond to an emergency in less than 2 hours if at all.

Money from corporations/companies, special interest groups, etc? yeah they’ll get off their asses. Money from the LCBO to be security guards? Money from the banks to act as security for parking lots or branch security? Money from condo developers to be construction security? oh hell yeah they’re all over that.

So I’m now curious as to whose paying them “a little extra” to target pro-palestine activists. cause our boys in blue will not act unless their pockets are well padded.


I swear gamers have the memory of a gnat. How many times has Bethesda pulled shit like this and people continue to support them? no one remembers the Horse armor all the way back in Oblivion? no one remembers the Skyrim paid mods in 2015? hell can’t even remember the SKYRIM PAID MODS IN DEC OF 2023!

This isn’t an outrage and no one should be upset AT Bethesda over this, but disappointed and upset with yourselves for yet again falling for their constant desire to nickel and dime their playerbase.

4th grizzly hit, killed along Trans-Canada Highway in B.C. park (

“Visitors are asked to respect posted speed limits and no-stopping zones at all times, as well as stay alert and prepared to encounter wildlife at any time, even when driving along fenced sections of the highway. By reducing speeds, driving alertly, and giving wildlife space and respect, you can help reduce wildlife...


actually watched a video this morning about how female Grizzlies are keeping their cubs close to roads/parking lots/tourists etc because male grizzlies will avoid these areas.


you’re spot on. I mean they depend on word of mouth for their marketing but when you have such a toxic community why would anyone in their right mind want to jump into that? I’d only say play it IF and ONLY IF you already have game pass and ONLY if you use said game pass for other shit simply because you get all the characters in League if you play with your game pass sub. I did that for a bit and honestly I spent most of the time just playing co-op against bots cause you didn’t have to deal with any toxic players.

DotA 2, while free with all the characters unlocked, has an even worse community full of edge lords. and the ONE moba that was accessible to new players, easy to pick up, had great map variety, and not nearly as toxic a community is all but dead with Heroes of the Storm. In typical Blizzard fashion they dropped the ball with that one.


that’s one of the reasons I loved it. no items and different maps that had different objectives. Also having mounts was great to quickly navigate the map.


ah I had no clue! thought development/updates on it were dead. I’ll try it out again then.

rozodru, (edited )

In other news Uber, Lyft, Doordash, and Skip the dishes have all decided to pull out of operations in Canada for some reason.

I’m glad they’re getting paid a minimum wage, but lets be honest it won’t surprise me at all if these companies decide to cease operations here. Which IMHO is a good thing. Their fees are bullshit and would much rather deal with a restaurant directly if i’m ordering food.

edit: yup, called it: Uber says new B.C. gig-worker rules punish customers, businesses they’ll close up shop in BC in the near future I bet.


Unless it’s guaranteed to do ungodly sales they won’t. Capcom plays it safe and if a game doesn’t sell like hotcakes then for them it’s considered a failure. And I’m talking games that any other company would consider a success, for Capcom it has to be a god damn hot success. Look at games like Okami or Viewitful Joe or Maximo. all fantastic games that Capcom just won’t go back to cause either the original didn’t sell well or the sequel didn’t. And Capcom has done this since the 90s. We kept buying Street Fighter 2 over and over again with Turbo, Tournament Edition, Championship Edition, Super, Super Turbo, Turbo Tournament Edition, etc, etc, etc cause they sold very well. it’s safe, easy, money.

I mean hell fans want a new Megaman or Megaman legends, their god damn mascot essentially, and Capcom won’t produce one cause the majority of gamers they feel won’t buy it. Even their fighting games, like Tetsunoko vs Capcom - which is arguably one of the greatest fighting games ever made, won’t get another one cause no one bought it.

So a new Dino Crisis or even a remake? I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Hey I’m all for another company to produce a better product but…have you see the other options? Not really a monopoly when there is competition out there but they all, maybe with the exception of GoG, collectively suck.

This isn’t like the 90s where if you bought a PC you HAD to use Microsoft. Do you have to now? no there’s plenty of Linux distros out there that are quite good and now work with just about everything. It’s not like Steam is installed by default on PCs. you have the option to use Epic, or Ubisoft, or EA Play, or Game Pass, or GoG. And keep in mind Epic has PC time exclusives that aren’t available on Steam. If you wanted to play Kingdom Hearts on PC you used to have to buy it via Epic and only Epic. same deal with pretty much any EA game for a time. and in the case of EA the consumer spoke up, told them their launcher was shit, and EA then decided to release on Steam.


I always find it funny when i point out too pcmr that console gaming is far cheaper and easier fairer to the consumer for this reason.

well that’s just a straight up lie. Sony has timed exclusives. as does Xbox. If I want to play Final Fantasy 16 tell me what are my options? I’m not shelling out $500 for a PS5 to play it. or how about the Silent Hill 2 remake? FF rebirth? hmm Death Stranding 2? the KOTR Remake? Wolverine? Marathon?

Essentially If I want to play them and not have to wait to play on Steam I have to buy a PS5. Sony pays these publishers to have the game on their product first and for an extended period of time ONLY their product. Microsoft does the same. Valve isn’t paying anyone for timed exclusives. that’s not fair at all.

And you think you can resell your digital playstation or xbox content or switch? no you can’t do that either, you know this. Hell Microsoft is releasing a digital only Xbox for this very purpose. these companies would love nothing more than to kill the used game market.

as far as review bombs go? please. Fortnite isn’t on steam, does that get review bombed? League of Legends? Valorent? World of Warcraft? several games exclusive to game pass?

none of your arguments hold much, if any, weight.


they also thrive on peoples anger of which many Canadians currently are. Remember the conservative playbook is to appeal to the Dumb, Angry, and Poor. And once they have appealed to them and won their vote they ensure those people stay dumb, angry, and poor.


I remember a few years ago my Dad finally watched Starship Troopers and he said “Why do they use bullets? wouldn’t lasers be better? they have those why are they using bullets?” and also “why are the starships so close to each other if they know the bugs can hit them out of orbit?”

that’s the point of the movie Dad. they’re a bunch of damn idiots fighting bugs. you think a bug could pinpoint shoot an asteroid all the way to Argentina?


ah got it. so that’s why Israel decided to bomb and kill aid workers. yeah totally doing it wrong, someone needs to tell them that.


lol “accident” sure bud.


I’m gonna take just a completely wild random shot in the dark and say “yes, they are.”


well obviously they would but I’m not a fan of the NDP either. I don’t even like the Liberals. christ it’s so god damn infuriating that when I vote I have to vote for the party I hate the least. it’s like waking up and someone asking me every day “ok do you want to be kicked in the balls, punched in the throat, or have some ribs broken with a baseball bat?” “I guess I"ll take the throat punch today”


every liberal MP, every. single. one. of them voted to not release the list. I mean for fucks sake talk about showing your hand. So lets see we have a party of corrupt fuckers, a party of conservative nutjob fuckers, and a party of unoriginal ideas and “I’ll say whatever they want me to say” fuckers. we are so universally fucked. we’re governed by a group of spineless cowards. every single one of them.


Don’t think they were ever on the rails to begin with in all honesty. All that being said I think the young people of India will get that country ON the rails eventually. They’re more vocal now, especially online, but that has only been a very recent change. But it won’t happen for some time. There’s just a whole lot of negativity, especially in Canada, when it comes to India and they’re not helping that image at all.


I remember when this originally came out, it was a huge deal because of Myst and like everyone with a CD drive on their PC owning it. They packaged Myst in with just about everything back in the day and it was almost impossible to NOT own Myst.

I asked Justin Trudeau’s Liberals why they broke a promise to ban three controversial police practices. Their answer says a lot (

As a general rule, I hate opinion pieces as I feel that they are a major contributor to our slide towards ‘facts don’t matter’ US style political rhetoric. That said, I thought this was an interesting and fact driven piece that if anything was too easy on the RCMP. Sharing a journalist’s request for information with the...


I don’t even know what that is anymore as far as any of them “attempting” to do anything. The House of Commons is just one massive dog and pony show where they chew out each other for issues none of them will make an effort to actually address and solve. None of the parties, like you said, want to actually even make the slightest attempt to fix the housing problem in this country. None really want to fix the cost of living either.

I mean I can’t stand all three parties. I look at the leadership of all three and I just sigh cause I don’t want to vote for any of them. I can’t do more years of Trudeau. I can’t stand Poilievre and his stumbling of words and snake oil tactics. and Singh I just have zero confidence in to come up with original thought.


yeah we already have one of those in Toronto. it’s a food bank that looks like a small grocery store. you don’t get a pre-packaged box of stuff nor does a volunteer walk around with you putting stuff in your bag. you just walk around and pick out what you want.

People get embarrassed using food banks, they shouldn’t be but I’ve seen it first hand. you line up outside waiting for it to open and some people just get uncomfortable lining up thinking people walking by are judging them (they’re not) and it also doesn’t help that stigma when you’re inside and have to wait on a volunteer to fill up your bags for you asking you what you want.


I have a rog strix and I wouldn’t get another. the screen gets easily nicked, the battery quickly dies after a few months to the point now I MIGHT get 30 min out of it. the keyboard wears out quickly and god damn have I had problems with the hard ware. wifi/bluetooth randomly cutting out every few months where you have to open the laptop up and reposition/unplug and plug back in the wifi/bluetooth. had to reinstall the OS several times cause of hardware issues where the laptop just gets all fucky with the SSD.

I’ve had it for maybe 2 years now and I expect I’ll get less than another year out of it before it completely craps out.

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