Atelopus-zeteki, to world in Georgia's controversial, Russia-like "foreign agent" bill becomes law after weeks of protests avatar

Georgia, the country. Not that it's any better that this bill became law.

JesusSon, avatar

Those fools in Atlanta have lost their minds!

Atelopus-zeteki, avatar

Yes, but that's another discussion entirely. And it's why they are so much fun to hang with. Little Five Points FTW!!


I mean, it’s world news. Thinking Georgia as a state would be weird.

Atelopus-zeteki, avatar

Both Georgia the country, and Georgia the state of the United States are located on planet Earth. I wanted to make clarification to save people trouble. Is that not ok, with you?


No problem at all. It’s just only people from US would think Georgia as a state at first (naturally), so this information only be useful for them. Also, world news should mention if it’s the state, but no need for the country. If you don’t see that’s being mentioned, you can safely assume it’s the country.

skulblaka, avatar

Us Americans are pretty dumb, unfortunately. I like to think I’m not, and even so really the only reason I clicked into the comments here was to clarify if that meant Georgia the country or Georgia the state because I could absolutely see Georgia the American state trying to run this. I’d expect it more out of Florida but shit’s all fucked up everywhere these days. I appreciated that clarifying comment.


I caught it fine this time, but I’ve been confused before because I generally browse ‘All’ because of the content amount. I don’t always catch the community right away. It’s not an entirely unreasonable mistake.


I wouldn’t call it a mistake but it’s kinda unnecessary for the people outside of US. I won’t deny that it can be useful for people from US though. However mistakes can happen when one don’t check for which community they’re on, it’s quite normal.

The opposite was happening on Reddit. The title didn’t mention the Georgia as a state but the news was about the state, on world news sub. Easiest way to prevent this misunderstanding is to use the title accordingly.


Yeah, I’m not suggesting anything different be done to mitigate, just pointing out what us stupid Americans do sometimes.

Treczoks, to world in U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage

Well, if people travel into a foreign country and don’t even care about the laws of said country (not in detail, just reading the governmental warnings would have been sufficient), they deserve what happens.

Imagine I would travel to the US and would bring along some Kinder surprise eggs by mistake. Would those governors show mercy to me? I don’t think so.


Or just serve alcohol to people of legal drinking age (in your country) along with the Kinder eggs.


Yep. Americans would shit their pants if they saw 14 year olds drinking beer or wine - legally.

BradleyUffner, to politics in Experts doubt Trump will get conviction tossed in "hush money" case despite Supreme Court ruling

The point isn’t to get it thrown out. The point is to delay it until after Trump is elected and takes office.

TurboHarbinger, to privacy in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts

Lots of misconceptions here. Brain waves are just the communication between neurons. This is basically internal wiring, everyone is wired differently. Also nothing gets out of your brain on its own, except heat.

A tool like this can only measure regular patterns between humans and compare them. You will only get are interpretations of your brain status. It can’t read your memories nor know if you’re thinking about eating a burger. At most it will get a “you’re hungry” alert. You can train it to be better at figuring you out (or to do other stuff, like controlling a robot), but you won’t get more without a very invasive direct link to your brain (and more training). Which is more like torture at this point.

This new law is just promoting fear for something they don’t even know if it’s possible or not. Very sci fi law.


Sci fi or not, I kinda want them to get this one figured out ahead of time. It is kinda like assuming that a convicted felon could never be President. You wouldn’t think that rule would need to exist because come on, how could a country possibly want to elect a convicted felon? Its a completely ridiculous notion that could absolutely never happen.


And Im telling you that is practically impossible to read your mind without committing other known already existing crimes. There is a rule already for it, it’s called basic human rights.

When I say sci fi law, it’s because it’s fiction. This new law is against fiction. Your example is for something that’s not fiction. Do you understand the difference? Do you think this politician forwarding this law understands it?

This is more akin to those old laws of banning all alcohol.

Want your privacy? Should force/convince your countries to ban cameras first*.


Is there a downside to having a law like this on the books?

Also, isn’t banning cameras like a mind-blowingly bad idea? That would mean people couldn’t do things like record police committing crimes, hell you wouldn’t even be able to install a dash cam on your car.

TurboHarbinger, (edited )

You’re wasting taxpayers money in fiction and pseudoscience. Every law needs at least one real example of something being done in bad faith or at least proven possible (even if the perpetrator fails at it).

The cameras was just a real example of invasion of privacy. By your logic maybe we need to make laws against time traveling ASAP, considering at any moment time travelers will be more relevant than ever.

You need to start making laws for things that really affects your life right now, instead of fictional maybes.


I mean, you said that camera thing like it was some kind of mic drop lol. I’m also not sure what you mean by “my logic”, since I don’t personally have much of an opinion on the law it’s self, I was just curious why someone would be so vehemently against it. I’m not the original commenter that started this chain.

If it’s a matter of wasted resources, I guess I see your point, but it’s a bit of a reach. I don’t know if it’s as big of a waste as you’re claiming when we have corporations trying to implant customers with brain chips like neuralink, I mean who knows where that technology could go if it ever gets off the ground. Personally I think the Justice system attempting to have a bit of foresight is a good thing.


Me: This new law is against fiction. Your example is for something that’s not fiction. Do you understand the difference?

This is what I mean by your logic. Do you understand the difference between fiction and reality?

I mean, you said that camera thing like it was some kind of mic drop lol

Because surveillance never has been an issue /s. Did you just read the last comment and ignore the rest? One is a real problem, the other is fiction. Do you understand the difference?

Personally I think the Justice system attempting to have a bit of foresight is a good thing

Sure man, let’s make a law about something we know nothing about, what could go wrong.


nothing gets out of your brain on its own, except heat.

I heard a recording of a song made by reading a brain that was thinking that song. It was far from perfect, but you could tell which song it was. I'm no neuroscientist, but if that information can already be plucked from a brain, surely that's proof that reconstructing thoughts is possible to some degree?

TurboHarbinger, (edited )

Nice article, but it’s more like reading stimulus reaction while reconstructing it in a form that’s similar to the original. But it has flaws. Based on the recordings you can make out pretty much any existant song (or memorized recording) but not original thoughts. Everyone can remember the beats of a song, but also everyone makes word associations in different ways, depending on which concepts sticks.

Very cool for an interface tho. It would be possible to use it as base for composers, if it’s possible to interpret original hummings, or beats (what would I know, I’m not a musician), which would require training.

But there is a catch

Continuing to probe musical perception is likely to be difficult because the brain areas that process it are hard to access without invasive methods.

nothing gets out on its own

555, to politics in Maryland Gov. Wes Moore pardons 175,000 marijuana convictions: "This is a really big deal"

I hear Florida is going to put bottled water and pasteurized milk on the illegal drug list

Delusional, to politics in Israel's far-right lashes out at Biden over Gaza war stance as Netanyahu vows Rafah offensive will happen

Israel “Why won’t you just let us murder all these men, women, and children?”


Please stop using anti-israel language. Instead of “men,” say “hamas fighters.” Instead of “women and children,” say “hamas fighters.”

/s in case it wasn’t obvious

Vent, to upliftingnews in FTC bans non-compete agreements, making it easier for workers to quit

And the Chamber of Commerce has already sued the FTC to block the ban and ofc they picked Texas as the state in which to file their lawsuit.…/business-groups-sue-ftc-to-bloc…

Rapidcreek, to politics in New York Attorney General Letitia James opposes company holding Trump's $175 million bond in civil fraud case

Darn but I’m happy that I’m not in Leticia’s gun sights. Speaking of, she’s after the NRA too.


Glad to see that at least some people are doing their jobs in the US Govt.

FenrirIII, avatar

It’s state government. Federal government is still broken beyond repair

rayyy, to politics in Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency

In reality the addled brain orange mobster envisions a “bloodbath” if he is elected.

timewarp, avatar

They really should pick someone better than Biden to run against Trump

Theprogressivist, avatar

Like who?

timewarp, avatar

There are tons of Democrats they could have ran to generate more momentum than Biden. Heck, Michelle Obama could have ran. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would bring out more voters than Biden. Bernie Sanders obviously another great pick.

snooggums, avatar

Blame everyone except the morons who voted for Trump challenge successful!


AOC isn’t even old enough to run. I am thinking you haven’t thought through your argument as thoroughly as you think you have.


The Constitution doesn’t say anything about an age required to run for President, it just says that they have to be at least 35 to be President. She’ll be 35 this October, well before the election.

Besides, I think you’ll find that under-35s can only be barred from the presidency if Congress passes a law because apparently the Constitution doesn’t matter at all. Or something to that effect anyway, I find it hard to play devil’s advocate for that dogshit opinion from the SCOTUS.


Yeah, fair enough. Especially the SC/Constitution-doesn’t-matter-anymore thing. Geez. What a mess we’re in.

Personally, I’d love to see a future Buttigiege/AOC ticket, but I’m not sure how well that would work in a general election. Who knows in 4 years, though?


What a mess we’re in.

Preach, sib.

Who knows in 4 years, though?

Guess we’ll see if we make it to next year first, and go from there! I’ll vote for that ticket, though, if I get the chance.


Michelle Obama is (shouldn’t be, but is) a polarizing figure, especially on the right because she’s both female and black. Putting her as the Dem nominee would likely galvanize and energize the GOP base because heaven forbid a black woman be in the White House.

AOC isn’t old enough yet, and she is considered by many outside of her district as too extreme.

One of the main issues (and IMO, one of the dumbest issues) is age. One of the main complaints from voters is that both Trump and Biden are too old. Bernie Sanders is older than both and has already had multiple runs that didn’t pan out. Sanders would just be considered more of the same if he tried running a third time.

The next pick down would probably be someone like Elizabeth Warren, and Trump would be cramming the “pocohontas” thing down everybody’s throats from day one. There’s also the fact that she’s in her 70s herself, giving more support for the belief that all Dems have are a bunch of out-of-touch retirees during a time when the voting base wants younger people with newer ideas and values.

I’ve said from day one that Biden is going to be looked upon as this generation’s Jimmy Carter: A man who actually achieved a lot but was always looked upon as the “lame duck” president after Nixon/Ford that never got the credit for his accomplishments that he deserves. And that’s pretty much exactly what happened.

timewarp, avatar

You don’t understand why Trump is so popular to the right. The more pissed off and the more the right talk about and attack someone and think with their emotions, the more public attention they get which actually helps that candidate. The Democrats absolutely should have picked a black woman as their candidate. The Republicans wouldn’t be able to resist saying the most vile things constantly and that would equate to non-stop media coverage that actually benefits the Democrats. AOC will be 35 during the election and legal scholars have determined that the age you will be at the time of the election is what matters, not how old you are leading up to the election. She would be a great choice and also get non-stop media coverage as a result of the Republicans hate for her.


You don’t understand why Trump is so popular to the right.

Not the person you’re responding to but I certainly don’t understand their love for him, but that’s probably because I’m not a right wing shill that’s in love with Trump and wants him to win like your posts strongly suggest that you are.

timewarp, avatar

So my posts saying that AOC, Michelle Obama & Bernies Sanders would have been great candidates over Biden somehow tells you that I support Trump? What planet are you living on?


Yep because as it turns out none of those people are running for president, won’t be running for president, and in 2016 there was a whole Russian effort to push “alternative candidates” to Hillary Clinton just like you’re doing.

You’re all about sowing discord and writing “Biden bad” in various ways across various threads, and you strike me as a concern troll trolling for Trump.

timewarp, avatar

Geezus… Why is it that Democrats keep saying, “by advocating for better policies and more progressive ideas you’re a Trump supporter!”

Seriously, are you trying to suggest that Trump is more liberal than Biden or something?

Or are you really just that scared that if everyone you come across doesn’t praise Biden like he is the second coming of Pastrami that he’ll lose? If you’re that scared then write up Biden and tell him he hasn’t done a good enough job yet then cause you are so stressed that you feel the need to make everyone praise him else you’re afraid he’ll lose.


Geezus… Why is it that Democrats keep saying, “by advocating for better policies and more progressive ideas you’re a Trump supporter!”

That’s not even what you’re advocating for, you’re advocating for fantasy land like candidate switches months before the election.

But leave it to you, a person, place, or thing that is definitely not a concern troll, bot, or plant to wait a day and come back with an entirely new argument about why you’re totally not a shill.

timewarp, avatar

I hate to break it to you, but everyone that disagrees with you isn’t a Russian bot or shill… some people just want to see more from the Democrats, and Biden ain’t cutting it.


I hate to break it to you, but you switch arguments every twenty seconds and basically advocate for Trump and then call yourself a “leftist”.

You are a shill.

timewarp, avatar

Never have I advocated for Trump. You live in your own dimension where facts don’t matter.


oh yes, i remember Genocide Jimmy

SoupBrick, to politics in Major news organizations urge Biden, Trump to commit to presidential debates

Give the moderator a mute button and I would watch it. It would be neat if they live captioned the bs trump was yelling about while muted.

reverendsteveii, to world in U.K. police find $568 million of cocaine hidden in bananas, shattering drug-seizure record

if one shipment has 6 tons of coke in it the manufacturing and smuggling apparatus has to be huge. that’s half a billion dollars on one roll of the dice. how many multi-ton shipments got through? at what point do we admit that drug prohibition has never prevented anyone who wanted drugs from getting them and just give up?

AsherahTheEnd, to lgbtq_plus in Biden pardons LGBTQ+ service members convicted for sexual orientation

Fucking depressing they were even convicted in the first place. I fucking hate this world.

SuddenDownpour, to world in U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage

Americans complaining about the detention: “My countries’ laws are fine and the very standard of reason. All of you other countries should chill out!”

Zaktor, to politics in Israel's far-right lashes out at Biden over Gaza war stance as Netanyahu vows Rafah offensive will happen

other Israelis worry their leaders are losing the vital war for global support.

The time to worry about that was a while back, before other western countries talked about arms restrictions and their primary supporter and supplier publicly told them no. They were riding the high of Biden sticking with them as other sentiment turned rather than recognizing they were pushing that relationship to the breaking point.

empireOfLove2, to politics in Major news organizations urge Biden, Trump to commit to presidential debates avatar

A very simple response.

“The United States does not negotiate with terrorists.”

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