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Will Trump pee in a cup first?

I mean if we’re going to start drug testing candidates it’s going to apply to both of them right.

And as far as I know only one of them has incontinence that’s most likely related to stimulant abuse.

treefrog, (edited )

Is he entitled to US arm shipments?

The headline makes him sound pretty fucking entitled


Aid is a gift. They paid for some of it.


He seems kind of weak to me. He’s not even allowed to own firearms. How can a man who can’t even own guns possibly MAGA?


It’s media attention, but the intent is to educate about propaganda rather than spread it.

Noise machine being a metaphor for propaganda.

treefrog, (edited )

Depends on what you mean by religion.

Buddhist monks and nuns shave their heads and don the robes as a ceremonial act of letting go of identity views such as ‘us and them’ and even self and other.

This and not holding onto dogmatic views in general is a big part of the practice and the teachings.

Not saying all Buddhists are perfect by any means. I’ve hung out in enough Buddhist online spaces to come across a lot of dogmatism and people using Buddhism itself as an identity view. Myself included when I wasn’t as far along my own path.

But the intention of the practice is to point these things out and help people to let them go. Not to cling to them.


If I was writing the article I would have pointed out the admission, rather than pointing towards the allegation. Which is based on his admission.


Trump’s spiritual advisor resigns after admitting he sexually assaulted a 12-year-old child.

Much better headline in my opinion.


That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying the liability issue.


I hope there is no statute of limitations on child sexual assault in his jurisdiction.


They’re giving the royal family jail time?


Maybe the pilot is a Boeing whistleblower and afraid for their safety?


Excellent article. Just came out as gender queer. It’s terrifying being myself, but I 100% agree. They’ll keep pushing because it’s my very existence that offends them.

Putting myself back in that binary box feels like death, because it is. It’s a spiritual death. Not just for me, but for generations of people to follow.

So, I’m going to keep dressing how I like even if it offends. Because it also encourages and inspires other people like me and you.


Yet everyone who pushes for measures like this self-identifies as Christian, at least in public.

If Christianity’s good name needs to be untarnished, then liberal Christians need to do more. Rather than expecting the media to delineate between the two.


In this same poll, Trump fared much worse.


He means his life was better under Donald Trump.


I don’t think the Chinese government really gets Buddhism.

US lawmakers meet with Dalai Lama in India's Dharamshala, sparking anger from China (

A bipartisan United States congressional delegation met with the Dalai Lama Wednesday at his residence in India’s Dharamshala, sparking anger from China which views the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism as a dangerous separatist....


They told the crowd that a key focus of their visit was to underscore the Resolve Tibet Act, passed by the U.S. Congress last week, and aims to encourage dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Chinese officials with the hopes of finding a peaceful resolution between Tibet and Beijing. The bill should now be sent to the White House for President Joe Biden to sign into a law.

Pelosi said the bill is “a message to the Chinese government that we have clarity in our thinking and our understanding of this issue of the freedom of Tibet,” eliciting applause.

McCaul, the Republican representative, said it reaffirmed American support for the Tibetan right to self-determination. “Just this week our delegation received a letter from the Chinese Communist Party, warning us not to come here… but we did not let the CCP intimidate us for we are here today,” he said as people cheered.

I like reading news like this :)


I guess somebody explained to him that Wisconsin is a swing state?

treefrog, (edited )

One more reason to vote them out of office now that the gerrymandered maps are gone!


But they may thrive more at higher global temperatures.


Yes, actually. This specific bacteria thrives at 95f when cultured in labs.

It’s a bacteria that is able to live inside humans, after all.

Microbes also evolve faster than humans. Meaning they’ll adapt to higher temperatures faster than our body temperature will. Making humans more susceptible to bacteria like this one, as climate change continues.


For the poor children.

Not their own I imagine.

Samuel Alito’s Wife Goes Full MAGA in Secret Recording (

Martha-Ann Alito, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, complained about the Pride flag, ranted about “feminazis,” and explained a flag design that she has been creating in her head in anticipation of when her husband is “free of this nonsense,” according to undercover audio released by a journalist and...


It’s golden and also inaccurate.

Probation officers aren’t assigned until somebody has been sentenced. This is a pre-sentencing investigation to see if he is eligible for probation.

If he’s not, he doesn’t meet with his probation officer until after he gets out of jail.


Actually I edited the italics for clarity.

Either way, this is an investigation with a probation officer.

He’s not on probation yet, and may not be eligible and have to do straight time.

That’s what I was trying to clarify that the headline implied. That he’d already been sentenced, when he hasn’t.


Yes. Doesn’t change the inaccuracies in the headline.

treefrog, (edited )

The article title implies that he’s already been sentenced and is on probation. That’s what that string of words means. The probation officer he met with is doing a presentence investigation. They aren’t assigned to him.

I.e. not his probation officer because he’s not on probation because this is still pre-sentencing.

I edited italics for clarity. Don’t be an ass.

Edit I also edited this post for clarity. Twice!


Could cost them their base without attracting new voters too.


Horn noted that the typical purpose of a probation interview is to obtain information on Trump’s social and criminal history, financial resources, history of mental health, physical or addiction issues as well as to assess his living situation.


Maybe Clooney stole a hit part from that poster that said poster believes would have launched their career.

Poster has been holding this grudge for 23 years!


Return of the Killer Tomatoes was 88 btw I learned further down thread


Yet, Jared Polis identifies as neo liberal. And identifies Pete Buttigieg as one too.

It’s the ‘kind face’ of colonial capitalism. In my opinion. Fascism the scary face. Both lead to corporate feudalism as far as I can tell. One faster and with less chance to use democracy to improve conditions for the poor through safety nets and unions.

But people aren’t all one thing. Biden has shown that with his relationship with unions.


That’s fair. I’ve always been a bit surprised that Jared Polis self identifies that way tbh.

treefrog, (edited )

That’s a way to look at it. As a person with C-PTSD it’s not something easily dealt with or healed from because society isn’t that skilled at helping with it, and my brain was shaped by constant bullying and abuse for the first 12 years of my life. Saying I need to ‘heal’ is like telling someone with ADHD they need to ‘heal’. PTSD, for me, is a form of ND. I can learn better coping mechanisms and my symptoms can be more manageable, especially with better self awareness. But there was never a baseline of not having PTSD to heal back too.

In other words, hypervigilance around toxic masculinity is wired deep into my amygdala, and that’s very difficult to change in a society that doesn’t have adequate tools or resources to help even typical PTSD. Maybe when MDMA treatment becomes available and affordable. I don’t really know the outcomes with it for child abuse.

Anyway, bringing it up out of context when someone mentions having a good relationship with their (in my case) father, isn’t a trauma response. It would be petty jealousy. And while I have plenty of jealousy of NT people, I agree that bringing up jealousy when other people are having a good time, especially in such a petty unhealthy way, is a dick move.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


He’s out of touch with young/idealistic voters who don’t understand that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting your conscience.

The choice is fascism or neo liberalism. Hopefully someday we’ll have a better choice. Not voting now makes that less likely. As does Biden doubling down on zionism.


Both neo liberalism and fascism are totalitarian. Neo liberalism fulfills it’s totalitarian function by appropraition. Fascism by annihilation.

Both are absolutely evil. But the later will be grossly accelerated under Trump, both domestically, in Israel, and in Ukraine.

So, not voting means more dead bodies. Essentially. More dead children. In more places like Gaza.

Is your black and white commitment to evil is evil worth more dead kids?


It’s not propaganda. Look through the replies to my comment already someone came out with black and white thinking concerning evil (no such thing as the lesser of two).

I remember being this idealistic when I was younger. I met a lot of young minorities during 2020 who didn’t vote because they didn’t feel represented by either old white guy.

Now we have young white people feeling the same because they’re seeing the horrors of neo liberalism playing out and they don’t understand what fascism is (it’s what Israel is doing, so yeah, voting for Trump is a vote for more genocide but whatever…).

And, the DNC is going to blame voter apathy if they lose. And honestly, this could be a repeat of 2016. Democrats ignoring the will of the people and handing Trump the presidency.


Hey, I absolutely believe Biden is in the wrong here and that if Trump wins, it will be the fault of the Democrats for doubling down on zionism.

I’m still voting for him because I’m also voting against Trump who will absolutely be worse. Domestically Biden has been excellent. The shit with Israel I don’t support and I wouldn’t blame anyone for not voting for him.

For me it’s more of a math problem. Trump is more of what I don’t want happening. Biden is status quo which I don’t like. But those are the two choices and voting does make a difference here on if things stay this bad, or get much worse.


I didn’t say more dead kids in Gaza. I said more dead kids in places like Gaza.

I even mentioned Ukraine specifically.

And I’m not taking on that guilt. You do you. I’ve been telling zionists this was genocide since October and doing my small part as a very small gear in a very big machine.

I’ll also do my part to steer the ship away from Trump. Even if that means I vote by the numbers rather than by my heart.

It’s a trolley problem. Defecting doesn’t stop the trolley. But does make it more likely to end in disaster.


If that was my position, I wouldn’t have faulted Biden his Zionism.

But ultimately, like Bernie who I admire, I’ve learned to be a pragmatist as I’ve gotten older.

Don’t shut up. By all means, speak your mind. Biden should do better and should be pressured to do better. People need to keep protesting and drawing attention to the injustice.

And also vote. If you can’t vote for Biden, swallow your pride and vote against Trump. Because we’re not going to see any progress by defecting and giving the fascists the nukes.

treefrog, (edited )

I’m not demanding anything. But refusing to vote against Trump is exactly the sort of acceleration you mentioned. It’s cynical and nihilistic, the things you’ve just accused me of.

We should use every tool available, including voting for the least bad option if those are our only two choices.

The administration isn’t going to hear us before November. Maybe after if we keep at them.

If Trump wins, we’ll see even more jackboots on campuses. And you know this. I’m not shaming you or blaming you. But trying to convince you to vote against that even if you can’t stand Biden.

Our ideals and values are important. But we have to learn to be pragmatic (like Bernie) if our values are going to survive.

Edit: if it helps you understand where I’m coming from, I was one of the upvotes on your original post. The administration should be held accountable and if a fascist dictator wins in November I’ll blame Biden’s administration for not listening more than I’ll blame idealistic people for refusing to vote against their conscience.

Personally, I’ve done the math and am far more pragmatic the older I get. So I will vote against Trump in November.


If you know a third party candidate that has a chance of winning and aligns better with my valies, than sure.

Otherwise I feel like you’re just trolling.

But if you have some underground third party movement going that’s going to upset this election definitely let me know!


Your point about democracy already ending, if it ever began, hit the mark for me.

I’ll check out the green party candidate. Cornell is someone I used to follow a bit too and I’ll take a look at where he’s at.


We’ve never been a free country. They meant free from the monarchy. Free to own their own slaves, etc.

But I hear your point. Another poster pointed out that if these are the two choices, democracy is already over, if it ever was to begin with.

I might end up voting third party. But the harm reductionist in me knows Biden is not as bad as Trump. And it’s hard to vote my conscience when a vote for Biden means fewer dead bodies.


I do live in a swing state. So yea, it matters here.

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