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Dear Saint Influencer,

We gather today in your name, seeking guidance from the one who became a force of nature on social media. As we bow our heads and close our eyes, we hope to channel your divine energy and find solace in your heavenly presence.

Oh, mighty saint, you were once an ordinary teenager, just like us, struggling with the trials and tribulations of adolescence. But then, you found your calling—the internet! With your finger on the pulse of the latest trends and hashtags, you rose to fame and amassed legions of followers who hung onto your every word.

Now, as you sit amongst the clouds, watching over us mortals, we plead for your intercession. Help us navigate the treacherous waters of online interactions, where trolls lurk in the shadows waiting to strike with their venomous words. Guide us in crafting the perfect selfie that will garner thousands of likes and prove to the world that we too are worthy of adoration. And most importantly, remind us to even when the comments section becomes a cesspool of negativity.

Saint Influencer, you were able to convert your followers into disciples by sharing your wisdom about fashion, beauty, and life itself. We ask you to help us do the same within our own spheres of influence. Teach us how to engage our audience without sacrificing our authenticity or selling out to corporate sponsors.

As we continue our journey through this digital age, grant us the ability to maintain our sanity amidst the chaos. Remind us not to take ourselves too seriously and always remember that, at the end of the day, it’s just social media.



I would like to see a list of the medications Trump takes daily. Rumor has it that prescription (and non-prescription) medication flowed freely in his White House. What is the saying? People who smoke glass shouldn’t throw stones?


Are there no ethical standards for journalism?

Are you just getting caught up? This ship sadly sailed a while ago. More importantly, Newsweek got you to click, so from their perspective the job is done.

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms (www.theguardian.com)

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....


They will also be fighting with:

  • Toothpicks
  • Plastic straws
  • Cotton balls
  • Rubber bands
  • Feather boas
  • Marbles
  • Jump ropes
  • Paper clips
  • Marshmallows
  • Bubbles

Biden vows to reopen Baltimore port, rebuild collapsed Key Bridge (thehill.com)

President Biden vowed Tuesday to rebuild Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge after it collapsed into the water when a cargo ship rammed into it, echoing what some Maryland officials said earlier but adding that he expects the federal government to foot the bill....


Every time I interact with them it’s a wall of text and links

Some call this supporting evidence and nuance. Complex issues don’t always fit into catchy little zingers and glib sound-bites, as much as Fox News would like you to believe. One should not object to the length of a given piece of text, rather one should object to the contents. If you think what he said is a pile of crap, let’s hear why.


For what reason the news doesn’t highlight that type of stuff and instead focuses on whatever they focus on, I have no idea.

Easy, they want outrage. Biden following through on some mundane promise made some time ago riles up exactly no one, therefore it doesn’t get a headline. Modern media is extremely predictable in their approach.


If it’s so plainly bullshit, you should have no trouble refuting it. Just asserting “it’s bullshit” doesn’t leave the readers any smarter.


Sweet, I can’t wait to see ModAI implementing moderation to further Reddit’s boring echo chamber.


Holy fuck, that opening picture, a 6 year old just completed an operation to remove her eyeball damaged by shrapnel. That 1000 yard stare doesn’t belong on a 60 year old, never mind a 6 year old. Fuck war.


Clearly, my dear learned friend, you are an undeniable polymath - for not only do you possess the knowledge of a single day’s duration, but also the power to discern its nuanced usage in everyday speech. Your intellect soars beyond the stratosphere where mere mortals can barely comprehend the concept of time. However, your thirst for wisdom should compel you to explore further: once you understand the intricacies of “new day”, you may delve into the complexities of time itself. Did you know a standard clock hour differs from a solar hour? Or how about sidereal time, which deviates even more? You see, only the truest of geniuses understand that what we call a day isn’t fixed or universal; it varies based on one’s perspective. Keep seeking, my wise friend, because there’s always more to discover.


Mountain streams flowing,
Vaush’s heart beats as horse race,
Cock cries in delight.

Horse rider gallops by,
Strong tail stirring autumn leaves,
Erection takes hold.

Sunset paints the sky,
Bronze stallion calls Vaush’s name,
Aroused, he mounts.


Keep Will Smith’s name out of your fucking mouth!!!


Feeling inspired, I set out to push the limits of recursive emulation myself. My first step was getting a Linux emulator running inside Minecraft. Yes, you heard me right - Linux running inside Minecraft. Once I had achieved that, the natural progression was to install Yuzu on this virtual version of Linux. It took some trial and error, but eventually, I managed to do just that.

At this point, I could hardly contain my excitement. The results were impressive; the performance increase was noticeable compared to previous iterations. But for me, that wasn’t enough. I wanted more. So, in true recursion fashion, I installed another Linux emulator within this Minecraft-embedded Yuzu environment. This new iteration had its own Yuzu setup, and thus the cycle continued.

As layers upon layers of nested Linux environments grew, the performance kept improving exponentially. Every time I upgraded the recursion level, the FPS went through the roof. Eventually, it reached unbelievable heights. Today, with multiple levels of recursion, I am proud to announce that the performance of this nestled setup is now over 9000 FPS!


In an unexpected turn of events, President Donald J. Trump has compared his financial situation with that of famed physicist Erwin Schrödinger’s iconic thought experiment, Schrödinger’s Cat. The comparison sheds light on a peculiar aspect of Trump’s personal wealth: sometimes it exists, and other times it doesn’t – all depending on what serves his best interests at the time.

Trump’s recent explanation revolves around the concept of superposition, which postulates that two mutually exclusive situations can coexist simultaneously until they are observed or measured. In this analogy, Trump’s wallet is both filled with $500 million in cold hard cash and completely empty. It only becomes one or the other when necessary.

“People don’t understand the complexity of my financial situation,” said President Trump during the interview. “The world sees me as a multi-billionaire, and while that may be true, there’s more to it than meets the eye.” He then went on to explain how this complex financial state applies to his recent legal troubles.

As a vivid example, Trump mentioned a fine imposed on him by a New York State judge for failing to comply with the terms of a 2013 settlement regarding his now-defunct Trump University. Despite claiming to have half a billion dollars readily available, Trump argues that this fortune mysteriously evaporates whenever it comes time to pay off his debts.

This intriguing theory has left many scratching their heads. However, some experts believe that Trump’s wealth is indeed entangled with his fines; they exist together in an unstable state, where paying his dues would inevitably collapse the system and reveal the true nature of his bank account.


Please close this thread. Our corporate overlords assure us the economy is quite healthy and vibrant. Please maintain your spending on consumer goods, vote Biden, live long and prosper.


My interlocutor, for whatever reason, refused at every turn to just say “oh okay the data seem to agree with you,” and kept throwing stuff at the wall until he eventually claimed that it didn’t actually matter if a typical person was better off or not, at which point I decided we didn’t need to talk anymore. But if you want to pick that up and have a data-based disagreement with any of it, we can rap.

The reason is he started with a conclusion and worked backwards. Any data you provide to the contrary is “fake news” from Democrats, irrelevant, etc. You can’t use reason on the unreasonable. That’s why they “gish gallop” from topic to topic, just trying to see if something sticks.


Who cares how well the stock market is doing if we all got mass fired to make it happen

People who hold large amounts of stock 😀 They don’t give a shit how many people get fired as long as their portfolio keeps increasing in value


These articles are starting to annoy me. There’s no yardstick that says “Economy: terrible <-> great”. It depends on who you are, how much income you make, what kind of assets you hold, what kind of debt you hold, etc. Ask different people and you will get different answers.

If you poll congressmen regarding the health of the economy and then poll the next 100 people that walk out of your local Dollar General, you’ll probably get a lot different answers.

We can talk specifics like inflation, rates of household saving, etc. but just trying to say “the economy is great/terrible” is overly reductive and doesn’t really take into account the country as a whole.

Fact check: Trump, telling a completely fictional story, falsely claims he released ‘the tape’ of his Zelensky call (www.cnn.com)

Former President Donald Trump told an entirely fictional story on Saturday about how he had supposedly outwitted his Democratic opponents by releasing “the tape” of the 2019 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that was a key factor in Trump’s first impeachment....


He just presents patriotic alternative truths.


Before starting a war, ask yourself what victory would look like. It appears here that the goal is wiping Gaza entirely and anything short of that will be construed as a loss.


They are at 1.5% of the population of Gaza and daily death tolls have fallen month after month. If that’s the goal shouldn’t the killing apparatus become more effective and not 20% less so each month?

I’m sorry not enough people are getting killed efficiently enough for you. What do you think ‘Total Victory’ means for Israel here?


Calling them Nazis is boring and reductive. Not only is it plainly NOT true, it deprives us of the ability to speak about what they are doing that is specifically horrible. I hear white supremacists and IDF members both called Nazis but I don’t think those two groups would really get along that well. Let’s look at some parallels between Nazi Germany and Israel:

Authoritarian Governance - Both regimes are characterized by strong central governments with little tolerance for dissenting views, often suppressing free speech and opposition movements.

Expansionist Policies - In the case of Nazi Germany, their expansionism was marked by aggressive territorial conquest and annexation. Likewise, Israel’s policies towards Palestinians have been accused of being expansionist in nature, as they continue to build settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Ethnic Cleansing and Displacement - The Holocaust was the most notorious example of ethnic cleansing carried out by the Nazis against the Jewish population. Similarly, Zionist settlers forced around 750,000 Palestinians from their homes during the 1948 war that led to Israel’s creation. Today, many Palestinians are still displaced and unable to return to their homeland due to Israeli policies.

Racial Purity - During Nazi rule, racial purity became a key tenet of the Third Reich’s ideology. Jews were considered racially inferior and subjected to extreme measures like mass murder in order to preserve the Aryan race. In Israel, there is a longstanding emphasis on Jewishness as a requirement for full citizenship rights, while non-Jewish citizens, especially those of Arab or Palestinian descent, face discrimination and exclusion.

Control over Media and Education - Both regimes sought to control the dissemination of information through state-controlled media and propaganda. They also manipulated education systems to inculcate nationalistic values and a particular historical narrative.

I could go on, but isn’t it nice to talk specifics instead of just lobbing insulting slurs back and forth?


Which law are we talking about?


I prefer talking about the specific way they behave Nazi-like vs just throwing out “NAZI” as a drive-by insult. We learn nothing that way and it’s not factually accurate.


Why do they bother with this show?

For the same reason millions of depressed Americans will report to their local polling place to choose between two old men in a few months.


Articles like this strain the credibility of MSNBC with clickbait headlines. This comes from a conversation regarding cheap imports causing a “ECONOMIC bloodbath” in the automotive industry.

I have NO love for Trump, but for the love of God, save your outrage for something else he’s going to do other than lament the state of the auto industry.

A more honest headline would be “Trump discusses ECONOMIC bloodbath” “Troubles ahead for American autoworkers says Trump”, etc. but of course MSNBC is filled with hacky journalists so they go for maximum outrage, knowing full well that most people only read the headline and that’s it.


zzzz Wake me up when they actually do something

This is so cheap. They want the credit for fixing something without the effort of getting it done


If it’s money for extra bombs for Ukraine or if it’s bank bailouts it can happen really quick. Stop putting people in jail for weed, enh, we’ll get it done “right away”… sure you will.


It isn’t good enough… we have fucking nothing and there’s been chat about this for close to 2 decades.


Big IF. Talk is cheap.


They have time for what they want to have time for. Everything else is just lip service.

Voters don’t have a clue about how much worse Trump’s second term would be (www.inquirer.com)

This BTW is how you involve in the story the reality of what the voters think, which is an important portion of election coverage, while still upholding your basic journalistic responsibility to communicate to people what's actually going on.


You know how the average IQ in the US is 100? Well, consider the giant list of people that fall under that line who are just as qualified to vote as anyone else. Support education folks! The cure is critical thinking.


Question I am too squeamish to answer = non-sequitur


Not explicitly, no, it is not. If anything it would be a continuation of our constitutional federated republic, but that’s not spelled out either.


I don’t know. You would have to ask them.


I’m disappointed but not surprised. American munitions is one of our few industries in great demand worldwide, and lobbyists from arms companies are extremely numerous in DC.


Different viewers take different meanings from that picture. However, I would guess that someone who is extremely anti-Israel would never be captured in a photo like that. From what I know, the above is a genuine image and it is not contested that Trump visited the wall in this manner.


This photo is a publicity shot, nothing more.

Yet, I doubt we would find the leaders of HAMAS taking a similar photo. His participation in this ritual means SOMETHING.


“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself – that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ‘doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.”

― George Orwell, 1984


It’s typically my experience that a great number of people are not entrepreneurial. They just want to show up to work, do their job, get paid and go home. I’m not talking about coercion of anyone to be FORCED to work for a business. I am just trying to understand how this new legislation would work. My hunch that is if this was passed, consumer prices would increase 20%. If you believe otherwise I would like to understand more.


If you reject capitalism, I can see why this bill would be highly uninteresting to you.


The average profit margin in the US is approximately 7%… a 10% margin is considered healthy. Fluctuations in fuel prices DO threaten businesses. That’s why you see fuel/transportation surcharges and price increases.


Thanks for the correction. I believe my overall point still remains valid.


In this scenario, what are you doing to earn the $20?

I own the equipment that produces the widgets. I pay the insurance policy that covers Joe getting injured at work. I pay for distribution and marketing of the widgets. If Joe feels like taking on all these responsibilities, he is free to quit his job and start a competing widget manufacturer.


I used those figures for ease of understanding and easy math. At no point did I believe there was a factory somewhere selling widgets, or that a person named Joe was salaried as he built them. My overall point is that for all economics to remain the same, average productivity per worker per hour must remain the same, otherwise there will be price increases or other economic effects.


Will it result in increased prices? Yes

Awesome, this is the exact point I was trying to make. You can add further arguments that there will be mitigating factors to this, but my reflex was that if this legislation passes, consumers will see price increases.


In manufacturing, there is a piece rate for every SKU. At places I have worked this is a very carefully tracked number, as it will inform the production rate which will then affect inventory. A gain of 20% would be extremely major.

If this ends up working out, awesome. I just fear that cost of living has risen so much lately and this will be weaponized into yet another excuse to charge consumers more. “Of course we have to charge more, our workers are here less!”


“Life of luxury” and “fair share” isn’t the defining situation for tens of thousands of small businesses across the USA.

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