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Dude literally staged a coup to stay in power and we are debating whether or not he’s too much of a racist or antisemite to be President again.


I’m squidward in this one (EDIT: and occasionally sponge bob).


There’s something in the contrast between the high percentages of the “best country in the world” people that generally populate the US vs the lived experience of being in America and noticing the myriad ways in which it is decidedly not the fucking best.

That contrast is a killer, and I think adds to the motivation people have to shit on it.


The argument that Hillary is responsible for Trump is pretty ridiculous. The Republican primary for 2016 was a clown car full of losers nobody liked and Trump won through a series of plurality victories because the GOP is full of power hungry narcissists.

Notably in 2020, early on it was looking like the Democrats were going to nominate Bernie in the same way. He was winning early primary contests by plurality. But the Democrats circled their wagons and lined up behind Biden.

Hillary Clinton barely had a grip on the Democratic party in 2016. She lost significant mindshare and support to a relative unknown at the time (Bernie). She certainly wasn’t powerful enough to pick who she ran against.

Biden also didn’t to my knowledge discuss the Republican primary very much if at all. For a while he was giving Trump the Voldemort treatment and not even referring to him by name.

aesthelete, (edited )

The right has many.

LOL…the right has one. As someone who is relatively a-political, I perceive much more pressure to “be a manly man” (whatever the fuck that is…I guess DRIVE TRUCK, EAT MEAT, FOOT EVERY BALL, LIFT EVERY WEIGHT, JESUS, NO MASK! NO VACCINE! and PUFF OUT CHEST) than I do to “not be a white man” but I guess I don’t spend all day in my basement worrying about what people with anime profile pictures are posting on Xitter, nor watch the big, angry puffed chest man underground truth news featuring screamy mc redface rant about it nightly…so I’m not as black pilled as you are.

aesthelete, (edited )

Dude, a wide variety of entertainers and lots of other wildly successful people are loosely affiliated with the left.

They’re just too busy doing other stuff instead of screaming into a camera and uploading it on YouTube.

The people you listed aren’t even role models. They’re talking heads. They’re pundits. “The left” depending upon how you define “the left” has those too.

I must admit though that I misread the post I originally replied to. I thought he was talking about how “the right” has many archetypes or blueprints or something for being a man. It doesn’t. It has one stereotype and it wants everyone to be that. However, that’s a different discussion entirely so my apologies.


It’s funny how this headline is exclusively about what Trump would do to pro-palestinian demonstrators, which comports completely with what he was doing to or wanted to do to George Floyd protestors, and yet the comments are mostly about… Joe Biden?

Stay classy, Lemmy.


This leans right into Americans’ short attention spans and inability to understand nuance or complicated subjects.

I mean large swaths of the country chirp “America is the best” or “America is #1” without ever even taking a second to ask what it is we’re even “the best” at.


This country is jam packed full of morons.


He’s running to stay out of prison.


This sounds like something Michael Scott from the Office would say.


I share their opinion but also wish more people would care about metrics other than gdp and stock market indexes when a Republican is in office.

The news babbles about the real economy and how we’re on the brink of a recession tirelessly whenever a Democrat is in the presidency, then magically when a Republican is even just elected (not even in office yet) all of those “meaningless” numbers are suddenly meaningful, and it turns out there’s actually nothing wrong with using unemployment numbers, the GDP, and the Dow Jones index to determine economic health, even as more go homeless.

The only well-known politician I’ve seen talk consistently about this regardless of the party in the white house is Bernie.


Another way to read this: 60% of a batshit conservative state even think Noem is guilty of animal abuse.


It was two xl bully Yorkies I’m guessing.


Slammed duh duh dut duh duh dut let the boys be boys

Trump Demands Biden Take a Drug Test Before Debating and Claims the President Was ‘High as a Kite’ During the State of the Union (

“I just wanna debate this guy, but you know– and I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said as the audience cheered. “I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite.”


Proof that Trump actually is the Adderall addict he’s rumored to be.


Be strong like me: a woman who has to put on armor and carry a gun in order to be anywhere with lines painted on the road, drive a six ton tank vehicle, put up cameras everywhere, live in the middle of nowhere, requires militarized bathroom police to protect me from trans people, and wants the entire Mexican border covered in razor and electrical wire.


It sure seems that way. Our country is full of idiots.


If he gets in again, I’m going to just completely ignore the news.


The nonviolent kind. People who made dumb mistakes breaking bullshit laws. It’s not something I pay much attention to so I don’t have a list to rattle off, but they certainly exist.

Part of the problem with this stance is that the US has a knack for also locking up innocent people.

Take this, for instance, where they coerced a confession, locked up a Dad for 8 months, and the actual perp left a pair of shoes with his name written in them at the fucking scene:


Probably Xandan. I’m not familiar at all with the case but I know the state thinks in every case every accused person is guilty and therefore we shouldn’t care about their human rights any longer because they are forfeit.

But the reality is that we’re all deserving of rights and basic human decency, even the worst offenders, because treating people who committed horrific crimes horribly does nothing to undo those crimes and multiplies them, and it allows anyone who has been framed for doing something awful to be treated the same way even if you think “an eye for an eye” barbary is any way to solve things, which I do not.

There are many reasons why inhumane treatment of prisoners is wrong, and the chance that the person is actually innocent is only one of those.


Police coerce “confessions” out of people pretty often. People swear up and down that they’d never confess like that, but it’s hard to know until you’re in the situation yourself.

There is a way out too: say lawyer and refuse to talk to them.

The guy’s mental state was likely in the toilet, and then they sweated him for hours at the station.


But I don’t see it ever getting better - as it stands right now, the Republican party will only continue getting crazier and more extreme, until there are no more elections.

Them continually getting stomped in elections until they don’t hold any meaningful power anymore would make them eventually have to moderate. I don’t know that that’s what will happen, as we seem to be stuck in the American cycle of dismay with the ruling party turning into support for the out-of-power party no matter how terrible the out-of-power party is.

But what I think it would look like is like what happened to Democrats trying to grab the Presidency during the Reagan era. They got stomped enough times in a row nationally that they basically had to change their party platform to appeal to Reagan voters.


But what’s the likelihood of that happening?

I’m not sure. I wouldn’t bet on it either and don’t think it’s very likely to happen. They may have found a bridge too far for even their voters with the abortion ban stuff though. Theirs is an exceedingly unpopular opinion, and the more action they take to make abortion completely illegal without even exemptions for shit like rape and incest, the more I think they’ll find themselves unelectable.

And even if he’s not, and he dies in the next couple of years - his fascist movement will not end with him.

I agree with the rest of what you’re saying, however, on this point I have a difference of opinion.

I don’t think fascism is an easily organized type of government. In my view, it’s essentially a cult of personality in politics and a single autocrat is essential to its continued function. It’s a type of retro-fitted monarchy where you have “dear leader” installed at the top and he cannot be removed except through death or exile.

One of the major problems with monarchies, autocracies, and even the mob (and sometimes business) is succession plans. These forms of organization can be stable for a while, but they tend to fall apart entirely or fizzle out at least somewhat once the central figure goes into the ground.

The Republican Party largely would’ve preferred to move on from Donald Trump probably as soon as he lost in 2020, but the populist dynamics are not allowing it to happen. “His base” is still his. Your Rons Desantis and your Nikkis Haley are no match for his cult of personality.

If he were to die, the people who voted for him that outlived him would still be alive, but I think they’d have a large amount of difficulty finding another leader to follow in exactly the same way. They’d likely split in their support for other leaders and their “movement” would be greatly damaged as a result.


They ask questions, because if it was up to the Democrats, they’d just send, send, send…

Sounds like you, who rolled all up and down this thread and c&ped this same bullshit and hit “send send send”.


Why would I say Donald Trump is a piece of shit? Alright, Donald Trump is a piece of shit.


Ah who cares about actual reality when we can have a “Biden = bad” stroke off contest?

Nevermind the fact that prior to 2016 most people’s lives in the US weren’t a daily slog through a political hell scape, here’s Internet Johnny to remind you that the US has always been this fascist and at each other’s throats so it’s fine actually if Trump wins. Nevermind your lying eyes, ears, and memory.


You don’t understand why Trump is so popular to the right.

Not the person you’re responding to but I certainly don’t understand their love for him, but that’s probably because I’m not a right wing shill that’s in love with Trump and wants him to win like your posts strongly suggest that you are.


Yep because as it turns out none of those people are running for president, won’t be running for president, and in 2016 there was a whole Russian effort to push “alternative candidates” to Hillary Clinton just like you’re doing.

You’re all about sowing discord and writing “Biden bad” in various ways across various threads, and you strike me as a concern troll trolling for Trump.


Geezus… Why is it that Democrats keep saying, “by advocating for better policies and more progressive ideas you’re a Trump supporter!”

That’s not even what you’re advocating for, you’re advocating for fantasy land like candidate switches months before the election.

But leave it to you, a person, place, or thing that is definitely not a concern troll, bot, or plant to wait a day and come back with an entirely new argument about why you’re totally not a shill.


I hate to break it to you, but you switch arguments every twenty seconds and basically advocate for Trump and then call yourself a “leftist”.

You are a shill.


If you don’t threaten to withhold your vote from people who are committing genocide then why the fuck would they stop

TIL I’m in Israel and not the US.


By any standard, this Presidency has been a failure.

Yep so let’s help elect an actual fascist that says he’ll finish the job in Gaza, has never seen a corrupt dollar that he didn’t want deposited in his bank account, wants to shoot protestors, extrajudicially executed antifa in the Pacific Northwest with federal goons, wants to be a dictator “only on day one”, and has already attempted to overthrow the government because he didn’t like the way an election turned out.

Also, nevermind the fact that in a global pandemic the fucking guy wanted us to inject disinfectant, said the disease would go away like magic, had store shelves so empty we were wiping our asses with our hands, and had his administration steal crucial supplies from frontline workers to auction off around the country.

Also set aside that he will let Russia steamroll Ukraine and will probably try to get the US out of NATO.

And that he’s been indicted with something like 90 criminal counts and a dozen or more civil cases, some of which have already rendered judgements against him.

And nevermind the non-stop craziness of the general population when he was originally elected in 2016 who while flying his flag ran over protestors with their cars, screamed at people on airlines, went to pizza places with weaponry demanding answers.

Biden didn’t singlehandedly turn everything around from it being a country on active fire in four years, so let’s put Trump back in to finish the job both abroad and here at home.

We’ll be a nice smoldering pile of rubble by next election season.

– 💩🔥🇺🇸


I mean in an ideal democracy voting for the party you actually like wouldn’t just lead to the party you hate the most getting more power.

But we’re in this democracy, in which the left of Hitler party has to carry the national vote by basically over 50% to get over the system rigged against it electing candidates (i.e. the electoral college).

Everyone’s quick to hate on Democrats gaming the system, but the party actually gaming the system needs a lot less votes in order to “win” an election.

I understand moaning about the situation, but doing anything but voting Biden for president in our system is unambiguously helping Trump win.


Trump got into office in 2016 because no matter what Republican was put up there it was pretty likely that they’d be elected.

If we’re going to hold our political representatives to a higher standard, why don’t we start with the party nominating people who attempted to overthrow the government for president?

Why is it always that every couple of election cycles we have this hand wringing bullshit that helps Republicans get back into the white house?

I genuinely don’t understand the “leftists” in this country who vanish every four or eight years, and then get engaged in the political process again after four or eight years of a Republican predictably not giving a single shit about any of their thoughts at all. I get not wanting to endorse US involvement in Gaza, but the only viable alternative will pay no mind to not only mowing down civilians in Gaza, but his political opposition here in the US as well.

Outside of all of the political issues of the day, the vanishing left who is unreliable at voting has done a number on climate change policy over the decades which they seem to pretend matters only every second or third election cycle.

Republican voters reliably hold their nose and vote to the point where they keep white house control even with the worst possible walking obscenities as candidates. But God forbid a leftist take twenty minutes out of their day and vote for someone who isn’t 100% aligned with their politics.

The right wing plays the long game while the left wing pisses and moans about politicians being politicians and doesn’t reliably show up to vote, and in the end we all lose.


It’s fine, go and vote for rfk jr. 👍

I’m used to the left in this country being a bunch of ineffectual whiny losers awaiting their pie in the sky candidate while some vile Republican monstrosity wins a term in the oval office by promising to fart on every Mexican puppy or whatever.


Nah, I don’t pretend every 4-8 years to be some awesome “leftist” organizer that’s going to take down capitalism.

aesthelete, (edited )

Yeah I voted for a better one when they had an actual primary in 2020. It turns out that primary is over.

All the “leftists” must’ve sat that one out (as they often do because they’re whiny babies that don’t reliably participate in the political process yet want all of their dreams to come true), because they always tell me that we’re an overwhelmingly progressive country yet they lost to Biden. 🤷


Anyone else sick and tired of these articles?


It’s not enough that we have to live with their terrible choices in politics, subsidize their localities, and put up with their biggest assholes screaming at us in public about who the current president is for some reason, we have to completely understand and commiserate with that worldview and pretend that we too would’ve been just like them if we had the misfortune of growing up in the same dusty coal mine town we imagine they did.

I mean fucking Beyoncé is making country albums, I think all of America is well aware of rural white people.

Iran launches drone attack against Israel as Biden rushes to White House (

Iran said it launched dozens of drones and ballistic missiles towards Israel on Saturday in a major attack following days of acute tension building up in the region and warnings from the US and elsewhere about a wider conflict erupting....


This attack is over hyped and kinda lame

I feel so sorry for you, Internet poster, that this war isn’t living up to entertainment standards.


Biden bad!

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