njm1314, to politics in Elon Musk's pick for district attorney of Texas' Travis County lost on Tuesday

That’s nice and all, but basically all the other guys he was rooting for were victorious. Real distressing freaking primary.

SuiXi3D, avatar

Doesn’t mean any of ‘em will win the general.


Yes they will. It’s Texas. The last election the Republicans swept most the Races by 10 points. They’re all going to win.

SuiXi3D, avatar

I hate that you’re correct.


Yeah it’s a bummer.

KbSez, to politics in Elon Musk's pick for district attorney of Texas' Travis County lost on Tuesday
drdabbles, to politics in Elon Musk's pick for district attorney of Texas' Travis County lost on Tuesday avatar

Losers tend to find each other easily in the crowd somehow.

billbasher, to politics in Supreme Court will hear Trump presidential immunity argument April 25

This is insane that it’s even being considered. If they rule presidents have absolute immunity then Joe Biden could just throw Trump in jail and not have to answer for it, which I would not want any president to have the power to do

chakan2, avatar

Than and the ensuing civil war is the only way we get out from under the train wreck of the US government.

Biden doesn’t have the balls to pull that trigger though. Trump does though.


There is so much wrong with the US government. I don’t even know what a good solution is but I don’t think Trump is it. We probably need a hard progressive like Bernie or Butigeg

SuiXi3D, avatar

Regardless of who wins that civil war, China or Russia will control the country afterwards. We, the people, lose regardless.

chakan2, avatar

China is going to own us one way or another in the next two decades anyway.


They’re going to stall the decision until after the election in order to torpedo the case against Trump while also denying Biden the power.


Honestly? If they rule Trump has absolute immunity, Biden should just order seal team six to take him out on the spot, since it would be entirely legal. But he most definitely won’t.

uUuUu wE Don’T wANt to Be thE oNes tO CReaTe a baD pReCEdeNt you stupid political fucks he is a racist psychopathic narcissist rapist mobster who doesn’t give a fuck about anything but himself. Dude has openly fucking promised to enact extreme, politically motivated retaliatory prosecution - including flagrant misuse of the DoJ and exploitation of their ongoing corruption of the judicial branch - on anyone who’s wronged him, just to start. And then there’s his plans for education. And immigration. And international policy. And so on.

When someone repeatedly and consistently tells you exactly who they fucking are in horrifying detail, you really should believe them.


Well said. I agree Biden would probably do nothing in that case. I also agree with everything you said. Unfortunately the people we want to rule, who stick to the rule of law and are focused on the betterment of citizens, always lose to the people who step outside the law and try to cling to power. I don’t think those people can be dealt within the confines of the law generally. Unless you mess up so bad you have 91 indictments. Even then it’s not guaranteed

Coach, to politics in Elon Musk's pick for district attorney of Texas' Travis County lost on Tuesday

This guy is getting so good at losing, instead of X, he should start naming his companies L.



LopensLeftArm, to politics in Elon Musk's pick for district attorney of Texas' Travis County lost on Tuesday avatar

Good, fuck Elon Musk. Anyone who gets his seal of approval is immediately suspect.

Badeendje, to politics in Supreme Court will hear Trump presidential immunity argument April 25 avatar

2 months… what the fuck. The fact they did not take it up on the request of jack Smith is nonsense. Then this would have been done with.

But let them rule on the immunity nonsense. Get it over with. And then put him up on trial.

Also state charges should continue!


Between this and the even more nonsensical 14^th^ Amendment ruling a few days ago, the Supreme Court has absolutely jettisoned every last single shred of credibility it might have still had. It is now 10000% crystal fucking clear that it is firmly in Trump’s pocket, and will do everything in its power to install him as dictator. Game over, we lose.

History is going to record McConnell denying Obama his rightful Supreme Court appointment as the tipping point at which American democracy’s downfall was assured.

breadsmasher, to politics in Elon Musk's pick for district attorney of Texas' Travis County lost on Tuesday avatar

imagine your boss trying to tell you who to vote for. plus your boss is muski


Whoever they pick you pick the other one.


Sounds like that’s exactly what happened lol

atx_aquarian, avatar

What if that’s what they expect you’ll do?


All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy’s? Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given.


Even imagining working for him is cringe

Chainweasel, to politics in Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell endorses Trump for president

“There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day,”

-Mitch McConnell, before voting against Trump’s second impeachment.

MagicShel, to politics in Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell endorses Trump for president

“It is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the requisite support of Republican voters to be our nominee for President of the United States.”

That’s not an endorsement. That’s just an acknowledgement of reality.


Next line in the article :

“It should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support,” said McConnell

(I thought the same thing)


Acknowledgment of reality is leagues beyond what 95% of the gop is capable of.

kumatomic, to world in 'Stupidity' poses a bigger threat than AI, CEO of Italian defense giant Leonardo says

A society can fall for two (or more) reasons.

floofloof, to world in 'Stupidity' poses a bigger threat than AI, CEO of Italian defense giant Leonardo says

Using AI to deprive people of the means to live well isn’t just stupidity, it’s capitalism. Some of the harms are caused by stupidity but others are caused by malign ideology.

wewbull, to world in 'Stupidity' poses a bigger threat than AI, CEO of Italian defense giant Leonardo says

(Stupid people + confidently wrong AI = bad decision making) is the danger. Always has been.


same thought. AI will accelerate stupidity and lazyness if done wrong, and a lot of advancement seems to be used explicitly to get it as wrong as possible for profit.


Stupid people are the easiest to manage/rule because they don’t have the tools to figure anything out. Fear and anger works very well on them - ask Putin or the Republican party leaders.

vegeta, to politics in Trump Media sued by co-founders ahead of DWAC merger, potential setback for lucrative deal

“The attempt here is to deprive them of the deal,” said Christopher Clark, a lawyer for UAV.

“It’s not like they went out and bought a lottery ticket,” Clark said of the co-founders. “They actually went out and did the work, they created Truth Social, and now the beneficiary of that, Donald Trump, doesn’t want to pay.”

“Not a unique story, unfortunately,” Clark said, referring to Trump’s infamous practice of contesting bills from contractors and lawyers.

Paranomaly, to games in Unity shares sink on weak guidance avatar

Turns out pissing everyone off wasn’t the most profitable of strategies. I’m sure they’ll give it a few more tries before ruling it out, however.

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