@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar



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@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

I think what we believe to be genocide is actually a byproduct of Zionism. They’d kill whomever was living on that land, but since they’re Muslim it’s easier to justify and looks like genocide.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

It’s cuz other leaders want to do the same and don’t want the precedent set

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Tell your politicians to support RCV legislation:

Fair Representation Act p2a.co/ZraNU5n

Voter Choice Act p2a.co/9OZd4JL

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

U got it

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

We would have to dismantle capitalism entirely and a huge cultural shift to fix that. Huge spending caps on campaigns would be a good start.

RCV allows people to vote for candidates of a third party without wasting a vote like they would now. The problem is that much of society is brainwashed with red vs. blue politics and it would take a long time for everybody to get on the same page about a third party candidate.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

is it just RCV with 5 rankings, or you rank every candidate?

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Most people would still give A and B 5’s or 4’s, so C still loses even if they get all 4’s, no?

venusaur, (edited )
@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Ah right assuming A and B are opposing candidates. Kind of a way to eliminate the most popular opposing candidates in a runoff assuming there is a middle of the road candidate that everybody likes.

In RCV this might be translated differently tho. Maybe 26% vote C #1, 49% A #1, 25% B #1 with C #2, then in runoff, C would win.

I don’t see everybody liking the same candidate for #2.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Is anybody using Star voting now? I just feel like it can be gamed. If you want your major candidate to win, you wouldn’t rank anybody else highly.

Thanks for the video. I totally agree that there are other voting systems like approval voting that may be better, but lots of traction with RCV already. Can be a stepping stone to other voting systems. Perfect is the enemy of good enough. Gotta take baby steps.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

It’s because the leaders aren’t the ones fighting the battles or being targeted. They’re playing chess somewhere far from the violence.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

That would be interesting. We’d definitely have to shift who we elect towards more violent leaders tho, and idk how I feel about that haha.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

That’s where they practice haha

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

He just has to do what the conservatives say cuz he’s afraid he’ll be assassinated just like the man he replaced.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Yup. He’s a puppet leader.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

It’s the other way around. They not gonna do what u want them to because they know you’ll have to vote for them because of their fear politics. Let them know they’re not getting your vote. They’re gonna lose their jobs. Then they’ll try harder.

venusaur, (edited )
@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Biden and democrats are taking advantage of this situation to do whatever they want because people are afraid not to vote for them. A lot of people are waking up tho and democrats need to either do what the people want or risk losing the vote. Not to Trump, just no vote. There will always be a Trump. It might take 4 years of Trump for the world to see how our voting system needs to be reformed and the two party system torn apart. Democrats are not for the people. They’re for the dollar bill.

venusaur, (edited )
@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Not participating is absolutely a choice. You’re brainwashed and afraid.

I don’t you disagree with you about my feelings about the Democratic Party. I disagree with your playing into fear politics instead of opting out. The cycle has to end at some point even if it takes a huge wake up call.

venusaur, (edited )
@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

I never said I was voting for anybody. And you’ve clearly bought into the scare tactics. You honestly think the president has the power to stop voting? Relax. Take 4 more years of Trump and get it over with. Dems are losers. They need to wake up and give the people what they want instead of relying on scare tactics.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

You’re catastrophizing. Understandable, but not realistic and not healthy. Really think it through. How could the president put an end to voting in the United States? Especially in 4 years. If you think that’s possible, think about why democrats haven’t then tried to reform the electoral college. Because they don’t want true democracy either.

Yes Trump would swing a lot of things right, but not to the extent that democrats are scaring people into believing.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Trump is gonna kill you? Damn. They really got in your head.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Says the person who wants to vote for a man who is literally actively aiding in the murder of innocent children and families. Take your sob story to a therapist and stop projecting your own lived experience onto people you know nothing about. I’m worried about you. Do you need help?

venusaur, (edited )
@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

This isn’t oppression Olympics. Don’t need to know all the identifying factors that make you more oppressed than other people so you have some sort of moral or social high ground.

Last I heard lots of trans people are killing themselves. Sounds like a mental health crisis more than a political one.

I agree that Trump will do damage to the LGBTQ2A+ community and other oppressed communities, but the president doesn’t have all the power. Everything goes through the house and/or senate.

Please feel free to vote for a man who is aiding in the murder of innocent children and families. I will not tell my children and potentially grandchildren that I chose him or Trump to lead our country. I’ll vote for house and senate until they fix the electoral college and allow RCV or something similar for presidential elections.

venusaur, (edited )
@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

i see what you’re saying. if only people on the right are voting, then they’ll shift focus to the right, but that should pave the way for a candidate on the left that people actually want. the problem is there is no true democracy and no potential for third party candidates to actually win. I will not vote unless there is a candidate I actually want to lead the country, and/or they implement RCV or a similar voting system for presidential elections. i’ll still vote for house and senate.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

As somebody who has formal experience with psychology and mental health you should know better than to deal in absolutes. Not sure what you define as the “mental crisis” happening in our country right now. Are you only talking about trans suicides?

Yes, politics play a role in mental health, but whatever mental health crisis you speak of cannot possibly be contributed to politics entirely. Especially, because as you seem to believe, politics are a result of the people’s actions or inactions, meaning the people influence culture as much as politics influence society.

You should know better than to make assumptions who you think I am by projecting all of your frustrations with the political system and society on me. It’s okay. I’ll be your punching bag. I hope you can find happiness and I wish you good physical and mental health.

venusaur, (edited )
@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about your personal problems outside of politics. I’m sorry you’re in need of help. You can be strong in the face of political adversity. Many oppressed people before you have and did not resort to suicide. You are a valuable member of society and people care about you whether you believe it or not and it has nothing to do with your identity. You are intrinsically valuable no matter who you are and I truly hope you can feel that in your heart.

I do vote in local elections and for house and senate. Just not playing presidential two party game of Saw.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

I wish you the best. Take care of yourself but focus on taking care of others too. It’ll help you.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

When does it stop tho? He can keep running as long as he wants and dems can keep taking advantage of that to do whatever they want because they know they’ll get the vote because of fear politics.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Nobody here is talking about people that never vote.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll take your word for it. I’m only talking about people in my situation. We’ve voted in the past and aren’t voting now. Presidents have won by focusing on getting out the vote for populations that have had low voter turnout.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Russia trying to assassinate somebody? Never…

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

a lot of these Russian soldiers don’t want to fight. when you hear 100 soldiers dead, it’s not 100 Putins. it’s just 100 regular people like you and me in a fucked up situation. good for Ukraine for protecting themselves, but “wiped out 100 russian troops” sounds like you’re killing ants. they’re still people.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

sad how easily people can be made to celebrate the death of 100 people they know nothing about.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

sounds like a lot of people joined because of the concert attack and Russian saying it was Ukraine.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

lots of US soldiers have innocent blood on their hands. you happy if US soldiers die?

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

yeah i expected you to say that you would celebrate the deaths of any soldiers who kill innocent people, but you very specifically only care about those who invade neighboring countries.

do you celebrate the deaths of the some 15k US soldiers who died in the Mexican-American war?

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Cool just dodge the question. Weak.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

They gave a specific example to a broad question so yeah, it’s avoiding a response to my question.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Ok then their answer is they only care about invading neighboring countries. Go away.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Imagine you’re in Russia. You see every person who was ever a real threat to the government die or disappear. You can’t flee the country. A coup is highly unlikely; Prigozhin just tried it and the plane he was on mysteriously blew up. You don’t have a lot of options. Makes sense to take your chances against Ukraine than try to overthrow the Russian military/government.

What really needs to happen is for war law to be changed to allow heads of state and government buildings to be targeted. Then they’d be a lot more careful about going to war.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t worry about these big guys. The straws are gonna save the planet.

‘Every day I cry’: 50 women talk about life as a domestic worker under the Gulf’s kafala system (www.theguardian.com)

Condemned as dangerous and abusive, the kafala labour system not only disregards migrant workers’ rights but depends on exploitation. But 10 years after Qatar was advised by the UN to abolish kafala (“sponsorship”) entirely and replace it with a regulated labour network, the system is thriving across Lebanon, Jordan and...

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

The article said that migrant people pay to work for these families. Why would they not be allowed to leave when they please and why would their employer be allowed to keep their passport? I’m so confused. There is some serious poverty around the world to voluntarily do this.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

sounds like ending kafala is a long term goal, but it’s easier and quicker to go after these criminal agencies.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

yeah not saying to only do that, but should be doing that in the short term if they’re not already.

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

always has been and always will be unfortunately

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

“Pacquiao!” That’s what they sound like to me. Or “fuck you”

@venusaur@lemmy.world avatar

A more important headline is that there currently are not laws in place to outlaw the possession and viewing of child pornography. It shouldn’t be up to the court to set a precedent of its illegality, but rather a clear law making it illegal.

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