stoly, to world in U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage

How about the governors suggest that their residents don’t travel internationally with ammunition?


It is very unlikely these people were carrying ammo.


Then how did they find ammo and why have several admitted they brought the ammo and “forgot”?

Sounds like you’re full of shit.


Why is this not happenong at the same rate elsewhere?

People also admit to many things they never did while in custody.

Something fishy is happening here.

cupcakezealot, avatar

or americans just are arrogant and think they’re untouchable. see fay, michael and singapore.


see fay, michael and singapore.

I almost forgot that asshole. No one outside the US thought the intervention was warranted. Case in point: the Swiss vandal in 2010


People also admit to many things they never did while in custody.

Do people? Is that the thing?

Okay. Um, while in custody I never … hopped on one leg.

But why is admitting to things we’ve never done in custody a thing?


I do not ageee with the poster you respond to, but false confessions are a serious problem. Often (in the US) they arise from hours long interrogations without a lawyer, in which police are allowed to lie about the evidence they have. This leads to situations where a suspect feels like they are done for even if they didn’t commit a crime. When a plea deal is then put in front of them which they are told would be much preferable to getting sentenced without it, they sign and admit to a crime they never committed. It shouldn’t happen but is a thing that unfortunately does occur.

That said, I doubt it being the case here.


Yeah, the Brits (since it is a British territory) have been trying to frame every single American to put them in jail since the rebellion!


This happens in other Caribbean countries too. If you were to fly to Bermuda or Grenada you’d get in trouble for carrying this stuff.


Per the article ‘Four of the detained Americans have admitted they brought the ammunition — but by mistake.’


they admit to it.

Ryan Watson, 40, of Oklahoma, a father of two who was most recently arrested for unknowingly having ammo in his bag on April 12, remains on the island. Both men previously told Fox News Digital that they had the ammo in their bags from prior hunting trips.

Michael Lee Evans, 72, pleaded guilty to having ammunition in his bag on April 24, according to local news outlet the Turks & Caicos Sun. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for June 18.

why are you fabricating bullshit?


I’m not fabricating anything. I’m skeptical that a bunch of irresponsible gun nuts keep getting caught in a nation no irresponsible gun nut has ever heard of, while somehow avoiding capture everywhere else.

Its also strange to me that people on a site all about ACAB when it comes to their own nations are not throwing that skepticism to a nation they also have likely never heard of.


You stated: It is very unlikely these people were carrying ammo.

they admitted to carrying the ammo.

look buddy just because you’re not familiar with the turks doesn’t mean it’s not real. your lack of experience and geography knowledge doesn’t poof it out of existence.……/san-antonio-guns-stolen-cars-1…

you really think the gun nuts put that much thought into storage and care for their firearms and associated material huh?

what a buffoon.


I like that I reference the fact that irresponsible gun owners suddenly flocking end masse to a place they wouldn’t have hears of turns into you accusing me of having never hears of that place.

Like… What? Okay.

I get it, you like to argue on the internet and being mr. Smarty pants is super important to you. But at least make sense.


I like that I reference the fact that irresponsible gun owners suddenly flocking end masse to a place they wouldn’t have hears of turns into you accusing me of having never hears of that place.

en masse.

not end.

why the fuck would people flock to a place they’d never heard of? do you stop to read the shit you’re writing?

I don’t like to argue on the internet, I like to point out how stupid, inane, and poorly constructed your arguments are. I’m sorry, but I don’t have the time or crayons to draw you a picture so it’d make sense to you.


I think you should be taking your anger out on your mother, not randos on the internet, or therapy.

Or go back to reddit. Have a good night.


I think you should be taking your anger out on your mother,

yikes. you got issues man.


Don’t feed the troll (or idiot)


yeah blocked after that, no good arguments.


As a bystander, thanks for that reminder (that it’s very easy to block people on Lemmy).


sometimes it’s the best thing to do all things considered.


Back at ya, Batman.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Dude. They admitted they had the ammo.


I mean there was some Nazi guy caught masturbating to gay porn and his Nazi supporters now claim it’s the Jew provocation. Do you really expect a different outcome here?


It’s part of the Jewish agenda to turn our white supremacists gay.


Happens all the time!

throbbing_banjo, avatar

“I have never heard of this country, therefore any arrest made there is a conspiracy.”

Your logic is flawless, way to go


…i never said that.

aodhsishaj, to upliftingnews in Teens come up with trigonometry proof for Pythagorean Theorem, a problem that stumped math world for centuries

This happened a while ago, and even more uplifting is Ne’Kiya Jackson got into college by doing this!…/making-the-impossible-possible-nekiya-…

Rapidcreek, to politics in Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency

We should all anticipate that.

gAlienLifeform, avatar
timewarp, avatar

Right… I mean, to be quite honest… if Biden/Trump in 2024 is the best they can come up with, maybe something like that will waken up the Democrats to actual consequences when they continue to run such shitty candidates.


for sure. just like the lesson the Catholic Centre Party learned in 1932. so worth it.

timewarp, avatar

The reason we got Trump in the first place is cause of the DNC and corporate Democrats that wanted him to win over Bernie. They just had Rachel Maddow and all the feelings-over-reality shills on the left working overtime to convince their party that it was somehow Bernie supporters fault.


Not really. The reason we got him is the people who voted for him. I was a bernie supported but I voted hilary. there is plenty of time to fix the democrats or completely eliminate the republicans and we will get a new second party anyway as dems are always pretty ready to fracture. Republicans winning is the only thing keeping dems at statis quo.


You’re lucky you’re saying this stupid shit here and not in other communities where that type of bullshit propaganda isn’t tolerated.

But you know that already, don’t you? That’s why there’s so many of you here.

timewarp, avatar

Propaganda? It’s the truth and the DNC admitted it in court.


They wanted him to win because he COULD win. Bernie couldn’t. I say this as someone that aggressively supported Bernie.

The problem is that you don’t understand what’s at stake, so you can rest on your single-issue outrage and think you’re in a place to demand better.

You’re not in that place. The rest of us know that, but you refuse to listen. So you and others like you will do what you did in 2016- fold your arms and throw a temper tantrum.

This is how Trump will win.

timewarp, avatar

Bernie couldn’t win. Tell that to Hillary… cause she sure did lose and is why Trump got into office in the first place. Don’t forget the DNC admitted that they had a “right” to sabotage Bernie, because they had no obligation to be impartial.


Okay man, I’m not going to argue with you. But not voting is a dumb way to express disapproval.

End of story.

timewarp, avatar

Okay… So voting third party is okay in your eyes. Good to know.


Look kid, do what you want. You’re clearly incapable of seeing history repeating itself here because you haven’t lived through it long enough-

So make your mistakes and hope there’s a democracy remaining that will forgive you for it later on down the road.

I’m done arguing with you.

timewarp, avatar

I don’t know what you think… that I won’t vote for Biden given that is my only choice, or that people can’t talk bad about Biden and the state of the DNC else Trump might win. If you believe the latter, then you should rethink who you’re upset with.


Because my point was very clearly stated to call out the idiots that are here suggesting that people shouldn’t vote.

And you’re here defending them.

It’s not a big stretch to assume that you’re full of shit and just here to argue on behalf of the propagandists.

I’m done discussing this with you, so go ahead and have the last word. I’ve made my point.


Seriously, does anyone believe this? Trump is the DNC fault? Ridiculous. It’s certainly not the RNCs fault or republican voters for choosing him. And it’s certainly not the voters fault for voting for him, or people protest voting because they don’t want a woman or whatever. No, it’s not even the electoral colleges fault! It’s the DNC for not pushing Bernie. I can’t believe I voted for the leopards eating faces party and now my face is eaten! Damn you Hillary!

timewarp, avatar


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  • LadyMeow,

    So instead of addressing anything I wrote you move the goalposts and start hurling insults? Like sure, it would be great if we can go forward and hold the powers that be accountable for shady crap, but how is that relevant to this election? Unless of course your goal is really to sow dissent and try to get trump elected.

    Are you sure I’m the one who ‘lacks intellectual capacity’?


    They’re allowed to do that here. The mods only remove posts that attack/slander the propagandists, but not the propagandists.

    jordanlund, avatar

    The mods have better things to do than police entire threads, we remove reported comments that break the rules, you know, like this one.


    Naaah, you just remove the comments you disagree with. You’ve been called out for this before. And you banned the person for saying it.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Whether I disagree or not is immaterial. And yeah, people who argue with me repeatedly despite being told to stop if they continue do get banned.


    Cool story. I’ll just block you so I don’t have to worry about that. That’s what you suggest people do when you all refuse to moderate, right? Just tell people to block the problem So you don’t have to show your biases?


    Also, the mods have very little to do as they seeming refuse to remove comments that point-blank blatantly break your rules. Even after asking them to do something about it- two of you refused to even respond to the reports annd private messages, and one of you trolled me for a day, side-stepping the issue without ever addressing the complaint. Meanwhile, you’ve removed comments from myself and other that break vague rules of “uncivility.”

    Yet when the same rules are broken by certain others- you ignore the reports and then threaten to ban people when they message you about it.

    So let’s not pretend that you’re all hard working unbiased gifts to lemmy.

    You’re not. And there’s a lot of people that are very aware of this.

    jordanlund, (edited ) avatar

    A lot of comments get reported for breaking the rules when they absolutely do not. I’ve seen reports on “bad language” when there’s no restriction on that whatever, so long as it’s not directed at other users.

    Want to call the subject of an article some pejorative? Go for it! Just don’t direct it at other users and we’re golden.


    There in lies the problem. These comments accuse me (and others) of blatantly false bullshit. I’ve done the same thing from the opposite side, and gotten comments removed- yet, their accusations remain.

    Again, I say BULLSHIT.

    there’s a very strong bias among the mods in this community. Many have spoken out against it- and you silence every one of them.

    Just drop it. We both know this is a pointless debate you will ultimately win because of your authority here.

    We’re done here.


    Trump lost the popular vote every single time, he won the first time because of the electoral college and gerrymandering

    gAlienLifeform, avatar

    No, if 2016 didn’t wake them up I don’t think anything will, I’m pretty thoroughly convinced they would still be whining about Nader voters as they were being taken to the gallows by Republicans,

    Everyone who can be woke already is and its just about calling out their dumb moderate ideas while they can still be stopped and primarying their people with real progressives. Democratic candidates losing to Republicans doesn’t make that any easier, if anything it just empowers moderates because the “leftist purity tests did this” narrative plays really well with low information voters.


    Look up how Hussein took power. Or Hitler. Or Putin. Or pooh bear.

    There will be no Democrats. Or democracy.

    Only bodies.


    Seems like Biden should be begging for votes then yeah?


    Seems like you should be begging everyone and anyone to vote for Biden then?


    If Biden isn’t worried about it why would I be?




    Still waiting for an answer 😄


    The irony of you expecting an answer when you just trolled the shit out of someone while refusing to answer them.


    I never comment in politics threads. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth and invites the kind of discourse I try to avoid recreationally.

    But I had to reply to you because a) it’s weird how much I’m seeing the word “begging” lately, and b) what kind of “begging” should he even do? “Please, please, please vote for me?” And how would that change things at all? Or even help?

    go_go_gadget, (edited )

    I mean the previous commenter is making it sound like Democrats are going to be executed if Trump is elected. Did I interpret that correctly? Does Biden know that? Is he worried? Because he doesn’t seem worried at all to me.

    EDIT: Anyone got an answer?


    I didn’t ask about or address what someone else said. I asked you a couple questions.

    go_go_gadget, (edited )

    You responded to a question I asked without answering my question bud. Might wanna get off that high horse before you hurt yourself.

    Here’s my original question you responded to for reference:

    Seems like Biden should be begging for votes then yeah?

    If you want to answer that I’ll consider answering your questions.


    Man, pivot really is your only move.

    I asked you what begging is supposed to look like here or accomplish; you tried to get me to defend what someone else said. I point out I’m not them and I asked you a question; so you pivot again to "my statement with a “yeah?” at the end is now a question so address that first.

    I’m cutting my losses. You’ll just move the posts to try and force me to address whatever it is you think I should be addressing instead, because you don’t actually have an answer and you’re not interested in a real discussion.


    My mistake. This is why I don’t engage in politics threads online. You never know when someone is being serious and has an actual answer and is capable of a dialogue versus when some jackass just wants to waste your time.


    “I don’t answer questions but people are obligated to answer mine” isn’t the enlightened take you think it is bud.

    CileTheSane, avatar

    “I don’t answer questions but people are obligated to answer mine” isn’t the enlightened take you think it is bud.

    This you?

    If you want to answer that I’ll consider answering your questions.


    Dude responded to a question I asked with more questions and then got all high and mighty when I asked more questions.

    My question was first so I don’t see why his should take priority. Do you?

    CileTheSane, avatar

    He asked for clarification on the question you asked.

    “I will not answer your clarifying question until you answer my question you want clarification on” is a bizarre take unless your question is entirely disingenuous and you don’t actually care about the answer.


    Encourage him to give it his best shot. I believe in him.

    CileTheSane, avatar

    So again, you’re not actually interested in the answer because you don’t care if he answers the actual question you were “asking”.


    Lol it’s plain as day what I’m asking. None of you have answers.

    CileTheSane, avatar

    Then it would be easier for you to respond to a simple clarification question than to repeatedly reply “NO! GUESS AT WHAT I MEAN AND ANSWER IT FIRST!”

    lennybird, avatar

    If they’re arguing in bad faith, odds are high they’re just a right-wing operative intending to sow defeatism and wedge-drive. Often they’ll pretend being a concerned centrist but nowadays they feign being a leftist or tankie, which kills two birds with one stone.

    With this in mind don’t stop commenting, just make your strongest arguments upfront and target the bystander audience. It’s the only way to act as damage-control. But don’t waste your time with them, specifically.


    I flipped up through the chain and only now am I seeing all the edits they made. I knew something was screwy when they replied to my reply to myself- dude was camping this thread. Definitely not a good faith.

    I do not have the energy to argue with such a waste of time. I don’t understand people who find enjoyment in “arguing” like that person does.


    They’re getting paid to do it


    And when responding, make sure to point out there’s no controversy, there was never a “gotcha”, those arguments were never missed or ignored, the truth was never in question.

    Because the goal is to make people doubt, making people think there’s more support for the false narratives than there really is, so you have to IMMEDIATELY reinforce that they’re liars in your opening statement (or they got their talking points from liars).

    One of the best ways to do it is to demonstrate their questions are so basic you didn’t need to put effort in to answering them, and doing it by answering with links is very effective at that. “but they won’t read the links” - yes but that’s not the point, the point is to nerf their ability to steal attention and accurate links does in fact do that because it reduces the likelihood of other trolls joining and it’s easier to end the thread there.


    Buddy, I asked the first question. What gives your questions priority?


    If you were genuinely trying to get answers to “why isn’t the president begging for votes” you would’ve answered me when I asked what the hell that means. You proved it’s not your genuine priority by trying to get me to defend a point someone else was making instead.

    Get outta here with that Crowder bullshit. If you’re asking questions and you want answers you’ll be happy to explain your position, not point at someone else and try and change the topic at the first opportunity. And assuming, generously, that that was a mistake, you wouldn’t have doubled down on “well answer my rhetorical that I refuse to define for you first or you’re just proving you can’t debate me!”

    All of the time I spent typing this was on the very, very, very slim chance you mean well but are an ineffective communicator. Since that’s statistically unlikely, feel free to reply however you like. I have no interest in continuing with you further.


    If you were genuinely trying to get answers to “why isn’t the president begging for votes” you would’ve answered me when I asked what the hell that means

    Throw out a guess and answer based on that.

    CileTheSane, avatar

    Throw out a guess and answer based on that

    So you aren’t actually interested in an answer to your question then.


    They never were. Their purpose here is to troll. Which is ironic, because it just makes their entirely ideology look as ignorant and foolish as we already know it to be.


    I’m SO glad to see people like you get downvoted here. It’s gives me hope that not all is lost and that lemmy may actually be worth something.

    timewarp, avatar

    I mean I’d like to think he’s worried, and will actually start talking about nationalizing marijuana legalization with actual plan to implement it, or to make internet a utility… but he seems to think backing israel and getting some 20 year old debts canceled, and then reversed by the supreme court, is going to get him enough votes


    Exactly. Either he’s not worried or he’s to egotistical to believe he needs voters help. 🤷‍♂️


    From whom? Bothesidesers such as yourself who are going to vote red no matter what happens?


    I mean if Biden didn’t win the 2020 general election with the help of people like me then he’s got 2024 in the bag right?



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  • go_go_gadget, (edited )

    Alright then how about this. If this situation is so dire why is Biden acting so chill about it? Shouldn’t he be on his knees begging for votes?

    EDIT: Lol


    How do you know he’s chill about it? Have you not heard what he’s said in public about Trump?

    Rhetorical question, don’t bother answering. You know the answer, and you’re lying to pretend that you don’t. You’re trying to establish a false perception that Biden hasn’t done anything.


    It doesn’t help to wake up too late.

    lennybird, avatar

    Holy fuck this obvious wedge driving hahahaha.

    timewarp, avatar

    Wedge driving? Ask yourself, why are Democrats so scared? If you pick the best person on your team to go up the worst player of the opposition, you wouldn’t be scared.


    I mean, I’m scared because people I love are being made illegal and/or having their rights revoked. I’m scared because 8 years ago, I didn’t know half of my country were only pretending not to be some combination of antisemitic, white nationalist, eagerly awaiting a chance to shoot their neighbors and anti-vaccine. Like, I knew that was the general flavor where I lived, but I didn’t know it was this bad everywhere.


    Ah who cares about actual reality when we can have a “Biden = bad” stroke off contest?

    Nevermind the fact that prior to 2016 most people’s lives in the US weren’t a daily slog through a political hell scape, here’s Internet Johnny to remind you that the US has always been this fascist and at each other’s throats so it’s fine actually if Trump wins. Nevermind your lying eyes, ears, and memory.


    We vote now to maintain and carry this frustration and momentum to make change. What we don’t do is shoot ourselves in both feet and wonder why we can’t walk.

    timewarp, avatar

    So you’re under a lot of frustration by voting Biden? Or you are saying you’re so scared to say anything negative about him because he isn’t a very good candidate and you’re scared he’ll lose to Trump?


    Stop commenting on posts and attempting to twist narratives by offering the illusion of choice. You’re creating traps by seeming to offer two separate choices that lead towards the same outcome. So here’s the reality:

    Trump sucks. The Republican party acts purely in its own interest. People who support either the candidate or the party do so because they believe harming others is an action they can support if it means some end they do mental backflips to justify. The majority of those supporting do not act in good faith in discussions and instead attempt to derail conversations with barely relevant “facts” and by making others feel as if they need to defend something, while also being unreasonable.

    I support anyone who isn’t claiming they will be a dictator. I support anyone who is attempting to enact positive and lasting change, which you will attack. I support those who do not attempt coups.

    Who do you support?

    timewarp, avatar

    It isn’t a matter of who I support, it is about what I support… and neither candidate offers it. So, yes I’m stuck voting for Biden which isn’t really a choice. But I’ve already been in this position before, and it is a bad choice by Democrats to have another election where people aren’t really excited about the candidate and to simply argue that if you don’t vote for Biden, that you’ll get Trump.

    Drusas, to politics in Michigan county refuses to certify vote, prompting fears of a growing election threat this fall

    Charge them with election interference.

    whotookkarl, avatar

    Anyone who feels the freedom to fuck with our elections or disenfranchise voters should have the book thrown at them, maximum penalties under the statutes.


    I would potentially settled for letting us throw books at them. These people are so fond of their book that tells them to stone people, let’s start using hardback copies of it to give them a visceral history lesson.


    "Hi it’s Jim. I can’t come tonight, I will be booked.


    My wife is very amused by the icing you put on my cake.


    My pleasure <3

    SnotFlickerman, to privacy in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts avatar

    …and once again, warnings stating “DO NOT BUILD THE TORMENT NEXUS” go ignored.

    PseudorandomNoise, to politics in Michigan county refuses to certify vote, prompting fears of a growing election threat this fall avatar

    The local vote, which was eventually certified under pressure from state officials…

    and further down:

    “The Constitution and Michigan Election Law do not authorize boards of county canvassers to refuse to certify election results based on claims made by third parties of alleged election irregularities, or a general desire to conduct election investigations,” the letter says. Failure to certify would mean that the clerk would have to personally deliver all records including ballots and voting machines to Michigan state canvassers — all at the county’s own expense. The price tag, the letter adds pointedly, will be “expansive.”

    Spoiler alert. It’s all fun and games until you actually have to put in work. Shouting random crap you read off Facebook doesn’t work in the real world.

    Wilshire, avatar

    The price tag, the letter adds pointedly, will be “expansive."

    I read that as “expensive”, with a country twang.

    bartolomeo, avatar
    itsonlygeorge, to politics in Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency

    I mean he’s already been saying it in public at his rallies, so why would anyone be surprised?

    He also said from day one he intends to be a dictator. So again, anyone who votes for Trump is voting for literal fascism.


    Does Biden know this? Because he doesn’t seem too worried about it.


    Biden is worried, it’s fairly obvious. However, he is trying to be a leader, which is foremost the job of the President: To lead. I don’t envy him either. We are a very divided country right now. Yeah, some of you will talk about the war. Others about his bipartisanship. Someone will want to throw their hat in about other issues, perceived or otherwise. Let’s be real though: Dude has had his work cut out for him. So while he hasn’t been perfect I honestly and truly feel it could have been much worse.

    At the very least he has completed, and is working on, many of the promises he initially made. Gotta give props where they are due. Though he was never my first choice.

    TotallynotJessica, avatar

    If he wasn’t worried, Biden would be much worse than he’s been(aka, the average for POTUS). He’s the best we’ve had since Carter, which is a condemnation of the office rather than praise of Biden.

    If we got the President lemmy wants, a civil war would be the best scenario, but a coup would be more likely. The better the president, the harder their job. The more left wing candidate is always held to a higher standard.


    hE sAiD “dAy OnE dIcTaToR” hE oNlY mEaNt He WiLl Be DiCtAtOr FoR OnE DaY!

    …ok little Timmy. Don’t forget to be a good boy so Santa Claus will come give you nice presents too.

    homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Rep. Ronny Jackson was demoted by Navy following investigation into his time as White House physician

    Hey. Hey 'member - member that time when trump was just taking office and one of the things is predisents have to get a medical exam in the first year and everybody was like “oh ho now trump has to face a real doctor and not just his crazy pill doctor before the election who wrote his recommendation in the limo on the way to the airport, this is gonna be a military doctor and we’ll get his actual height and weight and all the stuff, he won’t be able to lie anymore about wearing lifts and a girdle and a diaper because they’ll all be out in the open like the founders intended” hahahaha

    Ahhh. No seriously we thought that at least there was a chance a real navy doctor would at least give proper stats and so on.

    NOPE. It was Ronny “gakked to the gills” Jackson! Motherfucker. He came out for this press conference and was Scaramucci-like in his disgusting tonguebath of trumps bloated carcass. “So healthy! Good genes! He’ll live a long fucking time! WHOOOO!!!” he said, while snorting up a crushed percocet. Or something like that.

    Fucking Ronny Jackson. OF COURSE Texas elected him to the house. Of course they did. Why wouldn’t they.

    dhork, (edited )

    What I find remarkable is that Ronny Jackson was the WH doctor for part of the Obama administration, too, and Obama was the one who recommended him for the promotion to Admiral in the first place. (That bit was in the WaPo article this is based on)


    I remember the pod save America guys talking about him before he was a Texas rep. They were saying how much they liked him and how he helped them sleep and stay up. Being a Dr Feelgood is probably very expected for the role.


    It’s easy to be good when you’re sitting in church with your family. It’s easy to let all the stops out when you’re in the backroom of an afterhours club.


    Good enough for Obama in his 8 years in the White House…

    And Biden tapped Bush and Cheney’s old doc to come back.

    You think they were keeping a tight lid on pill bottles back then?

    The issue is the WH doctor is exempt from basically all regulations and can do whatever they want.

    It’s been abused going all the way back to at least JFK, and neither party wants to address the issue. Because they take turns benefitting from it.

    But I’d rather not have geriatrics on meth cocktails running the country.

    We could just get someone middle aged with the energy for the job


    We could just get someone middle aged with the energy for the job

    This is america. The boomers will never let go until they are dead or dying. Thankfully the vast majority of them have done nothing to take care of their meat suits so they should be checking out sooner than later.


    Joe Biden isn’t a Boomer, he’s part of the “Lucky Few” generation. Trump is a Boomer.


    Jesus Christ, Biden is so old he isn’t even a fucking Baby Boomer?! Fuck.

    Apparently he’s from the “Silent Generation”. Goddamn.


    I’m middle-aged (53) and I’m GenX. FFS, you kids think everyone over 40 is a Boomer. Boomers were my parents.

    rigatti, avatar

    Dude, everyone in Congress is like 70+.


    There’s also part of it being that the president might need to be turned on in the middle of the night for some important thing and then turned back off when it’s sorted. This may be part of why presidents age so quickly.


    This may be part of why presidents age so quickly.

    Good thing we’re running young capable people who can deal with that physical and mental toll…

    MisterD, to politics in Major news organizations urge Biden, Trump to commit to presidential debates

    The news organizations just want the crazy ratings it would generate.

    If I were Biden, I wouldn’t bother. Biden would be just be screwed over by the useless moderator. Trump would hog the whole debate


    Trump’s never had a good debate against a Democrat.


    Imagine Trump in a parliamentary system where he would need to spend time in the chamber and actually answer questions.


    Trump is a clown and the media wants to run the circus. The only reason they want Biden there is to play the straight man and add an air of legitimacy to the show.


    Biden has previously mopped the floor with Trump in 2 debates and already made Trump look like a coward for skipping a third scheduled debate.

    eighthourlunch, to politics in McConnell says he stands by past statement that ex-presidents are "not immune" from prosecution avatar

    Saying that costs nothing. It would have been a hell of a lot more impressive if he hadn't worked so hard to stack the court and put us in this situation to begin with. Fuck you, Mitch.


    Or had he actually impeached trump either time he had the chance.…/2642775001/

    Not like he thought that was appropriate either…/after-vote-mcconnell-torched-trump-as-p….

    Rapidcreek, to politics in Full jury seated at Trump trial on third day of selection process

    It’s amazing how sketching a goatee and putting glasses on her puts her halfway between Lebowski and Candie.


    She looks like a cousin of Kim Jong Un in a bad disguise

    ThePantser, avatar

    I was thinking Depp

    dhork, to politics in GOP-led Arizona Senate votes to repeal 1864 abortion ban, sending it to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs

    It didn’t mention it in this article, but the NY Times reported that Bolick directly referenced her own pregnancies in debate, one of which was not viable:

    Before casting her pivotal vote, Ms. Bolick stood up and began a long, deeply personal speech describing her own three challenging pregnancies, including one that ended with an abortion procedure in her first trimester because the fetus was not viable.

    “Would Arizona’s pre-Roe law have allowed me to have this medical procedure even though my life wasn’t in danger?” she asked.

    Like a true Conservative, she only came to her decision because it affected her personally. Still, it was enough to push it through.


    I heard a clip of her speech on NYT’s The Daily podcast. It was good.

    snooggums, avatar

    If only she was able to apply that kind of empathy and emotion to issues that don’t affect her personally.


    Yeah, conservatives can really step up when their own interests are on the line.

    snooggums, avatar

    Just their own personal interests though. Only one other Republican voted to repeal, all the rest listened to her speech and voted to keep the law.


    Her motivations aren’t even as noble as that. The article goes on to describe how she’s actually just trying to undercut a proposed constitutional amendment:

    But Ms. Bolick also railed against Planned Parenthood and Democratic support for abortion rights. She argued that her vote to repeal the 1864 ban could be Arizona’s best shot at curbing the momentum behind a proposed ballot measure to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution.


    RULES FOR THEE, BUT NOT FOR MEE (until it matters)

    Sanctus, to politics in Where Trump's 3 other criminal cases stand after his conviction in New York avatar

    This list is fucking crazy. I’m sure it would be fucken hard for an average person to even obtain this many felonies. Absolute insanity. Check your darksign cause I think the fire is going out.


    Average people don’t have the resources to commit as many crimes in a short period of time, thankfully. Imagine what Bezos does for fun. Disgusting.

    solidgrue, avatar

    hard for an average person to even obtain this many felonies

    It’s OK, when you’re rich they just let you do it.

    /s because because


    In most cases yes, you’re right. In this case I honestly believe they’re [mostly] dragging their feet out of caution. Trump isn’t so rich in money as his followers are in potential. It’s a similar reason why I don’t think they’ve locked him up. If they did I heavily suspect he’d be made a martyr and regardless of that result his cult maga idiots will flock to where ever they think he is and cause all sorts of issues.

    Neato, avatar

    Well the fire represents disparity, i.e. privilege. The darksign was a curse that was created to oppress the masses and keep humanity from gaining power. When the flames fail it’ll finally be the age of humanity.

    Sanctus, avatar

    Straight up Kaathe propaganda. Who was it who convinced the people of Oolacile to resurrect Manus? Who knew what dark soul resided down there?

    Neato, avatar

    But the Dark Soul is Humanity’s soul, broken up among mortals. Kaathe was right: killing the fire is the goal. Keeping it alight like Gwyn did past it’s normal period brought ruin to the world and disturbed the natural order. I.e. the rich and powerful stole humanity’s time and fate!

    anticolonialist, to politics in CBS News poll: Rising numbers of Americans say Biden should encourage Israel to stop Gaza actions

    We are way past the stage of ‘encouraging’ Israel to stop. The US needs to impose sanctions and cut all access to funding and weapons.


    I think we need to dust off the “How to Orchestrate a Coup” playbook.


    You may as well. You might need it if Trump wins in November.


    Biden should first hold the IDF accountable for International law violations that were explicitly prohibited with the sale of US provided munitions.


    I doubt the guy that’s taken an additional $1.4m since December from AIPAC is gonna do anything


    Don’t confuse the Israeli people with Netanyahu. He is unfavorable in their eyes as well.…/only-15-israelis-want-netanyahu-kee…


    What does that have to do with Biden taking millions from AIPAC?


    The American Israeli Political Action Committee?


    Do… Do you know what that stands for?


    Yes I do, and my original comment was along the lines of the guy that’s taken millions from them will not ask Israel to stand down.

    Rapidcreek, to politics in Gov. Kristi Noem banished by 2 more South Dakota tribes, now banned from nearly 20% of her state

    She’s banished from Pet Smart too


    Likely not welcome at the Pet Semetary either


    Too many of the guests have a bad history with her


    The era of the personable politician has gone the way of Haast’s Eagle and high-quality programming on network TV

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