gbin, to upliftingnews in Teens come up with trigonometry proof for Pythagorean Theorem, a problem that stumped math world for centuries

So so so so many ads in that page that I genuinely lost the article in the middle, that’s a first.


I didn’t see a single ad, I’m using this:…/ublock-origin/


Will that work on my pixelgooglephone?


Yes, Mozilla has had a browser on android for a while now. It also has many of the same privacy addons as the PC version


Yes just install Firefox and the ublock addon.


Not to beat the point to death, but I’m using FF and UBO on a stock Pixel 7a. I’m browsing Lemmy using Sync, which means i need to purposefully open the link in Firefox, or it uses the Sync built in browser


But if your default browser is Firefox then sync uses a webview based on that. With uBO.


I checked my settings in Sync. The default browser is set to internal at the moment

moitoi, avatar

Default browser in Android, not Sync.


Pictures are better than words current settings browser on OP’s link browser (Firefox) on OP’s link

Whatever internal browser Sync is using, it isn’t Firefox. My default browser on my device is Firefox.

moitoi, avatar

I thought about in the Android settings:

Settings -> Apps -> Default apps -> Browser app

But, Sync could directly call the Chrome package name (hard coded), which would be a d*ck move and shit design.

Normally, Android uses as “Custom tab” the default browser in the Android Settings.


¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯ dunno how it’s coded but i figured the pictures could help clarify. It’s probably part of the reason you see some on here complain about ads on linked websites. I will say that it makes me appreciate FF and UBO even more. The current state of the Web is pretty shite

moitoi, avatar

The screenshots helped. I have Sync for Reddit installed on my phone, and the app opens Firefox without asking which browser I want to use. I don’t have a default browser and uninstalled Chrome.

This behavior with your screenshots made me think about hard coded method to call Chrome custom tab. It can also be how Android handles browsers.


Why aren’t you using an ad block?


I love when pages or websites have so much bloat, ads and bs that it’s actually a huge effort to try and use their site, but then if you use an adblocker to actually be able to use their site, you get notices like OHH NOO YOU ARE USING AN ADBLOCK WE ARE SO SAD PLEASE DISABLE AND HELP US PAY FOR INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM yadayada… lol please. Hypocrites. If good marketing is all about removing user friction, I don’t understand why they add this much friction as ads and spam.

CrabAndBroom, to politics in McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism

Mitch McConnell would happily sell his country into fascism for literally no good reason at all. He’s retiring soon and is rich enough to want for nothing for the rest of his life - he gains nothing of lasting value from this.

Few people in history have been granted the amount of power and opportunity he’s had to improve people’s lives, and he’s chosen make them immeasurably worse at every turn.

A wasted life, a wasted career and all he’ll leave behind is a broken world that would have been better off if he’d never been in it.


Mitch McConnell would did happily sell his country into fascism for literally no good reason at all.



And he’s only going to be capable of experiencing the results for another couple years at most. He’s a few steps away from a walking vegetable.


It’s like that demotivational poster:

“Sometimes the purpose of one’s life is to serve as a warning to others.”

Badeendje, to world in More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say avatar

What is a pilgrimage without risk and suffering.

NounsAndWords, to politics in Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency

He’s all but said exactly this…and he may have actually said it.


He did, and he is framing it as if it was illegitimate to go after him as he was “innocent” and they did it anyways, so when he locks them all up for no reason, it’s all good, because and eye for an eye…

Scary times.

livus, to world in Israel, U.S. believe Iran is about to retaliate for Israeli bombing of Syria consulate, officials say avatar

And by "believe" we mean "want", in the case of Israel.

Netanyahu is attacking Israel's neighbours because he's trying to drag more countries into this mess.

Once that happens, the US will get further involved and the Israeli genocide against Palestinian civilians becomes just one front rather than the focal point.


“Want” in the case of the US too mind you!

What’s a bit of murder if it brings in the 🤑🤑💰💰💰💰

Ranger, to lgbtq_plus in Biden pardons LGBTQ+ service members convicted for sexual orientation

The fact that he waited until right before his reelection campaign to do this is fucked, there’s no reason he couldn’t have done this day one of his presidency, Obama could have done this day one of his presidency.

SpeakinTelnet, avatar

Whoever does best right before the election has better chances to be elected. We have the same issue in Canada. The prime minister of Quebec is just sending relief checks right before the elections as if it wasn’t clear voter buyout.


On the other hand, these veterans being pardoned 4 years earlier could potentially have cost Biden the election, cost America democracy, cost trans Americans their freedom, and cost West Bank Palestinians their lives. It’s a fucked up calculus but I can’t say I disagree. I blame this failure on the short memories of voters and on those who are working to make a Trump presidency happen.


I’m sorry, what?

The_Picard_Maneuver, to privacy in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts avatar

Excuse me, what kind of technology…?


Watch the video, there is more information about it.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

I just read the article and will definitely be watching the video when I can. What a wild story.

TheBigBrother, (edited )

I believe it should work with some kind of brain waves(telepathy?), apparently some kind of device you put in your head and it read information from your brain, the spooky question would be if there is a way to make a device like that to be able to read information from someone’s brain remotely. IDK this looks like a bad idea but anyway it’s already here, according to the information I believe there will be more places where law get updated about it.

Edit: maybe it could be used for interrogation also, I mean you could know if someone it’s saying the truth or not by reading their brain.


Reading thoughts remotely is a no-go, you need very precise measurements of the brain's electrical activity and that just can't be done with distant sensors.


Maybe there are people who have more powerful brain waves or something… like some kind of abnormality who can make they more likely to be remote targets…


I'm no expert in biology but the way I understand it our brains all work in roughly the same way, so I don't think that would be possible.


Yeah TBH I didn’t know a fuck about that, anyway let’s see what happens in the coming years.


Brains transmit/change state (a.k.a. think) using electricity. It’s basically a flesh computer. You can’t read thoughts without being able to measure the brain’s electrical/chemical activity. If you had any theoretically possible mind-reading (and by extension mind-controlling) technology, it would still need to physically connect to your neurons or something…

That being said, I don’t imagine it’d be too hard for sci-fi future folk to stick a chip in every newborn’s brain from the get-go. But that’s a future too far from now, we’ll all be dead by then probably.


No, the sensor will be in the brain, it will just transmit encrypted packets of the information it collects over WiFi or microwave.

If they can read your brain, this is a very simple exercise


Kinda like how they threw that lady in jail in India based on brain scans. It wasn’t remotely done, but that didn’t matter.

Also, Davos 2016 had a discussion on all the “social justice” applications they could use brain scan technology on. Nevermind stuff like roughly reconstructing the movie you just watched. And, by now, they’ve had plenty of time to come up with more fun ways to apply this technology.

TheBat, avatar

Letting your neighbour know exactly what you think about his wife.

LordWiggle, to world in Missing mother found dead inside 16-foot-long python after it swallowed her whole in Indonesia avatar

16 foot. With that many feet, it’s not a snake but a centipede imo.

FunderPants, to politics in Trump campaign says it raised $52.8 million after guilty verdict in fundraising blitz

Lol, yea just give your money to a convicted fraudster.


Who even had his charity shut down for fraud. Too many scams to keep track of.


That’s clearly been his strategy. Flood the zone so the big crimes are less noticeable, or less shocking.

gAlienLifeform, to politics in In 2 years since Russia's invasion, a U.S. program has resettled 187,000 Ukrainians with little controversy avatar

We could do the exact same thing for migrants from the global south fleeing gang violence and climate change and repressive governments and all the rest, but we won’t because the US is a racist country


"They're gunna take er jerbs"

"I see, so you're really wanting to do drywalling, masonry, landscaping, roofing, or janitorial work?"

"Well, no..."

FlyingSquid, to world in More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say avatar

It’s June in Saudi Arabia. I’m surprised it’s not way higher than that every time.


they do a good job cooling the place, the floors are cooled and there’s a lot of water sprayed everywhere and lots of fans and stuff, with the number of people going there there needs to be ample preparation.


Actually it’s June here too, what a coincidence!

FlyingSquid, avatar



So what you’re saying is that the earth is flat.

Rapidcreek, to politics in U.S. surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis

Right wing meltdown in 3-2-1


As if they’re ever not melting down.


Will there be a gun rebate now? I need to protect myself from this public crisis

JTskulk, to world in More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say

Allah works in mysterious ways.


Religion murdered these people.

theacharnian, avatar

The Hajj has been taking place over 1000 years. Hyper-aggro heatwaves in June is a new thing however. It wasn’t religion, it was climate change.


Then the religion should adapt to the climate.


Climate change is caused by religion, specifically capitalism


Yeah and all the communist states are super ecologically friendly, oh no you don’t belive they are communist do you? Handy.

But let’s imagine a perfectly communist society, are workers all able to heat their house? Able to travel freely? Enjoy hobbies? If you answered yes to these then your either going to need magic or energy.

You can’t just pretend capitalism is responsible for everything bad, unchecked consumption can happen in any system as can over production, ecological destruction, and all sorts of potential problems. I would love to transition to a decent type of communism but I’m not going to pretend it’ll fix the climate on its own.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Yeah and all the communist states are super ecologically friendly

Historically, planned economies have had a better track record preserving ecologies and building sustainable infrastructure. That’s largely because the economic planners deal with long-term timelines (five year plans being the standard) rather than quarterly business cycles.

When you’re running a logging company and you have to ask where you’re going to get your next batch of trees in five years or fifty years, you engage in more sustainable harvesting practices than a for-profit fly-by-night that only cares about growing the number of trees chopped down after every round of investment is depleted.

You can’t just pretend capitalism is responsible for everything bad

Capitalists do a much better job of scaling up industrial infrastructure rapidly, because they do fixate on the short term much more narrowly. Profit-driven practices have rapidly converted our coal-based electricity economy to a natural gas economy. And private speculation has created a booming industry for new technologies - from batteries to cryptocurrencies to LLMs.

But when you run up against the limits of your natural resource supplies, that rapid growth isn’t an economic advantage anymore. You generate far more waste than your communist peers. You spark lots of international conflicts attempting to increase your rate of extraction. And you end up with a very top-heavy unprofessional administrative state, as power consolidates into the hands of financialized aristocrats with little real expertise in the businesses they administer.

In the modern moment, that produces a lot of problems directly attributable to capitalist business practices.

I would love to transition to a decent type of communism but I’m not going to pretend it’ll fix the climate on its own.

If the US were to adopt more Communist-championed energy, housing, and transportation policies, it would immediately benefit the global climate.

theacharnian, avatar

why are you suddenly attacking me lol

theacharnian, avatar

So let me ask you. When some Russians stripped people of their clothes and made them march into the frozen tundra, do you really believe those Russians werent guilty of murder, it was all the tundra’s fault?


The Hajj has been taking place over 1000 years.

With people dying on it, yeah. Religion is why they’re making the trip to the desert


They all know the consequences and they think God will protect them from whatever… Yeah, religion killed them.


Yeah that would be a good story and support some preconceived notions but Mecca has always been incredibly hot, you can’t just rewrite history to suit the message you want to send.

theacharnian, avatar

Precisely. Mecca has always been incredibly hot and yet pilgrims have not been dropping like flies. Ostensibly because over the centuries certain common religious/pilgrimage practices have helped them cope with the heat. But when climate change moves the needle to 11, those centuries old religious/pilgrimage practices no longer work to protect people.

That is the message I’m trying to send; what’s yours?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Mecca has always been incredibly hot

What even is the difference between 40°C and 50°C? They’re both “incredibly hot” aren’t they? Quit your complaining.

theacharnian, avatar

I have no idea if you’re joking or not.


When a skydiver died skydiving, do you really blame the pilot of the airplane that got him up there? These are adults who choose to believe in fairytales


Did the pilot push them out without a parachute? Then yes.

If religion starts condemning people doing this, then they won’t be responsible.



Atelopus-zeteki, to world in Georgia's controversial, Russia-like "foreign agent" bill becomes law after weeks of protests avatar

Georgia, the country. Not that it's any better that this bill became law.

JesusSon, avatar

Those fools in Atlanta have lost their minds!

Atelopus-zeteki, avatar

Yes, but that's another discussion entirely. And it's why they are so much fun to hang with. Little Five Points FTW!!


I mean, it’s world news. Thinking Georgia as a state would be weird.

Atelopus-zeteki, avatar

Both Georgia the country, and Georgia the state of the United States are located on planet Earth. I wanted to make clarification to save people trouble. Is that not ok, with you?


No problem at all. It’s just only people from US would think Georgia as a state at first (naturally), so this information only be useful for them. Also, world news should mention if it’s the state, but no need for the country. If you don’t see that’s being mentioned, you can safely assume it’s the country.

skulblaka, avatar

Us Americans are pretty dumb, unfortunately. I like to think I’m not, and even so really the only reason I clicked into the comments here was to clarify if that meant Georgia the country or Georgia the state because I could absolutely see Georgia the American state trying to run this. I’d expect it more out of Florida but shit’s all fucked up everywhere these days. I appreciated that clarifying comment.


I caught it fine this time, but I’ve been confused before because I generally browse ‘All’ because of the content amount. I don’t always catch the community right away. It’s not an entirely unreasonable mistake.


I wouldn’t call it a mistake but it’s kinda unnecessary for the people outside of US. I won’t deny that it can be useful for people from US though. However mistakes can happen when one don’t check for which community they’re on, it’s quite normal.

The opposite was happening on Reddit. The title didn’t mention the Georgia as a state but the news was about the state, on world news sub. Easiest way to prevent this misunderstanding is to use the title accordingly.


Yeah, I’m not suggesting anything different be done to mitigate, just pointing out what us stupid Americans do sometimes.

Treczoks, to world in U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage

Well, if people travel into a foreign country and don’t even care about the laws of said country (not in detail, just reading the governmental warnings would have been sufficient), they deserve what happens.

Imagine I would travel to the US and would bring along some Kinder surprise eggs by mistake. Would those governors show mercy to me? I don’t think so.


Or just serve alcohol to people of legal drinking age (in your country) along with the Kinder eggs.


Yep. Americans would shit their pants if they saw 14 year olds drinking beer or wine - legally.

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